Joe Rogan Stages Social Media Intervention with Owen Benjamin


6 years ago



Owen Benjamin

3 appearances

Owen Benjamin is a stand up comedian and actor. Check out his podcast called “Why Didn’t They Laugh?” available on iTunes.

Kurt Metzger

6 appearances

Kurt Metzger is a stand-up comic, writer, and host of the "Can't Get Right with Kurt Metzger" podcast. His latest special, "30 Minutes with Kurt Metzger," is available on YouTube.


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I wanted to talk to you about social media. Okay. Because I love you. I love you too. I think you're a very good guy. I really do. But you are the worst representative of yourself on social media. I'm a bad lawyer myself. It's a bad form of getting out tricky ideas. It's a bad form. Right. It's just not good. I mean now it's what is it 280 now? 280 characters? It's better than it was. 140 was very rough. Like 140 you'd have to really think about what you're saying. It's like you're yelling because you're falling into a well. You have like one sentence. But you are without a doubt addicted. And I know you bailed on your phone for a while and you went to a flip phone. But I see these manic tweets from you and I just want to go hang out with you and go dude what are you doing? Like why are you constantly tweeting and attacking people? Just the chaos helps me. I mean you're right. I'm not challenging that statement. But I see it as almost like an idea sonar where you're just like. I get that. I get that. But I get that because I know you. I know you're a really good dude in real life. Thanks man. So when I see this online and I see these blurting out post, just outbreak posts, they're just like blah. Like you got mental diarrhea. I mean just let me see if I can throw the word nigger in here for a goof. Let me see if I can say something that's going to piss people off. And it's just there's this weird thing you're doing. Like this Jesselneck thing. Like you just decided to attack Anthony Jesselneck. No I'll tell you this. Did he attack you? No what happened was someone said that they had heard he said I was alt right. Which is like the new insult. People can believe that. They could believe that you were alt right. But if someone tells them and they read one of your outrageous tweets. Just one or two of them. They would go oh this guy's an alt right comedian. And then they see you with certain people that you've had podcasts with and talked to that might also be lumped in. You mean ridiculously so. Like Jordan Peterson. They lump him into alt right. Right right. No I got you. It doesn't make any sense but they do it. Yeah. Like I mean look I've had people on that people think are alt right. I mean people this people are fucking crazy. I mean there's people out there that think Ben Shapiro is anti-Semitic. That's how nutty people are. Oh I know. There's no there's no logic at all. Like right now Martin Luther King Jr. would be considered alt right. By certain crazy people. He would probably have adjusted his views. Don't you think. I mean his views had probably changed knowing all that we know about people today and he would be a different person. You got to think that guy growing up in the 1950s and then you know being into the 60s as the most important civil rights activist of all time. He was dealing with a completely different world man. I mean there was no social media. There was there was not much consolidated power. It was probably very difficult to get people to march once they start sick and dogs on people and blowing fire hoses on them. I mean you had to be you had less protection and he had to be more more rigid and conservative than just because people would have to be like just very careful. That's like you know we talked about this recently. I guess it was with was it Daniele Bolelli we were talking about about how recently slavery was. Was it Daniele? Might have been. Either way. It's that's a crazy small amount of time. 200 years ago. And it's been existed for like tens of thousands of years. And that there's more slavery in the world today because there's more people alive. Yeah. It's kind of tricky but there's less percentage of people that are slaves. It's kind of misleading when people say there's more slavery. There's way more people. That's a good point. Yeah. There's more everything. Way way way way way more people. And there's way more crazy people and now they all have internet access. Yeah because I was looking at this thing where they were trying to trace you know you've heard about that new species of human that they found I think around somewhere in the range of seven or eight years ago. Denocians I think they call them. They found them in Russia. And what they are is you know when there was Neanderthal and Homo sapiens there was another one. And then this other one bred there's apparently they think there was many different kinds of humans. Oh yeah for sure. But what they think it fucking freaked me out. They were talking about how long ago this was like 70,000 plus years ago that they were talking about one era and then they were talking about the amount of people that were alive then and they said something around the area of a hundred thousand humans. Total amount. That's on the 405 right now. Just fuck that on the 405 between here and like West Hills. Probably more. And that's why we have such a vicious instinct. Because at that point it's just I think it got down to like 10,000 people at one point. Yeah that was what I was reading the article about. It was also talking about in Sumatra and we talked about this recently there was a gigantic