Sara & Kim's Strange Trip to the Center of the World


1 year ago



Kim Congdon

2 appearances

Kim Congdon is a stand-up comedian. She is a co-host of the "This Bitch" podcast, and hosts "The Kim Congdon Takeover"

Sara Weinshenk

3 appearances

Sara Weinshenk is a stand-up comedian. She is a co-host of the "This Bitch" podcast, and hosts "Shenk."


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We never told Joe about the center of the world. We passed in Arizona. Oh, okay. So we went to Yuma, Arizona. That's the lettuce capital of Arizona, in case you were wondering. Known for lettuce and dates mostly. On New Year's Eve, they drop lettuce, like a head of lettuce, like a ball. Anyways, that's a side story. But so we went to Yuma, Arizona, and on the way back, we're driving by and we're in the middle of the desert and we look and there's just like this staircase that goes to nowhere. And like I see it in the middle of the desert. I see it and Kim sees it and we're both like, we get this really bad weird feeling and we're like, we need to go back and like find out what that is. So we turn. This is a movie. Yeah. Well, we thought it was a movie too. We actually. We go back and we go back and we find this town. Can you show the whole town? It's called Felicity. How many drunks have died there? Yeah. No, this is what we see. This is what we went to. This is what we see in the middle of nowhere and it's called the center of the world. And we did a tour. We did a tour because we're like, well, this is a movie we should film some shit because I was like, let's go take a tour. It's like an eight mile city called Felicity and only a population of seven or something like that. And it's definitely a cult. Yes. But he says, okay, so he so in the steps we looked up those stairs that go to nowhere from the Eiffel Tower. Yeah. This is in Arizona. This is in Arizona. And this really rich guy, he's a, what is it? Baller. He's a baller. He's a Ross child. A Ross child. He bought this town of Felicity and named it after his wife Felicity. Wait, is this real? Who we think we ran into. Can we make sure that this is real? We visited it to check out there. This is the website. Yeah, this is the website is saying that we were physically there. Listen, we get there. There's 22. There's 22. We made a scary movie trailer out of it. You know, I'll send it to Jamie. Send it to Jamie so we can show. We go for tours of this place. Oh, we did a tour. We did a tour of fine. Why? They tried to get us into this cult. They put us in this pyramid to make a wish. They tried to get us in the center of the pyramid, in the center of the thing, put our foot in the middle, save this thing and make a wish and then sign a contract. And we were like, I'm not doing that. And she was like, well, it's the only part of the tour you have to do. And they go to do the tour. And that's when we said we don't want to do the tour anymore. We're going to leave. And she was pissed. And then they said, she goes, this right here is the center of the world. No, do you have a line of mine? Oh my God. No. You got her on video saying this. And we have this lady covering her eyes. Yeah, don't put that up because that'll be a problem. What? What? Like a video of her that she doesn't want up. She's covering her face. I mean, you can't see your face, but it's like you turn and she's in the corner of a gift shop. It's this old lady. It has to be Felicity herself. Oh my God. They're all in weird clothes. So what do you think is going on? OK, so basically this is from your experience being there from our experience being there. Were you sober at the time? Yes. Yes. Why? Why were we sober? We were driving home from Arizona. Yeah, we had just. You didn't know what you were going to find. We just did a show. We were on our way home. It was early in the morning. But once you knew you had a tour. Once we saw it and we're like, because the staircase, you can see it from so far away and then you see the pyramid and you're like, something is going on here. 20 cars in the parking lot. No people. You guys are exactly what they're looking for. Yeah. Oh my God. You guys are girls driving by yourself. For their big sunglasses. Just show up like God brought me here. It was a sign. It was 2 22 and we had. I saw the staircase and then when I climbed off and I saw the city, I was like, OMG, I'm home. There's a post office there, but there's only 10 people that live in the town. There's a cop that lives there who went there to investigate what was going on and never left. And then he lives there now. I like to watch. Center of the world. See what the fuck those people are up to. It was an eerie energy. Maybe it's not. Maybe they're just playing golf and fucking listening to old records. How do you know? Because when you got went there, you know, yeah, you have a sixth sense when it's a cult. You feel it in your body. We had to get the fuck out of there quickly. We got locked in the pyramid. Joe, I said, hey, it's time to go, Mama. Get in the car. Mommy and Mama are leaving. Mommy and Mama. Sweetie. Mommy and Mama packed their blunts and they got out of there. We call ourselves Mama