Joe Rogan - I Can't Have Alex Jones Back on The Podcast (Right Now)


5 years ago



Shooter Jennings

2 appearances

Shooter Jennings is a musician, radio host, record label president, and is also the son of country music legend Waylon Jennings. His new album "Shooter" is available now on Spotify.


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Rick Ross guy that's was gonna come in but he wouldn't do it on camera was weird like he wouldn't do it after He wanted to do it. He'll do it at a certain time and night But here's the thing man Some of that shit is publicist because I'll tell you the same thing happened with Liz fair who I'm a giant fan of hundred percent I've been a fan of Liz fair for never man exile and Guyville was fucking fantastic Record and evil Empire at the same time at the record store in Nashville, Tennessee the Regents machine and exile and guy Wow, totally my wife also misty who we went here with it was listening She loved this fair too at the time. She she came and we got high together. She's like you can get high here I'm like, yeah, I don't have a boss Alex Jones got high as fuck on high. That was fucking awesome He's trying to come back on and I just don't know if I could do it. Oh, come on Let him come on their fucking son them down. They are shutting him down. But the problem is He's still on trial this this whole trial that's going on with the Sandy hook All that shit has to be resolved first, but it doesn't make like Bill Maher respect to Bill Maher I love respect to him for saying he gets to speak to yeah He was he was on his show and people were clapping and cheering that he was pulled off of these Networks and pulled off of everything's like look this guy said crazy lies about me This is what Bill Maher said he said the guy said crazy lies about me He goes but he still gets to talk like this is what America's about free speech means all speech But see like here's what I don't understand like Alex had me on many times and he supported my record black ribbons What a kid really? Yeah, you've been on the Alex Jones show many times. I've been I've been on it three times Were you ever sober? Yeah every time really? Yeah, yeah every time I've never it was never a situation Well the first time I was that we had the black ribbons record that I did as Stephen King on and stuff Like so when that record came out nobody would support the record. So Alex even came on your record Yeah, an older record from what do you do? He's always he plays a DJ the radio talk show host that comes in and out of the record That's Stephen King. Yeah, that's Stephen King. So like when I did that record Alex Jones is the only person that would support the record. He put it he he debuted the whole record on his show and then I went it was on for two hours by phone and then I went in and Was on his show in person? About just the music business That's all we were talking about and like kind of how things were and then later I was on for Bitcoin discussion kind of By Skype or something, but I will say this in his defense in all of this I just think that like dude that guy has been saying things Conspiracy theories about all kinds of things. What do you want call them that or not? But like forever and like now the the situation is like so Volatile that like they're gonna you know the Sandy Hook thing All right so like they Definitely caught fucking Anderson Cooper having the green screen and talk it's probably because they had another person there talking to the mom and then They what happened? What is there's there's a video of Anderson Cooper? Interviewing one of the moms from Sandy Hook and he he walked he leans a little too far forward and his nose disappears and it's probably because they had a stand-in reporter talking to the mom and What Anderson Cooper was then like Put in via, you know, whatever green screen and like I need to see that it is there I mean, I know this is it we're propelling But my point is is like and I'm not I mean Sandy Hook I remember where I was when I heard about Sandy Hook and it was horrific and I don't believe for a second that There's like it's all fake or anything like that. But like Alex's thing has always been that I remember watching him go to beheming Grove And when we did the fucking record on this is back when nobody was paying attention to him It just certain small group, but I remember we did the black ribbons record and we took a clip of the laughing For he went he snuck into Bohemian Grove and you own the ceremony and there's like a scene where they Not a scene I guess seen in his film, but there's a part of that where they're Doing the ceremony and they have this like it's like Disneyland when you go mall looked at owl God Yeah but it's like it's done in a way where it's like Disneyland when you watch like the Fairies fly around the castle like there was a whole thing Where there was like a laugh that happens at the end of the mall like thing or whatever Mm-hmm the big owl and the in the funeral guys dressed like druids, right? So like I used a part of that But I remember watching that documentary and he you know His deal has always been so over the top where like you go He's like where are the see like go to the local people near Bohemian Grove? He's like we're looking for where the Satanists go to go do anything, you know, and it's obviously at this point It's not like people who are knowingly Satanists It's like really old fat rich guys that go there and there's probably Hookers and all kinds of shit because that's what happens at big rich things especially in the 90s I mean so you get away with it, right? And so like now with all this and they're crucifying them Especially pointing especially the Megan Kelly thing and I just feel bad for me especially the main tell you because because that was clearly a hit piece with Alex because like they she Buddied up to him and then then focus that piece on the Sandy Hook thing, you know, they had their talk In her defense, how could she not? Of