Joe Rogan - The Olympics Are Gross!


6 years ago



Dom Irrera

11 appearances

Dom Irrera is a stand up comedian, and also hosts his own podcast called “Dom Irrera Live from The Laugh Factory" available on Spotify.


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Interesting. Gorgeous George. That's crazy. Gorgeous George, yeah. Interesting. What's this stupid ad you have to watch for the Olympics there? Boy, this Olympics is... I think... I'm gonna say this. I think the Olympics are gross. This is why I think the Olympics are gross. I think it's a great opportunity for all those athletes. I think it's great for people to watch it. But I think it is a fucking disgusting money grab and all those amateur, air quotes, athletes don't get paid shit. I know. And these companies are making billions and billions of dollars off of them and I really wish they would all quit. I really wish they would say, fuck you, pay me. I really wish they would just go straight Ray Liotta. Fuck you, pay me. They give up their youth for that. Not only that, the fucking companies, they're so restrictive. The IOC and all the people that are behind it are so restrictive and they are making ungodly sums of money. Ungodly contracts. They're just giant contracts to air the Olympics. Giant amounts of money to build these stadiums and set up these events and everything is about nationalism and national pride, whether it's in Korea or Russia or wherever the fuck they do them. But meanwhile, the athletes don't get dick. They don't get dick. If you're lucky and you're Michael Phelps, you become famous out of it and you get a bunch of... Commercials. Commercials and endorsements and you make a shitload of money that way. But how many Michael Phelps are there? Was it three or four? One. But how many in all the Olympics? Out of all the Olympics, Jamie, you're a sports fan. Out of all the Olympics, say like the Olympics this year, well, let's go the last one. Who the fuck came out of it were their household name? Oh, yeah. Right now you've got Sean White and maybe the... Okay, I heard of that guy. The girl that won Kim was their last name. Was it the one that won the bronze last night? Or two nights before. The real famous... There's Lindsay Vaughn. She's very famous. She's very famous. She used to date Tiger Woods. That made her famous too. Plus she's hot. That makes her famous. There's been other... Like Peekaboo Street. She had interesting names. So I helped her. She's a gold medal winner, I believe. How many other ones are there? There's a few. I mean, it's... Just like a handful. They can build a story around someone and they can tell a story. But when you get to the point where it's worthwhile to sacrifice your entire life and it actually pays off, what are the odds? It's so fucking small. But meanwhile, people are tuning in to all of it. They're making massive amounts of revenue from all of it. And they're not sharing it with the athletes at all. I think it's fucking gross. They pretend it's amateur. They pretend it's an amateur. It's a goddamn motherfucking business. That's what the Olympics are. Well, I think you can say that about college sports too. It's only a business. You can. Basketball and football, really. NCAA says student athletes shouldn't be paid because the 13th Amendment allows unpaid prison labor. What the fuck? Oh, that's Sean King. No, this is breaking up. This is... Buy me another article. Well, this was the main one going around, but there's a lawsuit. That's crazy. Did they really say that? Did they really say that? The 13th Amendment, which allows unpaid prison labor? They cited it in a lawsuit response to emotional dismiss. Oh, God. That's what they used. That's so disgusting. They're so disgusting. They're the same to me. NCAA, the college football and basketball, same thing to me. They have 100,000 people. They have 100,000 people. Yeah. Fuck you. Pay those guys. Pay them. Pay those girls. Pay all those athletes. You're making money. You're making money and you're not sharing it with the athletes. They might as well be slaves. They might as well be fucking prisoners. The Olympics, NCAA, all that shit. It's just there's no way. There's no way you could do that fresh today. If you started from scratch today... No way. ...and said, we're going to make billions of dollars and we're going to give you umgats. Umgats will go. There's no way. We're going to give you an education. You could never do it. Imagine if they did that with the Olympics today. They said, look, we're going to spend billions of dollars and athletes, what are they going to pay? Oh, we're not going to pay them shit. They don't get anything. Matter of fact, if you're making any money, you're fucked. You're out. It used to be that if you made money, you're out, but now they let basketball players play in the Olympics. They let the NBA players... I think it was Russia was getting close and they beat us once, in 1972 I think. Oh, is that what it was? They started thinking about it then when they were catching up, the European players were catching up. They go, fuck this, we're going to send over our brothers. NBC Sports is about to make $1.4 billion in 22 days, thanks to the Super Bowl and the Winter Olympics. Okay, the Super Bowl at least is professional athletes. I get that. They get paid. Whether they get paid enough is up for debate. I get that. But the Olympics, they're not getting paid dick and it's fucking gross and it makes me angry. And it's one of the reasons why I don't watch the Olympics. I get mad at it. You know, I wanted to be in the Olympics at one point in time. To fight? I wanted to be in the... when Taekwondo was being introduced to the Olympics in 1988. I tried out for the national team. I got it to like the quarterfinals in Miami. I won three fights. It was... that was the last... like my last... my really last fascination with Taekwondo. I'd kind of given up on Taekwondo really before it.