Joe Rogan - Ted Nugent on Gun Control


6 years ago



Ted Nugent

2 appearances

Ted Nugent is a singer-songwriter, outdoorsman, and political activist. His newest single, "Come and Take It," is out now.


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But this is the thought process behind it and there's no pushback because the public speaks and then I push back and they attack me They attack you Bring it on bring it on because ignorance bounces off me like personal hygiene from Michael Moore It just has no impact whatsoever. I think he washes. You don't think I have Michael more Yeah, what a what a swine he is. That's a subhuman mongrel if I ever saw him. I met him He was a guy. He's a prick. He's a liar. What do you think? He's a scam artist Gun control well, how about the fact that he put together that move that so-called? Documentary that Hollywood actually gave him an award and he copy and pasted out of sequence the attack on the great Charlton Heston claiming he was somehow responsible for the little child killing herself with her Paroled felon father's gun and they put it out of sequence and attributed Charlton Heston defending such irresponsible gun ownership Michael Moore is a lying cruel stoned Punk is he stoned? Constantly all day all the time. I think he uses suppositories. I Don't know him. I do and I he's a punk. Have you ever had a conversation? Yeah I was on his TV show and I was responsible for ending his TV show because he tried to fuck with me And I don't know if you'd notice Joe, but I'm unfuckable you fuck with me I'll eat your family tree and shit sawdust into your face. Ask Pierce Morgan. That seems like I saw your conversation Not even close. I was armed rustling a torso Well the Pierce Morgan the problem is he didn't understand the facts when you talk about gun violence He didn't understand. He avoided the facts. He knew them. He avoided. Absolutely Plus explain what we're talking about because when you say the numbers of gun violence The a giant percentage of them are suicide a giant percentage of them are cops killing bad guys and citizens defending their family So all of those are out of the and then accidental gun deaths May I summarize it for you? So Pierce Morgan fancies himself a cocky rather witty limey easy got the accent and everything that funny little at not actually an accent It's an impediment, but he came on of course. He's going to take on the Motor City madman I mean this guy's gonna be easy pickings. He actually wrote wango tango. I'll be all intellectually this thing you're doing That's that limey God Manufactured confidence based on nothing Except an ego that has no foundation in fact so Pierce Morgan the CNN exec So let's put Pierce Morgan on the Motor City madman This is a side of it put it in a gun store to well the first time you didn't see the first one at the CNN Offices that's yeah, I've seen both of them. Yeah, that's the best one Yeah, and so they think I'm a dirtbag and a goofball because I not only wrote Wang dang sweet poon tang I meant it But when they take me on they don't realize I never went to college because I was too busy learning shit and if you take me on on any subject that I am even slightly aware of I Will fuck you up because I've studied this stuff. I've lived this stuff I've been with guns since I could walk I have had universal unlimited access to fire power my whole life both in a recreational a a disciplined a law enforcement military training and just family plinking competition so in every considerable imaginable gun use I've been 68 years of it So they sick Pierce Morgan on me to teach me a lesson about how irresponsible Gun owners are and that if we could just ban guns that all the violence would end and of course If you haven't seen it, you got to Google it because what is his what's his take? Well, I almost fixed him Because I so overwhelmed them with evidence that they finally Research and realized every word out of my mouth was absolutely indisputable What was most compelling that you were saying to him? I'll summarize it as this way like I did to Pierce The anti-gunners have their dream it exists it existed in Paris where all those people were shot with Kalishnikov's Kalishnikov's were banned They have their dream Pierce Morgan's dream exists. It's called a gun-free zone Virginia Tech Columbine Sandy Hook Aurora Parkland Every instance where the most innocent lives have been slaughtered have been in Nancy Pelosi Maxine Waters Eric Holder Hillary Clinton Barack Obama's dream their dream is a gun-free zone But we're free people are forced forced into unarmed helplessness where the most innocent lives are lost and That dream has produced more carnage and destroyed lives than anything in the world Compared to the NRA convention where you have the highest instance of gun ownership or opening day of deer season in Michigan where you have 100% gun ownership and access where nobody gets hurt So if you know that your dream is a gun-free zone and that's where the most innocent lives are lost What kind of demonic dirt bag would actually want? More well, let me stop gun-free. Let me stop You know take his position or anybody's position on the other side You would say the real gun-free zone would be no one having access to the gun that killed those people in the gun-free zone It's not a gun-free zone and the real and the real answer to drownings in America would be to ban water And you you work on banning water. I'll work on banning guns It won't touch base over a few weeks and see how we do you can not ban you can not eliminate guns, Finland You cannot eliminate guns Alberta, Canada where the guy who came into the university and shot everybody up. It's impossible So what you do instead of thinking you could ban water learn to swim and watch your children By the pool call me weird, but the way to handle violence is to carry a gun Practice with it and when someone brings lethal force against you shoot the motherfucker But people are very uncomfortable with the idea of an incredibly armed society Uncomfortable baby. Sorry, you're uncomfortable. They go ahead and bend over and die But you know I'm saying I know what you're saying, but wouldn't it be better if there weren't any concern The idea is to somehow know to take away the concern of people being shot Randomly by some psycho that you've got to figure out if you get all the guns away How do you get all the guns? I don't know. I don't know but this is what I'm saying It's like you don't know so let's just stop there not try if it's not that then everybody's got guns to shoot No, but everybody will not have guns every some people have guns some people here. I studied San Bernardino I studied Aurora. I studied Virginia Tech. I studied Columbine. I studied Sandy Hook. I studied them all Do you know Joe and everybody better