7 years ago
7 appearances
Kevin Smith is a filmmaker, actor, comedian, public speaker, comic book writer, author, and podcaster. Look for his movie "Jay and Silent Bob Reboot" on tour now with tickets available at https://rebootroadshow.com/
7 years ago
8 years ago
Hello freak bitches. And they were asking, and essentially Democratic Party was going come on America like Let's vote a woman in, come on. Like we just had the black president that was amazing, let's have a woman president. And I think if they'd gone with almost any other candidate that didn't have as much baggage it'd be a different story. But they were asking you to like somebody who I didn't have an issue with but a lot of people got a big issue with. If she was a man it would be a giant problem. But we game work. What do you mean? Well if she had all those problems, if she, you know, all the campaign, all those shit. I don't know. We saw a guy with a lot of problems and he seemed to squeeze through. But I'm saying if she was a man and she was up against Trump and she had all those problems, she would be crushed. She would have no chance. But because she was a woman. Oh you think she got further because of that? Oh 100%. And legacy, Clinton legacy as well. There was a lot of people that wanted to make history. They wanted to make history because look from a social standpoint Barack Obama was very important because here was a super articulate guy who's really calm and he just, he has a very even presence about him always. You never see him riled up. You never see him crazy. Even like he gets heckled. Did you see that thing where the Trump supporter was heckling him and he handled it with grace? He's just a graceful guy. That's like probably the best way to describe him. You know like that was important for the country because that represented like wow hey here's this black guy who's super articulate and so calm and so like the way he expresses himself is so perfect for a president. So presidential. Like what a perfect example for our country. This is us. And then I think a lot of people felt like Hillary Clinton would be another one of those things. Like look we can have a woman running things. We're not sexist. Look we are a really articulate, incredibly well experienced woman who's been in business for a long time with the government. She's deep inside the machine. She's been in public service since she was a teenager. Yes. But it was just too much. It was just too much shit for people. But I think if that was a man and she had all those same problems. It was a man and tied to some foundation that was getting all these people that eventually got arms deals and they donated and they're all part of this weird sort of incestuous political world. A man would be skewered with that same record because Trump was running as an outsider. You know what he had going against him is he's boorish. He says ridiculous shit and you know they could they could point to that that recording of him talking about grabbing pussies and they're like look look look who we have here. That was like the big thing against him but at least to these people that hate the system he was an outsider. If she was a man she would have represented even more of an insider. I think to a lot of people. I think her actions and what she's done in the past versus her as a woman that was like sort of a situation there. Do you ever see the video where she was talking about Gaddafi being killed? No. This crazy video man because she's joking around before they interview her and she goes we. It was like before the official interview starts like she makes a crack about something. She had just found out that Gaddafi had been killed and she was like laughing about it. She goes we came we saw he died. And she throws her head back and she's laughing. She was kind of hawkish. Oh she was hawkish. If that was a guy if a guy did that he would have been thought to be a fucking serial. A serial killer. A sociopath. Right? If a guy did that like say if Joe Biden like we came we saw he died. People would be like do you want that guy in charge of the fucking nukes? But we let her go. We'll give her a pass. There's a lot of stuff that she's done where people give her a pass. They put a more interesting cat in charge of the nukes. There should be no president. This is what I say. Everybody's like who would you think should be the president if you have a problem with Trump or if you have a problem with Trump. No human being should be in control of 350 million human beings. It's a preposterous job. Explain. This way too many of us. It's impossible. So then how would it be done? We don't have to do it this way. No doubt. No doubt. But what's the idea? I don't have one. But we can't have an alpha champ. Let's figure it out right here. We're smart. The internet. What about education? The internet? Mind reading? Unfortunately does it come down to what was that movie with the girl who shoots bows and arrows and shit? Oh, Hunger Games? Hunger Games. Can we district the country and then there are heads of district or same thing? We'll go to war with each other. You're absolutely right. You can't do that. All right, so that's gone. This is a thing, Tech Kids. This is how it happens. Throw out every idea to get there. That was one. Even states are problematic. So then what is- Because people are like fuck Utah, this is Texas, son. That's true. That exists. I grew up in New Jersey and New York hated us. Fuck everybody hates everybody. We hated Pennsylvania. We hated Boston. Oh yeah, you hated Pennsylvania, New York hated Boston. Connecticut got a pass. Connecticut was like some little kid with a limp. Like oh, don't pick on them. Listen, Connecticut doesn't get mentioned in the tri-state area. Whenever they did commercials, it would be like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Exactly. I don't know. I thought Connecticut was New Hampshire until years and years later. Connecticut is a highway. It's a highway between Boston and New York. Spoken like a poet. Connecticut is a highway. Everyone in Connecticut is like fuck you. They are like fuck you. You know what I'm talking about, bitch. You know I'm right. All right, wait. No