Joe Rogan - Steven Crowder Infiltrated Antifa


6 years ago



Steven Crowder

3 appearances

Steven Crowder is an actor, comedian and former contributor for the Fox News Channel. He currently runs his own website and also a podcast called “Louder With Crowder”.


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Yeah, let's talk about that one. Because we got video of that one too. You went undercover with Antifa. And that fucking, that one was disturbing to me. Because first of all, you look like you slide right in like a glove buddy. Like. I was almost matching the guy when I got there. Guy Gal, we don't know. And I thought our costume wardrobe lady had actually just stolen his clothes because it was almost identical to what he was wearing. Isn't it funny though that when you're a slender man, like people assume immediately your left wing. I can get away with so much crap. Isn't that weird? Yeah. Well, what is it about slender people? There's something there, right? What is it about slender people that are almost always left wing? Weakness. Whoa. You think so? Sorry. Could be. But here's the thing. At the same reason they see the American flag as right wing. They see this, you might as well be the third Reich. Did I say third Reich? I don't even know what it is. I don't know. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Check them out on that. That is really, I was going to say it's actually really nice. Veteran owned. Is that steel? Yeah. That's pretty cool. Guy makes them. That's it. That's it. I can usually tell when someone's approaching us if they're friendly or fell by their posture and their body size. The guy walks in, your body size, I'm like, oh, that's probably a friendly. It's a friendly. A queer looking 140 pound man like myself approaches. I'm like, ah, we got to get out of Dodge. I did so many. I saw shotguns an hour ago. I know it. I didn't want to go because I was like, I had done to and now I get made every time I go out after, you know, you dress the tranny and you interview Wendy Davis. My wig flies off. She still goes along with it. I'm on every message. I'm like, you got to go in there. A technical level. Also didn't want to pull the steel team six mission between a Wednesday and Friday show. So it's true. But what happened is then when you were in, you wanted to go back. It's true. I was juiced. How did it get psyched? Explain to me how it got set up, how you did it. Like what, what, what was the meeting? Balls of steel. Well, I mean, these kind of these things are much different than the Burlington Vermont kind of gigs. I mean, that was a throwaway. This one took months of planning. It was reg too. Yeah. Yeah. To reg especially to to infiltrating the back end of Antifa. And reg. We call him reginal. We have a guy who does research for us. Ah, don't make him mad. I won't get into anything specific, but he is like a high, high level professor. Okay. He has a, he has a 650 something pound squat. He's like Bane in real life and brilliant. He was the one who found the salon pedophile. That's why we broke that. He was the one who found the article. Yeah. We were the first ones to write about how he was currently actively a pedophile. He sent it to me within 10 minutes. But he's the man in the chair. But if you say currently out of wasn't a practicing pedophile, right? No, he was. He was, he talked about grooming and all that stuff and we wrote about it. Yeah. Really? They doubled down on it too. Didn't they? Yeah. The guy was like three more articles. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, the point is reg does reg does brilliant. I don't know that maybe they did, but they did like two or three, but reg is a brilliant researcher. And so at this point, explain that though, because you were glossing over this for people that are just listening. Please explain like what that was like those articles. Uh, sorry. Yeah. We're starting over that. So What was their first articles? I'm a pedophile, but I'm not a monster. Yeah. And it was talking about how, you know, the way to deal with us is again, not to stigmatize us. I'm like, listen, I'm sorry at a certain point. I'm empathetic, but we send you to therapy. You still want to have sex with kids. We take you out of the village. We shoot you. We can't take that risk. That's it. Um, so he was like, I'm not a monster and talked about how, you know, his struggles was his, and I'm like, okay, you can kind of understand it, but then reg did some research. We found all of his online, uh, message board, his, his pseudonyms, his, his usernames and coded language about grooming, uh, grooming, meaning like you're grooming kids online. So we found all of it and we released an article on it. And then salon released another article where he responded and didn't call us up by name. It was like my week in the right wing hate sphere. And they ran it on salon. Like we're the bad guys because we found out that you're grooming children and they released a few and we're like, we just realized, okay, this is the thing kind of like hormone blockers for kids. So lawn's cool with an active pedophile. Let's move on now. We're not going to do it. There's no more convincing to be done here. So reg was the one who found that and reg was the one who infiltrated a lot of the Antifa groups. You know, he's, that's not his real name, but he has so many, this guy's just brilliant. So