Joe Rogan Praises Quentin Tarantino


4 years ago



Suzanne Santo

4 appearances

Suzanne Santo is an actress, model, and singer-songwriter. "Yard Sale," her most recent album, is available now.

Gary Clark Jr.

4 appearances

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I had a dream that I was late for the Joe Rogan podcast. And I also had a dream that Brad Pitt and I were dating. And I was in fact late, as we've talked about. So I can't see the reason why the other part of my dream isn't going to come true. If you're a fan of nice ladies and good music, I got one for you. Oh. Did you see that Quentin Tarantino movie? I did. It was incredible. How weird was the violence? Oh, God. It was tough. I watched it with my parents. And what was ironic is they knew who all the characters were. Like my dad said, oh, I'll bet that's Tex. I'll bet. Because those were real people. Still are some of them. And, you know, that was kind of chilling to me to think about the fact that they knew by name who these Charlie Manson heads were by watching this movie. Because, you know, way before my time. What's super, super popular story. And the other part about it is like those people that killed those folks. You know how the story turned out. Right. So you're expecting. Yeah. I loved the happier ending. It's way better. Yeah. It was nice. It's like Inglourious Basterds, too. You're just other Brad Pitt movie. Am I just plugging this one or what? Tarantino is a wizard. Yeah. He's amazing. He's the last guy allowed to make a movie like that. Yeah. When I said the violence was shocking, I don't mean necessarily that it's bad. I'm not saying that I'm saying shocking that in a movie in 2020, you could have a dude smash some girls. Yeah, exactly. I mean, like, whoo. Yeah. This is this is wild. It's pretty grandfather. I think Tarantino's grandfather did. Right. Because everybody has always known him for having the wildest, craziest fucking from pulp fiction. Yeah. Straight on his whole career. Like it's kind of to be expected. Yeah. Yeah. The fucking Uma Thurman with the injection and the hard. I mean, so many of his movies are like, what the fuck? Like that guy goes deep. He goes deep. Nobody goes deeper than Tarantino. But the thing is that he can still do a super ultraviolet movie and people consider it great art. And I think that's getting harder and harder to do. Right. I think I think he's sort of like everybody knows that's the Tarantino movie. You're going to see some madness. Right. And I think if a new person tried to do it, they would hit more woke reaction. More people like, are we really celebrating a scene where a guy smashes a woman's head into pulp? He does a good job of like, like getting the good guy to win. Oh, yeah. So and we all want that. 100%. So badly. So, you know, if anything, like he's got a formula that continues to work. Yeah. I want to see the bad guys get the shit kicked out of him. There's justice. Yeah. It's fucking great. It's fun entertainment. You know, but there's a sort of a resistance to certain narratives and certain kind of scenes, certain kinds of depictions of violence. You shouldn't even have it for entertainment's sake. You know, God damn, it's so nice having someone like him around. Yeah. It just makes him on the podcast. I would love to. I met him at the comedy store. He's super nice. Cool. But he makes madness. You know, you just leave a Tarantino movie like what the fuck. Pretty soon, Joe, you're going to be in the next Tarantino movie. No, I'm not in the movie. You keep talking like this. I'm not. I'm not trying to be in any movies. I just like to watch. You know, it's like I'm just appreciative. You know, that's great. Yeah. No, I'm with you. That's one of the reasons why I'm appreciative of music, too. Like I have no idea what's going on.