Lil Duval Believes in Religion... For Normal People | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Lil Duval

1 appearance

Lil Duval is a stand-up comedian and recording artist.


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So I can't believe that's a real thing. Me neither, man. Because like, where I live in, I got a house in the Bahamas. Like you, when at nighttime, you can really see how round the earth is. Because it's so pitch black. And when you walk out the yard at night, it feels like you're out of space. And you can really see how round the earth is. It's damn stupid how people don't believe that it's round. It's just people want to believe shit is a trick. People want to believe everything is a lie. People didn't think America was here when it was over the years. That's true. They didn't. So it's just like people don't think out of space. We don't think. It's hard to think that far because then you think that far, you got to think about it. And they don't want to think. The people that didn't think America was here, at least they have the benefit. There was no photographs. They had never been. They don't know anybody who's been. So it probably was way more of a question whether or not America existed versus whether or not the earth is round. The earth is round. You can see it. It's not hard. They have satellites that take a photo of it every 10 minutes. The idea that all that's fake is so crazy. The idea that every mission is fake. Every space station mission, every satellite, all that's fake. Like why? These guys, and the weird thing is a lot of the dudes that are doing it, they're like super Christian. A lot of the flat earth people, they're super Christian. They think that this is all like the idea that we're in space, that we're on a flat wall to keep us from God. Like what? It doesn't make any sense. You have to keep, I mean in religion, and I do believe in religion, but in religion you have to keep them in a certain space to keep their mind focused on that right there because otherwise they, you can't tell everybody everything. No. Because then they'll go crazy. That's why I believe in religion. I really did. For normal people. I know what you're saying. It gives people help. It gives people hope. Everything that's going to bring you to love and peace, you can't be mad at it. I feel like it's something that helps evolution, almost like a vehicle for aiding evolution to take us out of our barbarian days, into our civilized days, and then transcend. But this is religion, what we're doing right here. You think so? I know so, because it's what we're conveying and talking and preaching pretty much. This is. I believe what we're at, we're at the evolution of entertainment and conversation is like our Bible. And that's what we're doing with social media. I tweet my shit like that. I tweeted thinking like a hundred years from now somebody's going to read this shit like we read hieroglyphics. Okay, so I see what you're saying. So it's all of our way of talking shit out and figuring things out. The same how religion was and that's why they established these parameters. Yes, because you understand, all right, if you go this way, this is what's going to happen. So I got to tell them this. So they, it's like a child, you're not going to tell them all the truth because if you tell them, they ain't ready for it. And that's what religion is like. All right. I ain't going to tell them that God was, I mean, that Jesus was really a regular person because if you do, ain't nobody going to trust no regular person. I got to make this motherfucker amazing. Walk on earth, walk on water, then you'll trust it. You know what I'm saying? Just like me and you, he fuck up. Nobody wants, you don't want to see a fuck up. Yeah. Especially back then when everybody knew that no one knew what the fuck was going on and they were, you know, they made up. I mean, not that any of the gods aren't made up, but they'd make up gods. They were God for thunder, the God of war, the God of this, the God of that, that all these gods battling out over destiny. They were just guessing. They was bored. Yeah. That's all this shit. That's where all this shit come from boredom. And this shit we doing right now, this is boredom. Yeah, for sure. This is, I mean, it is funny that what people do today when they talk is kind of like they're trying to figure things out and re-estat. Like that's one of the, there's so much change going on with the way people communicate. Man, the thing that fucks us up is our brain. For sure. We are more nature than we are, more of this than we are this. Like this is just, everything we talking now, we just speaking, just talking, just talking shit we done thought a thousand times and regurgitating. But what really makes us how we move, what we do, you know, is by how your actions, your actions really much, your creatures of habit, you know, that's what really tells you. Like I'm talking all day. I can say, I'm a good guy. But if I don't show it, I ain't that person. Yeah. And the other thing that you just said, what creatures are how, we're creatures. That's the other thing. Like human beings want to think of ourselves as something separate. We're definitely creatures. We do the exact same thing everything do. Live and die. We just do it weirder than anybody else. We do it weirder than everybody else. That's the, I bet every other creature be looking at us like, look at these motherfuckers. And he just, look at them. Look at them. Look at them. Yeah. All they do is get up, shit, fuck and die. That's it. Get high, play video games. Do they get high? Watch movies, animals? Oh, yeah. That's what they're saying to us. Yeah, we fight, care about shit that don't matter. We fight for sport. But this the most entertaining shit ever. I wouldn't get this shit up for nothing. No, it's enjoyable. We're at a great time too. I love watching this shit. I love life. That's the only reason I want to live long. Because you enjoy it. I want to see how this shit gonna play out. How do you think it's gonna play out? You never know. It's all about human's emotions. Because it can go either way. But I know, I mean, I think it's gonna play out weird. It's not gonna be, it's not the same world that it was 50 years ago. It's not gonna be the same world. It's gonna be a totally different world. And I just want to look at it and be like, what the fuck?