The "OK Sign" Hoax | Joe Rogan & Tim Pool


5 years ago



Tim Pool

4 appearances

Tim Pool is a journalist, political commentator, and host of the "Timcast" podcast and Youtube program.


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I don't know. I don't know. It's I honestly I would say to an extent there's probably some kind of tribal bias Well, I think when you're going back to high school yearbooks looking for outrage from 55 year old people You've lost the plot you've lost isn't that crazy? It's fucking insane what's what's crazier is when Kathy Griffin tweets out that the three-pointer hand sign at a Covington basketball game Was a Nazi hand gesture? Like the three-pointer unit the three-pointer on this thing. Yep. Yeah, okay I'm not gonna do it because the photos just fly okay I put a series of them on my Instagram when I found out about that I put Bill Cosby doing it I someone found one of me from news radio Isn't it aren't they using it though for that symbol? I know that's a it's a universal symbol That means a lot of things, but aren't you using it as that symbol? Yes, they're not using it to mean white power No, they're not what are the one it's not okay. What were those cops using it for? That's the that's the that's the What is it called? It's called the okay game of the don't look game Where you put the symbol under your waist and if someone looks at you get to punch him what there's a game kids play No, no, no, no, no these the SWAT cops that had it on their on their legs No, they were all doing it There was like four of them doing it in a photograph and they were they holding it up or they holding on their legs Oh, I don't know. Yeah, but let's go Let's break this down. I can explain this to you. Okay, please do Donald Trump when he talks he makes the okay hand sign He's pointing he's making I mean, okay if he does it this way is that okay? Oh, no, he does this No, I don't care what Trump does you double I mean she flicks people off It's probably a bad thing But so what happens is he starts doing the okay, okay, okay sign So a bunch of Trump supporters start doing it to to be like hey, I'm like Trump, right? Right a 4chan campaign gets started saying convince everyone this actually means white power right? It was fake the anti-defamation League said it was fake. Yes a bunch of journalists said it was real That's what I put on my Instagram Yeah, put all this on my Instagram including the article where it showed the original thing came right 4chan 4chan's fucking hilarious Powerful it's it's hilarious how much shit they start they started the flat earth movement. Okay, there's the guy Oh, is that I don't I never heard that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they start Let's look at this photo and see if I can give you a It's got a little it popped up to conspiracy. How do we get it back? It's that what's going on the connection to the TV's just I have no idea. No, it's a Hollywood conspiracy The button I have is making it go there and it's not going there. So I don't know Jesus Jamie There's gremlins in this fucking room. I would I figure it out. It's hard allegedly. I would say this we need to see that though 90 Yeah, show me a new laptop. I would I would be willing to okay. There's the image take a good good look at it Tim so okay these guys they see how it's on their leg. Yes That's specifically a game where when you look at it, they get to punch you what they're not holding the hand sign up They're not flashing it like you see Conservatives do right. I'm not denying that is a game but to say that that's what those guys are doing is a Bit of a stretch I believe well, what do you think they're doing? What is it? Is to say that if if fortune did that to make to mix it up at some point people would think that that is true though Right. No, no, no, no, no, that's like it away. No way that's happened. Look I'll say this is it is it well Bleeding free bleeding came right fortune, right? If you don't know what right, right? Let's explain that to people you it's all you okay Bleeding was fortune. I thought it would be hilarious. By the way Shia LeBeau was at the fucking comedy store last night. I wonder why Cuz we're always ragging on him free bleeding came from fortune where they said that they were they were promoting this idea that for women's rights that they would You know get away their clothes get away from this whole idea of you have to control your menstrual cycle You know, it's empowering to just bleed all over your crotch and so women actually started doing it because it actually if you can Fucking if you can get those ideas out there a certain number of knuckleheads are gonna take it right with it and think it's real Of course, so you don't think that's possible with the white power though. I think it's extremely unlikely I think it's it's possible. So here's the thing. Nothing's absolute, right? Are there some some white supremacists who are doing it for sure, but you don't you think you looking at badasses with fucking guns? They're playing this little silly game Yeah, really. I think they're a bunch of bros who are you know, you ever you ever hang off like some frat dudes at a college They punch each other. That's there's a game. So how does it go again? You you make the okay hand sign Okay, and you hold it the other table or on your leg. These are adults. These are guys are not in college They're definitely not a below 25 years old. But what does that mean? I know I know 40 year old guys who play, you know Pokemon. I know go on. This is a game that we fix this fucking thing Well, I don't listen. Listen, okay, but what did you know? What is their job? What were they there SWAT team guys? Is up there they were arresting a drug