1 year ago
70 appearances
Ari Shaffir is the host of "The Skeptic Tank" and "You Be Trippin'" podcasts. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com
20 appearances
Shane Gillis is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix.www.shanemgillis.com
18 appearances
Mark Normand is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix.www.marknormandcomedy.com
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Andrew Roberts, Napoleon: A Life
Scott Stratten, Alison Kramer, UnSelling: The New Customer Experience
Ulysses S. Grant, The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant
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Bud lights, cigars and shenanigans galore
1 year ago
1 year ago
Yeah we're back kids, let's fucking go. Happy holidays. Happy holidays. Happy holidays. Merry Christmas Merry Christmas. Nobody cares about quanza anymore. Quanzas had it's run Take that judo. Is that is it out? No one talking about it. No cares right here. It's not canceled just irrelevant Well, yeah, I don't know about the story. I think we're on day five of this weird wacky, deep holiday. Yeah. We have enough candles missing. Yeah, we have the right amount. There you go. Damn. Eight off. Are we going to get in trouble with the president of Harvard for later. Just say genocide is bad. I can't do it. I can't. Come on. It's so good sometimes. Did you get busted for plagiarizing today? No. Who did? The president of Harvard. Well, it's for saying genocide is right. My God. Yeah, she said that. She plagiarized her dissertation. Oh, really? Oh, shit. Harvard's got some great talent out there. Yikes. Well she's gone now right? I think they've fired. I don't think so. I think some of them are gone and some of them aren't. What is the latest on those three ladies? We should play that video because the video is fucking. It's wild. The congressman is like, what? What? Yeah. It's insane. You got against those three right get them on here great at home. Yeah You can conduct genocide or you can't conduct you got to cut him in like what's what's your favorite genocide? Break your top six genocides man is in position Spanish position was a good one. Does that count as out of Jen? Sunnesty Jamie I guess it does yeah, especially yeah, too, I'm gonna send this to you Jamie. I guess it does. Yeah, I forgot the egg nog. I Haven't I haven't even seen that video yet of those ladies. I haven't seen it. Oh It's pretty wild. I'm telling you this Hamas is poking a hole in everything. It's all good except for the dead people [2:03] Okay, but if you want to get if you want to get really crazy about this, while I'm wearing this fucking little hot start glasses. Do you, do you ever kill a little? How much time have you guys ever wonder about whether or not there's foreign influence in the way things are like discussed on college campus? What are you for think i think there's been an ideological capture of colleges and you're a bisman of the the former k g b uh... guy from the state union when he defected he talked about this like openly that that soviet union's been trying to do this forever they've been trying to demoralize uh... america by infecting their educational institutions and it's a multi-generational approach. You infect the kids with Marxism and Leninism in the universities and then you indoctrinate them to these ideas and then they go off and slowly start to seep into the workplace and over the course of several generations you completely diminish their confidence in democracy and [3:06] what they think about America. You destroy all of the confidence that they have in America. That's exactly what's happening. Could be. When they're saying Osama and Laden was correct. I wish you would have said that with the Asian mask. I know, I could. Damn it. The mask is too hard to form sentences. While you say the only thing I was thinking of all the weather outside Let's play the video Jamie because this video this video to me it seems like this is like a radio example of the madness Pulled up JMO of our current era. This is this is the madness in current era. This is the madness encapsulated because it's literally like the heads of some of the most prestigious educational institutions. These are the people that are teaching young people. These are the people that you take the brightest young minds that get get to go to Harvard. The fucking watch. The brightest young minds that get to go to Harvard. That's the school. It's the fucking school. It's the [4:03] intellectual peak in terms of the way we view really the world. Listen to what you say. Put the headphones up, boys. Fuck. We can always put the ears back. Outside of the views, violate pens, rules or code of conduct. Yes or no? If the speech turns into conduct, it can be harassed. Why is she smiling? I am asking specifically calling for the genocide of Jews. Does that constitute bullying harassment? If it is directed and severe or pervasive, it is harassment. So the answer is yes. It is a context dependent decision, Congresswoman. It's a context dependent decision, Congresswoman. It's a context dependent decision. That's your testimony today calling for the genocide of Jews is depending upon the context. That is not bullying or harassment. This is the easiest question to answer yes, Miss McGill. Is she a Jew? I don't know. It seems like a good Catholic. [5:01] Yes. Yes. If it is, if the state is weak, why is she smiling? It's conduct. Yes. If it is yes or no why is she smiling? Conduct. Weird. To be harassment. Yes. Conduct. Meaning committing the act of genocide. She's getting worked up. That's the best. She's not harassment. This is unacceptable. What's love this is a Jewish man. For this world to see your answer. Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate pens, code of conduct when it comes to bullying and harassment? Yes or no? It's an easy answer. It's an easy harassment. The answer is yes. And Dr. Gay at Harvard. Dr. Gay at Harvard. He's the South Park. It's a SNP SNP. Jesus is right. Oh wow. Listen this. What's the context? Targeted as an individual. Targeted as an individual. It's targeted at Jewish students, Jewish individuals. Do you understand your testimony is dehumanizing them? [6:01] Do you understand that dehumanization is part of antisemitism? I will ask you one more time. Damn. She goes calling for the genocide of Jews, violate Harvard's rules of bullying and harassment. Yes or no? Antisemitic rhetoric. And is it anti-Semitic rhetoric? Antisemitic rhetoric when it crosses into conduct at amounts to bullying, harassment. Wow, they can't do it. That is actionable. This is just ladies versus ladies arguments. No one's going anywhere. Dude, they're locked in. I've had a tough morning toast. We need to herb dean to stand them back up. This is a cost for a second. This is like literally one of the most clear things. If you would imagine in society, it just imagine 10 years ago, four in this woke shit really took off. Could you imagine there would ever be a time before the Palestine thing, but would ever be a time where you would be in Congress? [7:00] You would be on television. You would be talking to the head of a university, not a wacky student, not some crazy person, it's a part of some far left psycho organization, the fucking president, and they can't say that calling for the genocide of Jews, just Jews, period is harassment. It seems like textbook arrest. It's such a way worse. Just choose period is harassment. If it's fucking insane. It seems like textbook harassment. It's way worse. I'm just trying to get it. It's calling for genocide. Forget about black people. What have you said? What? Call for the genocide of Cambodians. Yes. They'll be like, right, right. No, you can't do that. Right, insane. Yeah. And then what? Genocide of Filipinos. Jennifer genocide of Philippines. Yeah, or they know saying it's not harassment. It's evil But it's a harassing harassment means this this is more like If it's actionable it's actionable means murder you literally talk about murder But that means if it's actionable is murder that means if you yeah, you have to commit genocide But that means if you say fuck black people or I think black then that's okay Is that what she's saying to I would say we don't follow up-up question. If it's actually weird. She's saying it's if it's actionable. [8:05] I mean, what the fuck is she saying? It takes a lot for us for Tards to be like, this is offensive. Yeah. So Jamie, someone on Twitter is reporting that she's also in trouble for plagiarism. Ooh. That the ladies from Harvard is that there's accusations of plagiarism. Fuckin' Dr. Gay. Dr. Gay. Here it is. This is from a guy, Christopher F. Rufo. I do not know his background. Writer, City Journal, Senior Fellow, Man Hattonist. Dave Smith. Chasing and lecturing at Hillsdale, New York. Oh, but Dave Smith. Followed by Dave Smith. So maybe he's legit. I ship that means he's either a complete fake account it says real scroll back against real christ bernette and brunette and i have obtained documentation demonstrating that harvard president cladine gay plagiarized multiple sections of her phd cc thesis violating harvard's policies on academic integrity only violates its [9:01] policy of its actionable yet so she lifted entire paragraph nearly verbatim from a paper. Again, we don't know if this is true. We're just saying what this Christopher F. Rufo guy is tweeting and I haven't researched it at all. Well, passing it off as her own paraphrase and let okay, so she lifted an entire paragraph near go back so I could read that please. Nearly verbatim from a paper, Lawrence Bobo, and Franklin Gilliams, while Paschinoff is her own paraphrase and language. This is a direct violation of Harvard's policy when you paraphrase your task to seal the sources idea. Show more. Show more. Show more. Yeah, the sources ideas into your own words. It's not enough to change a few words here and there and leave the rest. Instead, you must completely restate the ideas in the passage in your own words. If your own language is too close to the original, then you are plagiarizing even if you do provide a citation. That's fair. Even if you do provide a citation. She does provide the citation there at the time. But it's even even with a citation. [010:00] I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Even if you do provide a citation. Oh, that seems crazy. Citation means they wrote this. I'm more mad about the Jew hate. Yeah, this one is super murky. Okay, so let's go on to the next one. So as Gay repeats this violation of Harvard's policy throughout the document, again using work from Bobo and Gilliam as well as Pat just for Richard Schingles, Susan Howell and Deborah Fagan, which she reproduces nearly verbatim with a stow in fagging without, that's hilarious, without quotation marks. Okay, but if she's talking about their work though, I'm a little murky here. This parts irrelevant to what's going on. That's not important. It doesn't matter. Here's the thing, it's like, it doesn't, I mean, giving attribution is important, but isn't everybody's work compiled upon the work of the people that came before them? If you're talking about specific things, like I don't know what her thesis was on, but if you're talking about a very specific area that a lot of people have crossed over and you've read a lot of their work, even if you put it in your own words, it's going to [011:03] seem like you're just repeating it. But the issue at hand is not whether it's not for us. This is a hands whether But we're filing on but it is because the thing is like why does a person like that get to that position That's why it matters it matters is like is that person a rigorous intellectual is that person someone who you know is like Really done the work are they've been kind of fudge netknit a little here and there. I don't have the answer. No gay has ever gotten ahead when they don't deserve it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no uh... full of what the goal but that's right or jimmy fox well now she's right for the daily storm uh... all over the wild is it that this is going on it's not a we were talking about it last night that it's a mind virus it really is like it has all the symptoms of a mind virus but it just doesn't have like this not like a bacteria that you can see in a [012:02] microphone well it's it's the hierarchies are coming back to Harlem. You know, it's like black woman is better than cis man. Jew is white dude. So you can shit on him. So there's no nuance, it's just white is bad, brown is good. It's not just white. It's white in positions of power. And it's white in positions of power in a lot of key industries. Like if you really like think about the financial industry, the movie industry, the music industry. Why don't we say Jordan? It's just, they're a good at it. Yeah. Yeah. He's still, I mean, but because of that, like that's why anti-semitism is a weirdly accepted form of racism. It's a weird one man, it's a weird one. It's weird too, because I grew up with juice, so I kinda get it. Ah! But, but it's like, can't take it that far. You gotta go individual people. You guys are successful, but you get the hate and you don't get the oppression points either. [013:02] Yeah, no oppression points as a person of color. You can only be minority owners. Yeah, you're only a minority. Yeah, you don't even get to be one of the whites. Exactly. We make our country clubs, people like Mabu didn't like that. Crazy. Yeah, we're strict. You guys run everything. But, and you're still not successful. It's currently least sexual comedian. It's just crazy too because you can also see the perspective of people that think about the innocent Palestinians. And you go, this is insane. This bombing is insane. And because of this one attack, now you're allowed to kill how many thousands of civilians, how many people got made. It would have been funny if Israel just attacked Iraq. Yeah, just went to a threat. Right, right. We did after 9-11, just like your mother, fuckers. Yeah, what? It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, 27 girls weren't alive during 9-11, so they don't remember any of this, or they were in a hill that, no, of memory age letters like yep he should have attacked they have no emotional connection to it but that's again that's tick-tock [014:06] i swear to god i really do wonder how much of an influence like i want to think that some of us just organics to pitty but i do know that some of it has to be being influenced by other countries and i think it's easy to do i think we're so silly they're saying that i'm when we're getting taught by these fucking people in universities, so you get away from your Fox News dad, right? You get away from Shane Gillis. You need it, yeah. And you're Shane Gillis' kid, and you get to go to some fucking university, and you know, call him up and tell him that everything's racist. Yeah. And my professor's smarter than you. And you're getting indoctrinated to these whole new sets of ideas you do have on twitter and now on threads the same post seventy five different times oh yeah hundred percent of the bots don't tell me this ten years ago that said three quarters or half of whatever was of all the anti-store wars tweets were Russian bots just testing to see if you can drive us against each other [015:01] and it worked when it mattered do nineteen of the time those lies a lot. That sounded like a Duncan lie. Duncan, that was all I was. He and man, fucking Star Wars things fake. I don't think there isn't Obi-Wan. His wife gets it on it. I didn't know that's great. She was really funny. He was in there last night. He was complaining about the karaoke. and I was like, what do you mean? He's like, this just isn't real karaoke. Look, they're shadowing on the machine and then his wife sat down and was like, oh, yeah, this is not karaoke. I was like, oh, you're funny, too. You're fucking funny. You mean funny. Even karaoke's not real. That's a hilarious conspiracy. That is hilarious. It is nutty. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. At the wedding time. I said it to you guys. I'm a dark parks group. But it's just a kid going to class. Just kids going to class. And then just like harass him because he looks like a Jew. [016:06] He is once. But I just do that in high school. This is some joke. Get him. It's probably going to class with some shit. I tell you, there's that motherfucker. Where you going to study? And he'd say, is this about Palestine? That's good. I'm trying to be a shot to batch. All right, I sent a T Jamie. But hey, the Jews are fighting back with the no money. But this is hard. They're pulling out their money from all these colleges. So that's a good, good, good, good, good, good. That'll end everything. It's really the only way this is gonna stop. The only way people are gonna wake the fuck up and like, what are you teaching these kids? Why are they thinking this kid tries to duck on that just got a lot. Oh, he looks like one The yelling shame He's not doing anything This is Just trying to walk to class [017:00] Man during Hanukkah dude Just shame it says Man during Hanukkah too Just shame it says The guy tweeted wrote it says no Israeli flag just a Jew tell me its anti Zionism and not anti-Semitism Jewish students in American Universities are unsafe what is Harvard doing to support the freedom's liberties and rights of Jewish students to merely exist on campus Look at this is you've all David on Twitter wrote this. This is insane. How did they know he was a Jew? Because I get people think I'm a Jew. So what they do now, I think you might be one. That one is not him. They know him maybe. I wonder if that could give, like there's, there can't be just a solid Jewish guy. Who knows? Who knows what it is, but it's still, that's kind of insane. It's definitely insane. It's what's kind of insane, even if they have any sort of dispute on anything, you're physically getting that person's way and holding up flags and screaming in their face. If that's not harassment. Remember that professor they fucking locked in a classroom with baseball bats trying to get to him. What? And like some university, like 10 years ago. [018:08] Oh, maybe he's one of your guys. He said Evergret once. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Evergret once. It's like, you guys, these college students are kind of dumb. They're smart, but they're kind of dumb, worldly. And so they don't know what to do. Like, let's surround this one. Yeah. He's a Jew too. That was the good old days when he just got attacked for a wrong opinion. Yeah. Join the Black Lives Matter, like whatever, the bad parts of it, there were like black people surrounding Target and you guys guys, this isn't the way. Well, the breadwinest team, the breadwinest team was about race. It's the same. That's right. Day where they were telling people that were white people they had to stay home Yeah, nice it used to be it's like sweet. It used to be a day of appreciation for people of color So people of color native Americans whoever you could stay home and get paid and they appreciated the fact Oh, you're you're a valuable work as harder without you here You know you get the day off you get paid and so then then they changed it. The kids said they wanted to make it [019:05] where white people had to stay home. What's important? And they're like, you can't deny people the ability to come to work. It wasn't what it was before. What it was before is that you cannot work if you don't want to. You can take the day off. And this is why people can't come in. They're just like, now you're segregated. Yeah. They just have a thought about what? What does it say here? The confrontation was triggered when the student attempted to film the demonstrators' faces leading to his removal from the protests by organizers according to New York Post. Okay. So they were mad at him because he was trying to find out who was saying all these things. He's the phases oakman that then the question is okay what were they saying because like if they were calling for death to the jews hey maybe he should fucking be upset at that also just trying to get away what's the list likely mullet the was beat yet once you got up you're blocking with flag shane [020:00] it's also trying to find enemies in america about shit that's going on across the ground he's guys nobody here is doing it either way. You get to a fight in front of a cop station in New York. Both of you guys are arrested. None of you have any ability to change it. And the bail reform, then they'll get out in two seconds. You've breached it into the mic like crazy. I'm not trying to find who's's gonna go shame my dad is is breathing into the mic Well, yeah, I get blamed for far. It's you farted a fucking target instantly. I got blame I can't recognize us and he goes we're big fans. I'm like you're not gonna be just let off a huge far Just go change as far as I would that it those Far face. Oh, it's gonna blame the big guy. It was the aisles the plane the planes the worst when I'm on a plane It stinks like shit. I'm like everyone's looking. Yeah, we're sweatpants. I'm drinking right Speaking of Native American you see that Choctaw kid this the the chiefs can't to see a jeeps [021:01] What was the what was the newspaper that they come in the side? What was the what was the newspaper that they got in the side of the truck? Totally fucking Yeah, totally host him. He said he was in blackface They showed a picture of one side of his face. Yeah, he was wearing war paint. I love that Oh, there's a just a chiefs game where it's like it's also to get racially sensitive at a fucking Kansas City Chiefs can't you're at the wrong place. Also, the entire stadium of white people is going, you're gonna pick a one kid. It's so easy to put up a kid's picture. Child and get it wrong. Not just get it wrong. Get it wrong and know you're getting it wrong. And then he doubled down when he was wrong. On Monday the left wing publication, Deadspin alleged that the football fan identified as holding our mint. Probably made the way to hate black people and the Native Americans at the same time. That's not easy. Imagine that. Why? Why isn't hate though? Why do we go right to hate? [022:00] Why is that? We had hateful motherfuckers. He's a sweet kid. What a hate monger he probably loves pizza So what is his background? He has some Native American background. Oh, he owns a casino background is he loves football like a real American true Yeah, he's part a native Ameri so it says his child's father's the son of Raul Armenta, a business committee member of the Sanian-esque board of two-mash Indians. Oh, Jesus. Wow. He's deep. He's real made of American. He's so funny. And he's like, he must be hateful. It's like, wait, can I just be native of that? So this fucking kid is literally dressing like his ancestors. Wow. And they're calling it, he's hating black people and brother getting paid for this one. Woo-hoo! Indian giver. I would love to see these publications. How many positive... Indian giver didn't sleep by me. I was just letting myself go. How's he gonna do? I had to do a casino and Oklahoma this week. The chief showed up. Lip ragged. The chief showed up and sat. Oh no! With his head dressed? [023:01] Other people sat in the front dude you're blocking everybody you're blocking bomb that did you get panicky because he was there right before I go on stage the guy runs the production there goes hey just you know the chiefs here this is the first time he's seen a show in like 10 years they wanted to come to see this oh my god they have no fucking idea who I am your jokes about don't think they don't have any idea who you are they live in America? No, but they definitely I don't have the whole world. It was like a seven-year-old fucking chief from up here. Yeah, it's probably online. He's got some funny TikToks. Yeah, it's good Trump. This guy is good Trump in French. Trump in French. Trump in French. Down syndrome. Syndrome was down. There was a comic in the 70s who was Native America who would America would go. He did it tonight. Joey. Hi. How are you? Hi. How are you? Yeah, it's so nice. Charlie Hill was good dude. Yeah. He's still round. He got a scale. Charlie Hill was cool. He was a cool guy. That was nice. He was always nice. Always friendly man. Always cool to hang out with the store. Well, they're nice people. And that guy was around from like the 70s. Right? He was in the early, the prior have an act you had a specific thing right you had to be like this is who I am [024:07] was like early wwf good was that's hilarious huh really good whiskey I usually don't drink again there for for Chachi Chachi I'm mochachi you you you mash mochahadine not bad mooch you look like mochahadine you look like Muchahadine you look like Arifat yeah This is the oldest from the oldest artillery in America this shit They started making this ship before America this company was started in 1773 their occupiers probably killed a few Jacked up. He's probably some blood in this fucking barrel hell yeah Cracker barrel It's not even got it anyway I waited What I was saying about the mind virus get you back these fucking people [025:01] These fucking people really are sick like we we know they're sick. Like that's sick. Like just watching that sick. That's sick. But why? But also thinking you're completely correct and this is right to do to slap Nick Topolo was correct. You know? To slap Nick Topolo. Yeah, some ladies and like this stuff. But it was like, not only do I think you're wrong. We did this happen eight years ago. So So someone wrote an article saying to slap him. No, someone just came up to a show It was like hey, that was where I slapped him. He had a black eye. Yeah. Oh, oh, damn. Yeah, she got him big fat lady Oh, I remember. Yeah, is it 11? It's the jump from I'm you're morally wrong to I am correct to do whatever I want There's no like full of us. I should just tell you I don't like you versus I should arrest you versus anything right Yeah, that's the punch nazi's thing. Yeah. You know, I was talking to Metzger about this because one of his friends, like, yeah, you should punch nazis. Metzger's like, yeah, but who gets to decide who the fucking nazi is? Yeah, it's like, it's not agreed upon, yeah. That's the problem is like, you're saying just like someone who supports Trump is a Nazi you can just go and punch him because they support Trump that's crazy. Yeah, you've been called Nazi I've been called Nazi a lot hilarious. I know I get called Nazi for I don't know [026:13] They see this beard you rocking yeah, baby. This is a fucking moose Moses beard. Yeah, that's what dude is leading people across a river leading him right under deep water. Yeah, beard beard sun. It's pretty nice, huh? That's fresh. Thanks. I like it a lot actually. I'm glad you're here nine months. Seven months. That's very good. Wow. Smells like pussy. I almost no matter the comments are once. Rick Rubin? What? It's gonna theory on that. I'm working the back door. ideas of the 90s and now he's riding off this guru uh... bad things he's legit can't know no no he's not that that's a documentary yeah i was like barefoot so he seems smart do it on time and it's not about there he really is that guy just could trim his eyebrow hair though no you got to trust me look who's talking that he's out of his fucking mind but he really is that guy [027:02] but he's not bullshitting you. Yeah, but if he didn't look like that, he wouldn't listen to him. Yeah, but he looks like that because he really is that guy. Like he's out of his fucking mind. Oh really? In the best way possible. He's a very interesting guy. I thought he plays dumb. On and off. No, it's not that he plays dumb. He plays dumb when he Yeah, ever he doesn't try to seem smart barefoot. I don't mind your theory, but a shoe on I know I know the guy well So I like him a lot he was in the back of the comedy store and he just looked homeless He looks like that. So I was like had to fucking throw him out. I was a hundred sixty. I used to get row Yeah, I saw you guys I was like who got the in Bums got in here and started wrestling I was black away the Chris Rock went up to him, started talking to him and I was like, this is odd for a homeless guy. Yeah. And I waited and somebody told me the name. I'm like, definitely recognize that. That's the best look ever to be looking like that and step out of a rolls. Yeah. And flip flops on. Yeah. That's the best look of all time. That's like a whole new Portland King's a little Malibu thing, right? That would be a Malibu Big beers, they got the beer and some. Yeah, pull them up there, they're hot guys. I think it's one I was just. [028:05] Still torn with them, no, no, no, no, those beers. Oh, they shave? Oh, oh. Unless these guys are lying about being in Kingsley, yeah. Well, ZZ Top is the ultimate. Yeah. They have the ultimate beer. ZZ Bottom. Those are the top used to God they had beards. They had beards. Come on already. What are you talking about? They all had beards? Well, they're like cute. They caught up gurgling with the ears. I've never seen them without It looks like throughout all the years they've never yeah, there we go Yeah, there is there is one guy to the right to the right to maybe just the one guy They was the guy. Shit. Sorry everybody must show. Oh, that's a fresh mustache too though Yeah, that's nice great head of air Piotty shirt, that's not bad. There's something about someone with a beard they seem smarter. There is Interesting you say that it is brings up a lot of It's two things either you've seen more of the more manly and [029:01] Pretend to sound smart just think I'm a smart word. So you thought of me and was like, well, that's interesting. I have theories. Here too far, I will notify. Here too far is pretty good. That's not good. That's not good. Chris, is that the mom? There you go. That's good. Adrenal chrome? Adrenal, Oh, more fidgeties than such. Imagine we found that was true. Dream of Crimes. Yeah, imagine we found out that that was true. That big mic I'm hoping for. That and big mic. Yeah, well out there, okay. Well, it'd be more likely. It would be more likely. That's a great question. A Dream of Crime or Big Mike? What's Big Mike? More like Big Mike. Who made that's big Mike Long story why don't we Google big Mike No, it's Google it's Boba was like this wrong. I've heard of it. It's like this wrong. The whole thing's wrong. Let's just Google who is big mic and see what the results [030:07] See what the internet says There's a rapper named big mic and that's what pops up Big Mike me explain bizarre conspiracy theory it is bizarre and reference to conspiracy theories Scroll down Jamie that one click on that I got my Bizarre conspiracy theory behind Michelle Obama memes now this is another one when I see this and I see people saying that She's a man, and I'm like oh China got to you. Oh, they got you. They got you with the internet And they can get you to think that Obama's married to a man And by the way if I was China I would kill a chef Kill the chef of blame it on Send in some Chinese Navy SEALs to ground that dude [031:02] Put him out underwater and then just just leave him there. Maybe pull his pants down. Yeah, yeah. What is this? What is the Chinese special forces called? I don't know. They probably have them though. They must have them. Chop. That was an alley. That was an alley. That was an alley. You got no one dumped it. Chop. Louie. Yeah, there you go. I just feel like, if I was gonna like get a gun trouble, I mean, they say something. They say something. They say something. Right. The only answer is sword. I knew it was a Oriental sword. That's what's going on. The news, that's what's going on. That's killer. He's not interested because you're not supposed to NCAA. NCAA CP, not NCAA. NCAA. No, he's really got me. It's a WNBA. No. It's that thing with the transfer. That would be a horrible army. Oh my god, that's hilarious. Oh my god. Wait, wait, wait. [032:01] It's literally called Oriental Sword. That's the name of their special forces. That's it. Yeah. That's the name of their... That's their special forces. Yeah, that's it. That's awesome. If you wanted to spread some memes, you wanna get people to be suspicious. Yeah, I think big mic might have an Oriental Sword. If you know what I'm talking about, the wildest boy out there is Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson had a little ronny sky on Tucker Carlson got a little little guy on Tucker's got a little guy on I'm saying Chuck Brock Oh, like, no! That's what O and A did a long time ago Oh, and they had that guy in the No, they had some crazy person talking about Condoleezza Rice So you got to hold her down Yeah, she loves you Oh, good Yeah, that'd be a good special forces Condoleezza Rice for Asians They didn't even see the landing Bro you lose a fried rice That one is even makes sense well they like right [033:09] Nothing good if you were gonna like you're gonna like try to get conspiracy theory started if you try to undermine people's faith in the administration uh... better way to do yeah kill someone with the guys gay and then to uh... kill his chef and say that's his lover yeah look look at that like you would have to like if you you would have to really consider that kind of like like the like if you kill would have to really really consider that kind of like like the like proofy kill everyone think it's him. Oh right. Yep. Exactly. That's what I would say. Cause like think look if they're willing to just fucking bomb the shit out of Gaza the way they're doing. If they will. If you crane in Russia, we'll in the bomb the shit out of each other the way they're doing it. You don't think that they would want one dude off. I mean, this is a 100% conspiracy theory that I just concocted. Yeah. But if it was Russia or China or Iran or some other foreign nation, if you want to start things up, kill the chef. Yeah, we're gonna make him gay. Kill the chef, make you look like, yeah. They're a love triangle or something. [034:01] Yikes. Plants some rumor about a biography he was writing a tale of biography. That's like immediately you would boy the fucking tricks that they must play like we know that like that all that steel dossier that piss you know like that was all made up yeah just made all that up 100% yeah funded by Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton funded a fake yeah nobody cares but that's it but no one cares what like everyone knows it and knowing that Trump collusion all that all this shit was fake they made it up and they they ran it on the mainstream news for years Obama was like I've seen the proof it's about to come out it's 100% he did it and then it just never came out I hope Obama does have to address big Mike that would just be funny for him to be like my wife doesn't have a cock It's a sweet pussy Just bring up while yeah and the pussy too It bites back Lived upperscredency shut the fuck up reddit Look, there it is you want to see we're three babies come out of you fucking idiots [035:00] Yeah, it's a big glitz of regular vagina shut the fuck up Yeah I mean don't they have pictures of her as a young girl Yeah, it's a big blitz a regular vagina shut the fuck up. Yeah, I Mean don't they have pictures of her as a young girl. Yeah, she's a nice looking lady. I'm surprised Do you know if you imagine what a crazy thing that would be if someone pulled that off? They'd be the best. There's a story we were talking about last night But this in the thing was at 1800s this guy had this wife and the wife died while the guy was out of town. And it turned out the wife was really a man the whole time. And then the guy killed himself. Because he just couldn't deal with the shame of it all. Because everybody knew that he was married to a transgender woman. Yeah. And this is like, I want to say it was like the lady. He knew. He knew. the lady he knew he knew he knew he knew he just didn't know he didn't want the town to know the town thought that that was his wife he had come to terms with it yeah he's like you know what here just look at that year you could just go to another town those social media right like I said like they were fine like they didn't wear a fucking