6 years ago
4 appearances
Nick Di Paolo is a writer and stand up comedian. Check out "The Nick Di Paolo Show" at http://nickdip.com and on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCghHWRYUpbsUdcsG7PrTgzQ
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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Yeah, what did you think about all that stuff getting leaked? Well about Louie's you know, Stan Hope had a really good point about that But it what did Dougie say Dougie was saying like look if this was a movie and if you took that movie and filmed it In the movie theater and then put it online you would be you'd go to jail. That's right. You're a criminal Right, you're stealing right? You're exposed and you're ruining his work Yes, but they think they can ruin his work because he jerked off in front of some people I don't even know if it's that I don't even know if the person that leaked it like was a Louie hater Sometimes they seem like a fan. They were laughing hard. Yes On their table I was at it wasn't governors It was the brokerage which is the same owners a few years ago and I'm up there doing my shit and working on a new hour I looked on and the kid about 56 throw I see him. I see the red light Yeah, and he's got his head down so I come down off the stage. He doesn't even hear me and I grabbed the phone out of his hand Deleted I go dude you came out because you're a fan of mine, right? I go the problem why I explained it to him in the whole crowd the problem with this is if you put this shit online I'm working on news. That's old material right? You're burning my shit. Do you get it? Yeah to all the other fans that listen to it for sure and also it's not fair because These bits are never done Like if you want to release it half baked like when when you first start working on a bit you have a premise you got Kind of an idea where it's going course Yeah, and then it eventually becomes a bit that you would put on a special, right? Yeah, and they get it halfway or quarter. Yeah, and it looks shitty and and and and it's or if it's done You're doing a bit that's complete. Yeah, they it becomes old Well, that was some of the things that people were saying about Louie that the material sloppy. It's not like his old stuff Yeah, he's working shit out old stuff You saw when it was done Like if you came to the store and saw him working on a set like a few years back You would see the same kind of stuff I got a couple comments like that when I put my last special out there like well, he's doing the same stuff Well, you came out to see me eight ten months ago when I was working on it. Yeah, it's it's it's something in process They don't understand though because it seems like when you're on stage and it's coming up to top of your fucking head And it seems like you're doing something that they can do you're just talking. Oh, I know you just talking I can talk It's like there's no other art form like that where it's just talking. That's exactly right. Nobody yells at a concert Nobody's fucking you know, I could play bass better than that jerk off. Yeah, you know me but it's stand up People have You know because people have made their friends laugh Well, I think Seinfeld saw it in a book years ago because you know, you make your friends laugh But everybody's made their friends laugh with your comic and you're like, although I can do I call people out when they look bored With me or they have their arms folded. I go do it. You got that smug looking you fit I know you could do this too, but you'd rather work at the fucking mattress factory 80 hours a week and making fucking $400 there's people out there working at the mattress factory right now listening this going man. Fuck you new fuck them Whoa. Hey, how about you just ignore the guy? That's $2,000 for a mattress joke. I'm weird Well, I know suck a mattress how much could I pay you to make a mattress? Palace tonight in San Diego, I have to pay you a lot of money to build me a mattress But you said they got You have to pay for the phone. That'll be it all together get the fuck out of here You can make it a mattress be easy. Please I get farm laying all over the house Start with my wife's boobs. Let's work. Oh Come on. Yeah, where do you get this coffee? It's fucking delicious. Good. I think this is black rifle black rifle profit name It's racist. Oh, it's not Gun metal It's a company of veterans Makes a coffee. It's good. Yeah veteran owned you but you spoke fuck Yeah, Matt flags veteran on to good for your own company. I got a flag They sent me when I did the Afghanistan USO thing guys sent me a flag that they used in battle Nice, you have it folded up and I had it hanging but then I made a gym out of my fucking whatever So I don't know where it is Well, I should probably find it. I should probably put it back up. Shouldn't I? Yeah, sorry. I brought that up Don't worry about it The Louis CK set, you know, it was very similar in my opinion to all the shit that he did before he got in trouble Very very similar the same kind of material same way. He does things I mean people forget that this is a guy who went on Saturday night live and did a joke about Pedophiles and about you know, maybe we should like let him get away with it. So they don't kill your kids I mean this guy was fucked up It's a fucked up bit but he was the darling of the left back then and yes allowed to get away with that Yes, if he tried to do that same material if he hadn't done that then and instead did that now people would be fucking horrified What is it Joe about offending women or? Today's Feminist what they are at the in my opinion all this political correctness that we hate so much shut down. They are at the core of it Well people did the I say this the these guys of the times is like a fat chicks emotion Well, very sensitive. You can't you can't cross them Well, it's also because people are realizing now that they can make an impact one of the things that I read because he's doing this thing in Pittsburgh he was doing the improv in Pittsburgh and This lady who wrote the article wrote that he's making people put their cell phones in bags Much like comedians Dave Chappelle and Joe Rogan do she used my name, too You did I've done it before but I only did it when I was filming my Netflix special So I didn't want people putting the material out or right before I was releasing the special and then afterwards I decided it was too much of a pain in the ass But the only reason why I was doing it it had nothing to do with She said because they know words can offend. Yeah, that's not why you want the consequences. Well, I'm gonna put it on Netflix Anyways, it's gonna be out to the public. It's offensive. It's good. If you're looking to get offended go watch my Netflix special There's plenty in there for you But I need to be able to do it correctly like I'm I want to work it out so that it has the maximum amount of laughs with the minimum amount of People getting it the wrong way, right? So this it's all about wording and setting it up right and listening to it and going maybe there's a better way And you can't do that if somebody releases your shit So these people that don't know comedy and they're saying this like you have no idea what the process is like You just don't and if you if you do you would respect it and appreciate right and the people that are Comics that don't respect and appreciate the process like that's where we are now But it's just because people can make an impact they can have a reaction just like the people yelling at her You know that she said she said oh my grandmother be rolling over in her grave They're just trying to get a reaction from you. They're just trying to push buttons They're just knowing that they can say something and they can have some sort of an impact We're gonna get Louie CK banned from here. You know, we're gonna get Nick DiPalo kicked out of this club You can't come to this club. You talked negatively about women and women's empowerment and that's dangerous to girls