Joe Rogan - Progressives Deny Gender Science


6 years ago



Dr. Debra Soh

3 appearances

Dr. Debra Soh is a sex neuroscientist, journalist, and author of “The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity in Our Society.”


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One of the things that I said about one of the more bizarre things about today's political climate is that people selectively agree with science It's like when it comes to client climate change like everybody is like pro science like science all the way look at the studies Yeah, even when they don't even understand the studies like there's a famous and you know I get in trouble when you bring up Tucker Carlson. Oh, you're Tucker Carlson fan I'm just as a human being I'm not gonna be mad. He made some very good points with Bill Nye He had Bill Nye on they were talking about science and he said okay if human beings are responsible for climate change What percentage what are the numbers like and Bill Nye really isn't a scientist. He's a science You know, what would you call personality? Those can be yeah, he's a guy who's you know He's a promoter of science but not really necessarily a scientist So he doesn't he doesn't have long term study and research to climate change. He's just sort of on there in a slightly arrogant way Saying things that I agree with like what I agree with is that human beings are responsible at least in part with climate change This is what all the research points to yeah, but when Tucker Carlson was pressing him on it He really didn't have any answers for it So it's one of those things where like people on the left will blindly support science in one way Is that you or me dang? But then when it comes to gender you watch his show he's got this wacky show on Netflix Yeah, whether they're singing songs about gender can be fluid and gender could be this and there's more than two Yeah, there's more than two genders which he didn't used to say. Yeah, if you go back to one of his I did see that there was an older episode where they clearly say that gender is binary Yeah, this is like way back before all this nuttiness stuff So it's influencing people who are in the like people are deciding instead of supporting science and supporting the research on actual human beings as a biological organism Instead we're going with this bizarre politically correct climate which inclines people to this weird Delusional thinking and as an outsider, that's what's interesting to me to watch all this like look at this scrambling. Look at this weirdness You know, it's hypocritical. It definitely is and it's it's interesting to see I mean say the March for science I attended that not this past year, but the year before so people are there. They're super excited about science pro science I think science is good or all this money should go to science and you ask them Okay, so you're so you're down for climate change being real But what about science now by the left and I asked so many people this while I was there because I was reporting on it for Playboy comm and It's amazing people get very uncomfortable They don't want to they don't want to say anything about I would consider myself to be a liberal but definitely liberals don't want to think about themselves being science deniers and when you look at how people talk about gender now and Biological sex differences in the brain even biology more generally people get very Defensive they get angry almost and they find it threatening for some reason which I don't understand And that's a big part of my work is to say I think we can acknowledge that these facts exist and that Biological science is legitimate. That doesn't mean that Sexism is okay. We're not saying that women are inferior or anything like that. Exactly That's the big point about all this right is that we're not saying that Anyone's inferior. We're just not the same thing. Mm-hmm This is what the big problem is that they try to say I mean, I certainly think we should all have equal rights But we're not equal in terms of what we are. We're a different we're and it's not that we're not equal like one's better It's just like saying a wolf is not equal to a cheetah. They're fucking different things Yeah, and males and females are different things. Yeah, and this is This is clear when you study us as an organism, you know I had a really bizarre conversation once with a guy who's a professor or former professor and he was trying to deny that there Did there's a difference between men and women? It's crazy. And one of the things I said, I said, okay, you get a dog Do you ask is this a boy dog or a girl dog? And then he got like real weird Yeah, this is really no answer to that. Yeah, like it's it's a fucking boy dog. You want a boy dog, right? Is it a non binary dog? Like what is your dog or it might change its mind tomorrow? Is your dog gender fluid? Yeah, like what is gender fluid? well It's this idea that you can be one gender one day another gender the other day or it might cycle through the day or Doesn't your mix of both that seems like if it was anything else You would have to be fucking crazy, right? It was anything else. Yeah, like if you decided well today, I'm African. Yeah tomorrow I'm Chinese. Yeah, you know, oh today. I'm tall tomorrow. I'm short today. I'm a pixie tomorrow I'm a wood elf like but I think everybody is we don't have to call it something like gender fluid Everyone is a mix of male and female, right? You have people that are maybe more typically masculine and more typically feminine But even still there there's I don't think there are many people that are a hundred percent No one way or the other no. Well, what does that even mean? I mean people are clearly more masculine than other people But does that mean that the people like, you know, let's pick a person Bill Nye. Mm-hmm. Does that mean he's not a man? He's clearly a man. Exactly. Yeah, he's clearly a man. He's not LeBron James, but he's a man Yeah, you know, there's there's there's obviously a spectrum. Yeah But I almost feel like that way of thinking is more old-fashioned because this is all about being progressive and open-minded But I think if someone is a man But is maybe more female typical to say that this person is a different category of gender or that they're I don't know Not male to me that's more stereotypical. You know what I mean? I think it's it's not progressive