Joe Rogan - Negative Effects of Automation


6 years ago



Adam Frank

1 appearance

Adam Frank is a physicist, astronomer, and writer. His scientific research has focused on computational astrophysics with an emphasis on star formation and late stages of stellar evolution. His new book "Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth" is available now on Amazon.


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They're doing this people become film right and then people because actually came out it didn't do that well And then people came out already. I think so I thought I saw I don't know gore could be the for world's first carbon billionaire Former vice president become the world's first carbon billionaire after investing heavily in green energy Well, no, that's okay that part's okay, right? Because if he's investing in these companies and the company start making money which like already so sure solar employees more people now than coal does You know amazing well coal well, that was one of the dumbest things when when Trump became president I gotta bring back coal like what how about bring back knocking rocks together to start fires It's as if the typewriter companies got together and make sure you never bought a computer like we're gonna computers illegal because You got to keep using typewriters. It's fucking terrible. Oh anymore it's like, you know, yeah, but listen I gotta one thing that you always got to acknowledge is that like this You know when you change infrastructures people are gonna get hurt. Yeah, you know, I mean like I mean for those coal miners, man That's what they've done their whole life. It's been an honorable fucking thing and they've you know So you can't just sort of be like hey, we're switching infrastructures. See ya. Yeah, you know, there's got to be some deep understanding of Navigate of consequences and helping people who are gonna be yeah, you know, you know train them how to put up So, you know solar panel, how do you feel about universal basic income? Have you ever looked? Oh, yeah. Yeah. No No, I thought about that a lot You know, it's a big thought when right consideration when it comes to automation and technology and You know with the automation thing it's so true Right because you know when you think about what's been going on with the last election, you know And everybody was like, oh, you know, like, you know what's happening with blue collar people, you know Workers and being which is totally true. But like man, it's not China It's automation right and that's what's even what really is gonna screw up the whole nature of work, you know For everybody from truck drivers, you know Me to university professors is we got this the AI, you know the automation coming on and right. What do you do? What do you do in the university professor is one day gonna be retro that that kids are gonna want to learn online They're gonna want to learn through some sort of an interactive course so that you can get on your phone rather than Go to an actual physical place. It's possible, you know, I mean it's possible But I think and this is gonna be the whole question with the new economy or whatever whatever happens Whatever we're moving into is finding those places where you know what? I don't want a machine, right? I mean so right now like so when the what is it the MOOCs came out the massively online courses Yeah, that was like five years ago. I once like that's it universities are done Everybody's gonna take these online courses and never happened, you know, cuz people want to be together They want to learn they want the experience of happy, you know, my part of my students. It's not just lecturing No, I'm a great lecturer. My students are probably I bet you are man. You're good talker. I had one student say I you know the Reviews you get at the end the guy said hey, I hate to say this But you know, you should make those tapes for people to go to sleep because every class your voice put me to sleep And he meant it in a nice way. He's like you have a nice voice, you know That's passive-aggressive. Yeah So fuck whoever he is I think that I think people will always with education. There'll be some component of it that yeah sure you can learn it online why don't but I think like You know We're gonna have to there'll be there'll be a place for like people coming in and like learning in groups and having somebody who like Has you know spent their whole life studying the thing telling you, you know, what's going on, right? Like there's a lot of things we're like and we've lost a lot of this. Um Mentorship or apprenticeship, right? There's a lot of things you needed somebody who know, you know, we spent their whole life going Oh, you know you crank it this way not that way because you can't get that way. It'll never work You know, right you can't learn that from watching a video or something. Yeah. Well, there's certain things Martial arts, which is a big part of my life You have to learn from a person you gotta have tiny things that they must show you while you're doing it But you can learn a lot of things from videos No, no doubt. Yeah, there's a lot of things that people are putting up online instructional courses and stuff And I use some of them, you know if I have to fix my sink For sure, man. Yeah, it's kind of amazing. Yeah, you know, yeah, so, you know, I think like with everything So let me circle back to the UBI You know like with everything we're gonna have to invent New ways we will because we're just human beings like there's a way in which we're gonna find You know niche places that there will be economies where people make things but yeah in the end I mean UBI may be necessary. Yeah, I think it may really be necessary because if there's no work, you know I mean that's a recipe for disaster, you know for your democratic society Yeah, just hope we can move past this idea that everybody who needs that as some sort of a welfare brat Yeah, right. Right. Well, you know once there's no work at all, you know I mean they're good because like, you know, this is the thing that I like with the Self-driving cars, right? So I asked this question a lot and I've written about this sort of like, okay Everyone's like we gotta have self-driving cars We're heading towards self-driving cars like self-driving cars will destroy the last good blue-collar job in America You know truck driving right? That's a you know, really good livelihood for a lot of people and it's like, oh, we're just gonna eliminate it It's like Why like do we have to like? Okay. Yeah, there's you're telling me there's gonna safety say that's what they say, right? but until it's not entirely clear right, you know that that that will work and You know, what are the for the for the lives that are lost in the driving? I mean, you know, you know the car crashes is that gonna be worth the social upheaval that comes from not having any work anymore So, I mean just like there these huge bearing down on us. Yes, if it's your friend or your mom Well, I loved ones or yeah, but these are the kind of calculus I mean, you know if it tears down if the if wiping out these jobs Destroys democracy right and you end up with you know, that's silly though. That doesn't seem possible I just think that what it's gonna do is gonna make travel safer and then we have to figure out well these jobs that people Got right from traveling. How do we replace that that income? Yeah, right Well, one of the things is we're gonna we're gonna have to start teaching kids to be creative. Yeah, but the niche that I think There's gonna be places where like the now you'll have so listen, I'm not arguing that we shouldn't have no I know you know, you're just being you're just looking at all the variables Yeah, and I'm asking like the you know, we're moving so rapidly into this new world, right that like who's deciding for us? Who's deciding that we want cars? Yeah, you know, I mean we're told that we're gonna get it But like a lot of these things I think they're you know, there needs to be a little bit more Dialogic democracy rights and having this stuff shoved down our throats and told like it's the best thing ever, you know, I mean