This Massive Freak Squid Was Caught on an Oil Rig Camera


5 years ago



Forrest Galante

3 appearances

Forrest Galante is an international wildlife adventurer, conservationist, author of "Still Alive: A Wild Life of Rediscovery" and host on Discovery Channel.


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It's an endless source of fascination. Like, wildlife documentaries to me are just truly an endless source of fascination. I mean, preaching to the choir, but yeah, I think they're phenomenal. There's just so much we can learn, and it's more than just what we learned, oh, that's cool, that's a nice fact about an octopus. But, you know, we took how we shaped jets off of the shape of birds. We've taken so much inspiration from nature into our everyday lives. Look at this. Look at this. Squid skin. Squid skin. So, squid or ch- oh my god. That's crazy looking. It's like a television. Like, the pixels on a television. I didn't know squid could do that too. Whoa! This is so weird. Oh, god. Look at that. They're so strange. Such a strange, strange animal. Well, the ocean is so bizarre in and of itself. There's just so many weird creatures in the ocean. It's such an alien environment to us as terrestrial mammals. Do you remember when the tsunami hit Thailand, and then there was all these animals that they were finding that they had never really seen before? Washed up on the shores. I remember that, yeah. Yeah, and they were documenting them. There was a whole website dedicated to tsunami deep sea creatures. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, it was really crazy. Like, some of these things that are living a fucking mile down under the earth, and you're like, what are you? And they- I forget what the number was, but they got like 30 or 40 new species or something crazy like that, literally like combing through the streets of the cities where the tsunami had hit. God. Yeah. Is that a richer source of bio-resources of the ocean, of biodiversity, I should say? The ocean than earth? Oh, there's more life in the ocean than on terrestrial land, for sure. Yeah. You mean is there more diversity in general? Yeah, more weirdness. Oh, yeah, there's way more. I guess it depends how you define weirdness, but like, look at an octopus, look at a cuttlefish, you know, look at those deep sea creatures, crabs, and all the way into the marine mammals and all the way down to the tiny little insects or isopods that live in the ocean. I think the ocean creatures are very bizarre. How about those giant squid that they found on that oil tanker? Mm-hmm. They had a camera down there. Yeah, and they saw that one come through. 100% giant squid with the crazy like crab legs. Yep. Can you see that one? The crab legs, maybe not. Never see that one? But the crab legs? Yeah. Is he walking along the bottom? No, it's got like, it looks like it has appendages. What? Like with the joints. Yeah. Haven't seen that one. Oh my God. Oh, I'm going to show you something else. I'm learning a lot today. I like this. Crazy alien-looking squid. What's up? I just found the thing about those pictures. They've been gone around multiple times after tsunamis. Apparently, they don't have anything to do with the tsunami. They are just, they are real photographs of real strange sea creatures. They just didn't wash up on shore after tsunami. What about the thing that you had saw? That's what I was heard. 2004 and 2011, same photos. Oh, so people are bullshitting. Maybe. So it's like a- Russians. I blame the Russians. Go to pull up that alien squid discovered near oil rig. So they had a camera deep under this oil rig and they spotted this thing with these insane long appendages. Look at this. Oh, whoa. Yeah, that's different. I thought, that's not what I thought you were talking about. Look at the fucking length of those, what are those things that dangle from it? What do you, what'd you call those things? Tentacles, legs? Tentacles, legs? What is it? But look at the legs on it. It has like an insect. That's very bizarre. See how they have like very obvious bends. Video courtesy of Shell Oil Company doing a good job for nature. Yeah, right. They see the deep, there's another one? Is that another image of it? But look how weird it is. It has like clear bends. Like when you see that thing underwater floating around like that, like that looks like an alien. Totally, totally. That is our exact kind of depiction of what an alien species is. Go to that green one right next to it and then look at that. Like look at that thing. It's crazy. I mean if you saw that underwater you would shit your pants. 100%. 100%. And it's 100 feet. Yeah. It's huge. It's nuts. I mean is it that big? How big they say it was? Am I making that up? Didn't they say the tentacles go crazy long? It looks like it. Yeah, they said the thing was enormous but that the length of the actual tentacles, whatever the fuck it is, was really long. So strange. And this, before they got this video footage of it, they didn't even know something like this was real. And there's like a lot of those where you get these deep sea cameras and you're like oh there's a species we haven't ever documented before. So it's in the Gulf of Mexico. They caught it at a depth of 7,800 feet but they, does it say how big they think it is? You could just type in that magna pina squid size. Big, big, look at how fucking, just how weird it looked. The way that the head of it sort of pulsates and moves with the waves. It's like a Steven Spielberg creation. Yeah, there's that and then there's also a puppy. Right. That's how diverse life is. Okay, the length is up to 15 to 20 times the mantle. 26 feet. 26 feet. Okay, that's pretty big. Or more. Or more. Well giant octopuses too, right? Squids were thought to be bullshit until like fairly recently, right? Correct. Yeah, I don't know when specifically but they found a few that have washed up and then they got some, they got some actual footage of some, that's what I thought you were talking about on some rigs. Which is just crazy. What about octopi? What's the largest of the octopi? The giant Pacific octopus. So the species that you saw attacking that eagle, that's not a huge one but as far as, as far as I know that's the largest one. Look at the fucker. Yeah. Look at that thing. Giant squid. It's a big cephalopod. Giant squid, yeah. Wow. That thing's huge. That looks like it's more than 28 feet. Can you stretch that bitch out? No, those ones, those ones are, those ones are like 100 plus feet. Okay, that's what I'm thinking about. The giant squid, yeah. 100 plus feet. They can get up to that. Yeah. That is so nuts. Isn't it? A hundred foot jelly creature, you know? And you know what's interesting is sperm whales will leave the surface of the ocean and dive down to their depths to hunt those. Geez, that's delicious. That's what their teeth are for. Calamari, bro. That's a lot of calamari. Calamari's good. Look at that fucker. So weird. So the, the large Pacific octopus, how big, giant, giant Pacific octopus, how big does that guy get? Um, I don't know. I mean, you know, cause they're fan out. So I'm not sure, maybe five feet long, six feet long, but, but heavy, like 40, 50, 60 pounds, something like that. They've got a really big one in the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Really? Really cool one. Oh, I've been to that. I've been to that aquarium back in the day. Yeah. The, um, legend of the Kraken, like they used to think that that was all total horse shit. Right. Until they found some fossilized cups. They found some suction cups that were, you know, some fossilized evidence of enormous cups that they think are indicative of this, you know, real hundred foot octopus or huge fucking octopus. Sure. Well, or just a hundred foot squid on the surface. Yeah. Like you said, those stories always get embellished. So even if it was a 60 foot squid on the surface, say it was injured or dying and it was alive and the boat hit it and it starts slapping the boat with its tentacles. Yeah. Tell me. Hi mate, it's the Kraken trying to get us. Like that's not going to turn into a crazy sea fable. Can you imagine though, if you were one of those dudes that was like making your way across the ocean and you, uh, you know, in the 1100s or some shit and you jump in the water to wash off and you get eaten by a giant octopus in front of your friends. Yeah. You see something come out of the desk and it eats you with a beak. Right. Chomps you. It's literally suction cups that rip you apart. It's crazy. And it's totally possible that those things were huge. We just don't have the fossil evidence because they're all made out of jelly. Right. You know, they're just like, they don't fossilize. Yeah. Yeah. All you get is like, if you, those fossilized, um, the, uh, images of the, the, the, the cups is just because it left an imprint. Right. Like the soil or something at the bottom of the ocean.