to say if you're a mix of both you must be something different Well, you're not necessarily a mix of both right? You just have a different hormonal profile and different It's different body type different I mean people vary so much that I mean I think Having some sort of categories to say oh, this is a male and this is a female. It seems like it's pretty beneficial Yeah I mean Although we vary so widely inside those categories to pretend that those categories don't exist just seems so weird We would never do that with any other organism. Mm-hmm. And it's a lot of work, too You see these companies going and they're trying to be more and with the times I guess they're everything is gender neutral now And I'm thinking all of that money and time is being wasted when I don't think that does anything for women or sexism If you change instead of addressing someone by ladies and gentlemen, you say people is that really gonna stop sexism? I just makes people mad because then they have to change the way they talk I put up a Story on Twitter the other day about people that are raising their kids with they and them I saw that you're calling them babies instead of babies fun times What the fuck is that like I just I think it's coming from for some parents It's coming from a good place like they obviously want the best for their kids and They don't want to limit the kid in terms of what they might be interested And I think because the media is telling them if you let girls play with dolls That's terrible and they're gonna end up You know not having any sort of prospects when they grow up in terms of their jobs or I don't know It's such a terrible thing to be female typical nowadays But I mean like you mentioned its biology that's gonna dictate what your kids play with and then in other cases I think it's parents that want to be special. Well, it's also weird because if your son is trans It's totally fine for him to be female typical. Yeah, like it's celebrated Like if you have a trans son and he likes wearing lipstick and short skirts and prancing around then he's fabulous Yeah, there was a boy in New York and there was this whole thing about he's the youngest ever drag queen And everybody's going crazy and people were angry about it, you know, so yeah Some people were angry and saying he's being exploited By his parents and some people thought it was wonderful that this kid was so expressive when he's so young And then other people said I had a good point. They said well, it's it's very sexualized Like how is this any different than someone who's in a beauty pageant like a John Bonnet Ramsey type situation Well, if it was really young if it was a little girl people would be up in arms Sexist and that it's the patriarchy but that little boy so I don't know that he's trans I believe that he just likes to like like a man who's a drag queen. It's just a man It's usually a gay man who likes to just you know, like an extreme form of femininity I love drag queens but I think that little boy is likely gonna grow up to be a gay boy if you have a little boy who says he's A girl and you see a lot of these trans girls if they were left alone and they didn't transition They would likely research shows they would grow up to be gay men Is That yeah, I mean I'm a hundred percent for freedom, right? So I'm a hundred percent for you being able to do whatever you want to do. The real question becomes when people are trans and young it's how much How much of this is gonna pass and how much of this are you going to stop from ever passing? Because you're going to inject your body fold with hormones Like are you giving yourself the opportunity just to decide to become a gay man? Versus become a woman and would you be happier either or yeah, you know, it's very very tricky But you can't even have that conversation now Transphobic right what it is is homophobic though that you can't consider that some of these kids just might be gay children Yeah, yeah, but then the the gender fluid one I was reading this article about this guy who varies by the day He in like in the day like he'll have periods of stress will switch over to a woman there was actually a radio lab podcast, okay where they interviewed a person that has the same issue and the person was clearly Abnormal in the way they communicated and the way they thought it wasn't like you were dealing with some guy that you would trust with Your taxes, you know what I mean? It was like the dude was wacky and then now he's a chick and now he's back to being a guy And so he actually transitioned in mid conversation Like physically no, I didn't see it because you're just listening. Okay, but he's like well now I'm Peter again Oh, I see what you mean now. I'm Wendy, you know What the fuck hi Wendy? Well, it's I don't know how much of that is indulgent I mean, I don't want I don't want to say I know how you feel. Mm-hmm But I do want to say hey, are you fucking crazy? Is this are we just are we just indulging crazy people? Like I do believe there are people that are trans. I absolutely believe Yeah, that there are women that Really are wired the wrong way and they should be men and there's men that are wired the wrong. It only makes sense It only makes sense. Yeah, but I do also think there's people that are crazy There's people that have legit mental illness. They're delusional and they're also Very susceptible to influence and very susceptible to you know Someone persuading them that they are one thing or another thing look it's Those like Heaven's Gate cult people Who cut their balls off and wore the nikes and decided to kill themselves when the comet was near? Yeah, yeah That's not normal, right? It's not normal for someone to be able to talk talk you into cutting your balls off or putting on the purple sneakers or killing yourself When the comet's closed, yeah, because there's a spaceship waiting. It's gonna take you to zenu or wherever the fuck you're going All right, that's not normal either. So we know that people are subject to very irrational behavior Under the influence of other people's suggestions or other people's, you know persuasion Yeah, definitely and this is a thing today where you have to wonder like how many of these people are legitimately Trans how many of these people are legitimately dealing with like a real mental issue that's causing them to shift from male to female and back again and Why is it that