Joe Rogan - The Impact of In Living Color


5 years ago



Greg Fitzsimmons

24 appearances

Greg Fitzsimmons is a stand-up comedian, actor, and writer. He's the host of "Fitzdog Radio" podcast and co-host of the podcasts "Sunday Papers" and "Childish."


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I remember he wanted to play any all-star game and all the players were like, no, I'm good It's gonna be a slam dunk contest Jesus Christ But what did what did fucking Damon Wayans used to have a bit about Dennis Rodman Did this about Dennis Rodman spitting in Magic Johnson's mouth to accelerate the symptoms He's like if if he wanted to try to get hardcore with them I'm I hope Damon's I'm a huge Damon Wayans fan. So I hope I'm not Butchering his bit. Yeah, but I think that was One I know that was his line. I'll spit your mouth and accelerate your symptoms Dude I'm Damon Wayans my opinion is like one of the most ignored greats I agree a hundred percent I used to open for him sometimes and Twice I remember him coming in on a Thursday night. It was Thursday to Sunday Fannie Hall comedy connection Thursday night he comes in fucking Yellow pads he goes up and just regurgitates a new hour and gets okay laughs for a new hour Friday night he comes back Tighter tighter Sunday night. It's like he would fucking destroy with a new hour. It was crazy He's really good man. Yeah, he would go out. He would just go up at the commie store and literally let Whatever thought came into his head and he would take long sets And he would take that stuff and he would turn that stuff into killer closing bits Yeah, but for whatever reason I think he just got into doing sitcoms more right? It was like Fuck it. Yeah, you know Yeah, he's uh he's got the interesting family man. They you know they grew up in the projects in Manhattan dude talent in that family Yeah, Keenan Damon Marlin Sean with Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's a lot of Kim's and Isn't Damon Sun doing stand-up to yeah, dude a Damon jr. Right crazy family now That's a great you better be in show business in that family are you doomed? Yeah We think about that. It's like right like if you want to compete with your brothers Keenan, Avery Wayans Damon Wayans Kim Wayans Sean Wayans Marlin Wayans Damien Dante Wayans Damien Wayans jr. That's all of them. Yeah all of them in show business. It's amazing Yeah Good looking to Keenan had a fucking great talk show. Oh Yeah, great writers. He was really good as a talk show. Yeah. Yeah, he was so talented fucking family man. Yep But for whatever reason man Damon did this one HBO special and I think he called it his last stand and It was really good man It was really good and the end of it He just throws the microphone down and says like this is the last time we're doing stand-up. Oh, no shit. Yeah Wow, just like it decided he was gonna do movies That's it last stand with a question mark Yeah He got um, you know, he just got into other stuff But I'm telling you man when he was like go up and above go that photo though The one like that was the stage the beret wearing stage. Yeah, dude. I'm telling you People forgot he's one of the best. Yeah, one of the best ever do he would murder That one particular special is just murderous. He had a lot of great sets. Yep on television But just like real original to like one of those guys where you'd watch him you go goddamn Why didn't I think of that? Well and his voices were so fucking good You know a lot of times people do their girlfriend voice and it's just it just sucks It just sounds like the guy raising his voice There's no like right female intonation to it or anything and his kids voices and his wife Girlfriend for it. Just fucking amazing. Yeah Yeah, they're oh and then of course it's like Richard Pryor's I mean he had so many characters in living color. How about handyman? You could never do that. Yeah You know, right you could never do that. Yeah a homeless guy Dude, that's another show in living color is another show that people forget they forget how good it was. Yeah Yeah, there is there's handyman they don't even show reruns of that show do that you these three reruns a handyman. Yeah, I Remember when it was on TV man. No one could stop saying homie don't play that yeah, everybody would say that everybody was like homie Don't play that like every kid would say that yeah, there's homie the clown homie. Don't play that people forgot people fucking forgot about homie the clown I Should come back Netflix, please throw some money Getting no, they try to do it back on the air. They just tried to do it and it all fell apart What happened? I know they had big money and I don't know if it was gonna be the original cast I might have been part of the original cast I bet what happened was Jennifer Lopez didn't want to be a fly girl Yeah, right. She's like no She should jump on that shit. That was so cool. She jumped back in was a fly girl again I mean how much time would it take? No, she's there. She's there. She probably could dance in her sleep. Yeah. Yep Damn, I would love to be a fire girl Yeah, but Wonder who else was a fly girl any other famous ones do that show was so good I remember watching it. I was playing pool in Yonkers, New York I looked up at this this TV set and it was Jim Carrey doing the the the fire marshal fire I was like, what the fuck is going on? Yeah, this guy's got a burnt up face. Yeah, that's exactly Rosie Perez was the choreographer for the first four seasons You know Rosie Perez a giant boxing fan. Oh, yeah, giant boxing, huh? Yeah, like people like she's like a boxing expert not like an expert like she could train fighters But like people ask her questions. Yeah about boxing. She's a real enthusiast. That's a better term instead of an expert I mean, maybe she is an expert. I don't know. Huh, but she is always around boxing I think it's so because you always think of her as having that that cute voice and you know And all those comedies and to see her at like boxing matches and really get into it. So yeah. Yeah cool And Jim Carrey, I mean Jesus Christ who he would do the the convenience store Security guy and he was just so big and so big so different than like I mean you have to go back to Jerry Lewis To think about somebody doing physical comedy that well. Yeah, he was he was a 10 like His energy and everything was yeah, like the fucking Ace Ventura movie. Yeah, like that movie was just all performance Yeah, what is this what what is this? Vera de Milo do that fucking show was so good. Yeah people forgot. Yeah Yeah, there's fire marshal bill So I was in I was in this pool hall and I looked up I'm like what the fuck is that and they're like that's fire marshal bill. That's that's what it is He came in like that. I was like that is the creepy shit. I've ever seen it can't believe they have a character like this It was so over the top. Do you think Jim Carrey or maybe? That one of the Wayans brothers has bought up the rights for reruns because they don't want that Blowback yeah, no, it's a different era. You have to accept is a different era You need just people are different look people are changing and it's a really interesting obvious sign That things that were super acceptable and when was this in leaving color? I want to say it was like 92 90 to 94 90 to 94. Yeah, so that The way you could do certain bits and what you get away with and put on television was just different