The Time Russell Peters Went to a Party at Eddie Murphy's House | Joe Rogan


4 years ago



Russell Peters

9 appearances

Russell Peters is an actor and stand up comedian. His latest stand up special "Deported" is now available on Amazon Prime.


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I always told everybody that I bet that's why Eddie Murphy stopped doing stand-up I mean, it's just like his his movies are doing so good and he You're more insulated in that world too. You got too famous too. It's like it's almost like it's a better way to do it Yeah, what do you think he's gonna be like when he comes back? Who knows if he's gonna I mean, it's a lot of money on the line for him I'm sure he's got a lot he's got a lot of money, but I mean shit I watched Norbert the other night. I've been talking to people. I saw you post about it. Oh, it's fucking funny, man It's funny watch coming to America the next night Family movie night. What was that movie? He did with Owen Wilson lie spy Or something like that something spy spy wasn't hmm. I don't know it was actually a really good movie I enjoyed that movie a lot. He's not a lot of fucking movies man He's one of those guys where his movies don't get the respect that they deserve for some strange reason Like what was that one that he did with Steve Martin? Both finger. That is a fucking great movie. Do you know the story behind that right? No, but the Heather Graham character Was allegedly and hash I'm supposed to be based on an hash really that's what I heard based on her Yeah, how she was dating Steve Martin then she ended up with a woman Yeah, and then ended up what did she end up with then she ended up with Ellen DeGeneres? That's right, and then she ended up marrying a man after that. That's right. Just keep it moving Yeah, whoever's gonna take me. I'm good with it Actually met her and she's very nice too. So you know if ever happened to her man I don't know. She was shooting a series up in Canada for a little while hmm. That's where I met her But Eddie you know the problem with Eddie what not the problem what happened with Eddie was his movies in the 80s were so Fucking huge hmm You know it's like opening with a phenomenal joke and then the rest of your act You can't follow it despite how good the rest of the jokes are but it's so many of those movies were still really good They just didn't get the respect for something Beverly Hills cop 48 hours coming to America trading places I mean hit after hit after hit not like a little bit of a hit He was the man and then you know you got another 48 hours, and then you got Beverly Hills cop two and three even that even they Were good yes That was the first time I saw sequels that were like wow That's just as fucking good as the first one But wasn't there like a time period where he wasn't doing films or they weren't as popular And then you get films like bow finger and yeah, so I think after he did that one movie it was like a Like a military kind of movie in the late 80s So somewhere around a branch out after golden child it kind of fell apart a little bit. Oh Is that what it was yeah there was a pre or post my girl wants to party all the time that was post okay? So that was an issue yeah That was Different you know finest Henderson yeah sure yeah, you know he wrote that for Eddie really yeah apparently finest finest homie He wrote it for him Wow He was I used to help Eddie with that back in the day and because finest was actually a really big He had a really big song back in the day called skip to my Lou really yeah, it was a really dope R&B track like early 80s I Remember I was in New York City and Eddie Murphy had that song nope I was in Boston I was in Boston Eddie Murphy had that song come out. I was like this guy can do anything That was one of those things where like when a son when a person does that like and Rick James produced it for him Did he really oh that makes sense yeah, yeah? There's some of those guys who could just kind of do anything they could do movies they could do comedy He's got a reggae album out now. You know that What yeah came out like three years ago? I thought yeah, Eddie Murphy. Yeah a couple years ago Eddie Murphy released a reggae album See I always feel like with certain dudes like whether it's him or Jamie Foxx or dudes I just have like this really diverse set of skills. They're probably just always doing something whether you know about it or not mm-hmm They got they're just creatives that that can't stop creating right and then they get You know I think the thing with a lot of people are creative and a lot of people I think what you need is the this Eddie mer that's the reggae red light featuring Snoop Dogg whoa Snoop lion look at this He's playing guitar. Yeah, he plays instruments and shit Okay, we can't play any of it, but it's a flashing. This is a little fuck I'm gonna have to go and get this now. That's crazy. Well. I'm not shocked man. I'm not shocked And I and I know he was Thinking about doing stand-up again, but I do not know if he's actually doing stand-up. So you know I was at his house January of last year January 2019 Tiffany Haddish took me to his house And it was this night that I was really not supposed to be there I wasn't invited, but Tiffany was like come with me, and I'm like hell. Yeah, so I went and it was then it was this incredible fucking night at Eddie Murphy's house where I Walked downstairs first of my soon. I see is Jamie Fox It's like hey, man. What's up? I'm a cause I'm Jamie and he's like yeah, and then And then I turn I see Neil Brennan And then I and then I look at the bar and I see Sasha Baron Cohen and Ila Fisher sitting at the bar And I'm like what the fuck