Joe Rogan Reviews Above the Law Martial Arts Scene


3 years ago



Steven Rinella

15 appearances

Steven Rinella is an outdoorsman, conservationist, writer, and host of "MeatEater." Watch season 11 now at


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What was your organ experience? What was the cop movie Chuck Norris did? Lone Wolf McQuaid? No, that was the one we fought, Dave Carradine. Is that how he fights Nick? No matter, they killed his dog and then he got pissed. That was pushing it too far. There was one movie where Chuck Norris did... It's not the Thin Blue Line, is it? Code of Silence, that's right. That was a movie where it was a real movie. It wasn't just a karate movie, it was a real movie. It was critically... It was probably 1980 as well. What year was that movie? Here he is in a bar next to... This speaks to you, Joe, because he's by a pool table getting ready to karate fight. 85? Yeah, it was... It's got everything you like. It wasn't too outrageous. He was really fighting. It made sense. You could see that happening. Maybe that's not the best example. You know what was a good example? As weird as it sounds, Stephen Seagal's early movie, Above the Law. A lot of people hate saying that. I fucking loved Above the Law. That Stephen Seagal movie. When he fucked people up in a bar, you believed it. He's not doing jumping, spinning wheel kicks or anything like that. He's cracking people over the head with pool cues and breaking their arms. All that stuff, okay, I buy that. I buy that. I would someday like you to do an analysis, a sort of director's cut style analysis of the fight scene at the end of Cannonball Run. This is Stephen Seagal walking in. This was back when he was leaning and singing. I met him in a catfish joint in Oxford, Mississippi. A catfish place? Yeah, he was there getting fried catfish. Really? No, no. Do you remember when he was a real cop on a television show? People got mouthy with him in this movie, and it's not a good move. Bang! He starts fucking people up. See that? Look at that elbow, that upward elbow. 100% legit. 100% real move that you see in Muay Thai all the time. That's real. Kevin Ross could be doing that right now. Right there. Bam! That's 100% legit. Knee to the face. All legit. That stuff makes sense. Look, this guy's going to swing. Boom! All this shit. This is real. This is Stephen Seagal at his best. These are like legit, believable fight scenes. Oh, now he's going to get... But watch this. Even the way... Stephen Seagal, people talk a lot of shit about him, but Stephen Seagal was a legit Akito master. He was one of the first, if not the first American, to teach at a dojo in Japan. He taught Akito. He was 100% legit. When I met him, he was wearing some kind of robe. He lost the script somewhere along the line. But back then, during this movie, man, I fucking loved that guy. I remember bringing him up in the meeting, and I'm bringing this scene up. That's what I want to see. I don't want to see shit that I know won't work. And they weren't into it. And they were like, people don't know that. I go, but I know that. And he goes, yeah, but how many people are you... Like you were out there. I go, but that movie's a successful movie, and the guy got upset at me. He just didn't want to hear me criticizing his perspective on something that I was an actual expert in. Has GQ asked you to do one of those breakdowns? Of a karate scene in a movie? Well, no. I've done the breakdown where you watch all the hunting scenes. Oh, have you done that? Yeah. It's fun. I'd probably do that without GQ. I don't want them in the mix. You don't need them in there. Why would I want anybody else in there? Then you have a producer. Then you have a big organization behind you. When you can just do it here. Episodes of the Joe Rogan Experience are now free on Spotify. That's right. They're free from September 1st to December 1st. They're going to be available everywhere. But after December 1st, they will only be available on Spotify, but they will be free. That includes the video. The video will also be there. It will also be free. That's all we're asking. Just go download Spotify. Much love. Bye-bye.