5 years ago
7 appearances
Kevin Smith is a filmmaker, actor, comedian, public speaker, comic book writer, author, and podcaster. Look for his movie "Jay and Silent Bob Reboot" on tour now with tickets available at https://rebootroadshow.com/
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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Are you just maintaining now? Are you trying to continue to lose? Now maintaining, like I'm on the road for the next like 60, well we have 63 dates with Jane's Sound Bob reboot. We've just been in Jersey, Chicago, Detroit, Grand Rapids, St. Paul, St. Louis, Columbus, as the first leg and now we go to Texas and stuff. We're doing that for like 60, two weeks. Is this a publicity tour? We're just touring the movie rather than like, hey, we'll put the movie out in a thousand theaters, we don't have that kind of marketing money. So instead, me and Jay are just touring with the movie. So essentially it's like a comedy tour or like a small punk band tour. We go to a theater, we set up shop, we sold tickets in advance, a lot of the tourists sold out, rebootroadshow.com for tickets. And we intro the movie, watch the movie with them and then hang out afterwards Q&A and shit like that. And for me it's like, you know, it's pretty grueling schedules every day in a different city but every day I get to like sit and watch the movie with the exact audience it was made for. It's not like walking into a multiplex that's playing your movie and even if it's crowded you're like, man, I hope all these cats get every joke and stuff. This is the crowd the movie was made for. So every reference, every joke, like lands, man, you feel like a genius. I sit in the back of the room and watch the back of their heads like a dirty little cuck at every screening, man. Just ready to fuck a jerk off. I'm so happy with myself. I'm like, I'm so clever listening to them laugh. It's, you know, it's like stand up but like with the movie essentially. And you know, it's, we've just taken the movie and kind of eventized it by being like, hey man, come watch it with us because you do that. That's very cool. And in a world where people would come see me and Jay anyway, talk about the old movies like and pay 50 to a hundred bucks, we're like, they'd pay the same thing to see us bring a new fucking movie. So it's been incredibly successful, man. Like big sold out shows. We've had to like double up on shows, but watching it with the audience is like, it's, it's fantastic. Do you guys do a Q and A or? Yeah, afterwards. And I, we share the stage, which is difficult because I tend to, you know, as you see, like I'm blah, blah, blah. So I've tried to hold back to let him kind of take front and center during the Q and A because he's the star of the movie and he's amazing in the fucking flick. Like I tell people at the beginning of every night, I'm like, I, we only get to make this journey and we've been doing it for 25 years since clerks because like I met a boy who said dirty things to me and I said, come with me. We're going to Hollywood. And like, I met a true American original Jason Muse, who I said, you, I think you're funny. I wonder if people would find you funny outside of New Jersey and like somebody should put you in a movie one day. And then one day I was that person and he was our passport and has been our passport to the world. And it's likely the guy that was never going to get out of highlands, you know, on his own accord, but like simply by being like, wait, say these things here on camera. Now we've got a movie. Like he opened up the entire world to us. So it's his finest hour in this movie. Like he's funny as fuck, man. He carries the whole show, but he also gets to be emotional because it's about him finding out he's got a long lost daughter and shit. So it's father daughter movies. And so there are moments in the movie where people cry and not because like Kevin fucked up another movie. Like they're like, Oh my God, like he's, he's getting me there as an actor. It's been like fucking thrilling to watch. So every night, like it was thrilling to watch when we made it. Every night I get to like sit back and watch the audience take it in. And I'm used to making comedy and you want people laughing. Otherwise you're if it's silence, it's death. But there are moments in the movie where like it's quiet and that's a good thing. And like, you know, I still clench my asshole because in any silence you're always like, you just need one heckler to be like, fuck this blows or whatever. And the audience breaks or whatever. So far, man, it's been like really fucking beautiful. You just put the seat out there though. The fuck this blows. I know. I know. I know. Fuck. As it fell out of my mouth, I was like, you just damned yourself. We're going to Houston tomorrow night.