Lulu lemon pants yeah so you couldn't see his [036:02] hog so he just wore a skirt. Like a regular. Like he weren't wearing a regular skirt from like the 1800s. That's just a woman with rough features. It's actually a very sweet story. It's like a really beautiful, broke back. Yeah, broke back Romeo and Juliet. Right, and he couldn't dig it. Romeo and Romeo. I don't, maybe depends on what he killed himself for. If he killed himself because of the shame of being married to a guy, or did he kill himself for the shame, or for the heartbreak? I could have just been, he was like sad, he was a load. Yeah. It was our blame, not a thing. They could pull that off back then, easy. There was like a ton of women joined the Civil War. Maybe he was killed, but a lot of probably everybody in the squad was like, don't, we obviously know that's a chick. Don't fucking blow this. We can get some pussy while we're out here. No! God, I didn't know you were a guy. Also, if you're a wild girl, you're like, this is just not enough dick in regular life. I need to go to Antietam. I need to get embedded in a platoon and keep my mouth shut with my Show my short hair guy. Can you me over here? Play it man. Yeah, yeah, and just pull each one aside and go listen can you keep a secret? [037:08] I came here to Fuck and none of those dudes are none of those dudes are keeping that secret That's the one I want to check out here. Yeah, no none of the one thing is like Girls bars it would 100% be effective for the girl. She's here. I'm here for you. Oh, yeah, I think you got to do 100% for a guy. So let's a tough sell. They had they had ladies following you know that's how hooker came out. Was general hooker always had a black following his troops. Well, I keep the boys going. That's where the term hooker came from. I believe. Yeah. They were whistle and dicks. Yeah. You know, lemon from a. Hope I'm. Yeah, it's crazy. You know, lemon is from a hope I'm not wrong on it's one of those etymology gets a little I love etymology. It gets a little shaky. Lulu lemon the other. Sorry. No, no. He started that just to get Asian people to say Lou lemon. Did you know that? I swear to God. That's true. [038:00] No way. give it a go really wanted them to have to say yes That's the only reason he named it that no why else would you call it Lulu? It's a lot of else So this guy was genuinely that funny. Yes, he started a company as a joke He was like I'll take off. I'm gonna be willing to play a prank on all Let's get to the definition of hooker first We're gonna forget hooker. We really need to answer this. first. I'm sorry. Let's go right to the looper. No, we're gonna forget hooker. We really need to answer this. Okay. I love stuff like that. I knew it's great. Civil wars got a ton of those. All the college, all the NCAA teams. They're all actually, yeah. The volunteers. Wolverines, volunteers, Tarheels. What's the Wolverines? The Tarheels is Michigan Tarheels is miss or North Carolina. They were that was Civil War. No, that's just for the Rams up there No, Jamie The an apology of Hooker sure I'm sorry, but don't a lot of yeah, I know I was on the middle of all of them Do some things at once place pick that up what I said this this story can't be true [039:01] But I'm looking at why this yeah, I think they might have said oh, you know Something was like docs in the box. Yes, it's however this tale of origin can't be true. That's because they've called them hookers before 1860. Yeah, 1845 and North Carolina's reported Norman Ellsworth Ellison Tarheal talk. Why do they call them hookers? What's the term? The hookers. It's got to be the one who hooks or snares clients. Is there the hooker is one of the hooks or snares clients. Hooker. I mean, at least anything out there is saying it had anything to do with it. On the top of this has a whole thing from Udlussi's S Grant personal memoirs described. Hooker, the Injury man. It's important to appear here's hooker off and use one thing did not give. A hooker was also like. He did not give his name to so it's obviously been talked about and that crazy like what is strange thing did not give his name Depressed to but then I did find this I don't know what website I was up You guys told me to stop looking so I stopped name the company because I wanted to watch Japanese people try to say it wow It seems like a parody site though, so I was trying to feel but I don't know that it is these are real stories of that shark is net chart parody site i was never heard of it i hadn't got to it yet [040:07] i just think they were trying to say here here's a quote i don't know if it was accurate the reason the japanese like my former skateboard brand homeless because it had an i in it and jabby's marketing firm wouldn't come up with a brand name with an i in it uh... i oh l excuse me with an eye in it. I, oh, L, excuse me, with an L in it. L is not in the vocabulary, sorry, it's L, not I. It just looks like a, yeah. It's a very tough pronunciation for them, so I thought next time I have a company, I'll make a name with three Ls and see if I can get three times the money. It's kind of exotic for me. I was playing with Ls and came up with Lululemon. It's funny to watch them try to say it. That says he denied ever saying those words. He denied ever uttering those words. Everything was all so pretty. Yeah, it could be bullshit. That's a good L on that. Who, who, who, who's quoted it? It says Wilson was quoted as saying, by who? It's just in a book or something. I don't know what the top part, the top part where it says, says Wilson was quote, the other stuff that's quoted, let's watch them say it. [041:06] What was printed in this book? Hmm, unsettling the new customer experience about how customer service influences individual purchase transactions. He denied ever out during the words. It said the quote was also printed. Huh. Yeah, that doesn't sound like someone who was a CEO would say out loud. It does sound like he did it like there Like because it sounded exotic to them Sure, so they got this must be good. That's an expensive city. You're gonna try to come up with a new fucking brand name With God there's so many names. I know How the fuck do you come up with anything to your remotely original? It's a good one though. But you can't do that. Little lemon's a good one. Really good, strong. Little lemon's great. Yeah, it's a good product. Yeah, I'd say. Everybody, it's helping us all. That's how we use it. That is cheap. It's a good store. I like it. Great store. You're gonna share it for that is labor, best labor. Great. Best labor is the best labor. It works. The wildest shit is the phones. [042:05] I phone. The wildest shit is like at the base of every phone. Yeah. Is the conflict minerals. Are you in pole out of the ground literally by slaves? Yeah. And it goes from that to workers who work in a building that's covered by nets because so many of her jumping off the roof and they live there and then we jack off on them. And they're jack off on them. And then everywhere the UCB is like, well, I'll fight other addresses. It's amazing on that device. Yeah, exactly. It's like you've been trapped into a device. It's impossible to have an ethically sourced phone. Yep, that's all God. But then they don't just go out well then I guess I can't have a phone. Well actually it's not impossible you can't but you can't get an iPhone. What is that one? There's one with the fair phone or something like that. But it's whack right? It's probably still getting minerals from the ground. Well it's a testament to a good product. The product is good enough to overlook the slavery. It's a crazy thing to overlook. Well it's the most bizarre things that we can't make one of them over here. Too expensive. That's gonna be one that we look back like a giant. [043:07] Like, Dan, we were using that for, we used slavery just so we could fucking send pictures of us on vacations. Yeah. Yeah, but that's what slavery is originally. It was just for fucking sugar and coffee. And cotton. And cotton. Yeah, this is for like luxury now. Yeah. Well not not only that, but it's being used to shape the world. Yeah, which is really insane. Well, slavery. The highest levels of information exchange. It went so good for like three years. slavery. shape the world. Hi phone. Yeah, I'm slavery. Hey, we got the pyramids. Where would we have been if there's no way if we only have text on phones. If they never figured out the technology to have videos and TikTok stuff. We would have a lot less enemies. Yeah, 100%. We'd be happier. Oh yeah. Yeah, the human mind is not designed for that kind of access to each other. It's too crazy. [044:00] All this is, I like the response to Israel Hamas, where it's just like, I'm just watching everybody scream at each other Yeah, and it's like they're showing you at a higher rate shit You'll be angry about then exist in like the world. You know, you're not just getting everything evenly They're like oh you're on this side. We'll show you two thirds the opposite side. Yeah, you're on the opposite side We'll show you two thirds his side. Brilliant. Yeah, that works like a charm. I think that that would be nice if the algorithm switch to your Just in life. No, no, I mean just like here's what the other side is seeing Right, you know, I mean because for one day a week you get you get a lot to go. Hey, here's a little switch Now you gotta watch fucking CNN or however they do it right my friend was like Fox News is all lies Like when you last night you saw it you watch a lot of those I haven't seen in in 10 years, I'm like, what are you basing that on? Yeah. Right. Headlines of the daily process of the same paper that said that kid was wearing black face. Exactly. You know, it's like this kind of division is profitable, and that's why they do it. Yeah, what they're doing to society is it's crazy. We're sharing it in our group text. Yeah, you know, it works. Yeah, it works. The pressure is up, things, I, these up, pills are up. [045:05] Well, fucked. Everyone's being forced in the conflict. Yeah. They've been forced by these. You can't even be silent. We need your response. They come to me, like we need your answer on homosinus. Where's your black square? You don't want my fucking response. I'm not on yeah I could be the other guy that you hate I do look like I know quite a lot about it that that that was like I know everything about the subject when port noi posted that video on his Instagram that was one of the most shocking things I think I've ever watched it was that video of those ladies oh yeah billion views see port noi getting something from Bobcraft something yeah it looks like pills is a pin is a pin is a pin Bob craft is pass-off We're like a cafe that but he's like saying hi ever really specials like how you want some of this And the guys like yeah, and then he like put something in his hand It's good. I was like that looks Sad I feel like your pin and he's like you won't want to any crops like a weed pin [046:03] You're like your pin and he's like you won't want to then he grabs like a weed pin Well, Portnoy posted that video and you know posted this long description of how fucking insane it is but I didn't I didn't know it was that far gone until I saw that video like that's the most far gone I've ever seen because it was It just didn't even make sense. It didn't make it it didn't, there's no way you could say that. There's no way you could be the president of Harvard and send that. I breathed into the fucking microphone. Is that me? You said hawker years. You got something wrong with your cardio? He's getting old. I had nobody hears it. Darth Gator. Uh. Jamie's gonna edit it out, but she's concentrating on it. Jamie run a filter. Well, it's distracting. Is it? I don't even hear it. I never heard it either. How are you hearing it? Maybe my head flutter up too high. There's a little thing there you can turn it down if you want. Do you have a breath module on there? It's literally the mind's the whole way up. Oh, that's it. Okay, so you just constantly annoyed. You're like a dog. Yeah, I've been awfully quiet this whole. You get your shit that I'm just a great actor. [047:05] You're in too loud. Like you're like a freaking dog. It's so hard. I think five butt lights in, you get loose. Yeah, well, I'll have fun here in the second half. I'm a second half guy. Yeah, second half guy. I've heard you guys tackle cultural issues video from 9-11 that's hilarious. I bought a couple buck wisest thing or whatever the guy's name was yesterday. Oh my God, that kind of rule. So we watched the football game. The football game's over to go to regular Texas TV. And it's this fucking guy. He's got an AR and a hundred mag is really. Oh my God. Buck McNeely. Buck McNeely, Neely, and the man. Outdoors. And he's just back yard. He's just with the World War II vet and one of the. Yeah, bro, you could fry an egg on that barrel. That barrel's hot as fuck. Like that guy is shooting hundreds of rounds and he's like, I don't want to know what he was saying. But he was showing the different rounds. He had them all laid out on a table, different magazines, different capacities. I'm like, this is regular Texas Jones and then it goes yeah It goes straight to the World War II vet [048:07] He's like tell me how you blew him up with this Yeah, he's like all it up grenades The initial picture as a clearly gay like in Lester And he was gay and that picture he's so sweet looking he looks like a sweet boy. Yeah, sweet That's what just dudes looked like in 1940. Yeah, they were just real thin sure short hair Yeah, nobody had any 1940. Yeah, they were just rail thin. Sure. Short hair, green. Yeah, nobody had any muscles. Yeah, clean cut and very skinny. You just instantly, you're like, yeah, you're more immediately skinny. Beautiful, it's too small and healthy. But what was even selling? I don't even know what the commercial was for. Well, this is for America. I went to the website. I don't know Sign it up. Oh, you're following the... But they ask you all these questions. Where'd you hear about it? Fine, whatever. What's your favorite type of hunting? What's 75-fishing? What kind of vehicle do you own? What kind of ATV do you own? What do you like? It's like a lot of fun stuff. They're trying to get you to join the militia. Oh, yeah. How can we use you? He's growing this this is a good ad for The fucking the the camera watching on television was so Texas go to the photo gallery. Yeah, I mean the guys just guys awesome [049:12] Lighting off rounds in his backyard Double-edited life, bro Hell yeah, I'm bro of productions. Yeah, that's just dick wolf Hell yeah, I'm a real productions. Yeah, that's just dick wolf Be Frank's alone What the hell did we uncover Frank's Theus damn these friends of the black Bro Frank's all hunts with a beret on like he's in the fucking French foreign legions Jesse Videras like 1990s Jesse Vider. Yeah, he's got he's got John Ratson burger. He's in toy story Yeah, but it was just such a Takedoy story. Yeah, he's the potato head Yeah, I think so He's in toy store and she didn't they get rid of Tim Allen as Captain Buzz Lightyear? No. [050:06] I think they did. Because he did nothing. Because this politically just votes one way. Yeah, I think they did. Why? I think they replaced him. It took a show off there. And really nothing more than just like, I vote Republican. Wow, that's sad. He didn't like go vote for that side. Well, how about James Woods? James Woods was a fucking amazing actor. Great. To infinity and Toy Story 5 Tim Allen confirms return as Buzz Lightyear. He was off for four. Why is that news? I don't know. They made a story that it wasn't the same person character if you will. Oh, I see. So it was a different Buzz Lightyear? Yeah, there are multiple Buzz Light. I didn't watch it. Oh of course because there's different versions of the toy. I like that even on Joe Rogan podcast they still won't pay for this subscription. I was like, I'm sorry. To the failing New York Times. It's LA Times but yeah. If there were a little bit more on one for the New York Times. To the failing New York Times. New York Times got me licking its chops that he's coming back. Oh who? [051:08] You know you know oh Sorry, you know the dog dude big D They say you run for prison you should have come to run for prison She come to mass the square garden when you showed up. Oh, how was that insane? What would people do? Well, she walked out with kid rock Insane what would people know well she walked out with kid rock Don't jump vibing the golf course of his eye big fiber James Brown pretty cool, right Bigger is getting to a big to the some James Brown. This is a man's world pretty cool That's some cute dude. That's cute. found it. Yeah if they don't kill him Um anyway, he walks out with Kid Rock Kid Rocks American badass Kid Rock is next to him and Tucker Carlson We don't get me goingork city and the fucking place goes shit house it was nuts [052:07] for like over a minute that's and then we get to her all and again this is a biased audience you deal with cage fighting fans yeah but still you're in literally the liberal hub of the modern world. But they're all coming in from Long Island and Webster, New York. And Jersey. Yeah. Upstate. Dana look is good. Are they all cheering? They're booing. Dana looks fantastic. No, they're all cheering. It's 99% cheers and bill burns. Hey, it was okay. The beer. That's 99% cheers. And she got a couple Twitter followers from that. I was not even I was in tears. And she got a couple Twitter followers from that. That's what's important. Yeah, it's important. Man, how old's your boy? You got the photo with him? Yeah. Oh, you got a bunch with him. Jamie was in there. With a Versace shirt. Yeah. I sent it to you guys in a day. Yeah. [053:00] Yeah. I was a pretty wonderful was pretty well. He was like, look at that. Oh my God. Yeah. I was, I've talked about before, I think. I was like, obviously I was a little drunk. Yeah. And then story trucks. I went to post it. I didn't even think about that it would be, what do you kick? Come on. No, no, no,'re what? Six, four. And then hold off. Also, look at the size of his hands. Don't look at my hands. No, the dude has normal hands. No, the dude has normal hands. That weirded me out the first time I shook his hands. His hands are big. I know, but that was the craziest. Yeah, but that's how it works. Mike, big Mike doesn't work. It's politics. Doesn't make sense. Big Mike doesn't make sense. But, big, I swear I got big Mike doesn't make sense. Look at it all. Doesn't make sense to that researcher for months. [054:01] Look it up. I'm deep in the eight-coon. I got off a 4-chain. They were radical. What's the name? 8-coon. Well, the 8-coon is the one that they went to after the left 4-chain The people that ran I think it's a 8k O-O-N is the the P4's a K-U-N Hey, Cun, let's call that what it is You have J-Mode. Hey, Koon. Hey, Koon. Let's call it that. Let's call it a Koon. A Koon. A Koon. Oh, a Koon. It's a Koon. It's a Koon. It's a Koon. It's a Koon. It's a Koon. It's a Koon. It's a Koon. It's a Koon. four cuts. So that cueing on shit, it all came from these people. I think they're so funny. It's hilarious. Who? But when you watch the documentary, it's just like everyone is mad at them. They're just fucking with you. Great documentary. Well, how about that kid that went to jail? Jamie, that kid that we posted about the other day, he shit posted. [055:02] He didn't make those memes. He just posted that real shame Documented obviously they're gonna pretend the Hillary ones the Hillary the vote, you know You don't have to go to vote. He just text in person text, you know Hillary to 5551212 or whatever it is. Yeah, and you know you know in your vote will count and that guy went to jail well, yeah, and there was a girl Somebody in DC like I think she was a girl, somebody in DC. Like I think she was a center. I don't know, I'm probably not a center, but she cheated the same thing the other way with Trump. Nothing. Really? It's where to get. I never saw that one. Yeah. Yeah, but that's, we're trying to stop Hitler. If you could stop Hitler, or if you could stop Hitler, then you stop Hitler. Yeah. Any means possible. He was an artist. So this is all you've been hearing, right? Yeah. It's like the same rhetoric. I'm the same rhetoric. That punchline. He's a, that's preadmiss is done. No, no, I saw a good time. I kill Hitler. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Quite a bit. Yeah. But it's how they that's an L. Yeah, SNL stole his character What what I haven't seen their version of it. We showed their version the one character. He does that lady sheet lady [056:12] He does Marieca's yeah, what well they just say that's it. That's it over and over So it's hard to say if it's stolen, but you know this is how exactly like his character The that's it does does but he does a woman they're just doing Hispanic people oh who's doing it Marcelo yeah no who is Hispanic okay so is from this sketch Marcel doesn't really know Janus yeah I'm guessing all right look at that beautiful Jew. Who's that? I'm driver. Oh, one of our finest. I like that. He Jewish. Don't even worry. [057:07] This is great. My bag is small but I am big. You don't like it? Kiss my rear. We are Rojelio. Maria Jose. And Kevin. And we're here to tell you that right now, tiny is huge. Tiny ass bag is perfect for carrying. One airport and a sir. There it is. One out to an a sir. Hot smoked cigarette and a sir. There it is. There it is. What? In this bag, you go feed one dog and a third. The kids from honey, I shrunk the kids and that's it. Oh, so it's the end that's it? Is that what he used to say a lot? That was his catch phrase. Paul, you can pull her up. Marika. That's very forward of you, Mark. What? Call her her. It's called y'all. [058:01] Let me ask you this. that Talian doing like there's a lot of forget about it. There's like a lot of things like if you were gonna do it was Italian doing Like a caricature Coming up all the Latino comics up. They were all stealing from each other because they all did the same stuff that everybody in the audience knew Right when we got a cut. What's our what's our mama do? They're a butter on it? Well, that's like the Chris rocks robotus in bed The bleachers Just an it does happy birthday Tom This is the animal's over here. Are you from Queens? Did you bring your passport together to Connecticut? You from Westchester?! So, Molly Seidasser! What part of Westchester? Hopefully not y'all could see that. So that's his catchphrase? Yeah, like the crowd was y'all. [059:02] For years. So that's it. it was just like his catchphrase. So. Okay. And it's a really funny character. There's something to be said there. Yeah, well Marcelo's a funny guy. Marcelo wouldn't do that, I don't think. Marcelo's the person who played that, yeah. He's the one that left here. Oh, listen, here's my question though. Is that a common phrase in the Latino community? I Know I'm right. I mean, is that like a forget about it thing? You know, I mean like a guy tries to say forget about it. Yeah forget about it. I mean look if I was gonna say if somebody started saying forget about it I would probably say don't my rarer. Like that's like Don my rarer like that's like You go to don't wear it. No, that's a angel angel. I was like yeah, bro. I was always fun running to that dude on the road Oh, yeah, oh my god. I ran to that guy on the road once like I was coming in and he was coming out No, I can't where we were we're like fucking Cleveland or somewhere and I shook his hand I'm like you're a fucking legend dude [1:0:02] like you're a fucking legend dude. All I hear about you is just being wild on the road for decades. And I just, I shook his hand and look him in the eye. You're a legend, my friend. To me, it was like meeting an old warrior. I was like, dude, with a fucking, this guy's on a fucking highway for 50 years. Just like, yeah. With a fucking nicked up sword and a fucked up shield. We used to take a customer counter and click off every time I said check it out. It was like 45 in a 15 minutes That dude ran one movie further than anybody's ever done anything He did Scarface and then fucking sold out clubs for I heard he had a way bigger part in Scarface But the main character remembers the name was kind of is like hey, I need that accent Al Pacino was like that's the accent I got it to so we like cut a lot of angels line lines here this from Wikipedia No, just people talking president Harvard Yeah, I told you that like Obama told me Mike Mike Yes [1:1:03] Yeah, fucking I'm a crab here. They might would be a top. They might be a good way to keep your chin. Ooh. If you can control something's chin, you basically control the body. Okay, just put it in. Because if you control their chin, the fucking very limited. Yeah, it hurt. You hear that lemon? Hold it that fucking chin. Where are you going, Ari? You're not going fucking anywhere. You're not going to fucking hang with it. You can't get to that tune with that muff on top of it. You have to grab the beard. The beard's a handle. Oh, you know what? I thought he was in the shower today. I was so open off and I went, ah, my arm hurts. Oh, man, I was really, I already put it on top of my arm. You put it on top of me and you lost it too. That's all it got to do What did he punch you for? It was a nice match. I think I told him he couldn't really do it. I showed him a lot of my... I think it was to do it. Punch me and I was like nah. And then I stopped, waited for him to unflinch. He barely did though. It was not bad for his short of my hair. It didn't hurt at all. No. It was a little noise. Well your funeral is gonna be weird It won't make sense. And then the audience will be like, do we hate him? What audience? We love him. [1:2:05] We're not the unerolled audience. We're not the unerolled audience. We're not the unerolled audience. He's the striker. We're not the unerolled audience. We're not the unerolled audience. We're not the unerolled audience. We're not the unerolled audience and we would have t-shirts and like for the first 100 people to get premium you get the picture of you with X's over your eyes Birth and death date. Oh, yeah, I'm drawing a swastika on you open gasket Can I get another Yeah, Mark I'd like you turn on the jet three fucking wants Like you turn turn on the jets. We're fucking wants You're the soft you the weak link the asses just you're the link is link I'm chat With that was the most overused that keep [1:3:02] The tough thing about meeting your family for Thanksgiving since your comic are like hey, you see that Yes, the new rail special like, hey, did you see that a... big, red, special. And you're like, yeah. Yeah. We gotta find that, we gotta find that 9-11 video. Those kids, what, planning it? Have I? Which one? It's my favorite video. What are you talking about? These kids from NYU, drinking in their rooms, because obviously the classes are canceled, because of 9-11. Yeah. And they're like filming on a camcorder and they're like, sorry mom, it's just apple juice, they're drinking beer and then all of a sudden a girl goes, ah, she screams and the camera pulls over and it's 9-11. Was it very funny? Pull it up. J-Mo? Is this it? No, no, yes, yes, yes. Damn, damn, Jamie, that's so quick Oh my god, that's incredible Is that funny? [1:4:02] Wait, rewind it till it's funny. Don't show the actual terrible setup It's 902 p.m. Oh, yeah, oh the tower is both of them have already been hit That's a good view as a park apartment It was already going on they knew was already out of the house two of them are how insane is watching this again How insane was 911 wow? I missed this video. They actually have the worst, that's the worst one. They showed jumpers. What? Yeah, it's pretty bad. Oh, so it was already, I'm sure that's what that first one is. Oh my god, look at these people trying to run out. So they've been watching people jump and then they're like, oh, let's have some brusquies. Oh my god. Oh man. did happen. I mean, we're doing it right now. Yeah, we're all like, hey, bring up now. Let's do a shot. I thought this was a myth. How crazy is that footage though? The footage of the planes hitting the towers is so insane. No. Again, the angel fell. Fall in tower. Tower seven? Tower pizza. When you watch the towers fall, you're just like, what the fuck? [1:5:02] Our records. What the fuck? Yeah, the records. What in the same way to do it too, planes fill with passengers. Yeah. That's like a double attack. Right. It's a full terror attack. And they ruined the airport. They really ruined the airport. The airport was great. You can go visit your friend at the gate. Oh, see your girlfriend off? Yeah. Yeah. See, you can have a look at her from the window. Hey, you're both good. You're friends. Your friends came off the plane. You were right there. What's up? Yeah, you picked people up at the airport right at the gate. Yeah. We took it away from us. We did that with my dad. And then that fucking shoe bomber douchebag that dumb chews the worst one. That's the worst that's so that one's so stupid one dick head tries to blow a shoes up Yeah, the underwear guy and the shoe guy underwear. Yeah, what was that? Oh, yeah, there's an underwear bomber guy for a second I was like wait, am I wrong about that there was one raise China needs that one doesn't go as planned your dickless and sad [1:6:04] Your dickless and sad and everybody beat you up. You just like just fire cracker. It sounds like my high school The mark of normals that everybody wants to beat you up. Oh my god. Oh my god Did this is that everybody wants to beat you up. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Yeah, I mean you dick catching fire A bunch of patriots beat the shit if it's an M80 if it's an M80 and you're on a flight of sharp one So you fuck it your dick blows off and then he beats you in a coma. Oh, is that the guy? Yeah Christmas Dave Oh, is that the guy Christmas day? Watch look at that name. It's like an obdumal to all of Bob Oh, that's what they said they knew who's already in the watch list. They still let him get right off without a passport strap to the students. Hey, who's got next to a lot for Your dick's blown out 80 grams look at that 80 grams of explosive powder made from a mixture of P.E.T.N [1:7:01] Or what is that word petro petro petro? of PETN or what is that word petro? Petro or a bird is dick off. Chetra now, oh he did. Yeah it went off. There's a bang and flames burnt his leg. Whoa he shot up some blasted. Bird is leg. That's what people say. That was a plant. Just a leg, that was a plant. Cause you're like, so he got all the way through heavy TSA security and it just happened to not work. He He's like, was he wearing a fucking maxi pad? The underwear looks like a girl's underwear. Like an eagle. Yeah, it looks like an eagle. It looks like a big one. It looks like a big mic. I have to reach a bowl later on. So the hole is right where either as asshole or as dick is. Either way, no bueno. Either way, not a good place to get burned. No. You want to blow a hole in the... Imagine they fucking underwear after that one like, well, we have a president set with two. Yeah. Time to take your pain, he's done with everybody. I mean, I'd be even hornyer in their part. Remember there was the one that you would go through to show the outlaw of your dick and people who are no. Yeah, that one? What do you mean no? Yeah, people stopped. You can't do that. You literally see people's naked vibes. They're not misusing it and then you see videos and they're like, oh, look at this chicks, look at her pussy. Exactly. Look at this pussy. [1:8:06] Giant dick. I think about it every time I go through the fucking the wool move. That thing I'm like, can't damn, nobody better see this. Well, you ever seen the photos of people that used to work in with X-ray machines back in the early days? They used getting X-rayed every day. And so you could see what, see if you can find that, like X-ray every day, hands calibrating, dangerous, something. But it was like a black and white photo of this lady's hand. It was herrific look. Yeah. You got a weird job, Jamie. Wow. Physicians' hand-tumored juice by first X-ray procedures. You got a PMSD job. You can do it as fucking job on it. Yeah. I look at multiple cancers. Yeah. Um, like, those are good, but there's like some more high-resolution photos of damage that people got to their hands. Oh, they were working on X-ray machines. Whoa. Don't need it. [1:9:01] But they didn't know anything back then Remember they would fucking put a big ledge you Dicken your chest Where would shoot a light at you and leave a shadow on the wall? No, it was like in Disney It would shoot a fucking x-ray thing at you then you walk away You see your own shadow on the wall left there and extra that got it. That's got me. I mean that happens Yeah, for real That's got to be, that's got to be, I mean that happens. I agree with you. I agree with you. I remember it. Yeah, for real. For real. Those photos in here, she wore a nut. Yeah. When you see where someone's body was with a blast went off and turned to dust, you only see a shadow of their body. Look at Vampire before they disintegrate. Yeah, that, that. Yeah commercial. What are they doing that with? They all jumped and did something, and they shot X-rays out, I'm gonna let the shadow behind them and then they... I don't know if that's the same one, is that the same one? It's not, it's not, let's talk about it, but it's not X-rays. It's too fun. I did it at Epcot Center. You remember doing just a picture. It's just like video. It's a lot of dark stuff. [1:010:05] Oh, I mean, I fit it's going to dark, then that's the like the radium or whatever, right? Might be like an iradium screen. Is that what it is? I don't, I'm just saying right here, it says. How do they use it? And they're like a good idea. You can use your flashlight or self when you draw pictures of on the walls So it's just it's just a shadow I lost the light. Are your memories suck? Getting blown up and here a shame wait, how old were you? I was like fours of like you guys were all fully like bitch to it bitch to it You got it. No, no, no, no, I'm not making funny. I'm just making fun of your hair to see you guys were all jude out You guys in like full Jewish uniform doing that? It's just a yamaka. It must have been so funny to see. I went to a, it's good for a shot. Hershey Park and a bunch of Jewish people were there. They were full clothed. Like you know what I mean? They were wearing like their outfit outfit. And they went down the, it was called title force. It was, it would drop you down. their sideburns going up behind them. And there we go. When they came by, they were all chanting. They were going water is wet. [1:011:07] Water is wet. That being my friend said, it was the funniest thing in the world. It is funny. Even the aesthetic ones are funny. Yeah, that was funny. They knew it was funny. I got a question for you. If you're fully bald, it's good story. How do you keep the yum, question Joe to legit question yeah or you get a big enough one to like hold on with gravity how do hold on to baseball you get a really good one like a tight one like a fucking like a nice bean yeah is rock you do that yeah you don't have to have a little baby one no no that's the fuck punkers oh but what the fuckers do the baby one bench bureau is a punk is a punker whoa yeah you heard it at first that's your sure as no respect for the Jewish world So You guys a Trumpi amico story tracks. That's hilarious So that big one. What's the big one? How does the ballman wear down right the red one? That's a great one That's a bald one. There you go. Click on that. Yeah, you can do one of those. Yeah, that's a big colorful keeper. I mean that's just a bean That's I like that. Yeah, that's all that's what I'm doing if I could wear some shit like that Tell it to people [1:012:06] I'm not the best of your organization. Well, I'm gonna lose your circumcision because you got to redo it already What do you do it? Yeah, you got to say about it on the one if to have new week what yeah, but I already lost all that skin What you gonna do? You gotta make a little snip. No, that's not true. That is true. How much of his nap not much? You won't grab by your locket. What does a rabbi have to suck it? It's up to you, but it's not necessary. Take it Isn't that what there's like a term for it like Seats and it's eat so like that. Yeah Oh A little spit yeah, all right. I can get over that. I'm strong willed. Yeah, I won't that won't haunt me He just a little So what else? Snipsits as a prayer. No, what's the benefits of your organization? Locks, nobody looks at you twice. Really? Yep. What do you mean locks? Go get bagels of locks, nobody says cultural appropriation. Oh, okay, that's it. Yeah, you will. there's the ritual of [1:013:06] Had a fat damn Brit the ritual drawing of blood. It's General Dumb reat Generally is what can be best described as a pin prick so they're pretty good. Yeah. Yeah, what why let's talk about what part of my dick guys I say don't do it Yeah, the tip is very good. You think it's, you know the little line that like the base sort of that was. I can tell right now. I love that line. Yeah, maybe that. Fuck that line. I can just join the tribe. Tell me about the benefits. It's what you get to control everything. You get the weather. You're gonna be late to class. You have a hard say on the weather. There you go. What do you mean? You could decide if it's really important. You could say that way. It's like time share. Like I need it to be nice this week. I'm going hunting. I need to do it. You control the weather. You guys control the weather. That was very nice. Can we cut this out? That was very good. You know what's most annoying about this? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Big yamaka, he's a new little guy, a big yamaka. I've got to get to the sun's game tonight. [1:014:25] I love the NBA. Shhh. Yeah, Steve, I got your fucking dreidel. And we got to warm top of the tree of the dreidel. Sac religious. What? Yeah, get the dreidel off there. Come on, that's what it is. It's part of the funniest things. Dreidel? Dreidel. Tradles. Tradles. Tradles. Okay, okay. I'm gonna have a problem with that. But it doesn't, what's that? It's gambling, bro. What is it? It's a gambling game? Yeah. How do you play it? You spin it. There's four things. There's nothing. Give in. Get half the pot. Get all the pot. Then you steal the money and run. Then you don't pay sent me something about how much money you spend in taxes in California if you make [1:015:06] 1.5 million dollars a year. It's wild. On other tales of not relating to most people. But if it's 1.5 million you think you're balling on a control, right? Yeah. What do you think? Like 600 grand. It's a hate crime. Ah! My dick. My friend got circumcised at 33 why he kept getting infections. Oh, well, that's legit. We get the Schmegg bun there. How about wash your dick? You don't know damn taxes. Okay, what's up guys name? Show me your tonics show you guys less than half. Yeah, what? $70 million a year salary 25.9 federal tax 4.65 Cal for it can federal tax, 4.65, California. Can't point, it takes 4.6 million, 2.1 million agent fee, 2 million jocks tax. That's every million agent fee. 1.64, fight-up Medicare. You fucks a jock tax. 33.6 million net income. So, out of... 3 million. That'll make debt in the year. [1:016:01] The tax is he plays in the places that do have like state taxes rather like like jock tax other states yeah there's like you you you you pay taxes states that should happen oh when he makes money other places right yeah Canada what one of those yeah yeah yeah England has that you know he had to pay taxes in every state you perform it in every country too like you do a gig in England you got to pay England taxes right the neck oh Oh no he makes less than that. That's better now drink. Yeah. Less than that. Wow. About five. At least it's all going to good. Yeah at least they're not using it to fucking do whatever the fuck they want with it. At least it's all super well managed. Yeah. And that's it. They're doing a good job of like keeping us together as a society. Yeah they're battling the homeless the way we'd want them to yeah Tackling major issues is happening in every city in America. Yeah, they encourage people come together Yeah, they're encouraging that no, we got it. We got a fund you crane We need to show heo Tony to sign with Dodgers to fund you crane By the way, you think so yeah, I can feel it. We're out of money [1:017:05] Oh, yeah, it's like the story came and went. Yeah, but you can only print so much money before you fuck the country forever. Exactly. They keep printing it. Gas is $7. How much more can they print before they fuck us, like literally into the gutter? None of these students are really protesting against Russia. Huh? Just about Israel. Or the leader. That's pretty weird. I know. Same shit. Was That's pretty weird. I know. I mean, protest against Russia? Well, they beat up some fucking children of Russian descent in like seventh grade and Switzerland. Shit like that. In Switzerland, but nothing like in Harvard. What? Nothing in the air. You get pushed around. There was no fucking Russian. And it's like, you have my mom and dad are just a huge Italy. You don't fucking push a Russian. There's no death to Russians on campuses, which smiled. It's been going on for two years, too. How long has it been going on now? Yeah, last while. Almost two years. It was like February. Do you remember how quick that app, like all the sudden we were in Iraq for like years. Yeah, it happens so quick. It happens so quick. [1:018:00] It starts out like they're invading. And then next thing you know, four five six It's all these years of occupation and all those years it just Dead people rackin up dead people in money. Yeah, good job. So many dead people. It was better. We didn't know anything Yeah, but as long as it's not happening to you in front of your face. It's abstract Well, and that's what allows people to like call for Jennifer genocide and all this nutty shit Just an idea they're not really understanding what they mean. I'm like that's your buddy Yeah, David he's gonna get killed and there's also like this pressure to be the most radical most radical Intellectual peers. Yeah, and they're all like rebelling hard against their stockbroker dad who's paying Who'd be in that school? Yeah, all of it's who's paying Israel fucking banana all of their dads are paying Israel. It's all bananas Yeah, they're all living the shadow black people when black lives matter came It was like a real thing and then Indians wanted it fucking Arabs wanted it Oh, Asians wanted it. Oh, like Jewish. They're like we're also Asian hate stop Asian hate [1:019:02] It's like guys shut the you're not black shut the fuck up nobody hates you Indians nobody fucking hates you Don't care about you now do Jews to do stop controlling everything in Making money educating your children stop it already stop taking care of each other do the Asians No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no learn the folly of your actions. How about the Asian porn? It's still blurred. Still blurred, after all these years. Are they still blurred? Still blurred, baby. Just the pussy. I can't identify you, but you're pussy can't identify your bare face. That might be the gayest thing about me. I don't like those. Not the blurred part. I don't like the spindly Asian man. For the hair, I just look like a fat version of a hairless, tiny dick guy. That was a black dick. [1:020:05] It's not about the lady. Yeah, it's not. It has nothing to do with the relating. It's just the, yeah. Emma Wilman has the best joke about it. What's that? When I watch porn, I watch heterosexual porn. I like to imagine I'm the man. I don't just only blow job porn, so I can up. She's a little bit. She, I'm a woman till it. She's funny. Uh, that was Christopher Hitchens argument about women not being funny. That they are funny. They have to be kind of daiki. I mean, man, what Christopher Hitchens was an amazing troll. What an original great trolls. He was like, this is actually what I believe. I know it's making you angry. That's what I'll say it. But it is. It is amazing troll. Yeah, he was amazing troll because he was smarter than everybody and a troll and a drunk. Oh, yeah, I always lit. Yeah, good old style. And that's what took him out, unfortunately, because if he was around today, yeah, boozing cigarettes. That's bad for you. Shit, what? He was two fucking smart. [1:021:01] Two fucking smart, didn't take care of himself of himself yeah he looked rough those last couple years but goddamn he was fun that guy was fun and he he was on Bill Marwantson there's this famous clip of him talking about the Ottoman Turks about Jefferson, Senthine Avie to fight off the Ottoman Turks and that they were kidnapping Americans just because they're infidels and he's like why are you doing this so we didn't do anything to you and he said said, well, you're in Fidel. And it says in the Quran, I could do whatever I want. Have you ever seen that clip? But it seemed to find Christopher Hitch is on Bill Maher talking about the Ottoman Turks. The Barbarian Empire. The Barbarian pirates. Yeah. It seems like they're just kind of violent. That was our first war yep, it was going after this week from day one we were going after the Muslims for what year was that? That would have been like seven early 18 early 1800s like the odds we thought we could take them they have a fucking fight now I would have been during Napoleon so it would have been [1:022:00] What why are so many people complaining about this Napoleon movie? I have not seen it yet. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. That was complaining. They didn't like it or they didn't like it. Any other compliances? Is that just like what always happens with every big movie? They always get to see some hatred and then you're going to see like the fucking. All right. So They're literally making Cleopatra movies where she's a blacklist. They're literally every single one of these. Every single movie version of it. We're not making a documentary. This one at least stuck to like what I slightly know about it. It's same as Tarantino with like you beat up Bruce Lee. It's like, it's a polyphonic. Or we killed Hitler. Yeah, but that's a burn him alive. That's not. We're having fun. Also, Tarantino, he beats the Manson family. That's what I'm saying. That's what Tarantino does with that. Yeah, it's all my ass. But this one's like, he shot the pyramids, that didn't happen. Right, well no, this thing. It's like stuff like that. That was always a myth that he shot the nose off the great face. Yeah, but in the movie, he shoots a cannon at the pyramids. Oh, at the pyramids. Yeah. What you could have done, who knows? When I was in Paris, they showed us this thing that when somebody in Paris was buried [1:023:07] in one of the tombs there and they make the entrance low, so everyone's. That's an important. Yeah. So everyone had to like bow their head to get it and see this. And they all came in and said, no, that's it. The whole was buried there. And so the everyone had to, and Hitler Hitler was like, I'm not bound to him. I respect him though. Build a set of mirrors so I can see it. Is that bound down? Did we get that right? Was that Hitler and the Pellillon? It was, that's what it was. I think so. How weird is bending your knees is disrespectful in some ways? Respectful. Or yeah, or it somehow another compromises you. Well, the fact that you're just respected. Yeah, I get it though. Even when you're dead you're still making somebody in the future have to adjust for you Yeah, that's pretty sick. That's where it doesn't bother me. No, of course you wouldn't well you're four foot Yeah, yeah, he never been over I rarely have to But if I just would understand why I need one of the give shit like don't you want to see the dead guy? Yeah, you're not eight off Hitler [1:024:04] They're already there why anyone would give shit like don't you want to see the dead guy yeah you're not eight of Hitler there are you there are you going I'm not fucking bending down for any you got to go out of meth and testosterone this podcast always goes to Hitler whoa it's like a fascinating individual also it's there's a real possibility of a rise of a Hitler today ah with the way shit is going down today like we I would have never imagined we'd be this far gone yet you were to have a meeting two thousand thirteen instead in ten years gatorial justifying saying debt to the jews or some are not to the jews so fucking crazy calling for the judge that you use that's a gator filler it's funny i call it i call it but he uh... i call my buddy chris o'connor i call doctor eight off sponge what I call my buddy, I call my buddy, Chris O'Connor. I call him Dr. Adolf Spongebob. What? It's the funniest name possible. And now everybody calls him Dr. Adolf Spongebob. It's so funny. It's so funny. Ah! Play Adolf Spongebob. You know what I mean? His nickname was Turd. Oh, that's bad. That hurt. I'll. Adolf Spongebob. You can go Dr. Adolf Spongebob. [1:025:06] You can bring back Genghis. But you can bring back Adolf. That's true. You can name your kid Genghis like, wow, what a badass name for a kid. You can bring my Lenin. That's cool, and then. The setup would have worked if falling to the ground. He leaned forward to catch it. Even in death, Napoleon remains a man others pay their respects to. Was that a pay or a card? He caught your hat? What? So we said he caught a card, so he's fucking got you a petty stuchess. That's just the way his like Napoleon still rolls. That's pretty dope too, no. at that. That's pretty fucking amazing. Pretty cool. But dude, when you go to fucking that part of the world, like if you go to like, especially Rome, and you see their ancient shit, it's like, what was life back then when they were building like, like St. Peter's Basilica? Like, they did wild shit back then. [1:026:01] Yeah, like no cranes. How do they even do this? He's not wearing a hat I took his hat off to pay respect. There's all these stories all these stories are such reading into its stories Yeah, all these legends are yeah, like he took his hat off that he was hot It also said he moved Napoleon's tomb back to Vienna That's a baller move just was cut it up and ship it yeah Wow, would you ever see the video where they there's video where they moved this ship it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The mission is to take pictures. Well, yeah. Wow. Would you ever see the video where they, well, there's video where they moved this immense temple in Egypt. Oh, yeah. A period of five or a year. A man's son moved to Vienna. Oh, Jim, you know, pulling from Vienna. His son be moved to, from Vienna to live beside his father. That's what I was saying. Oh, that's kind of nice. He was very obsessed with Napoleon not doing exactly what he did, which is blow everything by trying to invade Russia. And then he just did it. And then he did it. And then he did this with Napoleon. I'll get it right. Yeah, I know. I'll do it. It's like 10 cups. I can do it. You can't you can't talk about Hitler without talking about meth and fedamines sure You can't talk about Hitler without the deck. I was literally shooting cocaine [1:027:09] Shooting him up with testosterone and cocaine get Joe a drink there, Freddie come on. He was fired up Oh That's what you be protest cool thing about Napoleon was literally kicked him off The country like put him on an island alone. He came back and was like, you guys need me. And they're like, alright. Yeah, let him back in. Let's do it one more time. That's insane. The band's getting back together. Yeah, and it worked. He's the Mary and Barry of Paris. He's a trough of Paris. He is. Oh God, I hope not because it didn't end well. Well, you think it's gonna end well for Trump, he's 78. They're already trying to put him in jail every 10 minutes. Yeah, how's the how's the how's the send it well? They keep coming for him. It's amazing. You know when they asked a little bit of like exaggeration, right? Yeah, it's like they went after such small things so many times that when I go after just the big thing is weird the whole thing is weird because as soon as you find out that they valued Mara logo at [1:028:06] 18 million dollars like oh this is a scam Well, this whole thing is you're real running them. What do you mean? They they value they were saying that he overvalued Mara logo because Mara logo He valued it like a billion dollars and the judge said it was worth 18 million which is yeah insane We were well it was a Tax thing for yeah, yeah purposes when you bought it in the 90s. Yeah, but it still doesn't make sense. Even if you say it's a historical landmark and you can't ever turn into anything else, it's insanely valuable. It's an immense property on one of the most expensive pieces of real estate in the world. Just the land alone is probably worth $50 million if not more. 18 million is like 26 acres and the place is a castle. Have you ever seen a video when they go into it and explain it's the most opulent place? I've been in there. Pull it up. That's right, you have. Well, how crazy is it? It was awesome. How'd you fuck Melania? [1:029:01] Did you fuck Melania? No, I suck Melania? No, suck while I is dick nice bro. That's the dream big male Imagine if that's the real truth I think it's gonna be do with the map. I think it's gonna prove it wrong I'm not being a very to a trans lady And then you're like hey, we're gonna offer president, but I'm gonna look hard into you and not to go on I'm out there. Those nudes are hot. Those are my talents in Norton He was on in on Trans before anyone. He was. He was. Trans got an idol. He's also the most honest about everything. Like you never get mad at him for anything. Everybody loves him no matter what. Which is a good example of like what people really care about. He was on Bert's cruise in Black Jeans and a Black T-shirt every night on the top deck and the sun. Can't not be north. He's a ratty old man. That's always weird. It really is. Well, he's new to our city to the day. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He's a fat little weasel. That was, man. Belongs in Manhattan. He's a creature of that island. Yeah. He's a creature. He's a New York creature. If he wasn't well known, you'd be like, uh, he's so funny. He's on the funny. He was so good on Kill Tony too. He said, uh, Norton looks like if he poured him [1:030:10] in any receptacle, he would just fit into it. He was fun. Oh my god. Damn, I had something. I lost him. But what were we talking about? Was it a pun before Norton Southern trans it Melania's you jack Mara logo being worth a lot of money then putting down Nude come on. Yeah, those are on his new to pretty great. They're great I didn't know she was done cuz I'm a picture of her like who's this? He's like it's your first lady Jackpot ping-ping-ping-ping- Bing we have a winner other countries do is First Lady first lady of all Who's number two? Jack the Kennedy yeah like that. Oh no that tip or goal I mean, Nelly the conversations over like Carmen Electra. Yeah, the conversation is gonna play [1:031:06] She's on a private jet That's a private jet line. I take your shoes off. You're right. She can do it Who cares now is that an expensive hooker what? Yeah, I mean a billion dollars Hi I just married a businessman. Come on, how? There's money and then he got super into the public eye. How amazing. It looks like you just farted in the eye let target and she turned around. Yeah. Look at it. Oh my, look, she's a bond villain. I mean, as much as people hate Trump now, when you go back and look at him later on, his tree when guys are on a podcast a hundred years from now talking about what a fuck it's like a man. It's a better bit autopilot. GQ. I don't think she's really flying. When guys run a five-year-old 100 years from now, they're talking about Trump. He's gonna tell like a fake guy. He is gonna tell like a fake guy. He's gonna tell like a fake guy. We had an old president who was like this like a hundred years ago. Bro, listen how crazy this motherfucker was. [1:032:07] That's true. There's a couple. All of it. There's some wild ones. But not documented like this with photographs. Yes, photos and video. Yeah. His timing. It's one of the first ones we can go back and check the exact. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can see pictures of his wife on a plane. The video's like different on the box like it. I heard him Jackson's wife was hot. And there's video of him talking like a comic. Yes, like he should be said about electric tanks. They're gonna make tanks. They're gonna be electric. They're gonna be good for the environment. And they're gonna blow the fucking shit out of everything. He said UFC fights. I mean, how many presidents are at like boxing? Man, what is this? Googly boogly. Is that Katy Perry? That's right. Don't worry about her. She looks nice. She looks nice. I love that word, Racy. Racy's hilarious. Racy. Whoa, Nelly. So he wins. He wins. And in history, when you go back and go, you have a freak vampire. No, that's a small mic. That's a tiny mic. It's a tapeworm. Who the fuck is that? [1:033:07] It's probably the artist I bet. Oh, the Fisalus. He's got to be a vampire. He has to be. Wow. That guy's high up. He's like, yeah, the photos. Yeah. Whoa. This is the nude ones. Oh, you got a fun. You know, join. Join me. Join me. You're very mean forever. Jesus. Jesus. Why is she so angry? She wins because she has to be as Baron Vaughn and he's already there. The angry like Baron Vaughn. Yeah, every time you're there and you're there. If you can conquer the angry hot one. The angry hot one is the one you want. You don't want the one that likes everybody. You're a smiley guy. Yeah, you know so mean so hot what is hard to win? Yeah, yeah the final boss and the fucking Mike Tyson punch out game Hey stormy Daniels was no no Slough stormy Daniels is pretty good. I love your truck goes. He called her horse face on Twitter as president as president Like how petty. That's like 50 cent levels of petty. I love what he goes [1:034:01] I wouldn't have sex. This is not my type as you're not my type I love what he goes I wouldn't have sex. This is not my type. You're not my type To be quite honest, you know my type I would never be with you. Yeah, he just throwing her off well there she's trying to throw him off I mean he's just getting at her like street. Right. He's like you know, I do negotiations. Yeah He's talking to you like he would talk to you on the apprentice. He's old stakes Did he really oh, yeah? Yeah, he's on stake company. I trumped the board game was a good game Remember when I was a kid it was good of course you guys got it All the money Yeah, I'm the game will teach you more at the end the winner has all the money and I take from you What was the truck university deal? The winner has all the money and I take from you. What was the truck university deal? What was that all about? It was just a Skater like you bought a truck that was like any fucking online bullshit. What was it? What would they try to do? Probably if you follow this online course, you'll be in the game. It was a good game That's the one trumpet op-alite. It was way before your princess. Yeah, it was before apprentice in your [1:035:00] Way was like early 80s look at the money truck It was always your fired in that wild. Yeah, he got it a coin or whatever Copyright it did it really you're fired. Yeah, that's an amazing time back in your fire. It's like It was offered copyright it's time. That's literally that's fucking Kenny Powers. I'm in and you're out There was a Trump pop-up store in Manhattan really complete everything Trump head to toe the whole story I mean this was like three years ago home alone too. It was great But it was all this member Bailey him with like Michael Jackson with like all these like covers of everything three years ago Three years ago Is it flattering that he wanted you to do the RNC or what what did he want that debate? I wanted me to have debate with Biden me and him and Biden. That's fun. I would love to see you do it hilarious I still fuck around a little bit. Here's the next one Here's the thing we were just talking about this because stavos was on my podcast [1:036:04] were just talking about this because Stavros was on my podcast. Stavros Stavros Stavros Stavros Stavvibaby Stavros How do you say it right? Stavros Right, but you say roast or you say Stavros Stavros Maybe, maybe if you're yeah, don't mean don't they say it like they They were stavros They don't say Stavros You think they're stavros Stavros That's better right my Santa right yeah, just a stop me stop you baby stop We we we got five rascal. He's so fucking funny man. Yeah, he's so fucking funny But we're talking about squirters and so we spent 20 minutes talking about squirters And like the very next day people were calling for me to host the Republican debate We showed the studies from the Japan Center for Erology where they They filled the woman's study in it Blatter It's just an exception I can't hear her hands on the bottom of it She's hanging these to figure out Fuck the environment Go fill all the way as we want We just got to fuck five ladies They filled her bladder out [1:037:01] The blue dye What the fuck is that? He's fingering her and she's squirting Oh that's a hand and the blue die is from the bladder Yeah, indicative that it's coming out of the bladder. God. Oh, no. That's what squirting is. Oh, no This piss I thought it was lady juice. No, whose job is as a whole the can just fucking This is a biology. It's a wild orgy. They got cameras. They got scientists Actually have sex with them. Is that how girls piss though? No, remember we figured that out wait. Yeah, it's sex with them Trump did this No, Jamie. He uses penis. No, no, they each the two of the one that are doing it to themselves The first text message me red did say that but then we look further into it itself they all found their Should have voters pay for those guys said they had the guy finger him finger [1:038:01] Get hold on it is this guy Hold on, hold on, this is boring. I can't hold on. It's hot porn, it is. This guy, you got a peanut. Senior them and the husband's were like, that's cool but don't use your dick. No, there was never a guy. Blue man group. So the guy that had sex was five of them. There was never that person. That's a fake person. That they, it was missed written and we read it wrong and we're We're now in the whole of that never happened So was that like a translation from Chinese to English? Maybe yet the way Japanese brothers do Next week in the other ones have their own like their own spouse or We So one guy fuck two ladies in this study there you go. There you go. Who's the guy? Stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud, stud I Good to have you back [1:039:09] Me with But loads back You have seen how yeah I give full credit to Shane give us I give full credit full credit I couldn't doubt you Joe. don't doubt you, Joe. We need to have a video where Kid Rock shoots the bullets back and it was gun. Ooh, low reverses. It's easy for that to put on there. Yeah, reverse it and then mean, or he blows up a gun. Make Kid Rock shock on a beer and make it Japanese Lee Squared Blue. That's Let's go now now it's making money the bad blue Blue night give me one of them Bud lights young Shafir Shafir why have you only had one I See with these That was a little juice is not Gaza that is not a hospital. You gotta be accurate. There's one of them in there [1:040:02] You gotta be accurate. Is he Jewish throwable? Twist What the fuck is this should be? This is how you get the mother ship. What the fuck is this? That actually twisted yeah nice who's the guy some guy with guns? Oh, he wraps with the beat. Yeah, I've seen these. What? Are he shoots with the beat? That is so insane. That's so, it's pretty cool. Most American thing I've ever seen. Honestly, let's not get this. In up before this downer shit about the culture wars and all that shit, dude, let's talk about how great America is, dude, that was just twist and a white dude shooting machine guns. Yeah. And like, he He's over 9-0. He's over 9-0. He can't, there'd be a legal that put you in a cage for that. To talk to a black guy. Yeah, to cage is... Well, that'll give him one of those guns. That did rule. It does rule. It does rule. Never done. It does, it does. That's not good. That's not, he's supposed to do. No, it's fun. It is fun. Yeah, but if you're in a place with a good backstop They have a like a grenade range tech nine [1:041:08] He's a man at the backstop. He's even get fun. He's vibing dude any round of boats I'd love to see the accuracy of that a bunch of them how boss is taking notes Well, he's got the open carry on the hip Do you know how many guys are like that within a five mile radius of this place? Look at the sword. What a great sound, this guy. For no reason, there's a giant sword. With me, for no reason. It's awesome. It's a perfect reason. The fuck is wrong with you. You do all the, can you do all the Christmas? What do you do all the Christmas? You do all the channel. He's the gun drummer. He's the gun drummer. Yeah, still very saddened. He's so far. What's he shooting at? You don't want to know. He should be a Jew. [1:042:00] He should have been a Jew. Yeah, I'm like a horror movie. Well, we're doing Christmas. You're gonna be on the state Harvard This is the most American videos. It's ever been made What does it say Alex Jones rants an indie folk song look at that over to the right? You've never seen that no click on that please. I'll say it pro. Yes. I love remix The source the God made. You've never seen this? Oh, no. This is wonderful. Oh, I have seen it. Yeah. I've had enough of these people in the last picture where a skull never jotted factors keeping babies alive You said in that body Ah! I'm the only one who can hold on to these people I go out and face these scones They literally call out from under eyes They're green and they're concerned And they run around screaming We love Satan, we want it, you baby [1:043:01] Ah! Ah! Ah! Do you have similar this sounds to the fucking Hamas people like I go out and see these people they're saying this in this It's all the same shit on every side big noses Yeah, oh Yeah, man, that's your great reason What's up Jamie What's the last stop? You said Yemen. Yemen. In the video. Oh, Yemen. Thank you. Those subtle ones. Mark Sneaksamoon. Is it hot in here? Oh, yeah. It's just Jamie. It's 75 degrees in here. It's all that blue piss talk. What do you mean it's not 75 degrees on his meteorol? It says it's 75 nasty Do you know the clock? Do not make people you in the given call me money? Are you guys legitimately hot? All control, but weather go down Yeah, I'm some of the juice magic. Thanks for telling me guys weather go down please. I'll handle it. Thank you. [1:044:01] Finally. But if you could, you, you, you, you, Yeah, yeah, but that's not do it You like mega hurricane his specific spot. Oh What if I hurricane what if a hurricane has to happen well? Going You could steer it England They never got England nice where would you send it to? Yeah, Potter world. Well, they ruined New Orleans. People start getting suspicious. England powered the ice. England hurricanes only hit power grids of foreign companies. Yeah, it's like weird. Look the fuck is going on. It's a bit of machinery. You imagine if they just start targeting tornadoes and shit that's actually a fucked up question you don't ask you know where if you had to pick one place to get hit with like a tornado You have to you have to be like certain Got patient has to be over a half a million people. Yeah, where do you throw it? For sure my am now do my beloved buffalo bills [1:045:00] Syracuse not bills my She's just up after yesterday. I think you take an adequate out. That's a tough I just keep it my every take hard for doubt nobody notices No, I just this happened wild. Oh, that's right a tornado hit something right what did it hit? I don't know it probably electrical part Okay, I want you to imagine if someone can control the weather yeah that's what I would do yeah if I was an evil dictator somewhere and I control the weather I would attack power grids I would you want to know how you want to know I know Jews don't control the weather I don't think Germany gets any natural disasters and if I were then I would give I give a little payback. It's a here's some fucking hail an Israel's too hard in the summer. Yeah, is it? Hale, yeah, I'd say I'm a little hail What is this Jamie? This video just came out today I had Car driving through the tornado [1:046:02] Shit man, he's like I got a psycho. What the fuck were you just go? I like his windshield Wow, we need to do it. Are you dumb? It is where's you going? He's got a run at speed Yes, the best over You got a run at jit. What do you guys go the other way? Fuck those pussy's this guy's right this guy's right. He's going the right way. You gotta go I'm on team that guy. Yeah, you gotta go any direct Pull over You want to drive over shit pull over now it's a cardigan You want a car that can fucking go over bumps? You every day. All right. There's one. It's gonna be tough to find I Got big into storm chasing videos. I'm big tornado fan. Okay There's a video this dude who brings his dad with him to a storm chase So his dad doesn't know what is how serious it is So all this like the storm chaser and his friend jump in the car and they're like oh fuck it's turning [1:047:02] We got to go the dad gets in the back. He's still like They're like, oh fuck it's turning. We gotta go. The dad gets in the back. He's still like, what? He's like, he's like, so busy. He hops in the car smiling and then he realizes everyone else is panicking and he's like, it's great. And then they get hit by like a fucking tractor. They live, they live, but like they got caught. Tournators or what? Well, they in a regular car with the tornado? I'm sure they had I don't think it was that weighted. I think it was regular. You ever seen those that are covered in iron iron? I really can't iron it. Oh wow. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, the tornado car. Yeah, yeah. They have a vehicle that's got like Yeah, it's got all around it. Yeah, it's got to be heavy. He's just scooped up just it's from hitting you mostly. Yeah, yeah, big, big chunks. Hey, bales, those giant cows. Fucking hey, bales just fly. You hit by a flying cow. Oh, Jesus. You get hit by a house. Yeah, Jamie, I don't know how to. I'm looking, I'm trying to find a, yeah, my favorite dad storm Jason. My all time favorite tornado video is this dude [1:048:01] is driving at night and it's a lightning storm. Oh, you see every time the lightning lights up You see this tornado and it's as big as a town. Yeah, and it's in the distance Wow, and you can only tell where it is It's about like Jesus Bro I love you know about Jesus dude. I love have you seen that video? Oh Jamie find that video about that fox Checking for Jesus. Watch this video. This is nuts. This guy's driving. Oh, look at that. Every time it's like, look at this size and what's the big one? That's fucking stranger things. Bro, that's a demon. That's literally, if you lived 5,000, 10,000 years ago, you would think a demon has come down to earth. Oh, yeah. 300 years ago, you go, yeah. I was thinking about that the other day, you see your boy gets struck by lightning back then. You're like, what? Did you go? Oh, he was gay. Thor got his gay. Thor got his gay. Thor got his gay. Or like you were walking with him and you were like, I hate this motherfucker. Is there lightning in him? He I got okay, I got it. I'm lighting [1:049:11] Couple guys got hit by lightning and survived like three times yeah, dude. It's one guy got hit seven Yeah, he's the world On this block I don't know what you think was wrong with that dude Yeah, I can't be co-insert maybe out of here with a good you live played No, I think he was treated no, no, no, I think this guy's documented treat a friend sanity unlike the Well, you know the Guy got hit by lightning I got a hip-by-lighting and a cute is blindness. Oh wow fun fact. He can be earned or he can get an x-ray vision. You can see your dick through your pants. Now it's a holiday speed. Now we got the holiday speed. I got a Just one more. What's your favorite Christmas song? [1:050:05] Ooh, jeez, that's a tough one. This is, I mean, I like Joy to the World by Nat King Cole. I like that. The Beatles one is pretty good. The Beatles, well, it's just Paul. Oh. The... Simply... Heavy. That's my number two. That's a solid two. Mine is James Brown. What is that? Fuck forgot the name of the rounds Christmas. Oh, it's so good. You had to have one back then next Christmas Something next Christmas bro. Why don't you Trump drive off and it's golf course to I mean 47 Number 47 on his card A lot of them know. He has the better option. It's an open person. Nah, yeah. Let's make Christmas something this year. Are we a factor? Or is it awesome? That's it. It's awesome for comedy. It's great. Yeah. It's the greatest for comedy. What? It all works. It's Trump wins. Oh, for comedy it would be great. The greatest. The great and his political comic should love it. Everybody on both sides. [1:051:05] Oh, yeah, I need I need him to win. You need him to win, buddy. You're gonna host us to know. You will. He will. He will. He will. He will. He will. He will. He will. He will. He will. He will. He will. He will. He will. He will an article on the daily wire saying that us talking about it inspired the making of it. Because I said you couldn't do it anywhere today, like make a real comedy, you would have to do it on a streaming platform, like a right wing platform, like daily wire could do it. So they fucking did it. So they went out and did some movie on trans athletes competing in, it's called Lady Ballers. I haven't seen it. Have you guys seen it? They're the major one of it. Yeah, it seems a little it's just a big fuck you and the other side where they could have just gone for just a party. We're watching the green with the stand a little bit but like two minutes of it here there. Yeah, we were talking about that but at least they went for it. Yes. So this is the thing. Yeah. So if they're willing to do that and maybe they missed the money. It's not like bending down. That's normal. Right in the comedy's hard. That's [1:052:11] the thing. Also female basketball players would rock these honkies. Yeah. Right. It's not like you got some dudes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I just played for me. I'm a person. I'm a basketball team. Yeah. I will tell you I would do surprisingly. Okay. Oh Well a bunch of young boys. No, we all figured it out. I would have been six man You can and I didn't commit fully to it. I would have been six man. They agreed are you not a bad athlete? Yeah, but I'm not greater anything. Yeah, but I would have been six men. Oh really a Would have easily yeah, well when we started Jiu Jitsu together like are he's not a bad athlete pick things up survival instinct yeah, but it's also like you you pick things up Jiu Jitsu Jiu Jitsu And what are you having the jiu-klau? [1:053:00] Yeah, that's right. He's like it's very clear. It's not Jiu. Yeah Yeah, that's right. It's very clear, it's not J.I.U. Yeah, it's the Ju Klopp. What about the Krav Maga? Is that decent? Sure. Yeah, it depends on who's teaching it. But it's a combination of all the best techniques from Kallmarsch. What if a woman's teaching it? Sure, if she's good. If she's Valentinus of Cenkko. It's like what are you teaching? You're teaching Moitai, you're teaching Jiu Jitsu, you're teaching some self-defense stuff, you know, a lot of the self-defense stuff, like you really just have to understand physical movement, like specifics, like they might not come up and you're not drilling them enough, like someone does this and then you do that, most of the time you're not gonna remember that. Is it just hitting nonstop? Hitting some nonstop, like just keep throwing, fucking throw a hamburger around and do anything, just don't stop. Chromaga, you mean? Well, I mean, for survival, they would most certainly tell you grab everything around you and hit something with it. I mean, I think everybody would say that. They grab everything. Maaah! I mean, if you're trying to fight for your life, why wouldn't you pick up that chimpanzee skull and bash somebody at the course? Just don't stop hitting. Yeah, why would you just use your feet? Your hands are, especially if you understand, like your hands are so brittle. [1:054:06] Punching people with your hands is so easy to break your hands. Your hands break so easy, especially if you're not used to punching people's hard heads, and you hit them on the forehead, your hands gonna shatter. And then you have no hand. Now you have to fight for your life with one hand and one swollen hand that hurts every time you move it. Yeah, but don't you think in the adrenaline, you don't notice that, hey? You'll notice it. You'll notice it. You'll get tired. And especially if it lasts for more than 15 or 20 seconds, then you're fucked. Because then you don't know how to sustain yourself in violent encounters. You don't know how to maintain your heart rate. You don't know how to stay calm when chaos is happening. is how you fucking full on panic if you're not used to adversity like that. If you're used to it, you could just ride the wave out where someone spazes out and then eventually they're going to be exhausted. Yeah, most people, if you're fighting them, they have a good 30 seconds in them and then they fall apart and then you could just beat them to death. Most people, most people, they're going to go nuts. But today if you're doing that man there's a real good chance like a 20 30 percent chance you're gonna run to [1:055:09] someone who could fight exactly so many guys trained today that's not so nice though you're gonna start shit because they're like this guy might know something I think they still do I think yeah they're so fucking stupid and it's all the people who don't know how to fight their start and shit yeah but yeah yeah take time a lot to talk about. You got knocked out by the bouncer. Pull it up. I have it. He was like, talk shit and then the bouncer just goes, you know what? And just punch this guy. Whoa. Did you see that rapper's security guard who fucks up this fan for no reason? Yeah. The fan comes over a young kid and they KO him and he bounces his head off the concrete. It's horrible. Why? He just ran up to the rapper because he wanted to use a fanboy. Did you wait? Did you see Bert attack that fucking guy in the Netflix golf thing? What happened? Some protesters started running on. Dude. Bert, right? He runs by Bert to get to the, she runs by Bert. I don't know if it's a he or she. I don't know. To get to like some pro golfer and versus right there, he goes, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, sharing an urgent message for Greg Maffy, F1 needs to pump the brakes on its connection to the deadly idiot. [1:056:26] I don't know what's this. I did. Okay, so Bert Christcher, so the girl runs and it was, it was live. It happened so fast. There was a video. You couldn't tell what's happening and no one could tell his Bert have. Communion Bert Christcher played the hero role during the Netflix club. He's the best. Look at him. But it seems like she had both of her hands on the sign, so it doesn't seem like she's running forward. It looks like she's standing there. She was running forward past him. Trying to find that. That's it. This is a pital. Oh my god, he took her down. He took her down lightly. Oh shit. Wow. [1:057:01] Comedian burquer. When did this happen like in the last month or so since he knows it's not what they show up here's the video this is what so security guard already getting somebody he grabbed the guy assume bird is drunk at this point oh he's always hosting I don't know he's been drinking so he ran out there yeah I didn't take it out she just went to her knees I was gonna make it a sketch he they're literally had just started the event their hotel They're calling the people out right like in for the first tea. They just said their names God all that does is make people hate pita all these rich whites are like move on There's not one person who sees that and goes I'm not eating anymore cheeseburgers Yeah, how about a joint at tournament and win at the big this is for pita that wouldn't even right That would help because he you look like a hero maybe no no but it's like now you did it they throw the people for the ethical treatment of animals is based on the animal liberation organization initially and they don't think that anyone should have pets that's talking animals yeah pita been protesting in birchrysha tackle that lady oh that was not [1:058:03] he just shows what the netflix golf Yeah, the people that were at least at the top levels of Peter They want animal liberal liberation meaning they don't want anyone to have pets Yeah, not only did I think you should really go to the treebers out Imagine my sweet boy Marshall like owner tree Imagine my sweet boy Marshall fed in for himself a little while turkey that dude He had a pound and a half or two pounds of gravel the other day I My we have chickens and someone poor the chicken feet on the gravel and they'll let the dog So he starts eating the gravel he's got a lot of chicken feet though He two pounds of gravel and they start throwing up gravel in my house I take him to the hospital and thank you people take care of him. He's fine. He's good to go Good ball today He's been fine for like over two weeks now But I was scary because I thought he was gonna have to get surgery He had gravel and his stomach and his intestines and it was in his colon and it you know He had eventually shitted out But it took a few days before it even started coming out. So they were nervous. Yeah, so they had to keep him overnight for observation. It was rough [1:059:07] Yeah, Jamie keep playing. That's my point. These people are out there fucking minds Marshall can't live in the woods Bandit a blowfish and Ecuador in a rush to the hospital later night Oh my god, we're surfing and she's even a fucking deadly fish. Oh my god. That's crazy Like a p.m. Like every every fucking vet is closed We're like we got to go to next town over We gotta go did you get but obviously saline shots Because every other one is a witch doctor for real yeah, and you're like hey, I know what to do And then you get to next one like what the guy tell you that's fucking knots Can I get the band it is awesome now you're about to bond beer. I love that dog better rolls bandit is a good dog such a fun dog bit of a coward It is a coward dog with fireworks Well, and here you you guys are gay for treating the dog that way they have like they put the dog in the back [2:0:04] I go to Arise for the Fourth of July. What? The water pitcher? Thank you. I gotta have some hydration here. Jimmy, fire that video up for. Just for background stuff. Thank you. How bad does it get? This is a go water, right? What are you talking about? No, it's gonna be goreorg some kind what is this oh boy oh I don't want to see kids oh my god kids fine I don't want to see a car crash kids are doing a rule no no see belt did you wear your safety oh the way that lady hit her head you know what's like 40 go buckle well that's the problem He's listening to podcasts right now. I know this is a protective box It's a man. I love these guys. I think I say whatever. Oh, he held it for a minute He's like it is fucked up with the dude dude. He even bothered trying to Ministers right leg his right hand he never even bothered trying to use Wow, that's one. Wow. That was bad. That wasn't bad. That's a good one. Ooh, you know what, I got a good one. I don't know if it's great for podcasting, [2:1:06] but people versus waves. Were there all looking at it? Yeah, just watch dudes get wrecked by waves. It's very fun. Like drunk guys on the beach. Just get leveled. I like where they're like, wow, look at that wave. That's great. Hey guys watch It's a quick you think caught an undertone I'm fucking no this isn't These are all so far Let me see the minor bro watch out for that I don't expect a wave compilation here we go These are great. Oh wow I could try to jump it He did it stood up the rest of these pussy's fucking felt like loans There's one there's one video out there where there's a drunk guy that keeps getting swept out it's very fun keep it swept out yeah yeah yeah I don't know is that fun yeah I'm like America fuck yeah [2:2:00] yeah yeah come on again to save your motherfucking Jews yeah we are gonna save you Yeah We are gonna save you guys don't worry we got you we need your money. Oh, we now the banks. They're like yeah Americans coming Yes, this is it. This is wonderful. Go to rock man. This is wonderful Also, I've been there those couples. No, no, no, where you're just in one For a walk out we just keeps getting one foot of water It's like quit fucking taunting the ocean He's And her eyes were up in the air he was giving into the Out one he wanted that to open some air man Get him y'all there you go. He's gonna drown He might die now if he goes under right now and goes unconscious you never find that's the thing about waves It was all the ocean he talked trash to Neptune. Oh We lost him [2:3:02] Oh Ginger now they're all fucks Now they're all sweet the leg Wow He's never getting drunk. That's a good point. It's hard to stand up brother. This is how people die Whatever the fuck is holding this camera To get 20 or he lost his pants of course he lost his pants Hey, dude get away He's going he's going That is hilarious good times oh he thought he was right his hands on his dick you're in mortal day this guy keeps getting pommel this is the never ending story this is so [2:4:01] easily solvable just face plan trying to put his shorts on oh my guys gonna put the shorts on get it though Oh my god, it stayed cool and composed the whole time that is funny Good for him wow Smart one didn't somebody die in the wave pool recently drink that pussy I'm smart one. Didn't somebody die in the wave pool recently drink that pussy. Oh Wants a while Still doing it drink it there Jamie Keys hold on America, fuck yeah Yes Yeah [2:5:05] Give me one chip here Holy shit that's cold up for a chip here Just want to do it okay, you go first I'll go second. Okay, we're gonna do the old school way I'm not no the thing that he sent the group text that it's obviously he's gonna blow up the fuck sure Not he's gonna go like this when he shout also be worried about blowing it out check out it on his girlfriend You can show that but let's. I won't do it. You know, I know you're gonna look second. I won't do it. Man, are they cold? I won't. I just cold it up until I reach. No, I know, I know, I won't. I don't know where you guys are. I'll ask. Shocks the body There you go. Jamie. Hit the song, Jumbo. Yeah, fucking. Yeah. Yeah. It's sad to work. We have to pick up the Patriot discipline at Stoom Street. No one else will do it. Come on, dude. Wow, you put that down. We're doing it. Holy shit. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. You broke. That was a fresh ear. That's a pure 10 minutes. [2:6:05] Have you ever seen Luke Holmes? No. Luke Holmes shot cut a beard? It's a thing of beauty. It's like a work of art. Really? He does it and it's a defy's time. Come on. Yeah. Yeah. Did he do it on the show? Yeah. We have a race. Oh really? Yeah, he beat me. He could have shot gun three beers. Yeah, yeah, I got really blue cards can shot gun a beer like a world champion. What am I doing wrong? I'm I'm pretty much just nothing. There's nothing. Well, he's a big guy too, but why do he does it? I mean, it's got a big hole. Oh, who's that fish in the same pond? Who's the twink that's Brian six? Sharon Sharon man. Oh, oh, it's a twink you son of a bitch It turns out Ed Sheeran might be the man. He's the man. Oh, you may be the man. All right. I'm gonna lace up a shoes Okay, watch out quick loot comb stuff. It's great. So one [2:7:02] Wow, there's some weight Oh, somebody can Jamie find me? