4 years ago
15 appearances
Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: This is Your Country," is available on Netflix. www.timdilloncomedy.com
6 appearances
Kyle Kulinski is a political activist and commentator. He's the host of “Secular Talk" on Youtube and co-hosts "Krystal Kyle & Friends" with Krystal Ball on Substack. https://www.youtube.com/user/SecularTalk https://krystalkyleandfriends.substack.com
Should we wrap this up? I mean, listen, I don't think we're gonna know. I mean, Trump won and then he lost in this podcast. I don't think we're gonna know, Joe. We'll never know. Yeah. We may never know. People are gonna be mad at both of you guys for not voting and me for voting in an irrelevant way. Joe Jorgensen. Listen, I did what I had to do. I was going to vote. I thought about it and I looked at the people doing it and they said, I don't want to be associated with them. So listen, I just want to reiterate this before we finish, even though I said it about 78 times tonight. But we have the list of the states, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia. They don't count the mail-in ballots as they come in. So they're counting all the votes from today, which are going to skew pro Trump. And then after they count the mail-in votes, which skew pro Biden. Can we see the states again? So those states, I think, are in play. Now, let me ask you this. Is there a path where if Trump wins Pennsylvania, where he could still lose the election? Let me see the map. Let's see if he were if Trump were to win Pennsylvania and he wins Ohio and he wins Florida. See his problem is he's not going to win Wisconsin and Michigan. I think he might eke out to 278 if he gets. Yeah, if he gets North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, I think that might get him there. But I don't know where he could win or excuse me, Biden could win without getting Pennsylvania, but it would give him 270 exactly, which is like a tough way. What would that map be? I'm trying to I can't I can't check the tweet because you guys are I have to get rid of that. Two seven. Okay. When one listen to nine, it really adds up right now. It really all rides on Pennsylvania because I'll tell you what Michigan and Wisconsin are not going to stay pro Trump. They're a hundred percent flipping a Biden because he's up like eight to ten points there in the polls and we haven't counted the mail-ins yet. So Wisconsin and Michigan are gone for Biden for sure. So it's going to come down to Pennsylvania. Dum dum and Arizona to a little bit, but it looks like Biden's going to hang on there, which is kind of surprising. Which he's winning it. That's what I'm saying. Comes down to PA. Arizona is another fucking state where the Californians fled to. They all went to Phoenix and Tucson, but it's more old suburban retirees. Yeah, I mean, we're not going to know until tomorrow. I think I saw this. Okay, let me just scroll down. Let me see the next factor. If Michigan and Wisconsin, scroll back up. I agree that Michigan and Wisconsin go to Biden as the candidates of campaigns have expected then Pennsylvania takes center stage, right? Not necessarily. Biden could lose Pennsylvania and still win the presidency if he wins Arizona plus Maine to Nebraska to he's not going to win. No, it's split those two. No, no, no. Maine second district. That's not the same as Maine. Oh, it's actually much more likely would be 270 on the nose. Interesting. Yeah, but I think it's going to come down to Pennsylvania. Wow. What a tight race. Is it tight? You think Trump's not going to raise fucking hell if he's got 268. Trump's not going to let that shit go. He's going to be like, what can he do? Supreme Court. He'll say fucking fraudulent this. That's fake. This isn't real. That's where it gets ugly, right? That's what we have a real problem in this country. Yeah, well, it goes to the Supreme Court. Remember those people that tried to knock the Biden bus off the road? Yes. Yeah. Imagine how they're going to react if they think the Democrats are going to try to steal it. That was a bunch of shit that was happening. I don't know if you saw the violence in North Carolina today where people were trying to block the polls. There was a lot of chaos and police were pepper spraying people at the polls. Today's. Yeah, it didn't look good. Doesn't look good. It looked awful. It's like, God damn it. This is voting. Is there a shot that we don't know the answer tomorrow? Yes, there's a very good job. We don't know the answer tomorrow because it might take a while. What do you think if you had to guess if I had to guess I think it looks relatively close. I'd say three days. Maybe we might know the answer. So the weekend. I'll tell you right now. Flying the fuck out. Yeah, you're getting out under the wire. I'm getting out tomorrow at 6 30 a.m. Yeah, perfect. Smart. Go right back to the desert pack your shit. Get ready to move here. Yeah, it's coming. Not immediately. It's coming. We'll see. It's coming. I got to see this. Michael blue. Look at this. We'll see. No, I think I think Trump's. There's a potential. It's probably very hard, but a potential tie of 269 each. It's like to get okay. That would be so good for the country. Then they're like, no, then they slug it out. Yeah, they fight dual to as if there was a way to tell you that comes out of the basement. Why? Yeah, they climb in and duke it out with those fucking on. It was there was only a 4% chance. It would end like that. And it seems like that might happen. You know, what happens in what in case of a tie? Yeah, they revote like goes to Congress. Hold on. Let me look because this says that the this is from 538 who is everyone's favorite account today because the polls, but it says in that case Biden would need to carry either Nebraska or Maine second congressional district to win. And I don't know why those two specifically. I'm going to look I actually don't know what happens if it's a tie and I'm going to look now. Does Nancy Pelosi default or something? In the United States, a contingent election is the procedure used to elect the president or vice president in the event that no candidate for one or both of these offices wins an absolute majority of votes in the electoral college. A contingent election for the president is decided by a vote of the United States House of Representatives. Congress decides while a contingent election for the president for the vice president is decided by the vote of the United