The COVID Relief Bill, Questioning Origins of Coronavirus


4 years ago



Alex Berenson

5 appearances

Alex Berenson is a journalist who writes the Unreported Truth Substack ( and the award-winning author of 13 novels and three non-fiction books. He is currently suing the Biden Administration and senior Pfizer officials for their efforts in 2021 to ban him from Twitter; he is the only person ever to be reinstated by Twitter after suing the company over a ban. His most recent book is "Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives."


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And if you look at the bill that was passed, I mean I went over it last night and it's, there's a lot of weird shit in there, like why are we giving all this aid to foreign countries in this bill? Why is there a part of this aid bill that makes it a felony to illegally stream? Like how does this happen? They sneak things into these fucking bills. These people are monsters, they really are. Like this should have been a real clear-cut thing. They're giving aid to people that have lost all their income because of this, they need a stimulus. The fact that they added in a felony provision for people who stream movies and profit from them. Like what the fuck is going on? Like how is- You're not going to hear me disagree. Why is Pakistan getting money? Why is Israel getting- did you see it Jamie? It's bizarre. I don't understand the logic behind it, I don't understand how this got agreed to. Well what happens is the idea is this thing's going to pass anyway, so you help out your favorite lobbyist, whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, you sneak something in. Is that what it is? Yeah, that's clearly how it goes. Oh, these fucking people. But here's what I'll say, okay, this is why tell your children actually matters in this debate. Okay. I wrote this book and you can say- That's the pot book for folks. Yeah, you can say like this guy, like he doesn't understand, a lot of people just like to get high and they can handle it, it shouldn't be criminal and minorities bear the burden here, it's wrong, let's legalize. Okay, totally reasonable. And by the way, alcohol kills a whole lot of people, it's legal, it's advertised on TV, it's legal, the rules should be the same. I totally get that, okay. If you read the book, it's about something else. It's about this is psychiatrically harmful to a lot of people and we're not talking about it. And by the way, there's a downstream violence that comes from that sometimes that we're not talking about either. Okay. To me, those things, if you read the book with an open mind are pretty factual and inarguable. It doesn't mean by the way that you can't then say cannabis should still be legal. You can read the book and agree with it and say, but you know what should still be legal for those other reasons. Fine. That is not the way the book was treated last year. Okay. It was, you hate black people, you don't understand science, you're cherry picking, go to hell. Okay. So when I saw this happening this year with COVID and I saw the New York times where I used to work and you know what people can yell at me for saying I used to work there, but I worked there for 10 years and I was a really good reporter there. And I'm not going to back down from my credentials because I am a good reporter. You can say, you can say, you know what, like lockdown are necessary and we need to protect these old people. And you know what, we can't let the hospitals get overrun, but if I present evidence to you, that's contrary. Don't just shout at me that I'm an idiot and don't know what I'm talking about. Okay. It's not going to work. It didn't work with tell your children and it's not going to work this time. Okay. So, and what I recognized was that unfortunately, and it's sort of the elite levels of the media, you know, the times Washington post, NPR, CNN, the group think is overwhelming. It's overwhelming on cannabis and it's overwhelming on all these woke progressive issues. And it's gotten much, much worse since I left the times 10 years ago and I don't know what's going to turn it around. Okay. And, and, and it has terrible effects. Let me give you one example. Okay. We should all want to know where this virus came from. I don't care whether you're Republican or Democrat, liberal, conservative. I don't care what country you live in. You should want to know if this is the result of a Chinese lab accident. And there's some evidence that we can talk about that later. Okay. And you should at least want to know that there's been a complete independent investigation into this. Okay. This thing has messed up the world in a mammoth way this year. Okay. And at the least we should want to know where it came from. If it did come from some kind of accident, I'm not saying the Chinese released it intentionally. I'm saying there might be evidence that there was an accident because if that happened, we better make sure it never, ever, ever happens again. It's a very strange thing to me that people don't want to even investigate. They don't want to look at it. And they're, they're, I think they're afraid of racism or something. There seems to be some sort of indication that there's a victim blaming thing. There's a, there's an aspect to it that also is anti-Trump. That's it. Yeah. It's anti-Trump. Okay. What happened in March was the progressive media, first of all, they were terrified because of what was happening in New York, what seemed to be happening in New York. And they all thought they were going to die. And then once they realized they weren't all going to die, they realized that they could beat Donald Trump over the head with this and he would lose the election. And they did. And he did. And look, I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. What are you? I'm an independent. Basically, I, basically, as I've said, my politics are that it's impossible to be too cynical, just like you said, with the, with the bill that they just passed, it's impossible to be too cynical about the way these people behave. They behave, they behave terribly. Okay. But so why is it that the New York times won't even write stories about the fact that there's real questions about where this virus came from? Forget the ventilators, forget the US response, forget, you know, Donald Trump. We should be asking that question. The group think is so serious that basic questions don't get asked right now. Well, we were criticized on the podcast because I had Brett Weinstein, who's an evolutionary biologist who discussed all the reasons, scientific reasons, why it's, there's, there's evidence that indicates that this is not a virus that naturally occurs. That's right. And also just by coincidence, there happens to be a level four lab in Wuhan. What are the odds? Like you would think that people would want to put those two together, but it was something from the beginning that this group think was established that you are not to question that. And there was a whole article written about how I'm promoting this dangerous conspiracy theory that the, that this came from a lab that's been disproven, but it hasn't been. It has not been disproven at all. No, it hasn't been disproven. There's, there's, there's never been a real solid proof of where this has come from here nor there. That's right. And, and actually you'd say the evidence is sort of going the other way now. I mean, in favor of this, and here's why. If this thing is originally came from some animal, right? We know that there was a virus that was 96% similar to it that they had at that lab. Okay. But we've never found the virus that's 99% similar in an animal, which is what we would expect to find. Okay. That there'd be something really close that then made the jump from whether it's a civet cat or a bat or a mink or whatever to a human. They've never been able to find that. Why was the connection with pangolins? Why do they think it was so, so the virus is 96% a bat, it looks like very, very similar. And then near the most important part of it, the part of it that binds to this receptor on your cells that enables it to get in, it's called the receptor binding domain is pangolin. Okay. So it just happens that it's a perfect cut of mostly this virus that we know was in this lab, this bat virus with a pangolin virus with a tiny addition that enables, it enables the spike to attach more efficiently. Okay. It's called the fur and cleavage. And, and again, we're at sort of the limits of my knowledge. I don't want to talk too specifically about it, but somehow this virus just happens to be mostly bat a little bit pangolin and we can't find any evidence of a virus that's like that to a 99 percentile in the wild. And believe me, don't you think the Chinese have looked in the last year or wouldn't they have looked if they thought they could find something when SARS came the original SARS not SARS-CoV-2, they had found the viral host within a matter of months. I mean, the, the, the zoonotic one, the, the animal viral host in a matter of months, and they published a paper on it. There's been nothing like that. Now you can choose to believe that's because you know what, it's just in some cave in China that they haven't found the real thing yet. Or you can choose to question, as you said, there's this level four BSL lab in Wuhan, where it happens, where this thing happens to seemingly have emerged from. Coincidence. Coincidence. Crazy coincidence. Yeah. But we're not allowed to talk about that. Yeah. If you talk about it, you're a Trump supporter. Catch new episodes of the Joe Rogan experience for free only on Spotify. Watch back catalog JRE videos on Spotify, including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience on Spotify. You can listen to the JRE in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data costs all for free. Spotify is absolutely free. You don't have to have a premium account to watch new JRE episodes. You just need to search for the JRE on your Spotify app. Go to Spotify now to get this full episode of the Joe Rogan experience.