Joe Rogan - What Paul Newman Said About Danica Patrick


6 years ago



Danica Patrick

1 appearance

Danica Patrick is a professional racing driver, model, and advertising spokeswoman. Her new book called "Pretty Intense" is available now.


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Are you surprised that with all your success and all the attention that you've gotten from your success as the only woman on your level in professional racing, are you surprised that more women aren't entering in that you haven't like sort of opened the door or do you think that it's such a specialized and unique thing to do that it's just not something that a lot of women gravitate towards? I used to say that for 100 men that came through if you found it takes 100 to find a good one that comes pretty quickly but to go through 100 women takes a lot longer because there are so few of them. There are more coming through but I just think that you know over time it just takes a lot longer to find good ones but I don't know. I think back to this is my ego talking I think back to a long time ago when Paul Newman was still alive and we were on a late night show together probably Letterman and he was asked before I went on he was the first guest if there was going to be another driver another girl that comes through that compares to me and he said he didn't think so. Maybe there won't be. Paul Newman knew his shit. He knew his shit. Maybe I mean you're unique. I'm sure there will be someday. I meet a lot of women like you because of MMA. There's those savages that enter into MMA. The women that wind up fighting in MMA there's a lot of them and I'm kind of stunned at how many of them there are but when I say they're like you I mean they're bold powerful unique people that are they just take wild chances. I mean the type of person that is like a Holly home or someone like that. So I think the big difference lies in there are a lot of people that are strong aggressive confident you know assertive bold but to then be able to keep it together and up above their shoulders that's another that's the difference. Keep it together in the pressure of a race. Yeah in the pressure of whatever moment it's having you're having whatever pressures are being put on you around an event or for one I mean those are that's really hard the right people around you being able to filter the shit and let in like keep the good keep your own confidence up that's that's hard that's the hardest part and then being able to flip that switch when you're performing to of course then to not have doubts but more confidence. I think everything that you said would be mirrored by what a woman who competes at the very highest levels of MMA would say. I think they would they would find all those things to be factors you know it's just I'm really stunned that you literally are the only one I mean there's that's that's an incredibly rare position. Do you ever stop and think about like what if you weren't there it's not like it's forbidden for women. I never thought about it like that I've mostly only thought about it from the perspective of like have I thought about what I've done in the sport because stuff that people haven't done before and usually my answer is is that someday I'll look back and you know be able to have a little bit more perspective on it but right now I'm just kind of in the middle of it but yeah I've never thought about it like that.