States Senate. Oh my God, that's interesting because that would mean the Democrats in the House would pick Biden to be president and then the Republicans in the Senate would pick a Republican to be vice president. And then what the Supreme Court picks to the default that doesn't go further. During a contingent election, each House state delegation casts one vote to determine the president rather than a vote from each representative. Senators instead cast votes individually for vice president. The contingent election process was first established in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. It was subsequently modified by the 12th Amendment in 1804. The phrase contingent election is not found in the text of the Constitution itself, but has been used to describe the procedure since at least 1823. Wait, so I just read over that real quick and you kind of glossed over. It says that the president and vice president are indirectly elected. So that means they pick them. They each are picked separately. Right, that's what I just said. I don't know. I know it's going so fast. It's a very bad system. I said you have the Congress picks the president and then it's the Senate that picks the vice president. The Senate is Republican right now and Congress is Democratic right now. She would have a Democrat at the top of the ticket and a Republican at the bottom of the ticket. I think you'll have a winner. I think it's just going to be a comparison. Somebody's going to win. Somebody's going to win these things. I think it's going to all come down to Pennsylvania and I still think it's very likely Biden wins Pennsylvania because they got to count all the mail-in ballots and they're overwhelmingly Biden. But but I will say this listen if if Biden wins this election and he's got less than 300 electoral votes yet again Trump outperformed the polls. He absolutely outperformed the polls because all the polls coming into today if you just copied and pasted it would have been Biden 351 electoral votes. So that means Trump outperformed the polls yet again if Biden only wins with like 278 or some shit. So in Pennsylvania in the mail-in votes like how carefully are those going to be monitored like the counting of them. This could get really weird. It can get really weird. It can get really ugly. We know Trump is probably already going to try to downplay them and get them dismissed. The Republicans are literally they're doing lawsuits in certain states to try to get the ballots dismissed. 70% of the state voting absentee covid covid a lot of states have been doing it like that where people don't want to show up to the polls. Seems odd to me because you can go to the grocery store. You can go somewhere else. I don't know why you can't pull a lever. Yeah, that seems odd. Seems odd. There are there going to be lawsuits where they try to throw them out. You won't finish counting absentee ballots till Friday at the earliest. They're busy dealing with Tuesdays in-person voting. Wow Friday. That's nuts. So here we are on Tuesday Wednesday. Third and then Friday. See three days like I said, oh my god. Wow. When Pennsylvania approved so-called no excuse absentee mail ballots last fall, meaning any voter can request one without citing a reason. The law didn't allow officials to begin canvassing mail ballots until polls close on election night. According to Lisa Shaver, the executive director of the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania. By the way, if Biden loses, the Democrats will immediately blame the voters as if the voters let him down. Not that he wasn't a good enough candidate. Because this is exactly what happened in 2016. They immediately started blaming the voters. Yeah, well, they're going to be bitter. You know, when they lose, they blame all kinds of fucking other things other than their own performance. Well, hey, we have a few filet of fish. Yeah, we tried. We had a few laughs. If people think that we weren't taking things seriously, you're right. That's what we're doing. That's exactly what we're here for. Correct. This is not a serious election show. But thank you, gentlemen. It was a lot of fun. That was a lot of fun indeed. Thank you for coming and explaining things to us. My pleasure. That's like you're welcome. Inform. No, that guy. Thank you for mocking our system. Thank you, Jamie, for being a big Snopes fan. Appreciate that shell. Jamie's, he's a COVID survivor. Give him some respect. I know I kind of shimmied away from him when I saw him at the door. I was like, are you good, bro? He's got the antibodies. He's the most safe person in this fucking room. That's right. He's coughing his mouth and he's brushing right off. All right. Well, that's it. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning in. I hope I didn't disappoint you too terribly. Hope you're not mad at me for voting for someone to get with. Good luck and enjoy the riots. I hope you're not mad at Tim Dillon and Kyle Kalinsky not voting at all. Yeah, chaos. It's going to be chaos coming up in the next few days. Yeah, I hope I really think it is. Well, I hope we can get through this as a country and and well, listen on the bright side, more people voted than ever. Thank you. I think we're aware now. That's a great point. The importance of voting. Thank you. Tim Dillon show on YouTube. Good luck. Tim Dillon has a great show. You can watch his podcast. Second talk on YouTube. Yeah. Well, that's I was going to get to that eventually. I was going to cut you off. Talk over Tim Dillon's plug. We're New Yorkers. This is what we do. Tim Dillon also is on the road. He's hitting the road again. Starting to do a lot of gigs. Yeah, we're trying. We're seeing the cutting capacity. We're rescheduling some stuff, but we're going to win this fight through. It's a Chicago show. They're just killing them left. And then they're also like going like, hey, some of these clubs like how about doing 24 shows and said I'm like, no, no, no, let's wait two months. So we'll say well, thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Bye everybody. Episodes of the Joe Rogan experience are now free on Spotify. That's right. They're free from September 1st to December 1st. They're going to be available everywhere. But after December 1st, they will only be available on Spotify, but they will be free. That includes the video. The video will also be there. It'll also be free. That's all we're asking. Just go download Spotify. Much love. Bye-bye.