he'd been doing research on the backend, uh, upon request and was so good. So we had all this research. We knew who these people were. We kind of knew what they were planning with Ben Shapiro going into Utah. Um, as a matter of fact, we were going to go to Berkeley right before that, but then last minute we found out that they weren't going to do it because we know where they meet. We were on their cryptic apps where they would text you. So it was these apps that you would download. Like, I don't know if we're like, are we allowed to say that? I don't know. I think the FBI came to us for information afterwards. Like, Oh yeah, we're tracking these people. They were arrests made because of your undercover thing. Well arrests made on the people who were seen undercover. So they committed crimes again later that day and were arrested. So the same person who handed him a shank later that day assaulted someone arrested. So Reg gets you the information and then you, how do you make contact with these people? We were part of their Facebook grouping. So we found out where they wanted to meet when, um, when and where, and we showed up to campus and I walk in as Jason Antifa person, new to the organization. Say I want to be involved. Blue contact and a beanie. That's all it takes. It didn't take much. Yeah, blue contacts. Why blue contacts? Just because we're on a budget. We need a disguise. But why, why do you need to disguise? You didn't think you could slip up? You thought people would recognize you from the show? We thought we could have been on the radar. We don't know. Well, they, well, they tried to find us in, uh, in, uh, in Austin. Antifa did. Yeah. They were handing out posters. They were passing out flyers. Was that when you got waterboarded? No, no, that was another time. And that would much rather be water. Yeah, he did. He did. That was no joke. And I'd rather do that than the CNN 16 hour live stream. That's not a joke. I'd rather be waterboarded, but anyway, so we show up at this coffee house. They're me Starbucks on campus. Where he, Antifa meets at Starbucks. So I found him, met up. He gives me the cryptic messaging app. Was it a he or she? Did you find out? We don't know. I was sure it was a he because it was a wedding band and a chick showed up. The color's ZUR. ZUR. ZUR sitting there with his wedding band, uh, iPhone 7 and is, is brought on the side. It gives me the app and says, we'll see you tomorrow. So I say, okay, see you then. It gives me full communication. They did roll call. They did roll call and it's okay. Everyone roll call. We've got Jason in the group. Sound off. Yeah. It's like Firebird. Everyone, uh, Firebird, uh, well it went down to like all these like Firebird and Rogue two and, and, and, and, and flamethrower nine. And then there was Will. Will, that, that was his real name. We found him so swiftly. Yeah, we found him immediately. We found him so swiftly. Will was so easy to find. How could you figure out who Will was? Well, because the phone numbers are also listed. It's a cryptic messaging app that doesn't allow you to take screenshots, but turns out if you have another phone, you could take a photo of your screen. Just use a physical camera. They didn't seem to work out this key. It's like a unique in the plans. Well, that was like the Snapchat thing where people are sending dick pics like, Hey, no one's going to see it. No one's going to see it. You can't say, you can't do screenshots. It just informs the person, which is so much worse than no, someone actually took it. It's like, that just makes it worse for everybody. Take a photo of it with another camera. Like you said, so anyway, I'm sorry. So go ahead. So all these people are role playing. They're they're in Dungeons and Dragons. Exactly. So we, uh, we go back to our hotel, get ready for the next day, uh, and show up on campus where they're supposed to, to, to meet up and get together. You are nervous as hell at this point. Oh, I saw. I want to do this. I want to do this. I was more nervous the day before cause I should know what I was walking into. Do you want to join a play? How short is the clip? You want to play it first? They're all like 30 seconds. Okay. It's a from a from Antifa for which one of you made to start with. I had to find one. Did you order your producer around? So these people, they were openly advocating violence and they were openly, they were, they were offering to give you a gun. Not at first. No, not at first. Well, that's what I say. I wanted to, cause you actually said the funny part before you said we got into a fight and you said, this is not my job description. And I said, it is exactly in your job description. You have to go do this right now. And uh, we had security and everything, but I remember you were really, and then after the clips, you'll see after they gave you the knife and we were filing out reports with the cops at that point, he goes, I'm going to go back in. I think I can really mess with him. Like, no, you can't. I handed you a prison shank and told you they had a sawed off shotgun. You can't go back in there. So once he was in it, I had, we had to rein him back. It was like a little, little, little crazy. A couple of times crazy. You got a little crazy. Okay. So let's play this. This is my meeting at Starbucks. There are, you can tell us if that's a guy. It's almost product placement. He's a guy. This