Joe Rogan Rants About Shitty Parents


7 years ago



Al Madrigal

3 appearances

Al Madrigal is a comedian and actor. He was a regular correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and is a co-founder of the All Things Comedy podcast network, alongside Bill Burr. His new special "Shrimpin' Ain't Easy" premieres on Showtime on May 5 at 9pm Family Friendly.


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Hello freak bitches. I am so high strung and I do like you know feel like I'm prone to like I can't be walking around telling dads at my school to fuck off. You know how I do that? I told one guy to go five go you're a real fucking asshole you know that. What happened? He's a fucking dick to my son. The dad was? The dad was he was a basketball coach and I saw him and I go hey you're a real asshole you know that? Whoa. And uh-huh. Because no dads talk to each other like that and I yeah I call this guy an asshole and I felt bad again. I feel fucking bad I don't want to do it but I did it and he's a dick and everybody knows he's a fucking dick. And well is he a coach? He was a coach. At a school? Yeah. Is he still there any? Or is he done? I think he's done. Yeah he's done. Yeah well there's a lot of people that can't I mean the stress of being a comic right is one kind of stress. Imagine a stress of dealing with hormonally active 17 year olds every fucking year. New ones coming in just casually. He's much younger. Yeah this is 14. No not even that. This is like being an asshole to an 11 year old. Oh well he's a piece of shit. Yeah yeah exactly. Yeah well there's a lot of fucking stress and raising people and teaching kids and dealing with the problems that kids present you know. Yeah. A lot of people that just here's another thing that's going on today people think they can have a kid and then have careers too and everyone's having a career. The mom has a career, the dad has a career, everybody has a career and when are you watching the kid? Who's paying attention to the kid? I went to a party and I've talked about this in the podcast before this one little kid was just running around hitting everybody and doing the parents are inside drinking. They were in the party drinking and the kids out there with the other kids and then finally the guy comes out and apologizes. I'm sorry he's a good kid. I'm like he's not a good kid. Like he's hit three kids. Yeah yeah yeah. I told him what the kid did he goes he never did that. I go I saw him do that. Watched your son being an asshole. And the guy's like I said I'm sorry. I'm like oh my god I want to kill you. Yeah. Like do you understand I want to grab your neck and choke the life out of you. I'm containing myself you fucking cunt. Yeah so I get into putting those things yeah. But I keep it cool. I keep it cool. How do you do it? I don't know. Because I practice murder on a daily basis. Oh my god. I just murder a punching bag or a run-up hills. I get it out of my system. Burt just told me this story about you exercising such calm. You and Tate and that guy with his shirt off that was trying to get into your hotel room. Oh yeah. And I would have fucking I don't know what I would have done today. I'm not gonna you know that's the other thing it's like I would just probably. That guy wound up being unconscious. Yeah Tate put him to sleep. Yeah Tate choked him unconscious but Tate was nice to him. He could have taken his life. That guy was a real piece of shit. He was a big giant dude. He was like six foot six and he was a bully and he thought you know because he was so tall he thought the people were scared of him but you know he fucked with the wrong guy in Tate. First of all a guy who's been arrested, been around bad people his whole life, been in numerous street fights, was a professional fighter, was on the ultimate fighter, was a black belt in jiu-jitsu. I mean everything was wrong and Tate was trying to be calm with the guy and the way Tate handled it like he they fought in a hotel lobby right in front of the elevator and the guy was pounding on his door saying you're in my fucking room. Like that was a just a cunt and Tate was like nah look Mike he works here it's definitely my room and he shuts the door on me. He was hey you fucking faggot you think you can get away with shutting this fucking door? He was open this fucking door I told you you're in my room and then we all went outside. It was me and Eddie Bravo and Tate we're looking at this guy and we're looking at his friend and we're trying to figure out how we're gonna do this. Like this this has to be dealt with like this is not a guy that's gonna go away. He was a big drunk dumb guy and Tate decides the way to handle it is you know there's a bunch of words being exchanged so Tate decides he he kicks the guy in a leg in the leg and then he grabs him and pulls him on top of him so the guy like literally has no idea like why he's doing this. So he buckles. He kicks his leg grabs him and pulls him on top of him and pulls him into what's called the guard you know like in jiu-jitsu and then wraps him up in something called an omoplata which is a shoulder lock so he throws I mean this is all instantaneous kick pull whap throws his shoulder over him then the security guard show up. The security guard show up and they go hey hey hey what the fuck is going on and I go relax I go everything's gonna be fine he's just gonna choke him to sleep and they got the security guard goes Joe Rogan are you Joe Rogan holy shit man what are you doing here? While I said this like he's just gonna choke him to sleep Tate goes alright I guess I'm gonna choke him to sleep now. I mean this is all happening within seconds Tate sinks a rear naked choke on this guy and just squeezes him unconscious gets off of him doesn't hurt the guy at all doesn't hit him all he does kick his leg out from under him take him down choke him unconscious the guy his friend picks his friend up and I go get your fucking cunt friend and get sober him up and get him out of here and he's lucky nothing happened and he's like I'm sorry man my friends piece of shit I'm sorry his friend picks his friend up the guy's like delirious they push him in an elevator elevator door closes he disappears from life never see him again that's it the end of it I take pictures with the fucking security guards they're smiling I go it's fine I go it's a drunk asshole do you think we should call the cops? I go no I go that guy's humiliated I go unless he comes back if he comes back he's gonna get fucked up but right now everything's fine don't call the cops yeah so they're laughing and everyone's laughing we took a couple pictures together went back in the room went and got some dinner and we were laughing yeah but when that dad is in your face