5 years ago
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Roy Wood Jr. is a comedian, writer, and actor. He has served as a correspondent for The Daily Show on Comedy Central since 2015.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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Well, psychiatry is the enemy of Scientology. They have all these, they have a big science of psychiatry kills and it's like someone with like an electric fucking shock thing on their head going, ah, it's like in Hollywood. Like they're, they're on this crusade against, against psychiatry. It's like a big part of what Scientology is. The thing that makes me laugh is that I don't see a lot of Southern Scientologists. I don't see a lot of Scientology spots. Florida, the big things in Clearwater. That's the number one headquarters in Clearwater. My sister lives down there. She lives real close to where the headquarters is. It's fucking weird down there, man. Everybody just, they're all walking like they got a secret. Do you, do you think in this society, do you think Scientology will be the last religion created? Like when you really think about how recent Scientology is. It's like the 1940s or 50s or something like that. It's roughly the same age. Just like, I don't know, like United Airlines, Delta airlines. Like it's not an old religion. We have videos of the guy who made it. Yeah. Yeah. Will that be the last religion that is like created? No. Cause every other religion is like old school, you know, centuries and millennia old, but. No, there'll be new ones. The interesting thing is they're probably the last ones to get tax exempt status. Because their tax exempt status is being questioned right now. I mean, there's people that are very angry about it, but they did it because they, they all started lawsuits against the IRS and they started thousands of lawsuits. The idea was that they were going to sue the IRS into recognizing them as a legitimate religion and the way to do that was just overwhelm them with litigation. And that's what they did, right? They're still doing. That's what they did. They, then they achieved tax exempt status a long time ago. It's a very strange, have you ever read going clear? I saw the, the doc. Yeah. The doc is great. The book is even crazier because Lawrence Wright goes into depth with all these different people that like as they were realizing that it was horseshit, like as they were getting like the ninth level of doom papers and it opened up and it's handwritten nonsense by a retard. Like that, that guy who wrote it was a, he was self, he was like self diagnosing all of his, his own personal ailments and dealing with them himself and then trying to like pass that off as like a way to live amongst all these people that were paying attention to him. But all of it started for him from himself diagnosing. Is it, is it natural for Scientologists and I'm only, I only know what I know from that doc and Leah Remini in Lifetime shit. Is it natural to not be like the way a Christian is just openly Christian. Just say how you doing? Lord loves you. I'm here to tell you about Jesus. I don't really feel like you get that from Scientologists. Like normally when I like and watching that doc, I didn't know the dude from Chicago PD used to be like the gritty detective guy. Yeah. So I know you used to be a Scientologist. Like you never find out that somebody was into that shit until after they're out of it. Now I think people keep it tucked in. It's not like Mormons where they're riding the bikes and you know what the fuck the deal is. Right. Yeah. They're tucked in, but I think back in the day they used to talk about it as openly as power. They would proselytize. They try to get you to join. But how? Like just step into you just on the, just try to get people to come to these events. Try to get people to come to these free workshops, all these different things on anxiety, different things on the mind, Dianetics. That's what he decided to write about Dianetics and it's like the science of cleaning your mind and avoiding all external influences that are negative and that are ruining your perspective. You used to be commercials for that in the eighties and nineties. Yeah, man. I bought it. I bought a Dianetics book and I got it on a list. With the volcano exploding in the commercial. I remember that shit. I bought everything, man. I bought Tony Robbins shit. I bought all kinds. I bought Book of Five Rings. I bought fucking Art of War. I bought everything. I was just trying to figure out like what's the best. I was into psychology when I was young because I was fighting all the time and I was always scared. I was like, I got to figure out there's got to be a way to like overcome these mental hurdles. Like this, that was like for martial arts competition. The big thing was the fear. It wasn't your physical ability. Wasn't as much of a hurdle as the fear. You know, if the fear of competition was terrible. So I was like, it's good. But sometimes I feel confident and it'd be great. And other times it'd be fucking terrified and like, I'm like, gotta figure out how to be consistent. So I started getting into all that kind of stuff. And then when I came to L.A., it's like in 94, I saw a Dianetics commercial said, fuck it. I'll order that. So I got the way the questions you seek the answers to. Here it is. Can word said during an operation harm you later? Page 182. Is it possible to increase intelligence? Page 122. I was like, oh my God. It was a good ad. Yeah. Look at that. Don't don't. Dianetics. Bro, I'm gonna be like a fucking volcano. I'm gonna take over. Yeah. It's like thinking that I was gonna be able to figure out all my mental problems through this book. And then I got on the list and like every week I got some new workshop to go to or this. I just piled. So they're just mailers. Mail, just mail. This is the 90s. That's all they did was just mail you shit. And but oh my God, I got so I want to this. It wasn't until I moved and one of the reasons why when I moved, I didn't forward my mail. I contacted all the companies because of Dianetics. I'd get so much shit from them. Really? That was the fucking that much shit. It was so much shit. It was like letter after letter. More than like the grocery store. Also it started freaking me out that they knew where I was. Like it bothered me. It bothered me. Like it bothered me that I was on a list. I was on a list of someone who bought the book but didn't go to any classes and they knew where I was like maybe I could get them. Maybe they we just knock on his door. Hey, do you want to clean up your brain? Hey, come on. We've got the solution. Don't you want to be a volcano? That's scary bro. Yeah.