and Mommy. What was the in the contract? It was just saying that we were there. We in that we exact time that we were at the center of the world and you were agreeing that that was center of the world. Yeah. So they're getting data. And how many people agree? They took our name. Yeah. And then we're like, can we film? And she's like, yeah. And then we can say nice things. You're not going to say anything bad, are you? She threatened us. Anyway, it just seems weird that no one has been there before and filmed it. It might not exist. No, you go back. We go back. It's gone. Yeah, it's just there's dust. Look at it. The chapel. Oh, it has this arm pointing to the temple. Yeah, it has this arm. Oh, so what do you think they're up to? Just living their own life. You see it. It points right to the center of the I think the way they want to live up there. I think it's like a really rich guy. Well, the guy has a crazy story. So what is that? His like family tree? What will you just point to? What is this like? Oh, they do this. It's like the history. They have like it's called like the history of the world. No, it's the history of something. And they have like things that mattered to him. Major events in history. History of humanity. Yeah. And the guy who came to do that on the granite, the guy came to do that from Europe on the granite and he never he never went back to his family afterwards. Yeah, he left his family. Sounds like a cool place. You guys are selling it. That's him. Seems like everybody goes there. He's alive still. Jacques. Yeah, Jacques. He used to. He was the first inventor of the parachute or something like that. Oh, yeah. He was a parachuter. He was a parachuter in World War II. He was like, fuck this. This is perfect. I'm staying here. He's a very complex man, a parachuter that bought a pyramid and put the Eiffel Tower stairs in the middle of the and he made himself mayor of the town that he found it. Beautiful. That's the way to do it. Yeah. Shanksville. Welcome to Shanksville. So he's guys on town. There's eight people in it. Yeah. Sounds like he's all out of control. And me and Shank coming by. Yeah, and they give tours. Oh my God. So do you think they give tours to make new friends? Yeah, new friends. Yeah. They took a part of our energy and soul. We left with a migraine is what we're saying. Something was up. They offered tours so anybody can go to this. I think so. Draw your own conclusions. Who knows? And maybe they'll never leave just like all these other happy people. Yeah. Maybe it is. It's just what a strange thing to do. It was weird. Started town in the middle of the desert and say it's the center of the world. Self-proclaimed center of the world. Well, actually before. Is that what they say? They say on their website that it's the center of the world? Oh yeah, I'm trying to dig into it. I'm trying to find the way. Yeah. He also made. So before he made the center of the world, he wrote a children's book about a dragon called Center of the World. And then he said and he did the children's book first because he said, you know, like when you make up a story, you can create whatever you want and no one's going to question it. So he made like this whole story about the center of the world. It was like a children's book. And then he went ahead and made the center of the world. Or he's a prophet. Or he's a. And it is the center of the world. What if it is the center of the world? Trust me. Like what if it's like it ain't the center of the world. We went. It's Yuma. But if it's one of them Buddha slash Jesus characters that comes along and everybody questions him. That's why I'm like, Oh my God, he was the guy. Yeah, the history for Jesus to pick you up. That's a good spot. Yeah. No one would know. You know, kind of weddings. Imagine getting married at the center of the world. Why wouldn't you? You're the center of the universe. I romantic. It's perfect place to get married. I'm not giving Jock. There's the children's book. The good dragon at the center of the world. So this dude is obsessed with hollow earth. It's a real theory. Do you know they found more more water under the ocean under the earth's surface. He wanted us to step. Oh, that's that is the very center of the world. But I know that actually is. No. No. 100% they checked and the Tupperware cam even though the top is here and it's like this poles whatever that's the center. Yeah, that's the center. Everywhere you are is a center. Yeah. It's a globe. You fucking dipshit. I guess you're right. It's not like a total. Right. It's a sphere. Well, that was his whole point was that anywhere could be so he was picking the spot. Yeah. Suck it. You're like, this is actually. You don't get to pick. Scientists have to pick. If they do decide what the center is, it's going to be a lot of very fucking smart people with like some serious equipment. And it's going to take a long time. It's going to have to sort it through. Not a rich parachuter. The center is in the lava, you fuckhead. I believe. You got to go to the center. You're on the surface like saying they're on the edge of the world. It literally can't be the center of the