Joe Rogan - Mighty Mouse Fights Correctly!


6 years ago



Mark DellaGrotte

1 appearance

Mark DellaGrotte is a former Muay Thai champion in Thailand and owner and operator of the Sityodtong USA Branch in Somerville, MA.


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This is the thing I don't think I don't. Fighting is very important to me. It means a lot. It means a lot because I used to do it. It means a lot because I love to watch it. It means a lot because I'm very deeply entrenched in the history and the significance of it and what it means. And for me, fighting should always be done at its best. And what that means is you should always do what's the right thing to do in the situation. Like if you're, you know, you could break it down with individual arts, right? If you're doing jiu-jitsu, there's a correct way to do an armbar counter, right? Don't do the incorrect way because the fans want to see it. That doesn't make any sense to me. Yeah, exactly. If there's an exciting way to get out of an armbar that's not the right way to do it. Not the pick them up and slam them. But it might, well, pick them up and slam them works if you have to. But I'm saying, like just as a rough example, if there was a way to defend an armbar that wasn't the correct way to do it, but the fans liked it more. Don't do that. Don't do that. You want to fight like a maestro. You want to fight like a virtuoso. You want to fight like Mighty Mouse. There you go. Exactly. So I tell everybody you look at my, Mighty Mouse has had moments in his career, like the Ian McCall fight is a good example where he was, he also had a full-time job, wasn't dedicated the way should be and got into a brawl and Ian took his back, wound up pounding him and Mighty Mouse had vertigo after that fight. He was really fucked up and and then quit his job. Realized like I have to go full-time. I have to dedicate myself to this full-time, you know, and when he did that, then under the tutelage of Matt Hume, he became the Mighty Mouse we see now. But in my opinion, one of the things that sets him apart from everybody else is that he he's not running away from you and not getting hit. He's running at you and not getting hit. I mean, he's coming straight forward and then cutting angles and doing things to you that you didn't anticipate and he's not there for the counters. So he's fighting correctly. Seamless too. Yeah. And it's incredibly exciting. And that was one of the criticisms of him really early on in his reign was that he wasn't finishing guys and then he knocked out Joseph Benavides and then he started finishing guys in the final seconds of the round. Right. You know, I mean, he's he's just a monster man. He is man. He's a fucking monster. But he fights correctly. I would say don't find all no disrespect to Chris Lidle, who I love. He's a great fighter. I was just watching his fight against Brian Foster. He was so skilled. Like people forgot how good Chris Lidle was. Won that fight with a leg lock, you know, and he's known as a brawler. And people forget he fucking spun around, got that leg and snatched it out and extended it and really fucked Brian's leg up. Yeah. Crafty veteran. He's a crafty guy, but brawled a lot. Yeah. I'm not a fan of. I'm a fan of watching brawls when they take place. I'm not a fan as well either.