states because we war with each other. Can you- somebody has to govern, no? You have to be police and shit like that. I think the best way to probably handle it is let every human being have a say. Every human being that's of adult age, and I think registering to vote should be just as fucking easy as getting an email. It should be just as easy as doing everything else that you do online. You have a Twitter handle. You should be able to vote. You should be able to use your ID, like whatever- whoever you are, whatever your name is, you know, call yourself whoever the fuck you want. That is one individual vote. That's what I think. And I think as long as we can figure out how to make that system pure, where people can't hack it through it, you can't log in from 15 different computers, if you have a fucking birth certificate, and your birth certificate aligns with this number, and that's this, and this is you, as long as they can figure out how to make it so people don't hack into it, everybody who's an adult should be allowed to vote. What are we voting for, though? What are we voting for? Including people that have gone to jail. I think people that have gone to jail, the idea that someone goes to jail for four years and now they can't vote for the rest of their life, I think that's fucking crazy, too. That's ridiculous. Especially you pay your debt to society back and you should be able to reenter society. Exactly. You can't be a 20 year old and do something stupid and rob somebody or something, and then I'm supposed to think of you a certain way for the rest of your life. You're 80 now. You robbed somebody when you were 20. That's still you? You're a dangerous man talking about tearing down institutions. But institutions are a problem no matter what. They're always a problem. I think the real issue is government, right? Governing us. So the real issue is what everybody wants is safety, security, protection, and unity. That's what everybody wants. All the other stuff in terms of restrictions on your behavior, we have to just figure it out, cut it down the middle between hurts other people and hurts yourself. And hurts yourself? You're on your own. Just like you're on your own with rock climbing, just like you're on your own with bungee joping. So wait, give me an example of hurt yourself. Like doing heroin. Drugs. Exactly. That's the choice. In high school, they call them elective. Yeah. How come you could just go to the roof and jump off, but you can't do heroin? No one will stop you. You can go to your roof and practice back flips off your fucking roof. You're making so much sense. I'm ready to boot, dude. I'm ready to fucking jack a needle in my 12-gauge it right now. When you have people telling other people what to do, you've got a tyranny. You've got a fucking problem. Even if they sort of can get away with it because it's written down on paper, did you agree to it? No. Nobody asked you about child labor laws. No one's pulled you aside. I haven't had a say in that for years since I was a child. No one's pulled you aside and decided, you've decided with them how old you should be when you drink. No. It's all been done. Most people don't have a say. It's all written down somewhere. The amount of people that vote versus the amount of people that are affected by that vote, completely disproportionate. It's fairly weird, man. It's really weird. We have a ton of systems that are set up completely to do two things. One, to control people, and two, to ensure the survival of these systems. That's what bureaucracy is. That's a giant problem with government, like the DEA. The DEA wants so badly to keep arresting people for marijuana because if they don't, they don't have jobs. I'm just going to light up. I better not light this right now. That's perfect timing again. Dude, you and I are in sync. What do you mean? Why? They're jobs. Their jobs are going to go away. There's plenty of other drugs. Dude, there's so little. 46% of all arrests, they said, what was the number? More people have been arrested today for marijuana than all other arrests combined. You see me smoking, man. You want me watching the door for the next hour? I'm freaking out too, man. Jesus. What is that? I heard a noise. What are you doing? But we live in the correct state, right? Tell me I'm right. We live in several correct states. If you're going to scare me, then throw me a dick tickle a little bit. Tell me everything's going to be okay. We're here, Washington State, Oregon, Washington DC. The West Coast is one large smoking section. Washington DC and Boston now, Massachusetts, West State. Florida is medical, not legal. Medical, yeah, a bunch of medical. Huge step though for Florida. What are the other legal state? Alaska? Alaska is legal. Fuck yeah, Alaska. So are gangsters to the north? Do you believe the ... Gangsters to the north. I would love Alaska. Do you believe the theory that as goes California, so goes the union. Like for years they said, if California goes legal, there you go. That's interesting. I think there's going to be states that resisted still. There's guys like that Jeff Sessions guy who's coming into office with Trump, who could be an issue. But I don't think he will be because I think Trump is a business person. Yeah, he's a business person. He's not just a business person, he's a populist. He's going to want people to like him. It doesn't make sense. It's not a logical move. As weird as he is, he's not illogical. Hillary Clinton was illogical, and this is why I say that. Because I got a lot of shit from people that are like super pro, hashtag on with her. I'm like, look man, she didn't support gay marriage until 2013. Do you know how crazy that is? Until 2013, Hillary Clinton was saying that she believes that marriage was between a man and a woman. It was a sacred union, and it should be protected. So it's one of two things. Either she actually believed that, or she was in bed with people who were forcing her to behave that way, or say that. Or she thought that she had to say that in order to get elected. Either way you're not getting an authentic person. Either way, no. No. You can't be a part of that. I attended my first gay wedding.