What Kevin Hart Said When He Met Jeff Bezos


4 years ago



Kevin Hart

2 appearances

Kevin Hart is a comedian, actor and producer. His new audiobook "The Decision: Overcoming Today's BS for Tomorrow's Success" is available now on Audible.


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What was the motivation to do this? Was there one thing or was there, was it a build up? Me being, me being one of the only black guys in our entertainment space because there's a handful of us that get to look behind the curtain. There's a curtain, there's another room and there's a curtain and in that room is some shit. You're like, goddamn, I didn't know y'all was fucking doing this back here. I didn't know y'all was getting this type of money back here. Y'all been doing this for how long? This is how it happens. There's a room that you get in and the information and understanding that comes in it. It's unreal the stuff that you start to discover, but it's a discovery. It's a discovery. You got to stumble upon this treasure of information and discovery. If you don't, maybe you're in the right environment and you hear some stuff and you can ask some questions, but nine times out of 10, it's not offered. It's a search and find. When I was constantly in those situations and I found myself saying, so how, but why? Well, then what did you do? Damn, after that, then what? What the fuck did you, how did that even work? I was in a room with Jeff Bezos and Robert Kraft. This was the Patriots that won the Super Bowl and we're in like this little private room after. And Tom Brady is like giving a speech thinking Robert for all. Robert thinks Tom and I'm with my wife and a friend and Jeff Bezos walks in. My friend go, they go, Jeff Bezos. I said, oh shit, I'm going to say what's up. I said, that's a motherfucker. I would love to pick his brain. That's an interesting individual. No, don't do that. What do you mean? Don't do that. Who said don't do that? My friend. No, no, no, no, no. Why are you talking about? Why are you going to do that? Kevin's a room full of people don't look like the dude is thirsty. Thirsty for what? For fucking information, dickface. We got to like, who got to like a little fucking spat for what? Fucking information. I want to fucking say, hey, I want to see my face. I want to ask him some questions. I ain't going to see this man no more. I don't know him. We're not on a phone number, the phone number basis. I'm going to say what's up to him. I can't do you. I'm just saying, and this environment is chill. It's relaxed and that shit start to click to me. That's the problem. Everybody's too cool. Everybody's too fucking cool. Right. Everybody wants you to think that they know you don't know. You don't know shit. We don't know shit. This one Jeff Bezos. This fucking one. He's right there. Almost trillionaire. Hey, Jeff. Come here, man. Hey, man. First of all, explain a trillion to me. What is that? How many zero? What is that? First of all, do you know how excited he must be to talk to you too? Who knows? I'm a fucking find out. I'm a fucking find out. You know what I did, Joe? What? Hey, man, I'll be right back, babe. Come on. Took my wife with me. Hey, Jeff, I'm Kevin Hart. How you doing, man? Hey, Kevin. How are you? Jeff, this is my wife, Eniko. Hey, hey, man. I admire you. I don't fucking know anything about that world and death, but I admire you. I admire you for being a guy that fucking created and accomplished some shit. That is a phenomenon. I want to shake your hand. I would love to talk one day. Kev, amen. Good meeting you. Quite sure we'll bump past one day. Hey, if we do it, don't you gonna remember this? I just want to tell you, I admire you. I don't need shit. I'm not asking for anything, but what I did, I set myself up for another conversation for when I got the opportunity. You're talking here, but I'm gonna come over, man. I admire you. I want to fucking ask you a bunch of questions about this Amazon shit and ask you how you came up with it. I don't think this is the time of place, but I want you to see my face. Have you ever seen the photo of him sitting at his desk and there's a banner behind him, a plastic nylon, like hanging banner that says Amazon.com? Jesus Christ. It's in like the 1990s when people were like, what the fuck you doing selling books on the internet and this is a shitty looking Ikea desk. Look at this. Look at him. This is him here. Look at this. Amazon.com. And marker. Yeah. It looks like spray paint. Spray paint. Look at this shit here. Look at that shitty bullshit desk, that dorky looking dude. Look at the cords. Yeah. Now he's off buff and jacked and shit. Jesus. Now he's a savage. It's basically conquering the business world. Richest man. Well, richest man publicly. I think there's a bunch of them oil billionaire. Yeah. That's got some, that's got some shit too. They don't have to shut up. They don't want to say anything. Yeah. Either way, I was in a room with that man. Yeah. I didn't, there wasn't a level of cool that I had that, that would keep me from just going and saying hello or asking a question for that matter. Right. And it's being in those spaces that intrigued the thought. I was like, dude, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do my part. I'm gonna do my part and say it. I'm gonna say, hey, when it comes to producing and production, here's what I've done, here's the walls that I've hit and here's where it's really hurt me. But here's what I learned. And here's why I do it this way. My ambition is fueled from possibility. I'm giving you all this shit. I'm giving you all this shit. What am I doing? I'm gonna die and take it with me. Yeah. I'm gonna keep it in the coffin with me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. Yeah. I'm gonna fucking give it. Well, also the possibility that some young kid could listen to this audio thing, listen to you talk about these things and then one day succeed and run into you the same way you ran into Jeff Bezos. Oh my God. Running you Kevin Hart. Oh my God. I got to tell you, I got where I am because I listened. I listened to you talk about your life. I listened to you talk about your fuckups and that you made me feel like you're human. Like I thought you were just Kevin Hart. Like when people see you, you're Kevin Hart. You're walking the red carpet. You're in Jumanji. You're all over the place. Fucking comedy specials for 50,000 people in arenas and shit. People don't know that you're a human. You don't seem like a human because you're not like a human that they know. But when you talk and you talk about your life and some kid might just get a spark off of that and blow that spark, make that ember flame up and take over. And next thing you know, you're running into that person. It's a mother Super Bowl party. I can't even do. I can't even tell you that's the, that's me. That's, that's what it's about. Yes. Yeah. That's what it's about. You're offering fuel. That's, that's, that's as strong as anything else. Yeah. And that's gonna, it's gonna impact some people. You know, there's going to be people that don't have room for it. Right. They're all closed up. It's a, you know, this like a cup. There's no room in their cup. They're full of their own shit. And it's not going to get in there. There's other people, they're going to have a spot for you. They're going to have a spot and you're going to, you're going to make that engine better. You're going to make the whole engine of their life better. There's, there's things that I think about all the time when I'm working out or when I'm tired or I think about inspirational things that people have said. And they, they get me through the shift. It shifts. My mind. Steals me up. Makes me, makes me think about things in a different way. And I can accomplish more because of those thoughts. I can accomplish more because of that energy that some person, and you did that to me, man, you did that to me the last time we had a conversation. I remember leaving our conversation going, that motherfuckers motivational. And I got a lot of text messages from a lot of friends and a lot of people go, that was a great one. But it was the, the, there was a shift. Like when, when, when someone is really getting after it in their life and you're around them, there's a shift in your own life. And this, this, it's a tangible thing. It's like, if you could see it on a meter, you know, it's almost like, your meter goes up and you feel it, but you don't, you don't quantify, you don't, it's not something you put on a scale. It's not something you'd see on a meter, but it's real and you got to believe it's real and know it's real. And when you're doing this, when you're putting out this audio book and even these conversations that you put out, that when you people know what you've accomplished and you put these conversations out, it resonates, man. It's so valuable.