Lennox Lewis on Fighting Mike Tyson | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Lennox Lewis

1 appearance

Lennox Lewis is a three-time world heavyweight champion, a two-time lineal champion, and remains the last heavyweight to hold the undisputed title.

Russell Peters

9 appearances

Russell Peters is an actor and stand up comedian. His latest stand up special "Deported" is now available on Amazon Prime.


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Have any thoughts at all once you finally retired like maybe one more. Did you ever have any thoughts like that? Well, you know, I told people like I'll take I'll take my pajamas off for a hundred mil. Mmm She's serious come with it baby show me the paper. Mmm, but who would that have to be against AJ? Maybe no But when you had beaten Tyson you'd beat Tyson that was kind of at the end of his stage, too, right? Yeah, wasn't the same guy like I've I looked at Tyson's history, you know he's coming from the same history that I'm coming from, you know and He spent some time in incarceration while he was in incarceration. I'm still out there fighting and training hard He didn't have that right in there. So when when he came out, it's like, you know He's training again. He's doing what he what what he knows not what he loves, right? What he knows That's what's gonna make him some money. That's gonna put Food on this table. So it's like I look at old-time fighters and say what made them stay in boxing so long That's the only thing they knew right? They didn't they're not gonna be no singer or dance or whatever They only know boxing and this is where they get their money from so they that's what that's what forces them back into the ring Especially especially olden days That's why they were called prize fighters because they wouldn't make enough money to to make a living unless you like a huge like a Jack Dempsey Or a Ray Robinson Ray Robinson fought way way way past his plan again Cuz they were making good money at the time but not the money that they would have been making if it was today Well, there was no I mean, you know, you had to go see it live You know, like how much did you get paid for the radio? Who was that in the fight on the radio was it Jack Dempsey Gene tiny? That was the first million dollar gate I think so one of those Ray our cell did that fight I think and that create What is a million dollars back then to set so a lot of money back then something in the 1920s, right? Yeah You say Jack Gene Tony Jack Jean. Yes, Gene Tony. Yeah When when Tyson was in jail, he must have been doing something cuz he came out jacked Like he looked good like he came out looking different. Yeah, and he ever looked like six pack Fully built when he fought Peter McNeely Terrifying but like physically he looked really good too. Like you look better than he ever looked Yeah more ripped than ever so when he went in he was a little chubby. Yeah You know, what is it a doing there? Yes, nothing else waits. Yeah, so fuck dudes How many dudes before it's enough How much time you're in there for yeah, that was him what when he came out yeah, he was shredded It was and it was so much more muscular. So he's probably you probably couldn't do any sparring I doubt they had a heavy bag, but they probably had a weight room, you know Yeah, but you can fight you can fight in prison. He was like 28 29 there. It depends on what prison, right? Yeah, yeah. No, I'm saying even fight just fight. Oh fight people. Yeah. Yeah, you know You know, somebody would have tried to start some shit. Well, I'm sure I'm sure we're not a guard even, you know Yeah, I bet I bet he had to listen to a lot of shitty things regard It's funny when I seen him be arrested taken from the courtroom and They got they must have got the biggest guy they could ever get to go put handcuffs on him or something like that Anyway situation that yeah, I hope a lot of people stay away from yeah when he went away Did you feel like damn it like I'm gonna miss out on that fight that I want. Yes straight away He's like, oh no, I'm gonna have to wait and delay my retirement So you were waiting you were considering retirement even before he was incarcerated. Yeah Wow interesting But then you were chasing the bow fight bow fight chicken bow You know, you figured that chicken bow So we read all the way to call them ridiculous bow ridiculous bow chicken bow Tried to pick a fight with me the other day. Did he really the other day? He did. Yeah, where Out of five is that in LA where they called all the great ones on Jerry Cooney me Forman Spinks was there and what was he doing? He wanted to stand beside me and take a picture I'm like dude, you can't stand beside me. God stand where I want to stand. I'm like, dude, you're gonna have to move So Jerry Cooney kind of helped us out there Wow save them Cuz he can't really