Joe Rogan - The Power Hot Women Have Over Ugly Men


6 years ago



Ron White

5 appearances

Ron White is a stand-up comic, actor, and author. He is also back on tour, with all available dates at:


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I'm a lesbian man. I'm just looking for gals to peg me. I bet there's a lot of them that would want to fuck you just for revenge how much of that is Women that why is it that the pretty women don't seem to have any problem with men? Like a lot of them are like pretty easygoing about men But if you have bad genetics like if you got dealt a wrong in the stick That's that is if there's like people talk about income inequality in this country, and that's definitely a real thing But if there's a real thing it's like who do people want to fuck inequality in this country, or that's off the goddamn charts, right? I mean, it's just as men and as women we just have to we have to understand some people they have a unearned tyranny on Sexual affection it's unearned. They didn't have to do anything like these Russian women the people are lying to you about right? Yeah, you meet them and you go Jesus. It's just Russian gladiator genetics in perfect like model form and you're like holy shit Let me get the fuck out of this room quick. I was on a cruise one time. I was married and and I'd rented the like the back quarter the I've ever ended the same spot Oprah stays in and it cost a fortune and I'm out we're out on the deck and and there's two big sweets in the middle and another one just like mine at the end But the one that was in this one, which was also a real expensive room was this Russian, dude And he was short kind of chunky and bald but the girl that was with him was just a 12 and I knew his second I saw her I was fucked because There's no way my wife was not gonna catch me just at least taking one little glimpse out of the corner of my eye And then she was going oh, yeah, that's what you want. You'd rather fuck her than me and I'm like no Absolutely not Absolutely not why would I why would I that's outrageous. What an outrageous assertion What an accusation? Yeah If they only knew how vulnerable we are to a woman like that It's like that woman can there's a lot of people that that woman can like run their life and they'll meet a guy Who's an accountant who's never fucked to 12? They'll start talking to him and basically and there's nothing you can do Anything they want to do as long as they're willing to actually touch him as long as they're willing to stick together Fucking beautiful time. He's hopeless. He's helpless suck on his lips. We're crying that pussy against Yeah, he's gone up his ass She later put your finger on the base of his taint and rub it while you stick your tongue down his throat His dick as hard as a rock Things have never happened to this man. There goes the neighborhood He was back the car up to the house throw the keys in the fucking yard tell the kids Yeah, that's that ice tea. So I really hope it wouldn't turn out this way Ice tea and body count Fuck yeah, there's certain women that you think just run you oh Yeah, I get it I married one of them gotta be careful Let's get you but if you were if you're not if you're not here's the thing. Yeah, how much of that? Like for dudes who you there's certain cases where you know, it's not gonna work like goddamn it this dude He's like a small sheep and he married a wolf Right. It's a matter of time for she fleeces him and gets the fuck out of Dodge and hopefully he'll still be alive But this is not gonna work out. We've all seen that before We've all I wish I could tell you the story. I wish you could too Let's shut this fucking podcast off and resume in ten minutes. Okay. All right Let me tell you this story because I just don't want to say it It's intertwined with something right right, right, but it's very very pertinent to everything Can anybody go to jail no, can anybody get sued No No, I don't think so and it's the truth Okay, so I'll just create a fictional scenario. Let's call the gentleman. What do you want to call him? Let's let's call him Todd Baker Todd Baker. Okay. No, I can't even do it this way Thank people would find out slow down Also, I'm drunk and I know you get drunk on your show and oh, it's my fault Fucking people on reddit they had their fingers above the keys. They were hovering. We're ready to start searching There is no such thing as a guy and I will not tell you the story on this Anyway, what was amazing was I saw it happening in front of me. Yeah you know his his wife was they they've been married for a long time and he didn't look like much and and and at all and And there was a kind of an assistant and That was Ridiculously gorgeous and and so I just looked at that and I was like You know where this is going Yeah, it went exactly. Yeah, I've seen where I thought it was going and and and there was nothing he can do Absolutely, he was completely powerless You know, there was nothing he could do he would give everything. Oh, yeah, like Gary Oldman in Dracula Remember that we were like when known the rider was just hypnotized by him. Ah Yeah, she's open a shirt in the middle night and Gary Oldman would be slithering into the fucking windows as mist, right? Our body heat with it's like oh, yeah with Kathy and Turner. Oh, yeah, the fucking chair through the window The fucking bad. Yeah, he didn't even want to use the door to fuck In that was great was Kathleen Turner back in the desert Mean she developed some health problems as she got older, but when she was young, holy Yeah, it was amazing. Yeah There was a lot of you ever feel like rubbing went off thinking about me. I owe you a few so go ahead and do it Nice reciprocation Yeah, it's hard when you're watching a guy get preyed upon when you're watching like a man struggle with the fucking spiders web And you're like, well, hey man, you know, it'll be fun when she does fuck you, right? Yeah Yeah, right. So as long as you can stay active right get close to her. Don't let it get too much money Yeah, careful. Yeah, it I know because You know the the wife had been around for a long time and it was a contract so yeah So there goes that part of it But I think the paperwork was fairly solid and towards the end of like a limit or whatever. Okay now everybody's Moving all right. I knew a guy was about to marry a gallon shouldn't and he was trying to Do no prenuptial and my friends were screaming at him Like what the fuck are you talking about? He's like look man I don't if it if it doesn't work out, I'd like her to have half and they went but It's almost like you know, like you wish you had garlic to put around here right now you're telling Noah about the flood So really You're ugly she's not okay understand this world is not fair The reality of not fair is you made enough money to attract her but she's got a she's got a web You might get hooked you might get injected or you might be able to figure out a way to keep her nervous Right, how you do that Joe? mysterious bro, I'm serious and I have like a book is that how you did it a special book that You read you got to be moody got to go on early morning runs while they're still asleep. You gotta show powers Any of these things gonna show powers Have done one of these things you have to be different you have to be able to quote Shakespeare Yeah, you got to be you know, you got to be willing to give up a lot of money If you're an ugly dude, you got a hot wife You got a certain amount of time before she gets bored with you good Lord fucker trainer, right her trainer You're right. What I think is gonna happen is within the net see that exact same thing. I've seen that happen