6 years ago
5 appearances
Shane Dorian is a former WSL Championship surfer and is now considered by many to be one of the best big wave riders in the world.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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But you can say people of color the same words just twist it around dude. I had a it's messed up It's like it's you can just be like labeled a racist or a sexist or whatever for like saying like that Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's wild. I had a 23 and me DNA test done and those they're pretty good Yeah, and I was hoping I was if I was more than 10% black. I was gonna start dropping n bombs 1.6 so 1.6. I'm 1.6% African Pre-strong it's all dick Well when they did that thing about Elizabeth Warren I did find out what percentage she is Elizabeth Warren who claimed to be Native American and she did a test. She's like one One one hundredth of what I am like it's literally like her saying she's yeah her saying she's a Native American is literally like me saying I'm African American But I have a claim Far more like more than I think some some insane number like a factor of More African in me and she has Native American and I'm not here remotely Native American or remotely African, right? Yeah, I'm 1.6 percent. I have 1.6 percent African in me and she has like Some fucking really stupid number. What is the number? Yeah, it's like point zero zero zero I don't even know how to make sense of all that stuff She had that was how it happened was a Harvard like researcher looked into it right and gave a number that was very vague that would be like 1 and 512 to 1 and 1024 Sucks dude, it's so crazy sucks. It's like that's the thing like we're all something I give the shit, but she got into Harvard because of this where she claimed she was Native American When she got in that's claiming that she was a minor was Harvard, right? Correct. I'm being honest about that Was it Cambridge? Whatever the university shown in some some I got in the university by claiming that she was Native American So she got a special scholarship because of that. Oh, man Like me going to Morehouse and saying I'm African-American except I have a far better claim You have a much higher percentage much higher That's so crazy wild meanwhile She's so nuts like cuz Trump was always calling her Pocahontas and Trump said How well is it that you can't if you said the wrong thing on your podcast? People be up in arms, but some reason the president could say whatever the hell he wants to say Tending to be a Native American. Yeah, he was joking about her She's not really Native American and he called her Pocahontas and he said she took a DNA test and showed that she was Native American He would donate a million dollars to a charity of her choice So she after this fucking test that basically showed she has the smallest measurable Possibility of Native American in her was requiring him to pay You should pay Harvard for what you have all the money back built them. What were at school that she go to Trying to find the actual thing it seems I think she actually got a job at Harvard not Didn't go there for education. Oh, she got a job there because of Okay, you'll figure it out but that's hilarious But I the I the idea that that is something you can lean on is so goddamn crazy Listen, you're a white lady. I'm a white guy Shut the fuck up. Okay, you're not there's no there's not a part of you that has been discriminated against Because of the fact that you're Native American. It just doesn't exist. It's not true. That's not so fascinating to me People love to be a victim. They'd love to say, you know, it was my luck growing up was hard because I'm one 150,000 Native American easy. Yeah crazy. And where does it stop? Like is it is it? You know, like is it cool to say that if you're 2% or 10% or 50% like where's it? Where is it? That's what I'm saying at 1.6%. I really don't feel like I could drop and bomb right? Yeah It's not cool 10% like I'm mostly Italian I'm like three quarters Italian so I can call someone a guinea guinea. No problem Yeah, but get the tiniest don't give a fuck if you call them guineas. Yeah, okay Like there's no really there's no good slurs for Italians at work, you know They've successfully integrated into society But when my grandfather used to tell me about he came over here when he was a boy From Italy and he would tell me about how bad it was about how much they were discriminated against Yeah, you know, mr. It was hardcore. I mean they were treated a lot of the same way racist people treat Mexicans today and Irish same thing same thing Yeah, yeah, and that's my background is Italian and Irish mostly but someone got fucked by a black person Somewhere somewhere 1.6% on how many generations I guess the claim is that she used Her claim that she's Native American to get a job. Yes, not not to get not to go in school Okay, get a job at Harvard at one at Harvard one at Pennsylvania. So she did it twice Give that money back bitch. Yeah, I love the DNA test though. I love the DNA test Yeah, it just proves it. We're all like something. Yeah, we're all a bunch of shit like yeah, you know what I mean? I'm like 30 things