Joe Rogan on the Gun Control Debate


6 years ago



Dom Irrera

11 appearances

Dom Irrera is a stand up comedian, and also hosts his own podcast called “Dom Irrera Live from The Laugh Factory" available on Spotify.


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You know, I remember he cried after the Vegas shooting and he's from Vegas. Did he cry recently? Was it the school shooting? Yeah, yeah. But that was brutal. She's fucking shooting. The girl that I go out with was there that night and she was at the trap. And all the people came running down into the trap. Oh, Jesus. So, New Year's Eve, I'm with her. The Vegas shooting. Yeah. And people, they had to stay there for a couple hours. They had everything under lockdown because they didn't know who had guns and who didn't. They didn't know if it was one person or 50 people. Right. And she's at the trap and she got kind of traumatized by it. So, New Year's Eve were walking outside and all of a sudden she starts shaking and she was having an anxiety attack, you know, about being in a crowd. So, I was just fucking trying to make her laugh. I said, no, don't worry about it. And then we're, you know, fireworks. I said, all I really care about is fireworks. And you took that away from me because of your selfish feelings, you know. But I got her laughing anyway. The fucking, the volume of them, it just seems like every couple of months there's some new one. Remember when Columbine, we thought this is terrible and this won't happen again. It's like there's so many now, you know, you get used to it, which is sad. Yeah, it's fucking crazy. And I don't know what the answer is, you know. I don't know if it's a tighter gun control. I don't know if that would stop them because it would just make it more difficult to get guns. But would that be enough? But we're not doing anything. Well, I think we've got to try something. I don't know what to do. I mean, and there's also the number of people that are on psychiatric medication. It's fucking crazy. Well, I think that the M15s or whatever they are, they shouldn't be sold. They shouldn't be, I mean, do you really need that to kill a pheasant? It's not a hunting gun, really. You know, the guy who designed them said he made it for war. Yeah, the real guns for hunting are usually bolt-action rifles, which means you have a round, you have usually two or three in the magazine, you have a couple or one in the chamber, you put it in there, you lock it in place, you clamp it down, and you fire a shot, and then you have to bolt it again. You have to use the action again, the shell pops out, and another one goes in, bolt that down, and then you get another shot. It's a very slow thing. Yeah, like a modern day musket. Whereas these ARs, you're like, tack, tack, tack, tack, tack. Or with the bump stocks, apparently the president wants to ban bump stocks. Well, the bump stock is, it's a stock where you pull back on it, and apparently you push forward and pull back at the same time. I don't know, I might be fucking this up. But the thing is, the stock makes the trigger go like, where it's almost like an automatic weapon. And Trump just decided to ban those, and there's a lot of people that are up in arms about him banning those. The gun rights people don't want to lose anything. They don't want to lose any rights. They don't want to lose any fucking crazy ass weapons. They think that any slip is eventually going to lead to them getting their guns taken away. I follow a bunch of NRA people and gun people on Twitter and Instagram. Nobody's going to take their guns away. They think they are. They think they are. I mean, I agree with you. I don't think that's ever going to come to that. But the idea that tighter regulation is bad, I don't think that's true. I think, first of all, you should have to go through some sort of examination. If you can go through an exam, you can't drive a fucking car unless you prove that you know how to operate a car. Like someone has to be there with you that's an expert, who's a driving expert, who watches you. They watch, make sure you know what to do. What do you do here at this light? Do you know how to hit the brakes? Do you stop perfectly? Do you look left and right before you turn? All that shit is super important if you want to drive. How the fuck is it not super important if you operate a goddamn firearm? I know. I don't understand. Like the kid who bought, I think the kid who did the latest shooting in Florida, I think if I'm putting two stories together, I don't know. But apparently he was underage and had fake ID and still was able to buy it. I don't know. I didn't read that story. Maybe, you know. I avoided the story. I saw the kid's face. Heartbreaking. It's fucking insane. And you hear all the stories about kids that were saying that they knew that this kid was going to be a school shooter anyway. They were saying in the past that, and then one of the things he wrote, he wrote it on Facebook or something, that he wants to be a professional school shooter. And then two years later, and he got visited by the FBI. The FBI actually checked this fucking kid out, talked to him about it, and decided he wasn't a threat. How do you decide someone's a threat or not a threat? Well, if you're talking to them, they're a threat. I mean, the FBI can't talk to everybody, but I would be suspicious of anyone that it took that much energy to go find him. How did they find him? Why would they even question him? Yeah. I think people were saying that he's a fucking psychopath. Yeah. It hurts. It's just sad. It's just fucking sad that anyone could do that. It's sad that anyone would be hurting and so fucked up that you could take a child. Imagine you have a kid, right? You got a little Domerara, a little tiny baby, and he's just a cute little fella, a little tiny baby. They don't know anything. With a mustache. And then from there, one day, that becomes a school shooter. Oh, my God. That's what people have to take into consideration. This boy, this 19-year-old boy who did that, was a baby at one point in time. He's a failed process, a failed product.