world. No, you're on the corner of the world. Inside the hole. Maybe they're right about it being like the spot. Maybe they're right. If it's flat. You never know. If it's flat, there's a center.The Joe Rogan experience. We never told Joe about the center of the world. We passed in Arizona. Oh, okay. So we went to Yuma, Arizona. That's the lettuce capital of Arizona, in case you were wondering. Known for lettuce and dates mostly. On New Year's Eve, they drop lettuce, like a head of lettuce, like a ball. Anyways, that's a side story. But so we went to Yuma, Arizona, and on the way back, we're driving by and we're in the middle of the desert and we look and there's just like this staircase that goes to nowhere. And like I see it in the middle of the desert. I see it and Kim sees it and we're both like, we get this really bad weird feeling and we're like, we need to go back and like find out what that is. So we turn. This is a movie. Yeah. Well, we thought it was a movie too. We actually. We go back and we go back and we find this town. Can you show the whole town? It's called Felicity. How many drunks have died there? Yeah. No, this is what we see. This is what we went to. This is what we see in the middle of nowhere and it's called the center of the world. And we did a tour. We did a tour because we're like, well, this is a movie we should film some shit because I was like, let's go take a tour. It's like an eight mile city called Felicity and only a population of seven or something like that. And it's definitely a cult. Yes. But he says, okay, so he so in the steps we looked up those stairs that go to nowhere from the Eiffel Tower. Yeah. This is in Arizona. This is in Arizona. And this really rich guy, he's a, what is it? Baller. He's a baller. He's a Ross child. A Ross child. He bought this town of Felicity and named it after his wife Felicity. Wait, is this real? Who we think we ran into. Can we make sure that this is real? We visited it to check out there. This is the website. Yeah, this is the website is saying that we were physically there. Listen, we get there. There's 22. There's 22. We made a scary movie trailer out of it. You know, I'll send it to Jamie. Send it to Jamie so we can show. We go for tours of this place. Oh, we did a tour. We did a tour of fine. Why? They tried to get us into this cult. They put us in this pyramid to make a wish. They tried to get us in the center of the pyramid, in the center of the thing, put our foot in the middle, save this thing and make a wish and then sign a contract. And we were like, I'm not doing that. And she was like, well, it's the only part of the tour you have to do. And they go to do the tour. And that's when we said we don't want to do the tour anymore. We're going to leave. And she was pissed. And then they said, she goes, this right here is the center of the world. No, do you have a line of mine? Oh my God. No. You got her on video saying this. And we have this lady covering her eyes. Yeah, don't put that up because that'll be a problem. What? What? Like a video of her that she doesn't want up. She's covering her face. I mean, you can't see your face, but it's like you turn and she's in the corner of a gift shop. It's this old lady. It has to be Felicity herself. Oh my God. They're all in weird clothes. So what do you think is going on? OK, so basically this is from your experience being there from our experience being there. Were you sober at the time? Yes. Yes. Why? Why were we sober? We were driving home from Arizona. Yeah, we had just. You didn't know what you were going to find. We just did a show. We were on our way home. It was early in the morning. But once you knew you had a tour. Once we saw it and we're like, because the staircase, you can see it from so far away and then you see the pyramid and you're like, something is going on here. 20 cars in the parking lot. No people. You guys are exactly what they're looking for. Yeah. Oh my God. You guys are girls driving by yourself. For their big sunglasses. Just show up like God brought me here. It was a sign. It was 2 22 and we had. I saw the staircase and then when I climbed off and I saw the city, I was like, OMG, I'm home. There's a post office there, but there's only 10 people that live in the town. There's a cop that lives there who went there to investigate what was going on and never left. And then he lives there now. I like to watch. Center of the world. See what the fuck those people are up to. It was an eerie energy. Maybe it's not. Maybe they're just playing golf and fucking listening to old records. How do you know? Because when you got went there, you know, yeah, you have a sixth sense when it's a cult. You feel it in your body. We had to get the fuck out of there quickly. We got locked in the pyramid. Joe, I said, hey, it's time to go, Mama. Get in the car. Mommy and Mama are leaving. Mommy and Mama. Sweetie. Mommy and Mama packed their blunts and they got out of there. We call ourselves Mama and Mommy. What was the in the contract? It was just saying that we were there. We in that we exact time that we were at the center of the world and you were agreeing that that was center