Joe Rogan on Trump's Lying


6 years ago



Sean Carroll

3 appearances

Sean Carroll is a cosmologist and physics professor specializing in dark energy and general relativity. He is a research professor in the Department of Physics at the California Institute of Technology. His new book "Something Deeply Hidden" is now available and also look for “Sean Carroll’s Mindscape" podcast available on Spotify.


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He's constantly subtweeting and like, you know, yeah. Oh, that's interesting. Wow. That's gonna be fun. That's a fun household But what's this is what gets me go full screen in this go you can't what's interesting is these? Dummies behind him. Yeah, like while this is happening one of the interesting things about this to me Is that his back is to all these people which is very odd, right? So they're all behind him instead of having a static backdrop you you're getting to Part of the thing is the other people. It's not just him. It's their reactions Yeah, it's it's a sense of belonging to a weird group Yeah, and everyone has that like leftists and rightists and whatever all have this weird belonging, but when it's Again, it goes back to the China thing. Right? Well, we have Fox News We have a way of giving people information that if you fall I follow Fox News on Twitter because I want to see What they're telling people. Yeah, right. Yes, it's a weird thing because it's not like it's all lies, right? There's there's often lies they're there But it's like a very different mixture of things that you would get from the rest of the media and a lot of it is It's very clear if you if you follow Fox News, like they're they're targeting an older white Rural suburban audience So there's a lot of like weird human interest stories about an alligator popping out of the sewer and things like that like things that are Not they're they have no political agenda, but they're just trying to get those old white people to pay attention Yeah, well, they're they're sending a message that the world is kind of scary and weird and you know, we need to protect ourselves There's an alligator on the golf course. They really yeah, like they love those stories, right? The alligator the golf course is my favorite. It's just local news Yes, it's a 10 o'clock local news put you know nationwide and added in there with some cheerleading for this Bizarrely dysfunctional administration. Well, isn't Sean Hannity now the number one watch cable news program. It's something like that Yeah, I don't know the number I think it's number one and it's fucking awful. They just they just There was just a poll this goes back to the you know, social credit thing. They did a poll. What is the most trusted news source? And Fox News came in number two. What's number one BBC? That makes sense. Well CNN is just taking a giant hit because his constant Constant berating of them and then you see Jim Acosta You know the whole these all these pro wrestling fans like giving them the finger and screaming at them. Yeah, and it's what I Do worry that this is a hard thing to come back from because you know once you You know like one another thing that Trump said was that you know, don't believe anything You're told right unless you hear it from me and Sean Hannity says the same thing No, I was sorry Tucker Carlson said the same thing. Did he say that to Tucker Carlson said like yeah any other show than this One don't believe it. Yeah, look at this. Fuck the media. He has on women for Trump Yeah, it's just what and then after Listening to this radio lab podcast about these Russian troll farms and about how they implement these things you got to think Is all of this organic is how many of how much of this is orchestrated? How much of this attacking CNN is orchestrated? It's part of it is part of it is just it builds on itself Why you need is just a little bit of a push talking to someone who is who is you know? Boasting about how hard Donald Trump works That like compared to previous presidents, he's really just putting in the hours Every day he's like spends all the time at his own resorts like of all the fantasies you could invent That's a very weird one. Well, people just love to find narratives of fit What what would be you know acceptable for their opinions this decide that they've taken exactly, right? Yeah, and so he's you know, he give him credit. He gives people a narrative that works for them Well CNN does it too because CNN they they spent so little time Going over Donna Brazile's book about how the DNC had been corrupted and about how they had rigged the primaries for Hillary And really screwed Bernie Sanders over this was not a narrative that they dwelled on They didn't dwell on the fact that she illegally deleted 30 plus thousand emails and said they were about yoga classes That shit is just as preposterous This is just as it's just as damning against CNN as some of the nonsense that Fox News does there's no one Pure organization of news that's wholly objective. It's not just as damn. I would I think that Fox News is special Especially I think it's Fox I mean Fox News was founded by a guy who was a political operator for the Republican Party, right? Like there might like individual reporters for most news organizations tend to be liberal But they also sometimes tend to overcorrect for that like to try to bend over backwards to be fair like way more Republicans are quoted in the New York Times and Democrats ever are and I think that there are certainly biases and certainly Misrepresentations of reality from all these different outlets, but I think Fox News is special among the major ones I would I would concede that and but I also think that one example like the New York Times is different because The New York Times I feel like because of the fact that it's actually writers and it's in text You're you're not dealing with people that have to be comfortable performing in front of a camera Which eliminates a large swath of intellectuals, right? It's a very different medium. It's different. They fact-check and you know, it's carnival Corrections. Yeah in a way that the the TV does not yeah, it's