Joe Rogan on Jim Carrey 'He Must've Had Psychedelic Experiences"


6 years ago



Dom Irrera

11 appearances

Dom Irrera is a stand up comedian, and also hosts his own podcast called “Dom Irrera Live from The Laugh Factory" available on Spotify.


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If life wasn't real it'd be the craziest psychedelic trip ever - Joe Rogan


#1083 - Dom Irrera


6 years ago


The funniest guys to me are guys that do characters but they're themselves. Yeah. And they talk real like you know, that's why I mean you and Burr, you're the same guys on and off stage. You know, we're talking sometimes you get silly sometimes you're serious. Right. Just be yourself. Yeah. I know what you're saying. Be sincere. But you can be just as fucking goofy as you want but don't stay in that. Yeah. It's so hacky to me. It can be. I'm always waiting for someone to do it right. I don't want to pass judgment. Like maybe one guy comes along and he's in character all the time but it's fucking hilarious. It's possible. I just watched Jim Carrey when he did Andy Kaufman. Yeah. It was fucking amazing. Oh that was the documentary. Yeah, that sprang from that but I was watching the movie last night. I forget what it's called. Man on the Moon? Yeah, Man on the Moon. Boy, Jim's good. Oh, brilliant. You know what's really interesting with him? He's taken like a severe psychological and I guess philosophical turn where he's just thought about life and things. He must have had like some psychedelic experiences too. I think so. Sounds like it. Yeah, because he's just talking about like what matters and what doesn't matter. And you know, and there's a bunch of like interviews and clips of him discussing things where you're like, whoa, like this guy does not, he's not talking like Jim Carrey, the world famous A-list actor who's had gigantic smash movies. He's not talking like that at all. He's like talking like some guy who's just trying to sort of understand his place in the universe. Yeah, yeah, he really is. In a really profound way. He's a very well thought out guy. Did you watch this thing about him painting? No. This came out a couple months ago. Didn't he play this where some of his paintings are really cool? They're like a neon and shit. Yeah, but he talks about, he says some of the stuff that he's been thinking about and dealing with and whatnot. So it's called I Need Color and it's on Vimeo. So folks go check that out. Joe, did I tell you about the little part I have in dying up here? No. Okay, so I play Fitsy Anderson because they wouldn't let me use Fitsy Anderson. Remember Fitsy Anderson? No. Is this thing going hello? Oh, your character. Yeah. Yeah. And they wouldn't let me. It's parents. Why wouldn't they let you do that? I said Fitsy was a slur to Germans. What? Yeah. Oh, Jesus Christ. I know. So anyway, I go in the comedy store on a Thursday night. Why was there just to practice? I know like real, I'm trying a couple lines and doing some shit and Jim's in the audience. He comes out, he hugs me. Anyway, long story short, he was with his wife, his ex-wife and their daughter was ill and a great girl. She's a really good singer too, by the way. But anyway, they start talking. He said, I forgot how fucking funny Dom was. He goes, I want to put him in this show. And Melissa goes, I'll tell you one thing. He's not going to dance for you. You want him? He'll ask him, but he ain't going to audition. He goes, I'm not going to make him audition. I've known him for fucking 30 years. Anyway, that's how I got the part. Isn't that funny? Just randomly. Randomly. He came in to look for young comedians. I am not one of them. If you could tell by my receding hairline. But yeah, I mean, isn't that amazing? I mean, just there on a Thursday night, randomly. Is that show still going on? Yeah, we're shooting, they're shooting 10 more. I know I'm doing an alcoholic the whole time. I never watched it. I watched one episode and I thought it was pretty good, but I heard that it was... It got better. Yeah, I heard that it was improving. That's what I heard. All those things start off clunky. Do you remember Seinfeld at the beginning? It was on the radio, the show I did in the beginning. It was clunky. It took a while to really get rolling and become what it is. Sitcoms are very difficult. One of the reasons why people are like, why aren't there any good sitcoms in the air? Well, goddamn, it's hard to do. Well, this is a serious one. I'm kind of the comic relief on this because it's about comedians, but not like when we goof around. Hi, Joe, it's a frog. I don't see hardly any of that. You see them more jealous of each other. They're showing the dark side of it. The woman who plays the Mitzi part is Melissa Leo. She won an Academy Award for some boxing movie, I forget. But she's playing Mitzi really serious. And I don't want to say anything because she's a great actress, but if I were asked to give one note, I would say... Mitzi really had a fun side to her. Mitzi, by the way, for those of you who don't know, is the owner of the comedy store. Mitzi.