Joe Rogan - Ted Nugent Rants About Politics


6 years ago



Ted Nugent

2 appearances

Ted Nugent is a singer-songwriter, outdoorsman, and political activist. His newest single, "Come and Take It," is out now.


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There's also this really loud voice in the culture of war. Have to be, yeah. You have to be. I refuse to let lies go unchallenged. I refuse to let anti-logic go unchallenged. Anti-logic like what? Like, you don't need secure borders, really? So the Democrats don't think we need to secure our borders? And the Democrats don't admit there's a difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration? Let me give you a little metaphor. If you go to the bank and withdraw from your account, you're a legal banker. If you go to the bank and draw from someone else's account, you're a bank robber. There is a division there. We're for legal banking, we're not for illegal banking. And this kind of anti-logic has weaseled its way into policy, and it's just tragic with a multi-trillion dollar debt and unsecured borders, and we're worried about separating families. We fail to say, if you're going to come here, come legally, or we will send you back. We send out a message, have at it. Just go ahead, and it's from across the damn river. Well, do you personally have a problem when they separate families? Because I think it's- Oh sure, I'm a father and a grandfather. Beyond fucked up. But the real fuck up starts with the insane irresponsibility of daring to subject your children to that. I don't think they have any choice. I think there's a lot of people that are- They live in Mexico or Guatemala. Because Mexico and Guatemala is one big gang-infested government military law enforcement shithole. Yeah. Yeah, and if you call it a shithole, I'm racist. Well, if it wasn't a shithole, they would stay. It is a shithole. You ever been there? Well, some of Mexico's awesome. Some of Mexico's awesome. Yeah, some of Mexico hasn't been raped and pillaged yet, but give them time, they'll make it. Even in the big resorts, they're murdering and raping and brutalizing people. I mean, it's just a hellhole. There's definitely some bad things happening, and a lot of it is because of the drug war. Out of control, yeah. Yeah, and a lot of people think that the remedy to that is legalizing drugs and taxing them. Man, yeah, yeah, I would like to- Making it so they- I mean, the same thing with prohibition. Yeah. The same thing to what happened in America, with it really boosted organized crime and Al Capone, and they got a stronghold because of the money they were making from illegal drugs. There's alcohol at the time. I think that right now that the spoiled brat epidemic in this country, if you don't get everything you want and you start shooting people or you cut people off and road rage, if everything doesn't go just right, everybody is so touchy and so pussified that when I was growing up, sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt me. What do you think that's coming from? The liberalization of policy and the horrible lie of the welfare dream that people who need a helping hand are always given a helping hand by neighbors and family and friends. If they have them. Yeah, well, the Catholic Church has $8 trillion just in jewelry. They could probably provide some sandwiches and blankets. So there's plenty of help available, but when you get into a system and you play on the people's emotions that we need a safety net. These poor people are destitute. They need help. Okay, let's create a welfare where we can help these destitute people. Meanwhile, it's infested with scammers and blood suckers and liars who are able bodied and they just don't want to stop at the help wanted sign. They want some of your income because you're stupid enough to get up early and work really hard and they don't want to. That's pandemic. So meanwhile, the people who are truly needy, they slip through the cracks. We don't even get to know who they are and the liberal policy of eliminating the heartbreak and the disrespect of cuckoo's nest. We can't call them mental health centers. We might hurt some feelings. So now what are they doing? They're putting spikes in boards and attacking people walking their dog in LA. There's no place for them to go. When I was growing up, there's a place in Detroit called Eloise. It was a nut house and that's the cuckoo's nest. That's where if you were mentally ill and you needed help, that there was a place for you to go to get you off the streets so you don't attack people with spikes in two by fours. What are you talking about the spikes in two by fours? The guy right here, right down the street here two days ago. Really? Yeah, he attacked some fashion photographer walking his dog and hit him in the head with a two by four with a spike and almost killed him and a citizen. I didn't even hear about this. Oh yeah, it was awesome. The citizen jumped up in the air and caught this guy with both feet right in the neck and knocked him down and beat the shit out of him. It was awesome. Well, that's nice. That's an indication of justice. Pro wrestling coming in handy. Yes, but that incident is not rare where you go to San Francisco and the mental health institution isn't supposed to be the streets. The mental health institution- San Francisco is a good example of too much liberal policy. Yeah. You get people that are a little bit too progressive and too open-minded. That's not progressive. That's regressive. I don't know. How did they ever utilize that term? That's bastardized. That's not progressive. It gets so far that it becomes regressive when you're letting bum shit all over the streets. I think that would be an indicator. The idea is that just these poor people leave them alone. They're fine. It's okay if they live on the streets, but if you go to San Francisco, they're very aggressive. It's one of the weirder places I've ever been in terms of homeless people and one of the most quote unquote progressive places in our country. It's one of the most progressive cities. Heartbreaking. Yeah. Even those institutions, the corruption and the abuse of power that runs rampant, the nurse-cratch-it. I mean, that wasn't just a fantasy script. That happens. The irresponsibility and pharma-sukudeling everybody. They got a mental problem and then they increased the mental problem with Big Farm. I've had personal experiences with that with the dear friends of mine that were having mental problems and they end up in an institution and then their mental problems are exasperated by chemical warfare upon them. When I was growing up, how old are you, Joe? 50. 50, just a boy. When I was growing up, there was this mantra, this colloquialism, better living through chemistry. And in many ways it is. We saved tens of millions of lives in Africa with DDT by killing the ZZ fly and we saved tens of millions of people. And then some environmentalist came in and the DDT is a dangerous chemical so they stopped it and we lost tens of millions of people. It's better to kill a bunch of ZZ flies to save human lives than to ban the DDT that allows ZZ flies to flourish and kills people. So now it's gone full circle and that's where the toxins have accumulated and the horrific waste that I had texted Anthony just before he died congratulating him on his hosting that brilliant documentary. If you haven't seen it yet, it's waste. Waste exclamation point, what we do to our foods in this country and the self-inflicted scourge of toxification of our precious environment. So there's not a lot of easy answers but here it is, 28th of June 2018 and here you and I are at least discussing this stuff to millions of people I suspect and I see upgrade taking place. I see upgrade in awareness, not fast enough to make me happy but enough to indicate an upgraded prognosis for people's awareness, accountability, responsibility. Where are you seeing this? The circles that you travel in? The circles certainly and we don't waste. One of my biggest pet peeves is little fat kids that take a sip of $2 bottle of water and then they leave it there and end up throwing it away and the waste is pandemic in this country and I see my kids are like stormtroopers, they're like drill sergeants with that. We just don't want to waste and we've always recycled and the jury is still out with us. So that has any effect at all but the disconnect and unconscionable misbehavior of just tossing and throwing away everything. You know what drives me crazy? Cigarettes out the window. People just, the people that smoke cigarettes for whatever reason that have any problem throwing it on the ground. Even people that wouldn't litter. How about what drives me crazy that somebody is still stupid enough to buy cancer? Yeah, exactly. Really? Here, let me invest in the companies that want to kill me. Here's a couple extra thousand dollars. Kill more of us. How dumb do you have to be? It makes you look cool. It makes you look like a rebel. I don't think so. You're a rebel man. Watch, watch, watch.