8 years ago
4 appearances
Moshe Kasher is a stand-up comic, actor, writer, and co-host of podcast "The Endless Honeymoon" with Natasha Leggero. His latest book, "Subculture Vulture: A Memoir in Six Scenes," is available now. www.moshekasher.com
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
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Hello freak bitches. What is he like when the lights are off? I wish I could have a fucking a feed of Trump's brain when the lights go down. That's probably chaos. What is he thinking? Is he like I'm killing it or is he like what have I done? I think there's gotta be both. Yeah. Or there's gotta be he doesn't drink and he doesn't do drugs. Right. And I think there's gotta be a part of his brain that's pushing down the what have I done and reinforcing doubling down on the I'm the greatest on the best. I mean that's why he kept saying about his inauguration numbers. There's so many people were there and even when they told him that it wasn't the case he fought it then when he kept parroting not just parroting to friends but doing it to the news doing it to the press that he got the largest number of electoral college votes. That's crazy. It's psychedelic narcissism. It's like it's so far out there it starts to seem like whoa you're bending reality and actually he is bending reality. He's done a fascinating job of just making people not know what's real anymore and no one knows what's real anymore and Syria is the ultimate example because it's unclear what is real there. Like no one knows what the right thing to do is who are we attacking and why what are we trying to stop. You sent bombs to the people that are fighting ISIS to fight those people from doing chemical warfare on their own people but then we also are fighting ISIS with them and then it's just the whole thing you're just like I give up. Yeah Ron Paul was saying that the chemical attack doesn't make sense so certain Republicans are actually looking at me as Ron Paul technically Republicans more libertarian than anything but they're looking at it and saying like this this might not even been real. I mean I just well I heard this great thing about how no one in Israel believes that Rabin was killed by Yigdah Lemire the Jewish guy like that they they believe in that. Basically hearing a conspiracy theory that widely believed in a country that isn't my own made me realize how wildly desperate for conspiracy theory everyone is. Right like somehow the distance where it was like oh it's Israel it's not really me made me go like oh this is so interesting like everybody wants to believe it wasn't one hour until they were saying that the chemical attack by Assad was not real. Even though Assad has done gas-based chemical attacks on his own people before and his father did before him somehow this one was like no no this is fake it might be fake that's what's so crazy and mind-bending it might be fake and yet I don't buy any conspiracy theories anymore because I know how desperate people are to believe them. Well this was the same scenario that led Obama to make that speech saying that we need to go into Syria and the whole American people went fuck that because we were deep in the Iraq war deep in the Afghanistan war and that was when this I think that was 2013 or 14 but Trump made quotes. That's crazy. That he tweeted like what does the US have to gain for going into Syria we should be America first and then winds up acting almost instantaneously. Yeah I know it happens. People keep dropping these like you said this bombs at Trump's feet like he cares about intellectual coherence or hypocrisy. He doesn't care. He's a fucking rat trapped. He's trapped in a corner of a maze and he's going like what the fuck do I do? Oh I'll just do this. It's so it's so transparent like 35% approval rating everything is you're collapsing under your own weight you have the House and the Senate and you can't get anything done no one likes you you're the worst so what do you do? You fucking make something explode. It's just such a terrible recipe if something actually goes wrong oh yeah. Syria is a minor issue no one died. Totally. They bombed some airfields. They ruined some you know some ground. I agree. They ruined some airships some planes but what happens if something really goes down and that guy is the figurehead. That is the difference between the Roman Empire and this Empire is that the Roman Empire didn't have the power to press a button and destroy like half the countries on earth and we do so that's the scary part. Come to the comedy store this Saturday night.