6 years ago
It's what it's not it doesn't bug me when somebody is just they have you know slender neck But when they go through so much trouble to look like an alpha male right? But they have that little chicken neck right and then they're posing like they're that's got a big issue with you Like as a woman like the way you interact with men as a world champion Moitide woman yeah, I figured that out you have to have a hard time with the men Yeah, I bet you do I do yeah Yeah, cuz you need to get a real one like a real real one Like that's the only way it's gonna work. It doesn't know yeah, imagine. It's hard out there for a pimp It is right so I had is a great boyfriend but We went out of country. We fought on the same card. He fought the day before me. I fought the next day During the fight he almost gets knocked out As this guy is mauling him he goes like this What do you think I was thinking Not good dogs the boyfriend the boyfriend my boyfriend Yeah, you didn't like it fuck no did it turn you off. Oh my god so much whoa I was like dude you're getting fucked up, and you drop you as you're falling to the canvas you kneel still need to go fuck you So the way has to be beaten was fucking with you wasn't just that he was getting beaten Yeah, I don't care if he wasn't yeah Like you gotta fuck on like take that shit. Yeah, yeah like like you know like a champ or like a like a fighter Right yeah, you can't be like Wow Yeah Yeah Maybe sometimes it's like that's the problem It's like the balance the ones who are not gonna be great boyfriends are the ones that are gonna turn you on Because they're they're ruthless yeah, yeah It's like I can balance that shit I could be ruthless yeah, like gentle hmm Not well, I mean I'm sure some can sweet yeah, I kill chips yeah, I get it I don't get it Some people can Yeah, yeah, but I mean I think your requirements Particularly as a fighter they're gonna be extraordinarily high as a world champion fighter. Yeah, yeah Yeah, it was better off Dating a guy who's like a Navy SEAL or something who can't fight or maybe fight, but he's not a fighter Yeah, doesn't you know knows how to fight. He's a killer. He's a killer not a fighter. He's not in there Fight maybe like you could relate more yeah, yeah That's what I'll try it out, and I'll let you know well I think that I've noticed this I mean except for the ones that are lesbians I always look at women who are fighters and I go hmm like they're limited in their dating pool Yeah, because girls who are fighters They don't want to date someone who can't fight the last thing a girl wants who's like a professional fighter Or if somebody was really smart You know yeah, but even the guy's really smart because it because then they like As long as they ace me somewhere they have to really fight you're like no no you can say that you're trying to find a nice Man, you're like maybe I can compromise no you need a killer no it would bother me about that was like you're a fighter But you're not being a fighter right. I'm just like not savage enough Well you worried that if the shit hits the fan That's what every woman is worried if the shit hits the fan. What how do you react? How do you react and you don't really know until you see someone react when the shit hits the fan? And when you see the shit hit in the fan you see them going yikes ah You're like fuck. I can't count on you. I think he would have been better outside of the fighting situation Outside if the shit hit the fan. Oh so it's so for me It was definitely like fighters ego like nah dude you need to have more pride than that Well how you do anything is how you do everything? Okay All right, maybe yeah, especially under duress. I mean people yeah, that's just people panic people learn from those mistakes I mean there are people that fold in fights that come back way stronger and will never fold because they folded before they felt it Because yeah mistake you know you you you make a split second decision in the middle of a fight And you know and something something inside you you you it exposes weakness that maybe you weren't prepared For the world to see and then when you feel the pain of that weakness you make a vow that you're never gonna experience that Again, that's entirely possible. I feel like mental strength is not I don't think you either have it or you don't have it I don't buy that shit. I think you can develop it. I think you can build it and I think mental toughness and Just the ability to persevere is something that you can cultivate. I really believe that absolutely absolutely So maybe he needed a callous shying away and feel you going hey motherfucker You know when you get in a hit don't don't do the any of this shit Maybe needs to hear that so then when it's happening they go fuck that I'm not doing this anymore I think they yeah deep and step to the side or clench or do something go out like a warrior Yeah, you know or figure your way a better better response to the situation then again, sometimes you get clipped and your neuromuscular system just goes and Everything's just off. It's just you're not responding right because your your systems getting shut but it was more like I get away from me That's not good. Yeah, I didn't like that