Joe Rogan - I'd Have Louis CK on the Podcast


6 years ago



Dom Irrera

11 appearances

Dom Irrera is a stand up comedian, and also hosts his own podcast called “Dom Irrera Live from The Laugh Factory" available on Spotify.


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Just in my car driving, I listened to Woody Allen do stand-up in the 1960s. You could tell he was a fucking pervert even back then. Well, you know, there was a line in Love and Death. Remember Love and Death? Yes. And Diane Keaton goes to this high priest, and she steps on his beard. It's a very funny scene. And he says, the most beautiful thing in the world is a 12-year-old girl, blonde hair, preferably twins. Right? And this is all this perverted thing. This happened 20 years, 25 years before he got accused of anything. But it was just interesting hearing him, because he did a couple, even in Manhattan, with Hemingway, was a little bit twisted, you know? I don't remember Manhattan very much. Well, he falls in love, and she falls in love with him. She's supposed to be 16, and he's... Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah, well, isn't that something that people tend to do? They try to normalize whatever fucked-up perversion they have, and they put it into art? Like, that was one of the things that they were accusing Louis CK of with this movie that he released right before it came out, that he was jerking off in front of a bunch of people. He had this movie, and part of the movie was just talking about how everyone's a pervert. We're all perverts. I'll tell you something off the air when we get off. Remind me to tell you, I don't want to say anything. I'm going to write it down. Off the air with Dom Herrera. That's your new show. Off the air with Dom Herrera. All I do is burn people and lose any contacts I've ever had. Hey, is this thing on? It's not good. Let me tell you a story. I got a good one, man. The day after he went on stage, I said, I'm so excited I got a part in Louis CK's new TV show. It should shoot in about 10, 15 years. It took them a beat, and then they got it. I think he'll be back in a year. Well, you know what, Joe? He has that advantage. He was the one that created the idea of selling your own thing, right? Yes. So he can do that. He doesn't need a producer for that. That's true. That's true. And you'd have him on this show, right? I would 100% have him on. Yeah. I think he's a different person than when he did those things. I think those things that he did, jerking off in front of him and punching people, is terrible. And I think he probably had an idea in his head of what those things were and of who he was and who he would be. And I think a lot of your self-definitions, a lot of times, are based on this very limited idea of who you are, very limited idea of who you're going to be, and he's like wallowing in his own weirdness and just wants to jerk off in front of somebody. You know, it's out of all the offenses of things you could do to someone, it's one of the least egregious. Because he's not raping. As long as he didn't lock the door. Yeah, he didn't lock the door. He's not doing anything awful to someone. He's just doing something weird in front of them. I think it's beautiful. Do you? No. No, I don't think it's beautiful. There's a lot of things that I think are beautiful. I think it's ape-like. It's definitely ape-like. Well, it's human-like. Then I batted it out of the air. Because an ape doesn't really care if you're watching when he's jerking off. He could be eating and jerking over the same thing. Banana in one hand, banana in the other. Get it? Hey! Hey! See what I did there? Yeah, out of all the things that he did. And I think that his apology pretty was... What's the way to look at it? I think it was honest. I think it sort of explained how his mind worked and why he did it in the first place. It's obviously not something he's proud of. It's obviously something he's disgusted by himself. Here's the thing. You jerk off in front of someone 10 years ago. How do you fix that? You don't do it again. And he hasn't done it again. Here's the thing. No one's saying he's done anything in a long time. All the acquisitions were like... I want to say they were from years ago, right? What do you do? Like, how do you fix that? Like, let's say you did jerk off in front of a few people, Dom. Like, you know, I don't know why that came over me. I jerked off in front of a blind lady. Is that still count? It depends on how good her hearing is. Oh, you're right. And she's hearing... Yeah, you're right. She's like, what are you doing over there, Dom? My bad. Nothing. Nothing. Ooh! And she has to guess. It's all fucking guesswork. How do you fix that? Like, what does a guy do to fix that? I mean, I think out of all the people... Like, how the fuck would you rehabilitate Harvey Weinstein? How do you let Harvey Weinstein around a woman again? How do you leave Harvey Weinstein in a hotel room with a woman who comes in for a meeting? Cosby was the worst. He's the worst. I don't think you could rehabilitate him. What do you do? How do you fix that? The only way Cosby gets rehabilitated... I mean, not really rehabilitated, but the only way he gets reintroduced into society is if everyone believes those girls are lying. And that's never gonna happen. That's impossible. It's impossible. Because everybody heard those stories a long time ago. Yeah. When I did Star Search in like, 83, and he was the guest host, and we were hearing shit about him on the set then. Really? Womenizing and stuff. Yeah, I mean, of course, not as extreme as... Druging them. Druging them and raping them. But like, if you're a guy like Louis C.K., how do you... What do you do? Like, what could he have done before the story came out that he's doing that to girls? What could he have done to make amends? I mean, what could he have done? He said sorry to some of the people. I don't know. Why are you looking at me like that? I'm just trying to think. I'm just trying to... You're my friend. I'm looking at you. You're right there. I'm just thinking, like, what would one do? I mean, it seems like... I mean, I'm not exonerating him, right? But it seems like all these years since then, he hasn't done it again, right? So if he hasn't done it again, he must understand that there's something wrong with it. Yeah, right. There's some weird compulsion. And it had to be a power thing, because anybody could get a hooker and do that. Right. You know? Well, here's the thing. He's probably doing that too. Yeah. I mean, if he liked jerking off in front of people, he might have just liked jerking off in front of all kinds of people. He might have jerked off in front of hookers too. I don't know. But we know that he did it in front of women that really didn't want him to do that. That's what I thought might be part of the kinkiness of it. Yeah. But there's some stories of him doing it in front of women, and they thought it was hilarious. He did it in front of some female comics, and they thought it was hilarious. How do you stay hard when they're laughing? You got to be a real animal. It's better man than me, Dom. I did a line. I don't know what you think of this line, but Woody Allen, I mentioned him on stage, and these women started booing. I said, why are you booing? And they said, because of what he did, and the daughter and all this. I said, look, I don't know. I said, but the one thing you got to admit, he really must love her, because it's not like she's hot. You know? I know. But that got a laugh. Thanks for watching.