we can't ask these questions? Why is it that even this question right now? I could be accused of being transphobic for asking. Yeah, how many of these people are ill? Yeah, well both of us are gonna be accused of transphobia after this. Yeah. Yeah, I mean I would agree with that I do think that gender dysphoria is a legitimate Phenomenon and I do have a lot of empathy for people who are suffering and I think for adults They should be allowed to transition if that's what they decide to do if that's something that will help them feel better My issues with the kids it's I don't think it's appropriate for children to be transitioning and I can talk a bit more about why But I think in terms of the pathology aspect I think for because gender is so trendy right now and in the past you might have seen this kind of pathology Manifest in a different way, but now because everyone is saying gender is the way to express, you know I think people also see a fever problem in your life. They think it's gender related So say with someone of the personality disorder and people like a lot of attention they like to It's always about them and their identity and their identity shifts a lot So this could very well be what it is and now they're being basically rewarded for that. Yeah, that's the issue, right? That you're dealing with incredibly indulgent people which do exist and they then they find this pathway to massive amounts of attention Yeah, you know, I mean this is I I had to construct a bit to mock Caitlyn Jenner But it was a very complicated bit like how to figure out how to do this Yeah, I was like obviously this is nonsense and foolish, but I don't want to appear cruel So what is the way to do this? So my way was to mock myself Mercilessly and which is kind of true Like I really do have three daughters and I really do get brutalized in my house Like I really do think they chip away at my manhood. It's kind of a joke But I mean it really is it's all girly in my house. My fucking house is so girly. Everyone's girly They're always talking about girly shit. It's kind of hilarious Yeah, but the joke was that if my manhood was a mountain of marbles every day. They take two marbles They just take one. Yeah, you don't even need these these have what do you care? God and then that I'm not gonna go out like Bruce Jenner and that one that one day that they it's so I had to Concock this whole thing that they were demons which is how they conjured up all that money Like how else would they have hundreds of millions of dollars through no discernible reason? Yeah, there's no there's no way you could like explain to someone how they made so much money if they didn't understand our culture Yeah, totally irrational, right? So the idea was that that they did this but why did it was I wanted to sort of mock this thing That was happening where you got a male Kardashian. That's what he is. I mean this and who doesn't believe in gay marriage Who decides he's a woman which I firmly believe he's trans I'm not not denying that at all, but our obsession with it and Rewarding him with ungodly amounts of attention this motherfucker won the gold medal Okay in the decathlon was it decathlon was right? Yeah, I mean he was on the cover of Wheaties Yeah, yeah, I mean he was a fucking US superstar Athlete and then no attention after that. He was the whipping boy of the Kardashians on their TV show They mocked him. It's like here's this one person with fucking talent Yeah, he's fat, but then they go right to That he becomes a woman and now he is the toast of the town. Yeah, he wins woman of the fucking year He's a woman six months and he wins woman of the year. He wins ESPN athlete of the year He hasn't been an athlete in fucking decades since Nixon was president right or Carter. Who was it either way? This is madness. Yeah, this is we're not treating this in a balanced way where we are rewarding people that instead of like because people are so they're there they're They're so ready to proclaim their progressiveness and so excited about it that they Instead of like instead of treating them like as an equal they they go completely the other way So they're definitely not Prejudiced they're definitely not discriminating against them, but they're absolutely inflating What this person is yeah, and and they're making it a big giant deal that they're trans like it's great to support people I would like to live in a world where there's no racism at all so you could mock everyone equally Yeah, like this is my big problem with real racism There's a lot of dummies in every race mmm But you got to be real careful picking on some dummies like especially if you're a white male straight white male Oppressor you guys are the devil nowadays Especially look like me. I mean I look like the devil so this is a this is a real problem with like Looking at things in a balanced perspective because you're not allowed to mm-hmm You're not allowed to like even what you said earlier you said gender dysphoria. You know that's considered transphobic Yeah, you can't even say that anymore even though that is a legitimate medical condition Yeah, it's good because they some people see it as you pathologizing Being the way someone feels I guess but in my mind. I don't think the issue is the pathology I think it's fine to acknowledge there are certain things like any any medical condition that causes you distress and impairment That's that's the definition of a psychiatric diagnosis, so you should be able to recognize that it's not a bad thing I think the bad thing is the stigma that comes along with having a mental disorder, so that's what should be fought It's the stigma aspect not calling something a mental disorder if someone's if someone's really suffering That's not a good thing no No, it's not a good thing and also the denial of these conditions and the denial of the science behind these conditions This is the issue with progressive people today Mm-hmm is that there's certain things where they embrace science and certain things where they deny it and in gender Gender in particular seems to be so hotly contested, and I don't know when this happened it seems to have happened right in front of our face like it just came out of the ground like a Plant that was growing in the cracks now. It's too late you try to stomp it out, and it won't go away I'm wondering I'm wondering where the the shit like I didn't see this