Joe Rogan - Ted Nugent's Son is Vegan!


6 years ago



Ted Nugent

2 appearances

Ted Nugent is a singer-songwriter, outdoorsman, and political activist. His newest single, "Come and Take It," is out now.


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Along with Rocko my son out here his first wood duck that he got very With much effort and we have that wood duck mounted. There's a there's a love affair with our instinctual stewardship duties to the wildlife to harvest the surplus to make room for next spring's Productivity because there's going to be more animals, but there's not going to be more habitat hence sustain yield successful wildlife management model that is so perfect it defies Criticism unless you're a lion sack of shit have you ever had to have a reasonable conversation with someone who's anti hunting you ever Like sat down. Yeah often absolutely and and to the man and woman I mean adamant Vegan until I explained to him well vegan. I like that vegan I can't even pronounce it much. Let's Very so stupid my by the way my son Rocko who I love beyond description Yep vegan no yes, he has a night. He needs to eat more. Yeah When he's asleep I try to shove up back strap up his ass, but he's got more muscles than I do anyhow My point is is that how did he become vegan? He hasn't died yet. He has a died and he is a great hunter He doesn't like to hunt anymore. He's decided not to he's all killed great deer great hogs. I've seen him on your TV show Yeah, he's a great hunter, but he just he decided he does not want to take part in the harvest I respect it completely But if you if you really? Want to kill the most things? Be a vegan because the farmers who protect your beans Kill everything I kill one animal per arrow in order to grow tofu You have to kill every ground squirrel every vole every shrew every snake every turtle every frog Every bird every rabbit anything that gets in that bean field I'm either gonna plow and dismember which is why the crows and the and the seagulls follow the the Combines of you and then if anything does survive my first slaughter I'm gonna come in with man santa when poison the shit out of everything so you can have a tofu salad and not be responsible For any death fuck you that's a really good point and it's a lot of people ignore and avoid because it's it's uncomfortable isn't life full of Uncomfortable thing and you shouldn't be uncomfortable to kill game to feed mankind is Perfect to kill cows and pigs to feed mankind It's the system is often less than perfect, but until someone comes up with a better system. I Salute and genuflect at the altar of farmers and ranchers and people who kill animals to sustain my fellow man I agree with you I think you and I would probably both disagree with factory farming when you see animals stuffed in the cages But we have to come up with a better system. I kill a lot of deer and I I feed more people than any Any hunter ever I kill so many much game reviewers. I have to I have to I know how your sharpshooters I guys I kill the animals on my beautiful swamp in Michigan my Texas property that have to die They have to get out of there to make room for the next year's fawns. So I soup kitchens homeless show I literally give tons and and I'm a sweetheart, but I'm not an idiot I keep the back straps But I give tons of venison to soup kitchens and homeless shelters and veterans We make jerky and send it over to the troops overseas I mean I have to adjust my halo just to get in the room. So what I do is literally perfect Well, the problem is what you do Everybody can't do like everybody's not gonna have your kind of land more people could though more people could yes Well, you would you definitely I know the hunters for the hungry distribute 250 250 million Joe 250 million meals every year of venison and there are people that would ban that Shame on you well, I do I just think there's a lot of films and a lot of documentaries that portray veganism as being this perfect way of Living that doesn't have any death or you're right Habitat loss associated with it and then they look at the extreme of meat eating which is the worst aspects of it factory farming Some of these disgusting pig farms chicken farm horrible Horrifying and there the upgrade goes on because more alarms have been sounded not by paid and not by the Humane Society of the United States they're just scam artists by people who are coming to Realize that we do not only have a responsibility to kill critters to feed mankind But it can be done in an environmentally beneficial way I mean if you watch my great late friend Anthony Bourdain on his shows and Andrew Zimmern on the Travel Channel You watch their shows and the emphasis on environmentally friendly Productivity more and more organic farming more and more conscientious waste dispersal whether it's you know pig guts and they Reutilize those or in Las Vegas they get all this wasted food and they feed the pigs So it's good food going in the pork tastes better. So there is upgrade taking place and here's the ultimate Inescapable fact of upgrade environmentalism when I was growing up Joe Lake Erie would catch fire because of the pollution It wasn't Environmentalists or greenies that sounded the alarm. It was the duck hunters that said your pollutant this area is so bad There's no ducks. There's no wild salary. There's no walleyes. There's no fish There's no muskrats for the trappers hunters fishermen and trappers have sounded the alarm more often than not about environmental Irresponsibility and now Lake Erie that would spontaneously Combust what I was growing up is now the number one walleye and smallmouth bass fishery in the world And it's still we're still producing you still got the Industrial Revolution going on there, but conscientious higher Responsible level of awareness is spreading like wildfire across the country and I believe that there's no mutual exclusivity whatsoever to productivity and environmental Responsibility, I believe that they both benefit each other and I've got so many unlimited examples where that worked from farms. I mean People who live downwind of a pink big farm are gonna be the biggest squawkers rightly So yeah, and and so I see a lot of upgrade going on more organic more conscientious less waste. It's not It's not as Regular operating procedures it should be but I see upgrade I see I think you're right and I think that the the thought process behind all these people that are upset about factory farming and people Even that go vegan the thought process behind it is in the right place I just think there's a lot of misguided energy there because they don't really understand where the food is coming from They don't understand large-scale agriculture They don't understand when you and a lot of large-scale agriculture is to grow food to feed animals that people Essential yeah, but it's also wheat. There's also a lot of grain that people consume and that displaces thousands and thousands of acres of animals sure and the The process is not a clean process. It's not clean in terms of there's no death. There's no harm Yeah, it's cruelty free. That's crazy. Yes, if you can possibly go through a day Without having blood on your hands. Do you drive on the highways? any of your sustenance come on the highways because Billions of animals are slaughtered on the highways every day And if you are on planet earth part of that blood is on your hand You got to be who doesn't know this who's not willing to admit this but again I see an upgrade in level of awareness and responsibility But the the charge began in the hunting fishing and trapping community Where does where does quality air soil and water come from I'll go ahead and answer that Wildlife habitat what's a lot of the people that are out there every day? Yeah Yeah, and more and more. I you know, I used to I still get death threats because I murder innocent animals Yeah, but no I get those too. What the hell so it's just so absurd I think they're their heart like I don't think they don't know what they're talking about. They're just haters They're just a little bit of that show how in 2018 Do you not not? Acknowledge barbecue how in 2018? Do you not acknowledge there's a few dead turkeys on Thanksgiving? What if you gotta be brain dead? I think they're so consumed with hate that they fight ignorance is acceptable. I'm ignorant when I go to the Indy 500 I couldn't tune a cogs worth. I don't I'm ignorant about cogs worth ignorance is acceptable because you can remedy it with knowledge and research Stupidity is when you guard your ignorance if you think that we're murdering innocent animals To feed our families with the purest protein available to mankind Balancing the herds with more deer more elk more bison more turkeys more waterfowl More cougars more bears than ever in recorded history except for the bison, but we're way back We have as many bison as we can sustain in North America Lot of the Native American tribes are desperate to get more harvested in an efficient and responsible manner So wildlife is thriving because hunters implemented regulations for sustain yield how many ducks can we kill how many will they reproduce where is their habitat where Determines their reproduction. We must safeguard that Delta waterfowl ducks unlimited, but see this information is universally available, but the fake news Academia Hollywood and half of our government is stone cold Obsessed with political correctness and denial. Yeah, so I do what I do and our spirit of the wild show has been number one An outdoor channel is this 29 years now Wow, I'm getting old Because we say it like it is