We didn't evolve naturally as omnivores though. If you think about it, we at some point learned how to make fire to cook meat and create weapons to hunt. Before that we were most certainly plant-based as we don't have the stomach, or teeth, or claws for hunting/meat consumption. That's why so many studies are showing increased consumption of meat leading to a rise in heart disease and cancer. We most likely were never meant to eat it, from a biological perspective. People just don't realize this and the studies get suppressed and researchers ostracized by the billion dollar meat and dairy industries pretty well. Everyone assumes vegans are all tree hugging idiots...but thats not always the case. I've eaten meat for 35 years before switching over for health reasons (I've hunted many times, its not about saving the animals for me). The difference in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and overall energy is crazy man. I was worried starting out about getting to skinny or something. Another huge myth though...I dropped about 10 to 15lbs body fat and then stayed exactly 195lbs (mainly muscle). Don't knock it until you try it dude, but I know its hard with our meat addictions and flawed perceptions, I've been there.