"Keeping up with The Kardashian Surgeries"


3 years ago



Kyle Dunnigan

3 appearances

Kyle Dunnigan is a standup comedian, podcaster, actor, and the co-creator of "Fresh Prez of DC," a satirical comedy series on YouTube. He is also host of "The Kyle Dunnigan Show".


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Hello? Oh hey Kim! It's Chloe. Oh shit, sorry Chloe. God those surgeries are making you girls look alike. Hey Kim, I just thought Chloe was you, isn't that funny? Ding ding yum yum. Oh geez, sorry Kylie. Hello? Oh fuck. Hey you. Which one are you again? What? Oh my god, it's like that horror movie Multiplicity with Michael Keaton. Wait, now I'm confused who's who. Court likes my ties. I don't like my ties so I'm not Court. Okay, that helps a little. Are we our mom? Yeah. What? No. Alright, everyone shut the fuck up. If we panic, we'll never figure this out. Okay, the bottom left is Kim because I gave you that scarf for Christmas. Duh dum dah. Ah shit, sorry Kendall. Alright, no more sharing clothes. Say I if you're the person that wants to be a lawyer but there's no way in God's asshole you'll pass the bar. Duh dum. Ah damn it. Alright, okay. If you only date black guys, say hi. Yum yum yum. Fuck, that was a stupid question. Alright, hold on. Let me get Jeff Goldblum. He plays scientist in the movies. Yes. Jeff, we can't figure out who's who. Yes, I see. We cloned dinosaurs. Same problem. But, but, but, but, but, but, as long as you don't interrupt the space time continuum, nature will find a way. Hello? Too late. Fat Chloe's back. I'm Rob. Oh. Hi Rob. Alright, fun's over guys. Rob's here. If you click it I'll shock your cock.