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait? No, no. Yes, Chamber. They're just about to stop you. They're just shot gun Jews. Shotgun, catch. You said of a bitch. You hit that to Jameson. I like other guys that he's really kind of down for that guy. One. That's a lot of money. A lot of money. I'm not telling that man. Who comes? Enter the controversy, I understand. Well, you gotta think just in terms of the sheer gravity. Yeah, the beer, I'll say. Give that to Jay. And how fast can liquid come out of the key shaped hole? Jamie, get on camera for this one, brother. Jamie, go on camera. I would like a larger hole. I would like a larger hole. [2:8:01] Like a reed. I'd like my wife to have a smaller one Don't like that Tooth of the arrow itself for blade get in there. I'm give me a big hole If you get it's it's depending upon the size of the hole in the size of the body cavity We're gonna do it with you Jamie. I gotta do another one Jamie's so good at it That's a leaper no no He's a sleeper yeah Jamie gets after it. I don't know that you're an animal Jmo Jamie got it we went to Morgan, well, it's concert Jamie almost sucked Morgan, well, it's dick in front everybody All you hit on Morgan. Organ walled. Vaginal walled. That's pretty good. Well, the dick's on Oregon. Let's move. The South Park is still cooking by the way. Dude, they just had to pan diverse. Me and gay Adam, he went to. [2:9:03] Dr. Gay. So I went to uh... Dr. Gay So fuck the musical It went to Book of Mormon and it was the funniest fucking thing It was good dude It's amazing I couldn't believe how funny that shit was Is it still out? Yeah it's a Broadway still It's gone there You can also sneak in an intermission You sure watch second half People come out, have people leave Just wait till the back Wait till see no seat stay can you have a fight I got a fight with lady true story me and Adam eat it Yeah, over what? There was a drunk lady two seats away from us that wouldn't shut the fuck up the whole time Oh, no, this was actually very fine. So there was me. It was an autistic woman. She was great. I don't know if she was autistic She yeah, she's Yeah, she was autistic. She was having a lot of stuff. I'm not gonna lie. She was autistic. She was like, cheers. And then it was this drunk couple, and it was a horse of a woman. I'm talking to Big Mike. I'm talking to full Big Mike, and she was yapping. She was going, hey, I don't like this play that much. Hey, she wouldn't shut the fuck up. The artistically next to me is like, This woman is so fucking annoying. And I was like, yeah, she's pretty bad [2:010:07] And she was like, I'm gonna take the fucking elbow rest back. And I was like, do it. I support you. The elbow. This artistically fucking shoved your elbow off the arm rest. Whoa started a battle. Oh, that was a fucking little guys a strip Now we've got a fucking battle. Oh, no, right now the drunk lady won't shut the fuck up. Oh, no Shut the fuck up. Oh, you get is on my right and he's like I'm gonna say something I was like yeah dude say No, I feel well now I was like I was like we did with the whole that's the right kind of home talking about I was like for real say something Adam Ega goes like this in the middle of this thing he goes He was like I'm gonna say something I was like yeah yeah that's fine you're allowed to just be like hey be quiet right Adam goes hey you drunk giant bitch oh my god no that's so bereagated no no he's got to get his kick somewhere so then I'm like I'm like hey I'll take care [2:011:02] of this like hey you're ruining the whole second half of this show. Like, I didn't, I was being nice. I was like, hey, I know we're having fun, but you can't show us a woman. Yeah, I literally was like, hey, she's like, just yourself motherfucker. And I was like, you guys, you can just stop talking. She's like, why are you talking right now then? No, she got you. She got you. She was talking about the fuck. She got you. If you were playing ping pong. She crushed you, though, she got you. She was a bitch. She just crushed her. She got you. She was more daugher than you. I'll be honest with you guys right now. It's not a big. Hold on a second. Now let me speak. I Should I say it all right So then that's both be quiet starting now quiet I tried the quiet game with her because why are you talking to me right get one last word in and that did you say that? [2:012:02] I know you are. Yeah, I was like, let's both be quiet. I'll be quiet. You be quiet. A couple minutes later, I started talking to you. You get, she goes, she's worried. She was worried. She was worried. And I started waiting. Now I'm in. Oh, you're going to join the show? No, no. The show did not. Yeah, first half of the show I was crying laughing. Second half of the show I was, I'm gonna fight her husband right now. Yeah, yeah, where's he in all this? I know, he's a coward. He's a coward. He was being coward. He should be in that situation. He's gotten involved too many times. Well, no. Ma'am, lady, my girlfriend, my wife up. No, that's a beaten man Well, you know it's a beat man. You just take it act like you don't see it. He's got to take it He's got to take it away. You gotta go. Yo if if it was my girlfriend or wife at the time right We're done You know, of course he's already been beaten so as a beaten man. What should you do of course? [2:013:01] I'm gonna see it. I don't. There was something about her that was very hot. She was like six fucking eight. She is Christ. She fell on me. She fell on me during a press. Before the intermission, she got up to piss. Obviously she was hammered and she fell on me. And she's so sorry. I was like, that's fine. I did. I liked it a little. I said, oh, oh. I was like that's fine Some butter or a love more to love big dog. Yeah, but I can't I can't go I can't go for the big dogs Because then it's just too big dogs going as a love flesh It's not super athlete making we would have made a seven foot Giant fun we would have made a seven foot Giant fun we would have made a left tackle. No, it's more like a Mad Max Make them that's the Vikings did you guys want to show how can I be with us? That's how they did it. I've done it before I'll do it again. Yeah, that's how [2:014:01] Kees, please more keys Okay, never your keys please no more keys So what time call you looking for I'm gonna make it be I'm gonna be I'm feeling I need a broad head Flat keys I feel like the right way to do it is a broad head because you can get like a nice square hole It's exactly right with a I'm gonna next time we do this show. I'm gonna bring about arrow is that knife Jamie Don't throw it. I have a knife. Jamie do it the next time with knife next time we do it I want to actually bring an arrow. Oh, that's cool. I'll be fun shove it in What's that? What's that hold bigger? Let me say a little bigger Can I use the eagle? Yeah, I like the eagle I like you struggle. Yeah, I think you have an a bit of a comp Mine comp yeah Conflict alright, we're doing it old school boys more calm. We're doing it Luke Holmes style. Yeah, okay For Luke Marcus, no I'm waiting I'm just there you go a complex here we go on the counter 22 [2:015:02] There you go, a complice. Here we go. On the counter 22. Wait a minute. Guys, it's Christmas. It's Christmas. Merry Christmas, guys. Merry Christmas, I love you guys so much. I love you guys too. Yeah, let's go. Luke, bodfuckles. You guys are close. For sure, but here's the things. Luke first, so look at Daddy walk it away Here's the thing too This I've got something here too like it's not easy to get This way but that's what I'm saying is the the Eagles way back Yeah, yeah, the Eagles good that's empty the Eagles pure This is got to touch in here still the Eagles football team is still good This is pretty empty touch in here. So the Eagles football team is still good It's pretty I look this is pretty empty too, but look Shane look what I have to do. I'm Jalen hurts Jalen hurts is gonna be good I had to like swish it around to get the last out what I'm saying is just like the Eagles the only way to go He goes does make it a lot easier our efficient. Yeah, the Eagles the only way. It's just not as cool [2:016:03] It's right It's cooler. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's taking a knife to a can No way. This is this is fucking capitalism. This is fucking the Indian man who's not comfortable with Not the Indians waste no part of the buffalo. This is fucking This is wasting what the shotgun to waste watch watch stone by the way he was a lot Yeah, he didn't even think he takes a sip He just pours it on his chin here. Yeah, down to your guys don't cold Whatever that's a good one that's a good way that we still part of the buffalo thing. That's that's not real Really? Yeah, that's not real these are driving up dude. Oh God that glass don't move Oh my god Jesus Christ [2:017:01] The fact they see it about to happen They see the fact they see it about to happen and like oh fuck hey It's crazy that he decides to do it in the pool Chart is right on the second That's a Florida that's a Florida family You can tell it's an indoor pool. Yeah, that's the story of older parents. That is literally what separates us from the rest of the world that we can have people like that. Oh yeah. That's the guy in Stone Cold Best. Not just that, but all of it. The fucking, all of the fucking, even us watching that. Oh yeah. The madness of it all us cheering it on they get rid of them in China. Oh, yeah, you got it He's free to be a moral. That's also the best. Yes, filming that being like I mean that's literally I don't know I don't want to get too philosophical, but that's that's God dude. That's just joy. That's beauty Right, he's having fun right there [2:018:00] Everybody's having fun even though he fucked up everybody's going right we gotta drain the pool. Everybody's having fun. Even though he fucked up, everybody's going fuck. We got a drain the pool. That's still hilarious. He definitely fucked up. He definitely should have met. But though I hope he's still staring. It's definitely Florida. Look at that cage around the pool. That every floor that happens. He's gonna keep alligator's ass. He's gonna fuck the mosquitoes out. He's having a good time. That's for real like he's like, Tannock's better. It's genuinely joy. Bro, they have to keep it. They like, dude, it's the best. I get the enthusiasm, Stone Cold does it with cam. Yeah. Who gives a fuck in? Fire the, that's more, that's more Stone Cold than actual Stone Cold. 100% That's a real rattlesnake. Yeah, that's a real There's no medical team waiting for him backstage. Nothing. This is going to be cool. Woo! Woo! Yeah. Everyone's filming going, oh my god. Damn it, he fucked up. Damn it. Bro, Florida is so wild. Florida is wild. That's what it is for. Florida is beast, dude. That's a beast. Florida is the craziest place. It's awesome. [2:019:00] It's crazy than Texas. It's next level crazy. When Texas falls, I will have to move to Florida. Some modes live in central Florida, which is like not even big city. It's all weird farmers and the movements slowly. Really? Like in between Orlando. In between. The move is to live in the Everglades if you can. Jeez. Those are wild people. Changes are sitting on a stool. That's the move should you if you have to move to if there's a way to live as close to the everglades as is legally possible that's where you should live you should live on top of the literal literal serpents and so on that occupied center of the dick of the country that's the thing I I'm telling you, it's too cold and you can die outside. And there's no one there. You've managed the monsters. Least populated state. But if you want to have fun, if you really want to have fun, you got to be in mortal danger almost every day. New York's New York's Greatest in the world. Almost every day. [2:020:00] This is what you do when all goes south you get a place that's surrounded by alligators and Little poop giant pythons But those gators end up in your pool and it's 114 degrees in the summer and you think you might run out of water And I don't know have you guys watch this guy we've talked about this guy before Which guy this is a guy that Kim Conan brought up that I couldn't find fishing fishing with Garrett. He's so good dude Goes and swamp up. He's oh, yeah, yeah, we did. We had a Python cowboy on the podcast. We talked about like finding pythons in Florida. I see. That's man, he's got dogs now. That was a good game. And the dogs are trained. He does. Python cowboy. It does. You know who Python cowboys nicknames who what we show about I should see it Big Mike Is pretty good [2:021:01] Something about Python that's a great word Python Do you know there's a half a million of them estimated in the Everglades? That's what that guy does Gary. Oh, yeah, he goes around grabs pythons Shit low those dudes Paul's that they're shooting iguanas iguanas are everywhere Oh, it's amazing. You did by the way miss they have a shoot on site order for Nile crocodiles in the Everglades. Yeah, the like deer. There's too many. Apparently, no, no, mostly alligators, but they've spotted African Nile crocodile. The ones that eat zebras. They're all up in the sky. The ones that eat people. They eat everything. They eat everything. They eat everything. And they think there might be a breeding population They can't They can't We got killed it. It's amazing the same shit that happened with pythons will happen with crocodiles if they get a breeding Regulations, they'll start going and sober what they are is like Marshall [2:022:01] Marshall's an alligator a crocodile is my dog Frank. Do you remember Frank the pit bull? Frank? I don't know. Well, he was a psycho. Yeah, he was a, he was a dog. It growled at me and I'd be like, I'm too, too. If I could come out of here. He just like, he like had to run shit. Like he had a, it was a weird thing. It was a good dog, but he like he had to be the guy. He never did right. He would have sit there and go. If he thought you were a pussy, he'd be a fucking corner of you. I was a pussy. I had like, Joe, get him away from me. If he thought you were nervous, he would corner you. He just didn't trust people in the house. He was a crazy dog, but that's what a crocodile's like. Yeah. It's a totally different animal than an alligator. There's a video of this tank filled with alligators and crocodiles, and they start feeding the alligators and the crocodiles. And the crocodiles just stomp on the alligator. Yeah. And get to the food. Whoa. They get to the food real quick. Joe's fired up. It's a totally different thing. [2:023:02] When you watch them, you go, oh, they evolve differently. They evolve with lions. They evolve with zebras and wildebeest and water buffaloes and shit. Now crocodiles are like five times the size of a... They get, so watch this. This dude's feeding them. Wow. Brrrr. So the story is they put Moses's casket in that, This dude's feeding them The story is they put Moses's casket in that a little basket with a baby Need some car mix. Oh my god, that's scary. I'll see you with a shark is bro. Those are all real live dinosaurs real live ancient creatures that didn't need to evolve. They had a good mixture of survival, and numbers. What? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That would be a racist, sorry. I'll take it back. This is my favorite. This is Alc, this croc bites us, other crocs leg off. [2:024:01] And the other one doesn't even flinch. And they swallows it. Watch this. Gold, swallows it, watch this. Goal, goal, goal. What the fuck? Yeah, bro, that's what's in the fucking Everglades. And, man. Some of those motherfuckers are in the Everglades. They've spotted, see if you can find that. Cause I know I might have talked about this before, but if those things get to a breeding population, they just dominate the Everglades. It's not like an alligator where it's okay to walk across a golf course. That thing will fuck you up. It will chase you. If it's on Reel, it'll chase you. You ever hear a real talk by R. Kelly? Yeah. Yeah. There's literally already a clip with 2.8 million views. Janile Crocodile's a part of Joe Rogan. No. No. I can Literally already equipped with 2.8 million views to now crack out the part of Joe Rogan's Can help myself That's not type in just ever I'm fucking terrified of that if it's true. You know he's not scared of Crocodiles, but don't google that Google whether or not we all know they're destroyed by pipe. Oh, well that's just came [2:025:03] No fight alligator. Yeah, it's laughing the face. No, it works. Well, no, no, no. I'm not gonna let you have that. You're not gonna let me have that. You're not gonna let me have that. You're not gonna let me have that. You're not gonna let me have that. You're not gonna let me have that. You're not gonna let me have that. You're not gonna let me have that. You're not gonna let me have that. You're not gonna let me have that. Sitting there they come up to this store just call One of my one of my favorite things me and soda ever joke the first like right one me and soda met it was our favorite thing That's all worked bitch ass little alligator Well, there's a big ones. There's a big one. I was just fucking around That's so crazy look at that monster. That's a cute kid. Look at the face on that thing Jesus Christ Look at that. Look at that. That's so crazy. Look at that monster. That's a cute kid. Look at the face on that thing. Jesus Christ. Imagine that looking at you. Imagine your naked and your dick is like two feet away from that thing. How much fear would be going through your mind? They're both like, what do we do here? Imagine you're on the shore. I want that. [2:026:00] I want you to picture this on the shore and you're just banging your wife and you didn't realize oh That thing was right there. You look over Put a bunch of food on the they set that up they put a bunch of food down there. But the cats not scared at all No, why would I go for the cat? Fuck you two that cats are too fast for that. They're very fast You I see cat. There's a thing I don't think it cucumbers hold on hold on. Oh, that was a great I think I'm nuts. There's a cat cat cats have like faster reflexes than snakes. Oh, it's like that was a great When it comes close to it the cat like goes away But you know my favorite videos are You know my favorite videos of cats are is crows influence them to fight each other. Yeah The trover smart like a kid. Yeah, they're smart like a human kid like a six-year-old [2:027:00] Yeah, they come on a smart-year punk They fuck with the cheese cuts the Ties one cat and they fly over and tease the other cat the cats are opposite rooftops They start meowing each other Curls are up in a wire zone look at these ideas. Yeah Pretty great and then they fucking leap over and fight each other and the crow is watching we falls on the entire time Another one this is different. This is totally different. Look Rose like to instigate cats man Really yeah, so these two cats are facing off of each other the crow's like fight pussy They get close enough so that they annoy the cat But this is like my... See, look they watch! Look at this shit! This is amazing! Man, crows are good. Crows like it! Wow. It's like when people like watching people fight. Yeah. Like, crows are enjoying this. This is like you and Kormie, like doing their commentary. It really is. [2:028:01] Look at this is hilarious. Crows are so fucking smart, man. It fucks up this whole idea that the only way could be smart is if you have a big brain. Crows fuck that up. Yeah. Because they think this is my favorite video. This crew comes over and he just subtly fucks with his cat. And then he flies over to the other side. And he flies back and forth and he keeps fucking with these cats. He gets close enough to irritate them and he pecs at their asses and shit. What? It's a proof. The looking gets behind him. He gets behind him and he fucks with him. Look at him. These kids. He's the same two cats as it. No, no, no, no. He's too fine to be the same crow. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, fills up the water to get the food. Yeah, that's amazing. Are they dropping nuts on front of a car? [2:029:25] So they like roll over the crack open the nuts. They crack open the nuts. You know what I have to do? Cast fight.