dealer and what do you think they're doing? They're trying to make sure everybody knows that they're they're they're flashing an overt white power hand gesture because everyone knows that's what it means That's maybe they didn't think everyone knew Well, no, that's just not it's just not the case. The thing that the point is Holding the okay sign up next to you is what's cute You know people say it's the W and the P putting it on your leg has always been the the punch him game or whatever Like I know that punch him. Yeah, you know that punch him game 100% You put the okay symbol on your leg or under a table and you say hey look and if they look down and see it They go. Ah, then you punch him in the arm Yeah, I know it so well that I that's why I don't think that's what they're doing like me and my friends So what are they so then so the question is? It's a major look it's made you look major look right so but what are they doing right? Look look listen, man If you want to if you want to make assumptions about what you think their intentions were that's all you I don't have any facts To support that and the only thing I know of is there is a game where you put the okay sign on your leg? And then you punch somebody and here are some guys putting the okay sound on their leg What evidence do we have it's anything other than that nothing? So that's I'm not gonna go any further than that I'm gonna say was it poor judgment? Oh, hell yeah Maybe but listen, do you know about what happened in Philly with these Marines who got beat up by Antifa? No, I do not so there's some so there was a rally put on by some Constitutional libertarians, I don't know exactly what it was all about Antifa shows up in protests some Marines apparently are just walking by because there was a marine event Antifa sees them and yells are you proud they said he says I'm a marine it said are you a proud boy? And he said you know I don't know they beat him up these they arrested several people charging with multiple felonies Marines got beat up. They didn't know what proud boy was so to assume That these guys know anything about what's going on in cultural politics It's it's you know when you're in the know and you're on Twitter when you're reading the news all day You look at the and say they knew what they were doing what these are small like what city are these guys from even? Do they watch the news all day do they go on 4chan do they go on Vox calm and read and know what this is about Okay, I appreciate your looking at this with a broad perspective, but it is entirely possible that they did sure It's also entirely possible that within their friend group It means you're buying lunch it could mean a million things it could mean right in the cultural context of 2018 when this happened yep that oak the ok symbol doesn't even mean white power It is is it is it is a tribal sign among? Anti-identi anti intersectionals and Trump supporters, but don't you remember when was there was a woman that got in trouble for? She was in court, and she had it on her arm She was just standing there like that's so insane so insane because she was basically I had her finger in her thumb like that Yeah, you can they said and they and they went wild with it Yeah, she's making so a power so you have to understand when I see that and I see that you got me out But there's a difference between someone just moving their hands around and doing this and you know making a weird thing She did she did full-on do it the next day though probably on purpose maybe Yeah, it's just you okay, so you have to assume she's watching the news then yeah I would she's sitting at the Cavanaugh hearing, but it's entirely possible though albeit unlikely that she was just telling somebody okay Like or that she was she's used to doing that with her arm. There's new think about it. There's You're allowed to make assumptions right yeah, and operate off assumptions but eventually you start getting off so crazy and You know how many assumptions are gonna believe until you're believing the moon landing was fake Let me ask you this though Don't you think that some people do that and they do it because they're making the symbol for white power Some as in what 10 15 20. I don't know I think I don't know about it No, I said listen nothing's absolute. I'd be I'm pretty sure there probably some white supremacists who do that Yeah, but here's the thing most of these people who are on 4chan who would even use the emoji who would do it in public They're not doing it to signal white power. They're doing it to signal opposition to the tribal left When they take photos and you see someone like Cassandra Fairbanks who is a Trump supporting you know writer She has she's she's notable because she stood at the podium Made the okay hand sign and then this writer from splinter news which used to be called fusion I worked there full disclosure claimed. It was a white power hand gesture, and she got Cassandra sued over it she ultimately lost because it's like you know free slander is hard to sue for But she did it because it was a Trump sign not because it's white power So the people who were even white supremacists aren't signifying white power They're signaling to other Trump supporters, too Right it doesn't mean white power right so just because someone on the left says it means white power That does not mean it means white power within their group is that what you're saying yeah I just like we all just decide that this means something else like my friends I peace among peace among nations peace among worlds my friend Steve Rinella Would talked about this in the pocket so he got beat up once by his friend Where he grew up in Michigan and in Michigan as almost like for fun like like if I said