is a guy. I think. All right. Play it. This is tell me how to show up. Hard tactics. They're not prepared for what we're planning. They're not prepared for what we're planning. I have a toolbox full of shit. I have on the border between just regular rifle. I have like on the border, regular rifle. I saw it. Sawed off style shotgun. Sawed off style shotgun. That's a girl. Yeah, I thought so when I showed up this one, but you know, she likes to play the field. She likes to play the field. Jamie is one where they handed Jared, was it an ice pick you said or what was it? No, it was a screwdriver. It was an ice pick. No, it was a sharp point in, but it was like a school screwdriver. It said two AKs coming. Okay. So here it is. I think they were lying though. This is, so the key is to get it right. Yeah. They're telling me how to, I can procure my own K bars. There we go. This is a combat knife. It's a fixed blade, five inches or so, but it's just, you strap it on your leg. We're going to give our sponsor of Antifa now, by the way. Yeah. Yeah. Really? Really stab him. That shit is a fan. Okay. So what they were doing is first of all, that person never stabbed anybody in their fucking life, right? So these are dorks. And what they're doing is they're deciding now they're going to take action and they're going to enlist the aid of a bunch of other people. Did you think at that point in time, like maybe these people are looking for suckers that are willing to do fucked up shit for them? Oh, I think. They're just stabbing anybody. I absolutely think so. When I showed up, I met, there was like four of them when I got there. They were all running late. The socialists were all running late. Yeah, they all showed up late. Not as hard. I had to get out. Show time. And one of them actually said, sweetheart there, honeybee, I was like, yeah, that's the beauty of being unemployed. I can just show up on time anywhere I want. I'm like, there is a silver lining, I guess. But she's eating. She was eating. And she was still late. Oh, she was, yeah, she was late. So she, okay. So I get there. I'm first, I'm thinking, okay, this is a bust. This is a really sad group of people because I don't know about the weapons at this point. I just see, okay, there's, I'm expecting like 40s guys in the, what they call black block, all black, goggles, everything. And it just looks like a really sad social club. So I get there, sit down for a bit and like three minutes in, they start telling me, they start passing me stuff, telling me everything you just saw. And I'm thinking, oh my Lord, this is not, I need to get out. I need to get out. And meanwhile, I'm on the other side of the school because Ben Shapiro is being, so I'm on the other side of the school and Ben Shapiro is there. So there are a lot of fans. I'm kind of taking pictures and I got spotted. So I'm taking a picture of my phone and I'm like, hold on a second, let me just shut off my phone. Taking pictures and I see it and Jared's like, they're handing me knives. What do I do? What do I do? Oh my God, I gotta go. You're like, quick, get out. I'm like, okay, I need to fast. I need to think quick. Yeah. So I told him I had to take a dump and I just left. That was hilarious. That was hilarious. That was hilarious. What the crazy thing about that is that you bring us the footage. So there are cops right there. So we tell the cops because I'm like, we've got to get him through this whatever it is, quad or whatever it is there. Because we're talking about luring people on this one too. Yeah, this is the guy right here. I think. Oh yeah. Hold on. It's not playing. Oh, it's corrupted the file. Oh, here he goes. The president's circle and they were handing out sharp objects to stab people with so they had someone come in with an AK. This guy works for local news. Take two late night hosts, comedians to find this out. You know what? I wish you guys luck. Yes, you just saw correctly. Even being shown the footage in the presence of police officers to confirm authenticity. They walked away. Also I should note this is Dan Harris from Nightline. He was on my podcast. Dan Harris. He knew about the footage and the whole story too. I offered it to him and asked for his car. He gave us a brief spot when they actually put together weeks later after our video come out. So he had to acknowledge it, but he put together a small little brief montage of our video that took place on this little profile event. He's like mostly peaceful event, though not without some controversy. What happens is to me what's so crazy is like, again, I offered it to the local guy. People who do news, April O'Neil, they want the exclusive. I said, hey man, do you want this? To run this? Because he worked for ABC or local Fox or something. And he's doing Instagram videos with five followers and he's like, oh, a heart go up on his screen. So I'm looking at him like, listen man, do you want this? And he goes, what is it? So I go, hold on. We tell him exactly what we had and we show him the cryptic app and I'm like, hold on a second. We're not here. The police. So we're showing it to him and he walks away. I'm like, he's like, well, I got to do my job. This isn't a part of your job. This isn't a part. He didn't think it was. And that to me was insane. We weren't looking for it necessarily a scoop. We just wanted to get this as wide as possible. He had a rhyme