Commenting post 6 years this clip: Daniel Vitalis would be a interesting guest.
6 years ago
1 appearance
Donnie Vincent is a biologist, explorer, conservationist, sportsman, and filmmaker. Links to some of his recent work is available at:
Commenting post 6 years this clip: Daniel Vitalis would be a interesting guest.
Corn's fucking terrible for you terrible absolutely terrible on there and and literally you can read that sign and all these people be like Oh, that's so beautiful like all those corn stocks and there'll be food for us forever And why cook when you cannot the percentage of diners or dinners rather eaten at home? That were actually made at home in the US and it's so weird having you here. It's a weird But this is just dinner so right so this is how many people are cooking but really that's the only meal I lower and lower so it's below. It's somewhere in the 60% range So the percentage of dinner is eaten at home that were actually made at home in the US Somewhere around 60% so in that 60% You got to think there's the mom or the the dad that's cooking and then the kids that are eating the food So they're not cooking shit So it's probably way lower than that in terms of the actual human beings that are eating cooked food that they cook themselves Yeah So how can you you know so how can you stand on a on any sort of laurels at all without? You know at least asking some questions. Yeah, I mean people they've their answers are they feel better If they think that they're doing no harm and the way to do no harm is to eat vegan So this is the ideology behind it, and I understand it. I get it. I Appreciate it, but the fucking anger at people who don't follow that path is where it gets real squirrely You know and it's a small number of people and I've talked about this in my act that the problem with Vegans is the problem with people it's not veganism It's people if you get a room that has a hundred people in it the odds of one of those people being a fucking idiot Is a hundred percent? It's almost a hundred percent that one of them is a fucking idiot Yeah, so if you get three hundred million people you have three million fucking idiots and some of those folks are vegans And that's the problem with veganism. It's not it's not veganism itself It's there's a certain percentage of human beings that they don't have to do anything to become vegans right? They just join this group. It's not like you have it well We're thinking about allowing you in to the vegan culture But we want to know what your philosophy is are you a hateful person are you a person that's looking to be a vegan? So you could just talk shit about other people are you looking to be angry? You're looking to be in a group or a gang a plant-based gang and put the word vegan in front of your name and just start talking Shit because that's a lot of the people and so people read all these angry Hateful things that these people write and they go well this is vegans, but it's not it's not Most vegans are not like that at all. Yeah people most people are not like that at all But there's a certain percentage of them and they claim veganism and they usually put that name the word vegan in their fucking screen name That's how you could spot those assholes. Yeah, you know out. Yeah, they're into it. They're in a plant-based gang Yeah, that's really what happens. And so what it is is not necessarily even a problem of diet It's a problem of human nature is that people love to stand on the moral high ground They love to point down at all the other people whether it's a religious issue Like you're not eating halal or you're not eating kosher or you're eating meat on Good Friday Whatever the fuck it is. They just decide that they have this moral high ground that you don't have so fuck you I'm doing it right and it really comes from our own questions of our own existence and this Messiness that we're all inherently aware of that life eats life big time big time and there was a guy that I did a podcast without a main and he was a He was for sure a vegetarian he might have been a vegan But then he started and he's a forage or big time. It's actually pretty remarkable what he does But I think 99% of his food he finds in the forest year-round. He's just into it big time Processes all this food from wild apples to acorns to Santa Tovar. It's um, what's his name? What Daniel Vitalis? Yeah, Oh Daniel Vitalis, okay. Yeah, yeah of him as well. Yep So, um, so I did a podcast with him and he and he told me that and he'd eat insects He didn't want it. He has completely against hunting. He didn't want to kill anything He's like that's why he's eating insects. He's like and I would get a little bit of hate mail when I started eating Dams of flies and dragonflies like I'd get a little bit of hate mail and then and then a friend of his was like Hey, um, you know, we should let's go gig some frogs. Let's go get some frogs, you know, and he's like, yeah I don't know. Okay, so I'll do it. So he started catching frogs. He's like man Like there's a lot of meat on one of these frogs like it's it's it's it's like 20 dragonflies, you know And and he got he got a little bit more Flack for and then it's a buddy of his want to take him fishing and they caught a trout and he's like, oh my god This is like three frogs like this is three frog And so what he's equating it to is how much work he has to go through To get this protein or to get this, you know to get this plant like you find one Apple. That's 15 acorns You know and so like he's equating this to work And so he just kept moving up the food chain and um, and he's like and then one year he killed a turkey and and he He told me he's like I killed a snowshoe hare and he's like I was blown away At how much meat was on a snowshoe hare. He's like that was You know like three meals for him and his girlfriend try a moose Yeah, and so he just kept moving up. He killed a turkey then this last year he killed a black bear, but he's like Every stage that he's moved up his hate mail is Went up, you know, I don't know exponentially but significantly and so it's just people equate all these things to you know We relate more to mammals. Obviously we're mammals, you know, and then you bring in something like a bear that has Anthropomorphic, you know Manurisms, right you you watch a black bear for a half a day and you're like you see your dad You're like, oh he just sat on his ass for four hours. Roll around sometimes in the back Chewed on his toenails. Yeah, he's like itched his ear farted He pooped over there next to the girl and then you know, and you're like, oh my god It's my dad. I'm hunting my dad, you know, and and so, you know, there's things like that. But um That's where this I think that's where this really cool engagement comes from with hunters is And there's a lot of hunters like I talked to a lot of hunters and I don't want to be negative I'm trying not to be negative But I talked to a lot of hunters that I've I have nothing in common with them Absolutely nothing like you hunt I hunt I don't even think we have that uncommon because I see how you hunt and it's had nothing To do with how I like what we're just saying about vegans that the problem is just being a human being There's a certain amount of people that choose to hunt that are they're not well informed and they're fucking idiots Yep, and so that's that's the stuff. It's like same with the vegans, you know There's i'm sure there's vegans that sit at home and just grab their face and go I can't believe somebody just said that I can't believe they sent a death threat Yeah, we're vegan for you know, god. One of my best friends is a vegan. Yeah, and and I know words hilarious comedian I know some vegans too and I actually know some vegetarians that um, you know, it was an education for me But I had some vegetarians hit me up for meat, you know, and I was like, uh, oh you're a vegetarian and they're like Well, yeah. Yeah, we're not gonna eat this meat, but we'd love to have some fish or deer meat from you Like oh, okay. Now i'm starting to this was a while ago, but i'm like, okay Now i'm starting to get it here like right people have ethical concerns about where their meat comes from. Yeah. Yeah My friend jake shields. He's a guy who fought in the ufc and he's a world-class jiu-jitsu blackbell He's been a vegetarian his whole life, but he said he would eat meat that was hunted Yeah, it was like because that's you know, there's no ethical it adds up in his head for him, right? Like it answers his questions and so quickly but that's exactly it is there's I've had some awesome conversations with with people that were not hunters that um, Asked great questions, you know way better than conversations I've had with guys that call themselves hunters at times some yeah I mean this again, it's the problem with human beings, right? It's there's certain people that just aren't thinking that much and then there's certain there's certain parts of the hunting culture that are really abhorrent they they there's there's there's people that think it's Funny or fun to shoot as many animals as they can and they don't they don't have any consideration To you know that this life has been taken so that your life can be Nurtured or get nutrition from this animal and they're not thinking of it in terms of this cycle of life They're just thinking of in terms of you know, it's just like The worst aspects that you get like in a movie about hunting