4 years ago
2 appearances
Ron Funches is a comedian, actor and writer. His podcast "Gettin' Better" is available on Spotify. On September 5, his live stand up event "Awakening" will be streaming on YouTube and tickets are now available here: eventbrite.com/e/ron-funches-awakening-tickets-113410704470
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Did you go all in right from the jump when you said, all right, I'm going to lose weight? Or did you vacillate? Did you? No, once I, you know, again, my mola decision and I make it. So once the decision was made, it was more like, OK, it's out of my hands. I will do what my trainer says. And that's it. And that's been the crazy thing, because he'll then like recently he'll talk about other clients and he'll be like, oh, you know, you wanted him to do this. He didn't want to do it. So he didn't do it. And I go, oh, I I never comprehended that I could tell you no, you know, like I never even thought that I could be like, yeah, I know I'm tired. Fuck it. You know, I thought, oh, I'm paying you. This is your job. So I just listened to you, you know. And but I think, you know, so that way it's just me having a good attitude about it. I don't once I was in it, I was in it. And then later came the thing of like, oh, I have to mentally now undo like the fact that I still want these things. You know, it was easier to just say, OK, why not doing it? Because I need to protect my health and I'm going to die. But once I got down to a healthy way, it was like, OK, now we have to deal with the mental aspect. I went to like over eaters anonymous for a couple of classes. I didn't like that. What is that like? It's like Alcoholics Anonymous, basically. It's the same book even that they read from. Yeah. So I think they just need to get they shit changed and get the shit together because it doesn't match up because they read you these like things like, oh, I reached my lowest moment. I lost my family. I was living in a train. And I was like, well, no, I can't relate to that. My lowest moment is that I, you know, took a bite of a donut and then put it on top of the trash and then came back and got it and then had to put it deeper in the trash. That's what I need to work on. Yeah, it's a different kind of addiction, right? Mm hmm. Yeah. Though you don't really lose your life the same way. You know, you know, it's low. You lose your life in a weird way. You lose your physical life. Yeah. And you start telling. I just remember mentally the change of being like, well, you know, I just don't want to do that. I don't want to. I can't physically go scuba diving. They won't let me at my way. So, you know, I'm just not interested in any of that, you know. And now it's like, I want to do anything. I went to, you know, the pro wrestling school for a few months. Did you really? Yeah. Think about going to Jamar neighbors has me going to Crown College idea. So I'm up to anything. Clown college. Thinking about it. What is that? Talk to me. I don't know much about it, but he went he went Jamar neighbors. Jamar is so crazy. Yeah. And so I was talking to him about acting class and he was like, man, I think you would kill it in clown school. That is the what the fuck is clown school? Like, what do you do? Especially there's a lot of water bits, some prop work, a lot of nose honking. Yeah. But I bet you there's some tumbling stuff too. So I'd be interested in that. But yeah, what's the wrestling school? Tell me about pro wrestling school. Like what was this because you want to go full David Arquette? Great reference. Never go full David Arquette. There's a can't kill David Arquette documentary. Yeah, I know about it. I just watched the trailer for it. I'm like, this motherfucker is killing himself like this. Yeah, he's out there doing death matches, getting hit in the head with like light bulbs and shit like. OK. Yeah. Insane. No, I didn't want to do that. I just, you know, been a big fan of two things my whole life, comedy and pro wrestling. And I decided I wanted to when I lost a weight, I was not aware of what my body was capable of anymore. You know, I would still be like pushing myself up off of things. And my trainer would be like, what the fuck? Like, you know, you're much lighter than you think you are. Oh, that's funny. And so I decided to go. Habits. Yeah, old habits. So I decided to go to school to be like, OK, let me throw my body around. Let me do as many fucking squats as I can. Let me see what I can do. Oh, did they make you do like the bodyweight squats? Oh, yeah. Like Carl Gotts type workout. Oh, yeah. One day they were just mad at us. So they made us do like 375 squats. Oh, that's a fun day. The next day, huh? It was it was a fucking bathtub day. That's what. And Epsom Psalms Day. Oh, so much so. Oh, my God.