have I won then I see Kimmel then I see Bill Hader and then I hear behind me Yeah, is this what you comedians always do hang out with each other and I turn around and it's Q-tip from a tribe called quest And I'm like what up tip and they're like what the fuck is good. What have I walked into? and then Jeff Ross was there and then Chappelle came Chris Rock came and I was like what if I fucking walked into? But the good thing is you know because you were comics we all know each other and then I you know I'd only met Eddie once for like a split second at a fight and He knew my name then but when I walked when I walked in the basement was hey Russell. Thanks for coming I'm like I Met him once with Charlie I rented Charlie Charlie was so great. He was such a sweet guy Charlie and I did a tour together for Maxim the Bud Light comedy tour and with John Heffron and then just randomly I Was in Maui and just Charlie was in Maui and I went over and sat with him and Eddie Murphy was weird Was so strange how was he when he was with Charlie? He's real friendly man. Yeah, he was really nice It was like nothing weird about him and now he's super friendly his first words. He goes you're funny motherfucker Yeah, I was like oh my god. Yeah, these are the things faint. Yeah, dude. I I was like that whole night. I honestly didn't say a fucking word to anybody I was just in shock the entire time was just like I know every time I turn my head and then I was standing in a doorway like that and it's it's me standing beside Eddie and then Chris Rock Jamie Fox and Neil Brennan and They're all trying to convince him to do stand-up again Wow And I'm just there like I Have nothing to add to this conversation Like I'm not on Jamie's level not on Chris's level, you know, Neil Credence Belgian I'm like I'm just there but they didn't make me feel like what are you doing here? They made me feel included So that was nice, but that is nice But uh, you know, there was like Eddie's like I haven't done it in 30 years I'm like, I'm pretty sure you've still got it. Oh, he's got it. He said he said he's got about five minutes I got about five minutes, but you know, you guys are out there doing it every day and I know he I know he wants to Do it But it depends on how he approaches it, you know Well, it depends on how he feels like if he just decides he wants to do it The thing about stand-up is that you have to do it in front of people, you know Yeah, you got to go out there and do it. Yeah, there's no theory to it. Right? Yeah It's not like music you can you could create an album which is you and your friends You can't really create a comedy set without being at a place Where you're gonna have random people come and pay money to see you talk and that's the other problem He's got overcome is that people are gonna be coming expecting You know, maybe they were expecting delirious or raw coming out of him, right? It's a 60 year old man now. Yep Yeah, he's got fucking ten or eleven kids. I think he does Yeah, there's a dizzy when I when I met him when I was at his house His his baby was only maybe a couple of months old or a month old Wow And then end of the night I got stuck in the basement Of his house what happened? Well, everyone was leaving and I didn't know where Tiffany went and I'm literally standing against the wall And I'm the only uninvited guy there really do it. I mean like All the Netflix people were there and I'm like, oh boy I don't know what the bottom and I'm looking around gonna fuck Tiffany went and And finally like as me and an eight of Eddie's kids were sitting at this one table And I'm just standing there like a creep like right across from them and I see Kenya Barris going upstairs I was like, can you don't leave without me? So I left I went up with him and as you walked up there the door opened to suggest just get the fuck out of The house and I was like, um said the lady. Hey, uh, I came with Tiffany and she's kind of my ride And I'm like, um, I don't know where she is And then they were like, oh, I think she went to the backyard I go, okay And I'm like, I don't like what am I supposed to do with that? I'm not gonna go walking around the guy's house, right? Where do you how do you get to the backyard one of his great shot? God one of his sons was walking by goes. Oh, I'll take you to the backyard knows. Thank goodness So go to the backyard. It's massive backyard and this fucking house is insane. Where's he live? Beverly Hills course. Yeah but in that really Exclusive gated community there like where Denzel lives alone. Yeah in these massive houses Yeah, like I think I think honestly was about 30,000 square feet the house how weird must that be to be that guy to like You know know those people who those people are when you're young and then all of a sudden you're one of them people It's listen. I mean, I'm still aghast from it a year and a half later I can only imagine I mean there's like an exclusive a list celebrity group of humans. Yeah, and There's like I guess like when a guy like him has a party like that Like those are the only people that are just gonna be semi normal around him Yeah, you know, he can't have that late Eddie. Is this is this gonna be a funny speech? Yeah, no, none of that. You can't have no fucking weirdos can't have any and and that's why I didn't want to say anything cuz I wasn't sure what I'm Like am I gonna say something stupid and be like right who brought this guy you can't have any normies Yeah, and I felt too normal. Yeah, I felt you know funny. It felt like a mortal Isn't that funny? Like like you go to the common story fit right in? Yeah But if you go like when you're around too many celebrities you do feel like a fraud