write this down because I'm the only guy that will tell you this I've studied the cadence the bullet manufacturers the rate of fire the movement of the perp and the movement of the victims In every instance including in Connecticut Including Aurora including San Bernardino right here There were American citizens Who would have had a gun on their person if they were allowed to and they could have been a meaningful force? To at least reduce if not terminate the violent murderous threat, but by law we have been so dumbed down and so Forced against our natural survival instinct to have a tool on our belt That in every instance where the most innocent lives were slaughtered those people that would have intervened with a firearm Not many of them, but there was a janitor there was a couple of guys in the office They had concealed weapons permits, but they weren't allowed to have them in that building in Virginia Tech There were guys that had good concealed weapons permits, but they weren't allowed to have them there in Aurora, Colorado Are you kidding me all kinds of people would have had guns they could have returned fire But they were forced into unarmed helplessness here. Here's the gun debate in its irrefutable conclusion if you are forced into unarmed helplessness You are unarmed and helpless what a horrible irresponsible Suicidal condition that in I'm just a guitar player Joe. I've never been unarmed Since I graduated from high school. I've always had a hanky and a pocketful of guitar picks and a pocket knife and a belt knife and a belt tool and a pistol and some extra bullets I Just have them everywhere. I go. I've never been unarmed. I find it How do you travel around? I? Improvise adapt and overcome I luckily I helped pass house resolution 218 which means all sworn law enforcement Officer allowed to carry a gun nationwide. I've been a sheriff deputy since 1984 and my credentials Allow me to carry a gun everywhere. I go and I carry a gun everywhere. I go in fact even in England American law enforcement are allowed to carry guns and I carry a gun over there It's just a tool if somebody comes at me carry a gun in England Yeah, if some dirtbag comes at me with a spike in the board, I just shoot him But why not? What's plan B? No, I I agreed that I'm just better to be heard Yeah Better to have it and not to need it than to need it not to have bingo The thing that we would all like to have is no school shootings. No mass shootings. No, of course No Columbine. No, so how do you stop that? Do you think you stop that with more guns? Well, you think you stopped that with mental health education figuring out how to get people off of pills figuring out how to keep people from living despondent lives where they want to just Tear it all down and shoot everybody and hurt a bunch of people. Well, here we are. That's the root, right? sure here we are 2018 so we can't go back in history and Find the goofball from Virginia Tech and what motivated him right? We can't go back there because we have failed as a society to take care of people or respond with any sense of responsibility or effectiveness to the glaring danger signs most Outrageously in Parkland where the guy called it Cops 42 times called the FBI 3 time the guy's gonna shoot up the school. Okay, we'll make a note of that No, the guy's going to shoot up the school. Okay, we'll make a note of that The guy is bringing a gun to school to shoot people. Here is his manifesto. We've made a note of that What are you kidding me? So now difficult for them to do something. No, it's not one does something. No, it's not No, no, it's not I don't think it's a failure of law enforcement. I had what's the matter? It's just a shooting like two hours ago. Oh Jesus Christ another one five people are dead and multiple people are sure where anapolis Maryland at a Oh Maryland where no one's allowed to have a gun by the way got into a newsroom and shot a bunch of reporters How much how much you want to bet it was a gun free zone anapolis newsroom shooting leaves five people dead suspect in custody a Newsroom. Yeah. Well, what's my there's my point? So I'm in a newsroom and I'm ready to rock I'd rather be sitting where you are, but I get figure got me covered But my point is is that the cat is is already out of the bag, right? It's not too late Columbine guys laring signals red alarms going off over a Virginia Tech guy red alarms going off for years Well, the Columbine thing is a difficult one because it really hadn't happened before that Yeah, when expected it but the parents walked through the garage for three years Where the bomb making materials were on the table? Yeah, they weren't the best pair of these guys were like zombies these guys were like doper freaks from bonsai Zululan Maniac well, he's just he's just different. No, he's not he's freaky We need to sit down with this guy and get him some help the Aurora guy told his psychiatrist My goal is to shoot as many people as possible in the psychiatrist didn't say anything really it's on record He said it in numerous visits with his Psychiatrist that he had threatened his goal in life was to kill as many people as possible and he's now got his new AR 15 to do it with and the psychiatrist didn't say anything. I've studied this stuff We need to not only see something say something we're missing the part the final part Do something when this kind of aberrant threatening violent red alarm behaviors going off Intervene sit down with this kid at the first instance when your kid comes home all glassy eyed and goofy and incommunicable and in showing weird signs like the Sandy Hook guy did all his life and the Aurora guy did all his life and the Parkland guy zombie, you know staring like a Wind blink in a sandstorm Somebody's got I know I would I mean in my life whether it's musicians or family members I go are you all right? What is going on? You look like you're gonna shit yourself, man. Are you okay? But even if you have that conversation with somebody like the psychiatrist did to the Aurora shooter. I mean, how do you fix these people? I mean What you're saying is if you have no gun-free zones and people allowed to have guns at least they'll have an ability to defend themselves I agree with you I agree with you on that But how do you stop it from happening in the first place the anti gun people say the way to stop it is to have No guns available to civilians that can do things virtually impossible a virtual imposter So what we're dealing is just pragmatically when you look at 300 million people and probably 400 million guns where you haven't counted mine yet I mean how many guns yeah for every guy like you that has hundreds of guns, you know I have almost everybody I know has hundreds of guns. He just like a man. I got hundreds of arrows. I have four I have no dozens of guitars