Joe Rogan Recounts Gay Marriage Disagreement with Ben Shapiro


5 years ago



Melissa Chen

1 appearance

Melissa Chen is the NY editor for Spectator USA and the managing director of Ideas Beyond Borders.


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I mean I've heard intelligent people make this conversation about other intelligent people that disagree with them like Ben Shapiro. That like Ben Shapiro should be deplatformed because Ben Shapiro is indoctrinating people towards right wing ideology by having these salient points and articulate sentences and these rants that he goes on. He speaks very fast. He's got a great grasp of the English language and it's very compelling. And the idea is that he's indoctrinating young people. Well no, he's speaking with passion. I don't agree with him on a lot of things. But I certainly agree with his right to express himself. And he's not convincing me. Who is he convincing? Like when he talks, when Ben Shapiro, here's an area where we deeply disagree. Gay people. He thinks it's immoral. He thinks he would never go to a gay person's wedding. He wouldn't even go to the celebration, the after party of a gay wedding. And I'm like, well this is all for religious reasons. I'm like that, I think that's ridiculous. That's not convincing me. So who is it convincing? Is it convincing someone that's a baby? Are you dealing with children or are we dealing with uneducated people? Are we dealing with people that don't have positive influences? What's wrong with letting him express these ideas? These ideas are hot. He and I had a long conversation about it on the podcast. I was like, I think it's ridiculous. What do you care? My perspective is what do you care? And his perspective is he couldn't support that because of religious reasons. So then we go deep into the hole with why. Moral objections. Yeah. And what are these religious reasons? How deep do you go with this? Do you think Jesus came back from the dead? Like he doesn't. He's Jewish. It's a different perspective. Do you think, you know, do you really think that God thinks that homosexuality is some sort of a carnal sin and terrible? If so, God made everything. Why did he make homosexuals? Please explain that. What kind of a weirdo is God? That he gives people this urge to be gay, but then he tells them fight that urge. And then he makes this comparison to this like murder. Sometimes you want to murder people. I'm like, okay. I think that's different because you don't want to murder people all day, every day. I know a lot of gay dudes who want to fuck dudes all the time. It's like God did a crazy thing to their system. And for you to believe in God, but have a problem with that to me is ridiculous. So now we're banking on these really ancient words that were written by people with no grasp of science, no understanding of biology, no understanding of the culture of the world, no understanding of the sheer number of these people and taking into perspective that, you know, you're literally dealing with under what percentage of the population is gay, but it's a significant percentage. So you're saying all of them are frying in hell. Do you know how dumb that is? That's really fucking dumb. Like if they're your neighbors and they're just happy and loving, what do you care? The goal should be a cohesive society where people are comfortably being around each other with all their differences. Exactly. And just nice. People just nice to each other. Exactly. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight or trans or black or white or Asian or fucking whatever. It doesn't, it shouldn't matter. The individual should matter and the way we interact with each other, that should matter. And we have to take into consideration that if you're going to live your life by these things that were written down thousands of years ago before people had any of these understandings of all the subtle nuances of humanity and all the differences that people have and now the biological understandings of why they have these differences. Well, you're dealing with ignorance. We're applying these ancient, ignorant rules to a modern world where we have a vastly expanded understanding of human beings. Right. But to Ben's credit, I mean, he's friends with Dave. He doesn't let that. Sort of. He doesn't. But he wouldn't go to his wedding. Yeah, but he says he's going to, he, you know, he's. I cut him off. If I invite him to my weddings, like I can't, you're a sinner. I'm like fuck off. But you know what? A lot of us who have parents who are super Christian. Yeah. Like I understand. At the end of the day, you know where that's coming from? She my sister's gay and at first she didn't she didn't accept that. And the reason for that was that it was coming from a good place. Like for her, it was I don't want my daughter to go to hell. So it's like it's like it's again, the road to hell is paid for good intentions. Right. And so so the only reason she was objecting to it was because of this belief that she's going to end up burning in hell. So it's coming from ironically a place of love. It's judgy. And it's based on Bronze Age ideology. Yeah. But but you know, I don't think that that either of us ever doubted that she loved her. Right. And it's so I kind of understand where Ben comes from in that sense, even though I, you know, it makes me angry. Like I reject all that stuff. It's just silly. And what's interesting is he's so smart. And when he talks about that, it's all of a sudden you see stammering and he gets weird because he knows it's nonsense. But I don't know if he knows I wouldn't embrace. Got to know he's just deep. He's just balls deep in his religion. Which is I like the guy a lot. I really do. And I've gotten so much shit for saying that I like the guy. We need more of that. We need more of the hate the hate the sit in all the center and practice on both sides. But I think he and I only had we disagree on some issues and some political issues. But he's a decent person. He's a nice person. He's very friendly. He's funny. I enjoy his company a lot. I like Ben Shapiro. I really do. I think he's a brilliant guy. I mean, the gay thing's the biggest one because to me that's the dumbest one. Like my my my it always comes back to why do you care? That's all it is to me. Like why do you care? I don't care. Like why do you care if someone's gay? Like if it if does it affect you? How can it how can it affect you? Right. You do you have your fingers in everybody's business? Like it's crazy. Yeah. Doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, that was the argument against gay marriage. Like why does it affect your heterosexual marriage? Exactly. It shouldn't. Well, the sanctity of marriage. It's so dumb. The sanctity of marriage. How about Vegas? You could go to a fucking drive-through. You can get married at a drive-through movie theater. I mean, that's really what it's like. Right. Exactly. You get married anywhere. It's so dumb. So it's so ridiculous.