Realest Reality Show: Springer or Live PD?


4 years ago



Tony Hinchcliffe

29 appearances

Tony Hinchcliffe is a stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. He's also the co-host, along with Brian Redban, of the podcast and live YouTube show "Kill Tony."


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Two live crew in a lot of ways were like the Lenny Bruce of rap. They were the ones who got punished. They went to and they got busted in Broward County, Florida. Broward is like, you know, the way that's if you get, if you're, if you're doing up to anything that might be like a little slimy and you get arrested and they bring you to get charged in Broward County, Florida. Oh, you're fucked. I see them all the time on a life PD Broward County. When they go to Broward County, it's a great one. You guys ever see that show? No, it's unbelievable. You love that show. You keep talking about it. You love it. Oh, it's so great. It makes cops look like fricking Mr. Rogers neighborhood. Like it's just amped up and they, they just keep it moving. It's beautiful. We go now. They make everything seem super live, even though sometimes I'll be watching a rerun, but I'll just pretend like it's live, you know? That's funny. What's going to happen next? It's weird how many cop shows there've been and how much we love watching like cops, like those kinds of shows, like where, where someone's actually getting arrested. Yeah. Those shows are captivating for us. Nowadays, they've gotten famous, like, you know, these counties that they do it in. So sometimes someone will get pulled over or whatever and like, they'll be all fucked up like, Oh shit, is this live PD? What's up? And it's always the best. That's funny. Yeah. One guy already saw you. He's been out twice. He's like, I was on it last week. Oh my God. That's hilarious. Oh my God. That's hilarious. That's hilarious. That's hilarious. Oh my God. That's so stupid. It could happen to us. I mean, technically it could happen to anybody. Next thing you know, you have a camera in your face and I mean, what are you going to do? Yeah. What are you going to do? If you're in one of those areas and you get pulled over. Well, it's just the business of making, you know, air quote, reality TV so weird. It's so weird. That's the most reality reality TV because it's not planned. Like you know, for sure. They're not talking to the perps and saying beforehand, okay, this is what I want you to do. I want you to pretend that you're taking off and then we follow you and then you hit the brakes. I'm like, I'm just playing to say that. You would never, you know, you'd never get a criminal to do that correctly where it wouldn't look, you know, right. Wouldn't look fake. But these guys, when you know, they're getting arrested, you see the glass, you look in their eye, you see him confused and stupid. You see him say crazy shit. You see him get pushed against the car. See him screaming at their old lady with their shirt off. You see them. These are real people. That's reality TV. It might be the only reality TV there really is because everything else, everyone's painfully aware of the cameras there. The only thing that sucks about it is the cops are bad actors. Like most of those cops on those shows are like, well, you know, we're just doing our best here to keep the community safe. Like relax, bro. Stop with the. Some of those guys are already getting famous. Of course. That's what I'm saying. Of course. The guys dating Lana Del Rey, I think. Sticks. Yeah. Hey, good job, Sticks. Good for him. Lana Del Rey. Good for him. Lana Del Rey, supporting our first responders. I love it. Go out there and get it done. Yeah, he's going to become famous and then it's going to be corrupt just like everything else is going to fall apart and they're going to fake arrests. You know what we're talking about? Lester out from Bigfoot. He sent me an email. Said he was working with a television channel that not to be named and he had a problem again with them trying to fix shit and fake things. A lot of these shows that you're watching, some producer is faked stuff. It happened with me in a show that I was on. I had to get furious at this production company that did this show because they faked something on a show that I was on. I was so mad when I found out that Cheaters wasn't real, that they set up Cheaters. Remember Cheaters? Joey Greco. I do remember that. But was it real when he got stabbed? Because he got stabbed. That's what ended that show. I don't know if that was real or not. Maybe it was set up after he got stabbed so he didn't get fucked up anymore. No doubt if that was staged, because if it was all staged, it was all fake, they busted someone and someone stabbed him. I thought it was... Do you think it's fake? The fake stabbing? It has not suggested that the stabbing incident was staged. Was staged or fake? It says staged. What does that mean? Would you let someone stab you on television? How much money would they have to pay? That's dangerous. Did you get stabbed, man? You could die. I don't think they stabbed him. I think they had red ink or red paint or fake blood. Had him really just clench up. Inside Edition reported, according to a paid actor, that was a fake act. He was paid $400 to act out funny scenarios on the show. I don't know if that was that exact stabbing I thought that was going to see. I had a friend of mine back in New York that used to do those shows that would like Jenny Jones and shit like that. You know those shows? Like Phil Donahue like any kind of show? Like, hey, we're looking for a guy who's been secretly having an affair with his brother's wife for the last year. You know anybody? Like, what a coincidence. I've been secretly having an affair with my brother's wife. They're like, oh my God, are you free on Tuesday? Yup. And then they'd bring them in and then we'd go do that and they would call back. We're looking for a guy who pretended to be a police officer and would arrest people. Do you know anybody like that? What a crazy world. I used to be a cop. So they would just run a scenario by him and he would say that was, and everyone knew what was going on. And so they were all covered, right? He lied to them. They didn't know. And so he would show up and do this goofy fucking show and he was just acting. I saw him on a couple different ones. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, Springer, everyone thought, you know, Springer was real too until it got just obnoxious. They kept like running out of crazy things to do. It's not real. Oh yeah. No. No? No. Are you kidding? I can't tell whether you're being serious or not. I didn't know if it was real. Sometimes things are real. I don't know about that on Springer. I'm not sure though. I mean, some were so obnoxiously fake. Like these people break. By the end they had such bad actors. People were like laughing at themselves and stuff. Dude, some of those shows were great though. Yeah. Some of those, it just, there's moments on those shows. It's hilarious that the security guard from Jerry Springer ended up with his own TV show because he got so famous for running up on stage stopping all the fights. Steve Wilkos. Steve Wilkos. That's hilarious. His show, I love flipping those on sometimes. I'm at a hotel or something random, you know what I mean? Just like, just seeing what people are really watching the daytime. Every now and then you catch a gem. Catch a gem of an episode. One of those Maury Povich's, you are not the father and the guy's dancing. I'm going crazy. The best. One of my favorite ones, I don't remember which show it was, but I was watching it with Candy Alexander. We were in my dressing room when we were doing news radio. We're just bored in between scenes. We're watching TV. Because sometimes like, if they're setting up a scene, like maybe if they're special effects or something, like you might be there for fucking two hours, right? So we're watching, it might even be in rehearsal, I don't remember, because it was during the day. But we're watching the show and this girl has this like real slutty outfit on. She's got all this attitude and she's telling everybody she's the shit and y'all are just jealous. You know, and this one dude gets up and it was like one of the most calm, dismantling of a person I ever saw a guy do. The guy got up and again, I don't think he's an actor. I don't think he planned this. He goes, see, you could pull that off, but it's all about your attitude. She goes, if you had some pizzazz, you could pull that off. But your attitude stank and that made you look nasty. And fucking the whole place is just. It was the timing, but your attitude stank and that made you get look nasty. I fucked it up. She dude, it was it was one of those moments where, you know, she has this look at her face. With a fucking Mike Tyson right hand like like Deontay Wilder just bombed on her like what those moments do you get those moments every now and then if you watch a religious show, you'll get one of those moments sometimes. Every now and then they'll just say something so ridiculous. Like, what the fuck did you say? Yeah, they ended up, you know, it ends up being too rhythmic sometimes at the end. Like everybody that would walk off would always walk off on Maury to like that green room in the back right down the hallway. There's clearly, you know, the cameras set up for access for there and everything. And it would have been more random if they stormed off in another direction sometimes. Something more believable.