theater. It's a different thing and People like Sean Hannity that if you read his written word, I don't think he would stand out No, and I again I like I said before it I worry about what happens next because I don't think that Trump will win again. I think you will all right I don't think it's entirely possible. He'll win again. Yeah, it would be but again, I did you think he was gonna win the first? No, I did not so I was gonna say don't listen to me like before Donald Trump I was really good at predicting who's gonna win elections and I have no ability once he's in the in the game So but I worry that the people who sort of are on his side are gonna feel even more disenfranchised and disenchanted and angry After he loses again than they do now and that's that's gonna be a problem I think that's a real fear and I think that one of the reasons why I said it's entirely possible And I don't know if he will win again But I don't even know if I believe he'll win again But I think it's a possibility and I think that one of the reasons why I think that is I don't see Who's the the big candidate on the other side that's opposing him that stands out right now. Yeah, that's a problem I think there's a real issue with people not wanting the job It's a really scary job, you know, I mean it sucks you dry like a vampire that's hooked up to the back of your neck It's just so even with him with his unique ability to Sociopathically sort of navigate the waters of accusations and guilt. He still looks beaten down by this job Yeah, but people want it. Maybe not the people we want to want it, right? Who wants it on the Democrat side who wants it on the left that stands out? I mean, I think I'm not excited by any of the people right now, but no one is I bet there's gonna be ten people running at least I Mean, I think that Biden is at least 50% chance to run Elizabeth Warren's definitely gonna run Do you think Elizabeth Warren though? She's got that real problem with the whole Pocahontas thing Well that whole Indian that even her run that narrative and then what are you gonna win? Yeah, right But that that is a giant problem the thing that she may have faked whether or not she has Native American heritage And she's not willing to take a DNA test and that's this Native American heritage She claimed is how she got into Harvard and she she used that in order to get special status and that's a problem You know whether or not you should forgive someone for something they did a long long time ago Which I think you probably should the problem is It's sort of in some ways negates a lot of the good work and things that she said Because people say I can't trust her she lied about her actual ethnicity Yeah, it's but what is hard for me to do is to predict how much it will matter right like in 2008 We had a race between a Vietnam War hero and a black guy whose middle name was Hussein I could you told me that a few years earlier who's gonna win? Also had Sarah Palin, I think exactly this is what we don't know had taken a better running mate It's entirely possible McCain would have been president I think that people were really tired of George W and I think that McCain was just not a good candidate I think he was gonna lose. No, but I think also Obama was so charismatic and so uniquely intelligent and smooth and relaxed and statesman-like I think he fit the bill Remember people were worried about like he went to Jeremiah rights Church and things like that, right? I stuff that didn't like at the time it was a big deal and you know, who cares eight years later, right? So I don't know about the Pocahontas stuff That's not that's a big one though. The Pocahontas stuff is a big one because it's a personal lie. I Don't know but again, I mean, I think Cory Booker is gonna run Kamala Harris might run who knows there's a bunch of people I would not be at all surprised that Joe Biden didn't run and I kind of don't think that he should but He's getting up there and he's a Washington insider, which is not really what the country wants right in 1988 in Boston We used to have Joe Biden night at the comedy clubs and Joe Biden night was a night where we would do other people's material Because this is when Joe Biden right busted. Yeah with Kennedy speeches. Yeah Well and Neil Kinnock the British politician. Yeah And this was when he was running for president in 88, right? And so we've never done very well running for president like he's won several times It's so I'm I think that he was a good vice president and people like him for that and they might not want him to Do more than vice president is a great job. She want no one to pay attention to you. Yeah, you know exactly It's like being the the you know The the co-star and a buddy cop movie with a huge super few responsibilities. Go to some funerals. Yeah, easy Yeah, unless you're Mike Pence where you're trying to you know, make it the handmaid's tale behind the scenes He seems like he's kind of laying back though Like especially over the last few months like that Trump is so insane that you see very little Mike I don't think you see very little of him, but I think that he's trying his best to put in policies behind the scenes Well, what is this new thing that Jeff Sessions is trying to push Religious freedom. Yes, which means you have to obey whatever the fundamentalist Christians want to do. Yeah Well, this is what you know, Michael mouse was tweeting about this the other day when he tweeted this He said when I said that a version of Sharia law Could very well be coming out of this administration. This is what I'm talking about. Yeah. Yeah It's a it's a weird backward thing where you define religious freedom to be what? Fundamentalist Christians do whatever they want. Right? Yeah and and do it by law. Yeah. Yeah. I mean it's it's tricky because Yeah, I don't know I mean if someone wants to part of me is a little bit libertarian And when it comes to personal action, like if someone doesn't want to deal with you, that's their right But when whole groups are being subject Systematically to discrimination like gays are then the government steps in to protect them a little bit and I think that's okay