of the world. Yeah. So they're getting data. And how many people agree? They took our name. Yeah. And then we're like, can we film? And she's like, yeah. And then we can say nice things. You're not going to say anything bad, are you? She threatened us. Anyway, it just seems weird that no one has been there before and filmed it. It might not exist. No, you go back. We go back. It's gone. Yeah, it's just there's dust. Look at it. The chapel. Oh, it has this arm pointing to the temple. Yeah, it has this arm. Oh, so what do you think they're up to? Just living their own life. You see it. It points right to the center of the I think the way they want to live up there. I think it's like a really rich guy. Well, the guy has a crazy story. So what is that? His like family tree? What will you just point to? What is this like? Oh, they do this. It's like the history. They have like it's called like the history of the world. No, it's the history of something. And they have like things that mattered to him. Major events in history. History of humanity. Yeah. And the guy who came to do that on the granite, the guy came to do that from Europe on the granite and he never he never went back to his family afterwards. Yeah, he left his family. Sounds like a cool place. You guys are selling it. That's him. Seems like everybody goes there. He's alive still. Jacques. Yeah, Jacques. He used to. He was the first inventor of the parachute or something like that. Oh, yeah. He was a parachuter. He was a parachuter in World War II. He was like, fuck this. This is perfect. I'm staying here. He's a very complex man, a parachuter that bought a pyramid and put the Eiffel Tower stairs in the middle of the and he made himself mayor of the town that he found it. Beautiful. That's the way to do it. Yeah. Shanksville. Welcome to Shanksville. So he's guys on town. There's eight people in it. Yeah. Sounds like he's all out of control. And me and Shank coming by. Yeah, and they give tours. Oh my God. So do you think they give tours to make new friends? Yeah, new friends. Yeah. They took a part of our energy and soul. We left with a migraine is what we're saying. Something was up. They offered tours so anybody can go to this. I think so. Draw your own conclusions. Who knows? And maybe they'll never leave just like all these other happy people. Yeah. Maybe it is. It's just what a strange thing to do. It was weird. Started town in the middle of the desert and say it's the center of the world. Self-proclaimed center of the world. Well, actually before. Is that what they say? They say on their website that it's the center of the world? Oh yeah, I'm trying to dig into it. I'm trying to find the way. Yeah. He also made. So before he made the center of the world, he wrote a children's book about a dragon called Center of the World. And then he said and he did the children's book first because he said, you know, like when you make up a story, you can create whatever you want and no one's going to question it. So he made like this whole story about the center of the world. It was like a children's book. And then he went ahead and made the center of the world. Or he's a prophet. Or he's a. And it is the center of the world. What if it is the center of the world? Trust me. Like what if it's like it ain't the center of the world. We went. It's Yuma. But if it's one of them Buddha slash Jesus characters that comes along and everybody questions him. That's why I'm like, Oh my God, he was the guy. Yeah, the history for Jesus to pick you up. That's a good spot. Yeah. No one would know. You know, kind of weddings. Imagine getting married at the center of the world. Why wouldn't you? You're the center of the universe. I romantic. It's perfect place to get married. I'm not giving Jock. There's the children's book. The good dragon at the center of the world. So this dude is obsessed with hollow earth. It's a real theory. Do you know they found more more water under the ocean under the earth's surface. He wanted us to step. Oh, that's that is the very center of the world. But I know that actually is. No. No. 100% they checked and the Tupperware cam even though the top is here and it's like this poles whatever that's the center. Yeah, that's the center. Everywhere you are is a center. Yeah. It's a globe. You fucking dipshit. I guess you're right. It's not like a total. Right. It's a sphere. Well, that was his whole point was that anywhere could be so he was picking the spot. Yeah. Suck it. You're like, this is actually. You don't get to pick. Scientists have to pick. If they do decide what the center is, it's going to be a lot of very fucking smart people with like some serious equipment. And it's going to take a long time. It's going to have to sort it through. Not a rich parachuter. The center is in the lava, you fuckhead. I believe. You got to go to the center. You're on the surface like saying they're on the edge of the world. It literally can't be the center of the world. No, you're on the corner of the world. Inside the hole. Maybe they're right about it being like the spot. Maybe they're right. If it's flat. You never know. If it's flat, there's a center.