
#1999 - Robert Kennedy, Jr.


1 year ago

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is an attorney, founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance and Children’s Health Defense, author, and 2024 candidate for the office of the President of the United States of America.


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Look at how many likes that comment got. Assuming those aren't bots, you really think people are ready to have this conversation re: any vaccines? With over 80% of the USA being "inoculated"? These fuckin retards are ready to conflate covid mrna with just about everything else on the vaccine schedule.


Get the fuck back here and talk more stupid shit faggot. I wanna feel superior to someone today. Fuckin redditor retard. C'mon, show me your best racism you virtue signaling little bitch.


LMFAO "CHINKS MADE COVID" Bitch I've been saying this for 3 fuckin years, What part of Korean with higher IQ don't you fuckin understand faggot? Stupidass bitch.


Can't make this shit up. I tell it I'm korean, it calls me a chink. are you actually fuckin retarded? Did you call in your big brother to take over or some shit? LOL THIS KOREAN HAS A BIGGER DICK THAN YOU FUCKIN COPE FAGGOT HAHAHA.



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