5 years ago
3 appearances
Nikki Glaser is an American stand-up comedian, podcast host, and television host. Look for her podcast "You Up with Nikki Glaser" available on Spotify.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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You have to find someone first of all that's going to be able to deal with the fact that you're a comic. Right? Yeah. Unless you're dating other comics. Which I am. Well that's good, I guess. Yeah, everyone's like don't do that. I'm like well how am I not going to? Tom Segura and Christina Pazitzky, one of the best couples at Moshikasher and Natasha Lajero, great couple. Bonnie and Rich? Yes, great couple. Great couple. It's possible. And obviously they're people that are going to understand you. Yes. And understand what you do. Like a regular dude is going to have a problem with you being the funny one. Like a lot of dudes have a problem. You know? But some people are fine with it. Like Eliza, Eliza's husband, he's a chef. He's super chill. He's great. That guy's awesome. I know, he really is. But he's so chill, he just like hangs. Like it's a perfect compliment to her personality. Because she's so brash and outrageous and you know and she's so powerful and he's this like mellow dude, you know, was like hanging out and you know, it's like they work together. He's not a weak man. He's just calm, you know? And they work together. Right. Like you got to find someone like that. You got to find someone who compliments your personality in a way. Yeah. But it's just like I don't know how you meet someone like that when you're a girl comedian. I think women comedians, it's a unique requirement that you have for other people. Because the thing where men always want to be the center of attention, right? The man wants to be the alpha. They want to be the one who's talking. Like clink, clink, clink. Ladies and gentlemen, you know, Bob's going to give a toast. Like you want to be that asshole. And when you got a wife or a girlfriend who's a fucking way funnier than you, not only is she funnier than you, she's fucking funny professionally. Yeah. I'm funnier than everyone that isn't a comic and then a lot of comics. It's like it's people are like, you need a comedian. I'm like, I'll be funnier than them too. It's hard. It's hard. It is hard. And you're so right about that. Like I see how much pussy men get thrown at them doing stand up because even I get wet for stand ups. Like I know the tricks and I'll be watching a guy with like killing. There's there's so much attraction when you see an audience all like watching this dude on stage and he's commanding them with laughter and telling, you know, controlling their emotions. You just get wet for it. Cause you're like, he's it's cave woman brain. It's like, he's our tribe leader. Right. Right. He's the leader. I need to fuck him. He's going to protect me during war time. Like that's the difference between men and women because men don't get that when a woman talks. Oh, shut up. Go knit something. Yeah. Who's this bitch up there talking to you in the kitchen? Yeah. I remember Theo Vaughn telling me recently, he was like, I hated your comedy. And I'm like, what? Why? Because I'm not like you when you and I go, well, I've always been funny. So I don't understand. And you're coming. You're funny. So you funny knows funny. He's like, it wasn't that it was just like your voice like reminded me of like my mom or something is just my mom's always yelling at me. And I was like, there it is. He even was like, I can't believe I'm saying this to you. And I was like, I like it because yes, we remind you of your mom's female comics. If you've had an overbearing mom telling you like it is what it is all the time, I would be like, shut the fuck up, ladies. I would hate female comics if I had an overbearing mother. So I empathize with that. Theo is so crazy. So fucking crazy. So crazy. He's funny, though. He's just so ridiculous. He is so funny. Well, he's so funny. Like he's so Theo. Like, I don't know anybody that has his style even remote. His style is so uniquely him. It's so hard to be that unique. And you watch him and you're like, yeah, this isn't cultivated. This isn't. It's just who he is, how he was able to. That's not easy to do is be as funny as you are with your friends on stage. And he's worked really hard at it. And he's just nailed it.