hey Fucker like if I called you hey fucker like as friends. Yeah, you would laugh and like what's up, dude You know it'd be cool, so he would write give the bird and they would call it the Michigan hello Yep, and so the Michigan wave or something like that so as he was driving by he saw his friend He went like that like if I saw you do that I'll be like ah what's up Tim there was uh, but you know I'm somebody his friend didn't know this so his friend He grabbed him through the through the ground. He goes you want to fight motherfucker like what are you talking about like? What's going on? He's like you gave me the bird. He's like oh Jesus. I'm from Michigan Yeah, like that's we're having fun. That's just I'm your friend And yeah, he was over the guy's house helping him build a greenhouse or something like he was doing some work with the guy I think I still threw him to the ground because he thought that this was oh you got it fixed No, there's naturally there's gonna be a ton of people you know saying oh Tim's bootlicker and all that stuff It's like premises there is listen man like I'm not I I do not I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories I'm not a big fan of making assumptions about the intentions of other people if you can prove it I'm willing to hear it, but people in this country are innocent until proven guilty. What do we have? We have a photo of some cops doing something dumb right do I think it was ill-advised it was wrong I shouldn't of course absolutely shouldn't have done it. Do I think it means they're white supremacists no There's cops. Yeah, I'm not good look. I've I I am no fan of police I you know I I grew up as like a left far left anarchist skateboarder a cop screw with me all the time I've had cops kick my door and guns drawn I was in Chicago and cops pulled me over me and my buddies this is all on video at gunpoint screaming at us It was the craziest experience I've ever had I am no fan, but if you don't have evidence I'm not just gonna this is a thing about how these biases function you get people who will see all these videos live experiences And they'll immediately assume the worst about these guys. I don't know anything about these guys I know they did something dumb, but I don't know why So I can't really go beyond that other than I believe their official statement was they're playing the game But I could be wrong but to make assumptions about their character or what they believe simply because they made an okay sign on their leg it's like You can't convict somebody in a court you know what I mean and I'm I'm a big fan of the presumption of innocence and Blackstone's formulation and how we side on the we err on the side of protecting the innocent I think you got a good point in also in the fact that this is a Extremely recent hand gesture that's being associated with white supremacy and clearly came from pranksters And you have to assume these guys are on 4chan or read these these websites like come on man these dudes They probably go to work all day. They talk about football They go home they sit in their lounge chair and have you know of a beer and a slice of pizza or whatever it is They do I don't think these guys people man You know people don't know how to separate their own personal bubble from reality they assume if I know it You must know it right. It's actually something Shane Smith told me he said he doesn't understand. Why is it that if he can do it? You can't right and that's it's like an interesting point that people don't seem to realize you mean by that like he said to me I can speak French. Why can't you like people live in this mindset right where they assume if I know it everyone knows it right? Okay, so they're gonna be like no every I saw an article about that. Everyone must know what it is It's like no no dude. There are some people who don't watch TV. There are some people play video games all day There are some people who don't do any of that for all you know these guys They every day after work they go to a children's shelter and and provide soup and they don't watch the news at all Like I'm not I don't believe that they actually do I'm just saying you have no idea what's going on in their lives You're making assumptions about what they know who they are and I think You know I I'm a firm believer that we have problems of racism in this country. I believe Institutional systemic racism real real problems need to be solved all that stuff That still doesn't mean you get to just label someone and make assumptions about what they believe who they are because of one thing You know if you've made a if you made a joke what if what if they did it because they were ironically doing it Right if you made a joke ten years ago, am I gonna assume you actually believe it? Maybe said something silly you know we had this newscaster in New York who accidentally said Martin Luther Yeah, you know and I and I happen again You know another one you're selling and you also and another thing happened that no one cared about was a guy on CNN Said a racial slur for Jewish people in the same way No one cared about that one you know so there was a CNN anchor. What did he say? I don't want to say it okay, but he was he was his a word right? Yeah, I think you still say it as long as you're not calling anybody It was the same thing he quickly fit corrected himself right and that didn't come up as an issue But the point is this dude you know why why is he being fired right even people came to his defense? Are you gonna assume nasty things about him like are we really getting to the point where we're gonna look at a photo? We don't know the context. We don't know who these people are when their names, and we're gonna be like right up at the stake