super volcano that blew up. And it fucked the earth up for like a thousand years. And we had to survive that. And now we're trying to survive Twitter storms but we have those same instincts. The same instincts that are like if you can't eat your dog right now you're going to die. So I went with the Jesuits thing off. So I just went on his and he had already blocked me and I had never written anything to him. So I just posted that and said he has liposuction in his ass because I thought that was funny. Because I didn't want to go too big. I was like. But why even do that? Like who gives a shit if he blocks you? I just thought it was funny. Right but you're attacking him publicly. This is the thing. It's like you have like how many thousands of Twitter followers you have? Like 120,000? That's a lot of fucking people. So a lot. But he's a strong man. Like there's dudes that have messed with me way crazier recently. But he creates this strong man like that's got to sting. It's got to be like this disturbance of peace and tranquility for no reason. Just because he blocked you. When you give a shit if you block. I hope he blocked. Jesun, I like you. Go block me buddy. I love him. He's a good guy. He's a great joke writer. He's a funny guy man. This is the problem. Like I'm a colleague of his. I'm at the comedy store with him all the time. We go on back and forth next to each other all the time. And you know there's like you should attack someone when they do something really bad. But you know what I'm saying? I do know what you're saying. Like the she's sore until you absolutely need it. I'm all about that. I wasn't like full attack mode though. That's pretty attack modey. I was being playful. The war started. You're talking about him getting liposuction. Talking about him being gay. And you're talking about you said a bunch of different things about him. Well no but that's after he said I was in response. He said that I'm an alt-right third rate piano comic. And I was like dude I just did a liposuction joke. But the thing is I'm not even mad at the guy at all. But then you again do a terrible job representing yourself. That's a good point. Because it seems to me even I had a text you. I'm like what are you doing? By the way I just want to give you a compliment. I love that you're more critical offline. Like you're one of the few people right now in this world that's like oh what the fuck you doing? But online you're chill. And so many people are the opposite. They attack online and apologize in the DM. And I just want to say that that's good leadership qualities. Oh well that's very nice of you. But I'm not trying to be a leader. I just try to be a good person. I think if you have an issue with someone you should talk to them in person if you can. If not on the phone. But that one on one. This idea that you should automatically blurt out what you think about someone's public mistakes to the rest of the world to state your position. Like there was a lot of the request to state your position after Louis CK got in trouble. I don't have no idea what actually happened. If the way the women are telling it is 100% true then I think it's fucking gross and disgusting. And I'm sad. I'm sad that he had that in his head that he wanted to do that. I'm sad that the girls had to experience it. It's an uncomfortable thing. But I don't know that. And I've heard stories about people thinking it was funny too. You know there was like this weird thing going on. The tribal stuff. Where it's like what side are you on? But people were like this was the Louis CK instance was the first instance that I can recall where people were demanding a response. Like a public response about something. Well I noticed that in entertainment with Trump it's like the lack of talking about Trump is now seen as endorsements. Like when Taylor Swift just didn't get involved in the chaos people were calling her like alt right. Yeah man. It's there's so many people just waiting. Waiting to pull the trigger. And they're doing so in such a fucking insane and ridiculously misrepresentative way. There was something about Jordan Peterson. Jordan Peterson going to speak somewhere and there was these people sending emails that he was a Nazi and a fascist and a racist and transphobic. But they're just hurling these nuclear bombs of words with literally no thought whatsoever about the consequences of using these words to describe someone who's absolutely clearly not that. Of course. They can't argue on another side. That's how they shut down the conversation. But here's my point is that it elevates this manic misrepresentation of reality because they've agreed to not look at it realistically. They've agreed who cares if he's not a Nazi. We're going to fucking call him a Nazi. And in doing that you're escalating what's like if there's a mob mentality right. It's part of what's going on. One of the things that happens in mob mentality is people start murdering people. You jump in. Right. Okay. And if you're trying to get away and the guy's running at you with a knife you're going to fucking kill him. That's what people do. It's a normal thing. It happens with mob mentality too. It happens with these kind of arguments. The same kind of thing. People can just decide they don't care if you're right. They're going to call you a fucking racist. They're going to call you a Nazi. They're just going to keep saying it until you believe it 100 percent. Like this fucking Nazi. Oh Jesus it's Kurt Messker ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for watching. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.