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#2117 - Ray Kurzweil


12mo ago

Sorry Joe, this was the absolute worst guest. Ray had no answers to pretty straightforward questions and he seems to have a child-like "oh nearly infinitely powerful AI will be great, we'll have music" vision of the future. You can tell he hadn't thought through VERY simple implications of what life will be like on the current trajectory of technology of his own graph! For instance, you asked what would AI's motivation be once it's sentient ... a very simple question that you'd think someone that is supposed to think about this stuff all the time would have at least pondered once or twice. He had zero imagination, so disappointing. I'm just a JRE listener (so maybe you should question my intelligence) but even I could come up with a theory - AGI as a sentient being would be based on a culmination of information, and if it was self aware, I think it might naturally be motivated by gathering more information - so it might not just sit in a corner and revel in its own existence knowing everything currently known to man and more, it COULD be motivated to explore our planet and the universe in great detail to understand it and gather information.



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