8 years ago
3 appearances
Thaddeus Russell is an author of A Renegade History of The United States. He is currently visiting faculty at Willamette University and the founder of Renegade University. Check out his new podcast called Unregistered on Spotify. Family Friendly.
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
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Train by day, Joe Rogan podcasts by night, all day! I got some holes in my game. What do you think about Klitschko Joshua this weekend? It's a big fight. Boring. Boring. Those guys are boring. Joshua's got nice power. Joshua's not boring. He's got great power. His technique's okay. He's not great. I think Klitschko's got a nice jump. Is it going mentalistly? The Klitschko's put people to sleep, Joe. This is why the heavyweight division, no one cares about it, right? Put people to sleep the other way by like being boring. Yeah, being boring. You know what I mean by like knocking them silly. No. But Joshua puts people to sleep the right way. Joshua knocks people out, which is fun to watch, and I'm into that, but it's not... I just love technique. Like I'm a student of it. So you're like a Lomachenko guy. Yeah. Thank you for bringing him up. Vasily Lomachenko's the best. Thank you for bringing him up. We gotta talk about this. Oh, God. Forget my career, podcast, history, fuck all that shit. People who don't know, please go online right now and Google Vasily Lomachenko. He might be the best boxer that's ever lived. He might be. I was worried that we were going to fight about this, but I think we're on the same page here. So he's on such another level with his footwork and movement. I just can't come up with a comparable... I mean, there's been some amazing boxers way back to Sugar Ray Robinson and Willie Pep, and all those guys paved the way. But I feel like everything evolves, right? Every combat sport, even art and music evolves to the current state it's at now, which you get the best of the best right now, and you go, wow, they've learned from Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard and Roy Jones and Bernard Hopkins. Lomachenko, in my eyes, is the best. The way he moves is insane, and he's super aggressive. I know. He's not like Floyd Mayweather, who is arguably the best ever, multiple time world champion in multiple divisions, 49 and 0, only been hit solid maybe seven, eight times his whole career. I saw it once when he got a little rocked by Shane Mosley. Shane Mosley, yeah. Once. I mean, Maidana cracked him once, but that's over the course of this spectacular career, but much more defensive oriented, brilliantly defensive, very economical with his approach, but brittle hands hurts his hand, breaks his hands a lot. Not a lot of power. Lomachenko is on you like glue, stands right in front of you and you can't hit him, and he's going left and he's going right and he's in and he's out, and you don't know where the fuck he is, and he's lighting you up. So... What is this? Lomachenko is now the number one pound for pound fighter in boxing. What's that in? Forbes? Damn, Forbes. So technically he can't be because his record. He hasn't really been tested. He's got eight fights? No, no, no. I'm with you completely. I'm just saying technically he doesn't have enough fights to be number one. I don't give a fuck. I know. He's the best. So let me just say, so here's my history with Lomachenko. So like, I forget, it was like four or five years ago, I thought Gary Russell Jr. was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and I still think he's just phenomenal. Very good fighter. Incredibly fast. The fastest hand since Roy Jones, easily, and maybe even faster, and technically just perfect. I thought he was unbeatable. I thought he was the next thing, and he's still a great, great, great fighter. I love him. He fought Lomachenko, and I was like, who's this Russian dude? I didn't even know he was Ukrainian. Never heard of him, and he tore, he took Russell apart. Yeah, here's a highlight reel. Look at him. He stands right in front of people, man. He just has such brilliant movement, man. He's the perfect example of new wave, this stage. So that right there, this sidestep movement. Yeah, he does this. It's a hop, actually. He hops inside, and he'll throw a body shot off of it when he gets inside on you, but he's basically standing at your side. Boom, right there. He did it again. Well, he's not a brutal puncher. He'll step in or hop in. And you know the funny thing? So I've been hopping around gyms lately, boxing gyms. Look at that. He did it like three times in a row. Genius. And here's how I know ... Here's why I think that he is the next Ollie, which is that just in the last year, every boxing gym I've gone to, people have taught Lomachenko's moves, like as a standard part of classes. Interesting. Right? Meaning that he's changing the game. Right. It's kind of what you were saying. Well, you know Mike Tyson did a lot of that, too, by the way, but didn't do it to this level. People can't ever punch as hard as Mike Tyson. You can actually do some of this stuff. Of course he's a phenomenal athlete, Lomachenko is, and not everyone can do this, but there are some things here that you can do that have never been done before. Like in particular, that little hop step. It's actually ... I had a coach call it the ... I think it was called the Lomachenko jump or something. But you can do that. You can just step in like that really quickly, but people for some reason just never did it. Well, Tyson did do it. Tyson learned it from Customado. Customado was teaching this way back in the fucking 50s. Mike Tyson's style was so much different because he was throwing howitzers at you. Lomachenko is not knocking anybody out with one punch. He's hitting you with multiple barrage of punches, but the thing about ... He dropped him with a liver shot, but the thing about what Lomachenko is doing with this steady barrage is very similar to what I've always said about jujitsu. If you want to really learn jujitsu, learn jujitsu from a small man, because small men can't use strength and weight and all the physical advantages. They have to use perfect technique. If you deal with guys like Eddie Bravo or Heuler Gracie or Barrett Yoshida, the really little guys are the guys who have this stellar technique because they don't have the physical strength. With Lomachenko, you see the same thing. He's not a one punch guy. He doesn't have some Tommy Hearn's knockout ability or Mike Tyson type power. He's forced to have this brilliant movement in footwork, which is complete next level. The footwork, I think, is the best of all time. Now he's literally embracing the whole idea of him being in the Matrix. He has Matrix shorts on now. See, I like the Matrix comparison. I think of him as the nightcrawler. He's just teleporting around you. A nightcrawler from X-Men? Yeah, X-Men. He just shows up suddenly right next to you. He disappears and shows up right next to you in a different location. It's right there, that little movement and the anticipation of the counter and already being two, three steps ahead of you. That last fight against Sosa, have you seen that? Yeah, I saw that. That was even better. He improved. He was even better. I was like, this is getting crazy. He's so amazing. Everyone should watch him. He's on another level, man. He's on a complete another level. Well, this is a guy like him in kickboxing. Who? Giorgio Petrosian. Have you ever seen Giorgio Petrosian fight? Yeah, he's the best for sure. Yeah, I love Petrosian. He's some next level shit too. Definitely. He did lose one fight by knockout a couple of years ago. But badly. Yeah, he got caught. Andy Risty. Daniel Iolungo? No, Andy Risty. That's where it was. Yeah. Well, Risty's a brutal knockout puncher. He knocked out Van Rysmullen too. Yeah. Same year, I think. Well, it's one of those things where a guy like Andy Risty has so much power if he catches a human being on the chin. Yeah, you're fucked. Not perfect technique, but man. But nasty, nasty power. I wanted to talk about Jermaine Durandami. Oh yeah. Talk about her. I mean, because it's funny. Yeah.