at the party that exercise that calm is that's again that's the thing that I struggle with when Mike Costa is on stage and I'm being completely honest like I again this is how I feel it's just something that takes over and I'm like I can't help but say hey your son is hitting that guy like this is not cool this is not okay yeah parents don't watch their kids and then their kids are just complete assholes well they go to parties and they drink and they leave the kids outside and this parents these particular parents they don't watch the kid ever they this is like what they're famous for apparently in their group they just don't watch this kid they just they don't want to be parents they became parents in their 40s they didn't really plan it out they I don't know if the parents get along I don't know I don't know how but the whole thing looks like a disaster and the kids a little monster and they just are not they're not disciplining him paying attention and like he literally went out and talked to the kid and there was some commotion going on where people complaining about the kid hitting somebody he talked to the kid and then he high-fived them and then the kid went back to doing it again I mean literally he went back inside a drink the kid went back outside again so at the end of the night when this guy apologized to me like it the kid was doing it all night go hey man your kid is really aggressive he's like I'm sorry I'm sorry about the kid I go your kid is really aggressive is no he's a good kid I go down look he hit three people I saw him hit people I saw him push a kid and call him a loser I go he's fucking six and he's doing this he goes that never happened like you know I'd understand consequences this is why I bite my tongue I understand like that the actual consequences of smacking this guy in his fucking mouth which is what I wanted to do you know of course I want if there was no consequences to doing anything and I didn't think of him as a person I didn't think of him as a guy who just never raised a kid before hasn't really thought about it well has a big career probably busy all the time wife's busy all the time just not doing a good job raising a little monster you know drinking to try to drown out the fact who knows why you know drinking because he doesn't like being married drinking because he doesn't like being a dad drinking because he doesn't like being sober who knows I don't know I don't know the guy but in that moment when he's looking at me going that never happened I just did just the fucking sheer ignorance and incompetence and irresponsibility was just so infuriating because I watch my kids like I like I watch them I talk to him I communicate with him I know it I didn't have a good childhood so for me it's important to be a good dad and I spend as much time as I can communicating explaining shit talk to him treating them like I'm not just their dad but also I'm their friend and I care about them my wife is a first grade teacher and she's becoming an educational therapist right now and so I'm like living with just the master at consequences like if you don't eat in our house or just decide you don't like broccoli nothing else is coming like kitchen is closed and that's what people create monsters when they cater to him so much that's okay let me and that's where you like your kid only eats fucking rice I have a friend who and he keeps feeding his fucking kids sugar this kid just eats nothing but sugar all day because he doesn't need he doesn't eat I go what do you mean he doesn't eat he's always eating cookies is because he won't eat his food I gotta feed him something I go no dude you gotta tell him you can't eat the cookies you got food you got actual food this fucking kid is just eating nothing but candy I mean it's it's bananas he's always got a soda in his hand and he's six he's fucking six and he's drinking a full coke like you go over the house the kid has a root beer we saw these kids we were on a flight and some of these two parents sit in first class and then come back and check we didn't know what didn't coach they put three next to each other and coach he's motherfuckers I know crazy right and then everybody else has to do with their kid they gave each of them iPads right and then they wait to the waitress the stewardess comes by and she looks at these three kids and looks around for who they're with and one that was the kids I'm telling eight is the oldest one eight maybe six and four three just in a row and she's the oldest one goes three sprites three sprites this is a red eye this is overnight flight they're on iPads like just animals just don't stop like trying to win something you know and then we're sort of laughing at first but everybody in our family wants to go to sleep everybody's like exhausted from being out all day I've never would this is a while ago I'll never be on this flight again no red eyes for me this horrible horrible really fucked you up for days two days afterwards you're fucked yeah try to do anything in your power to avoid a red eye also try to do everything in your power to avoid fucking and if you can fly non-stop that's what a hundred percent yep yeah so they get in a fight after a while kids start fighting because they're all hopped up on sugar and they can stand up the screen and fucking so then they start fighting and I think the mom or dad hears or somebody has to tap them to get up and me and my wife like this is not okay it's just not nothing was said because again we just want to mind our own business ideally right again ideally everyone minds their own business this is a new world though this world of electronic babysitters and the world of putting the kids and coach and you go into first class like ignoring kids and it's these career people there's a lot of people that look they their career requires all their time they justify it they go look someone's gonna make the money in this household so we can keep up this lifestyle and so they're out there fucking grinding all day and then the kids are just what do I do was raising me full circle to my dad passing away is that every single weekend this why I bought that fj 62 Land Cruiser because every single weekend we went on a little family trip and I looked at myself and we go on family vacations and stuff but the amount of time that my family really spent together like a mom and a dad like he would take us to Yosemite he would take us up the coast to Mendocino we go to Marin or Abstinson Beach and all these places even in Golden Gate Park like he would just take us places little adventures you know and so I feel like we need to I get caught up in work working because you know just non-stop and I got to take a step back and really spend as much time as I possibly can