NY Times Writer Criticizes Tulsi Gabbard| Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Bari Weiss

2 appearances

Bari Weiss is an American opinion writer and editor. In 2017, Weiss joined The New York Times as a staff editor in the opinion section. Her new book "How to Fight Anti-Semitism" is now available. https://amzn.to/2Gh7WIL


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What do you think happens with him? I don't know. I don't know who can beat him. Who do you think can beat him? That's a good question. I don't know. Hillary can't. I'm so worried. But I'm so worried she's going to run again. She's going to muscle her way to the top. I don't know who can beat him right now. I don't know. Why do you think that? The question right is like... Because as things keep going further and further south, I'm a centrist Democrat. Doesn't that make more sense? That someone who's a rational person who's on the right is going to look at this person who's maybe economically conservative but socially liberal and say this is really where I'm leaning towards. Yeah, unless they run someone on the far left and like on an identity politics platform. That's what scares me. Yeah. That's not going to work. Well, could it though? I don't think so. I don't know. Because Trump's whole thing was screw the center. I just need to make my base go apeshit crazy for me. But they're still apeshit crazy. I know. And I'm worried that the Democrats are going to try and replicate that strategy and be like, we just need to make our base go apeshit crazy rather than running someone that can win the center. I see where you're going, but I think that this is maybe my liberal bias, but I think that people on the left wouldn't fall for that the same way people on the right would. I don't think people on the left who saw someone who went apeshit full, far left, I think there's a lot of people in the center that would be like, I'm going to just vote libertarian, man. I'm going to vote for Gary Johnson or some shit. But okay, so who's in right now? So we have Kamala, Kristen Gillibrand, Toshi Gabbard, Monstress, ideas. Well, when she was 22, she had No, she's an Assad Todi. What does that mean? What's a Todi? I think that I used that word correctly. Jamie, can you check what Todi means? Like toeing the line, is that what it means? I think it's like a T-O-A-D-I-E. What does that mean? I think it means and I think it means. Todi, definition of Todi's. A person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons. A sycophant. So she's an Assad sycophant, is that what you're saying? Yeah, that's known about her. Like what did she say that qualifies her? I don't remember the details. We probably should say that before we say that about her. We should probably read it rather. Well, I have read it. No, I'm going to read it right now. Just so we know what she said. I've had her on there before. I really enjoy talking to her. I like her a lot. Are you serious? Yeah, I like her talking to her. I don't know about. I think she's like the motherlode of bad ideas. Whoa. I'm pretty positive about that. Especially on Assad. But maybe I'm wrong. I don't think I'm wrong. Well, my take on her was that I think as a person who's coming from the left, who's also a veteran, and is very articulate and sensible and a woman, and in talking to her, we didn't get into Assad or any of those things, but talking to her about what she feels is wrong with the current administration and the way things are running and a direction she thinks things could go in. She has some very promising ideas. I didn't know about this. But doesn't she also, did she ever apologize for believing in conversion therapy? I didn't even know she believed in conversion therapy. Am I crazy? Is that real? I'm almost positive this is real. I think her father ran a center for gay people. When you say conversion therapy, you're talking about gay people. Yes. No, I didn't know that. I never heard that. I did hear something about when she was very young. She was like 22. She had said something about gay marriage and civil unions. So I see that. That she apologized for and said that she evolved. She reveals she met Assad in Syria without informing top Democrats. I'm telling you, she's... She said she went on a fact-finding mission in support of peace for Syrian people, but characterized U.S.-backed rebels as terrorists. Yeah, she's... I mean... I can keep looking, but I just... I'm telling you... I don't have enough time to research everything all at the same time. Yeah. I can come back on when I know more. Okay, but let's... We can do this another time. Okay. But who do you think stands out for you as someone that would make a good president? Yeah, she once touted working for an anti-gay group the back conversion therapy. Anyway. She once touted working for an anti... She worked for an anti-gay group? She worked for them like she had a job there. What? You know, I'm worried. As a person who's been called alt-right adjacent... I'm just looking it out. I'm worried about labels. No, I understand. But you know what I mean? Tulsi Gabbard in the early 2000s touted working for her father's anti-gay organization which mobilized to pass the measure against same-sex marriage in Hawaii and promoted controversial conversion therapy. Mm. Yeah. FYI.