going down the street with our protests. So he had to get to the things. Yeah. That's what he did. He was doing the Instagram. Oh, you'll see people peacefully protesting. Like hold up his Instagram. Hey, hey, hey, Donald Trump sucks. You think that he just didn't have authority that he was trying to... Didn't fit the narrative. Same thing with a guy from Nightline. Didn't fit. So the narrative was the anti-Trump protesters, which is what people were tuning into the news for. It wasn't... It was Antifa being... It was peaceful. It was peaceful. There were snipers on the rooftops for that little Jew Ben Shapiro. Think about it. This is dangerous. This is dangerous. Two weeks after Berkeley. He's a smart little bastard. I love him. But he's like, I could see how he pisses people off, but he's brilliant. He's a very, very smart guy. He's my first lawyer. He negotiated my contract. He wasn't even an entertainment lawyer. I said, Ben, you got a lot of vowels in your last name and I have a contract with Money at Play. Can you help me? I think I can do it. That's how he became friends. I was 18. That's hilarious. But this is the heat of the Antifa fight last summer. Right after Berkeley. They were really specifically about Antifa trying to downplay the violence and the undercurrent that the team they picked up. They seem to have given that up. They seem to have accepted the fact that there's a lot of vowels. Some of them. Some of them. I hate not to toot our own horn, but I think things like this. That got, what, 15 million plays on Facebook and a few million on YouTube. The reason we got more mileage is because the news refused to cover it. Then was it the dean? Someone there, some student activities advisor, released an official statement saying nothing happened. So we called him. That was a follow-up video. I remember listening to that. We saw it with the Washington Herald or something. It was a really stupid name. We asked who made the statement that this was entirely peaceful. Because Honeybee. Honeybee was speaking on behalf of the police, but never actually quoted a name. So we figured out pretty quickly he was speaking on behalf of himself. We found out he was actually a delegate or something. He was actually officially involved. Ties to Clinton stuff like that. Yeah, Ties to Clinton. He was a Clinton staffer. Yeah. The support of Antifa, this open support of it, is very confusing. Do you know this? You got professors hitting people in the head with bike locks. This is not- It sounds absurd, but it's true. It's not a wise group. This is not a smartly organized, refutable, of some crazy power structure. This is chaos. Right. It's your question earlier. Yeah, I do think they prey on losers of society to become part of- I mean, they were so quick to welcome me in because they need the numbers and they're willing to accept anybody. There was no filtration system. I got to say that if that was a real faction of Antifa, that's the saddest fucking faction that they have known. You're as bad as anybody. Tell them later that- so Honeybee got arrested. For tasing a guy. Tasing a guy. She tased somebody? If there is something- Who'd she tase? No, the guy sucker punched a different guy. Something happened. There was a dust up, but she called on her and got a guy now. She's a taser. Are you misgendered? No, no, no, no. Sorry, it's very confusing. I would never. No, Honeybee was actually there. It's not my character. Honeybee was a late socialist. Got arrested. For tasing a dude. And then, after jail, was texting you. Remember that? I was texting her knife back. Oh my God. Because I texted her to go to the cops. Because I texted her to go to the cops. Because I texted the picture of me sitting next to Shapiro full get up, flipping them to bird. You texted them a picture? Yeah, in an encryption app. Oh my God. I should have brought the phone. I should have brought the whole phone. You bastard gave me the knife back. I'm one of the cops. We were like- You bastard gave me the knife back? Sit next to the- Just giving them thumbs up. Oh my God, that's hilarious. And we told them when it was going up on YouTube, keep an eye out tomorrow at six o'clock on YouTube. So she gets arrested for tasing somebody. And then what happens? Now, no heat for her for all this video of her saying she's got a handgun and- We don't know. I mean, I can say now, I was in a lot of phone calls with the FBI. I was on the premise with the FBI and they knew that my footage was not terribly surprising to any of them because they were already on their radar. But they did ask how you got in the crypto gap. They did ask. They were picking my brain for how they function because they are organized to a certain extent. If they're as organized as the Berkeley faction or as any other faction that's cause trouble, who knows? But to some level, they are. And that's where the FBI used us to help them figure that out. What's what we were talking about earlier that my take on it is that if you're trying to suppress people that hardcore and it's just a guy who's talking and that guy turns out to be Ben Shapiro and you're calling him a Nazi, do you see the fucking- Most dangerous man they call him. Do you see the Yamaka on his head? Ben Shapiro's a Nazi. Are you out of your mind? You're so far gone that with every single one of these things, it diminishes the credibility of this whole movement.