
#1999 - Robert Kennedy, Jr.


1 year ago

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is an attorney, founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance and Children’s Health Defense, author, and 2024 candidate for the office of the President of the United States of America.


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I am so happy i found this episode and appreciate all that RFK is doing. My only question is if he has done or found any research regarding the side effects of other adjuvants that have now replaced ethylmercury (mostly aluminum based on the research im finding). I didnt believe what he was saying about all of this at first until i looked up the studies he was talking about and did my own research. Thank you for fighting for us RFK!!


Its like you didnt listen to this episode at all or follow up and do your own research. Sure enough, i looked up the study on ethylmercury in monkeys crossing the blood brain barrier and everything he has said in this episode is true. Im not an antivaxer, but you best believe i am all for making sure our vaccines are safety tested rigorously. Doctors and the government told us oxycodone and percasets were not addictive too and look at the epidemic we're in. We clearly cant blindly trust everything they say because they are more concerned about money than people in this country.



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