6 years ago
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Sir Roger Penrose OM FRS is an English mathematical physicist, mathematician and philosopher of science. He is Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics in the University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford.
6 years ago
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6 years ago
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When you discuss the cosmos maybe the single most intriguing possibility to us as human beings is What other? Intelligent life if any is out there and how interesting is that to you because you spend so much time Studying the fundamental particles of the universe itself. How interested are you in the possibility of? other intelligent life forms or if you just like Put that out into the it's just so Ridiculously unlikely or so far away from us that we're probably never gonna make contact. Well, you see it's not so There's this SETI program. Yeah looking at to see where they can see signals from distant civilizations The problem there from my perspective is that although they might be out there They've got to have had a real head start on us before you would see them I'm right as they might have done so but then I Don't know you see actually Vahia goes a John who's my Armenian colleague and who looked also for these ring shapes things and looked at them in a different way from the Polish people, but We seem to have seen something there, but we wrote a paper In which we speculated on beings from the previous eon Communicating with us and the advantage there is that you're looking at the really advanced Civilizations right at the very end you see billions of years ago that they their universe Disappeared and then had to come back to a big bank state of signals could come through and somehow or another Those signals remain it's conceivable. I agree. It's pretty far-fetched But you know who knows what so eons how many billions of years you're talking about like that the Big Bang was 14 billion Yes, but you see that's way We're at the beginning in a sense or it's three quarters of way through in another sense it depends how you draw the pictures right in the sense of Interesting this or in the conformal picture We are already three quarters of the way through so 14 billion to now so we have Years you see the trouble is it's a cheat. It's a cheat the year count It's as much as you like it depends on on on something else The mass has to fade out and how you measure time is it becomes problematic? And it's either infinity you see which isn't much use or You might have a different definitions of time which depend on what particle you're using as your clocks and things like that so are you essentially saying that it's entirely possible that we are the furthest in terms of our Technological achievement and our understanding of the universe itself It's possible that we're at the front of the line though There might be some other intelligent life forms in the universe, but they might be behind us well They would have been I mean I'm not saying they got through you say well Maybe they have techniques for getting through but that's that's a bit harder to imagine But maybe information from them could get through and maybe take you mean from the previous eons. Yes. Yes Oh, they might have got through like somehow or another survived. Yes, but it would have to be in the form of photons or something Yeah, no you could it's not I'm talking about ridiculous right speculation. Sure, but encoding information. Yes the photons. Yes Yes, yeah, wow, it's conceivable sure now I don't want to say that I see it happening or anything But it's not out of the question that they could develop some technology Which would get information which might be them in some sense Across in the form of photons, but you're not optimistic about current intelligent life somewhere in the universe not too optimistic just because Well, maybe it took us a long time to get going because the dinosaurs were there for a while and Somebody might have got in there earlier in their different planets and they could have got there quite ahead of us. It's it's conceivable I'm not gonna rule it out. I just not terribly optimistic about it. No, I think it's worth doing it's worth looking Yes, but it's not something that you're really curious about I'm expecting it's not so much. I'd be curious certainly But I'm not expecting it. I guess is it just because of the overall lack of real evidence and it's just not an attractive Well, if you pursue it's quite attractive It's sure I don't know. I've just been Doing other things and I don't know there's enough to do in the world. I haven't really Come to terms with very hugely So I know there's this activity and I'd be interested to see if any kind of you know if this there was this thing that came past that some people speculated was a sent thereby and Different intelligence which came quite close in our solar system. Oh, that was that strange-looking Yes, that's right. Yeah, I mean I don't see any real reason to believe it's a alien Was it because of the way it was traveling? That was the idea It was something that I'm curious about it serious people did suggest it might be Something sent by an alien civilization. What's what's worth? Make connect with it in some way But I don't know. I guess it's too far away now Well, it's another thing that's so uniquely fascinating for us the concept of some of another of another life form out there. Oh sure