course, she's got us if you're gonna come you Jones if I was gonna come but if I came here with it with the intention of like just talking to you And then all of a sudden you were like hey on this day on this thing when you did this thing like you Focused on this one thing now would be like, oh man, like this is a hit piece like yeah But you're a musician and he's this is what he does. I know Alex is my friend. He's a he's been my friend since 1999 I get more shit from being friends with Alex Jones and anything else in my life because Alex Jones You know what? I'm just saying like I'm sure I'll get hit for this But the point is is the point is I'm ready for I don't you know what? I don't have time to check it maybe next year but like But the reality is I just think that and I'm not even here from like the the side of the the political Point of view. Is this it let's watch this video. This is the video. It's a quality Anderson Cooper's disappearing nose green steel clip debunked and I see that hold on. Do you see what it says? It says debunked. Yeah, this which means it happens I think they had a person on there. Hold on. Let's go. What a bad quality video right here It'll play about three seconds in there's a it there's a weird part on his nose that happens But to say it's a green screen I would decide what these same the same people that are looking for conspiracies and everything They used this to say that the space station didn't exist right, but hold on right around right there Oh, that's something you can't even really see it something really happens to one super quick That looks like it was it's just like a digital glitch. That's it No, that's not it. This is what that's not the piece. I couldn't find it. You've seen the other piece Yeah, I mean he leans forward his nose. Look here's what I think I think that they had a stand-in because he couldn't be there but hold on you might be wrong, right? I could be this is we're talking about several years ago. You might have a fucked up memory this Let's try to find the video. Well, they said he was there all week shooting from the exact. Okay. Okay, maybe he was maybe I'm wrong So I mean got you they got to you shooter Jennings. They didn't get to me Like I would say the same thing if I saw more than a hundred thousand dollars a year dude knocks in your door He starts talking about No way Well, if you make it thirty four thousand dollars a year you look at people that make a hundred thousand like damn Yeah, all my fucking bills, honey. You get that hundred thousand dollar level. Well, you got to sell out son Yeah, but that's how people look at it man, but there is a threshold. There is a threshold I remember when I was broke. I had an suburban. I wasn't broke, but I was doing all right But I had a suburban and some guy and I got into a fucking road rage situation on the highway And he goes you fucking rich asshole. I go rich Mike I'm trying to fucking suburban man Like what is rich to you rich is driving a suburban Fuck man I have that like I already had the rich thing because people thought that I was rich because my dad which I never really I never was I mean he was supportive of me But once I got here it was I was kind of on my own I like that but then then once I talk about Bitcoin with you like fucking five years ago or whenever it was I was here Three years ago, and everybody's like oh you got to be rich now cuz that I'm like fucking not rich coin Yeah, but I mean look what's up? I'm going up to like seven. Yeah, it went up to 19 I was saying it's going down sick and dropped very much below six grand but I mean when I was here with you it was like less than a grand but um You know what I'm trying to say about this is not like I'm not validating his Anderson Cooper thing but that dude has always been fishing for things like that It's always been his gig and it's been his gig from column mine It's been his gig from all of this and I understand the the passion and the emotion involved with the children that Died in Sandy Hook and I have no I'm not defending him on that deal, but at the same time That's always been this guy's gig. I feel like that is where he legitimately fucked up. I don't think if you take Take away. I gotta defend him. Okay, but I'm gonna say fucking fuck up. Yeah, but this is a silly fuckup He's saying that for sure it was a fake, but did he say for sure? It's a yeah, he did people sent me the clip They sent me the clip of him saying that it was a hundred percent fake. He thought it was fake So he said it but he thought it was fake. Yeah, he thought it was a he thought it was a false flag So he said it. I mean, but that's also a thing. Oh, that's a part of the conspiratorial thinking That's a real problem. He's like saying, you know, he said some shit about me. He said some shit about me That's a hundred percent. Not true. He said that we're post your interview them Remember things post it was post He said that the government threatened my family to stop talking about conspiracy theories. No, no nobody threatened my family No one zero never happened did not happen. It is fake. It is a lie Someone told it to him. I guess or he says someone told to him It didn't happen. There's so that's me. I understand But do you understand like how frustrating that is? This is a minor thing someone him Lying not lying. Okay, someone he says someone told him. I believe he's telling the truth But it's not true. You could have fucking called me. He's got my number man. Call me I don't even bother calling me Joe about to go live from Austin, Texas I need to know did someone threaten your family stop talking about the moon landing at Bigfoot? Sturgile thing. Yeah, do you fucking imagine they're gonna threaten you you got to stop talking about Bigfoot man Like well, no, I found I did a show this is a well-documented I've talked about it a hundred times in the podcast I did a show called Joe Rogan questions everything and during that show over a period of six months I fucking questioned a lot of shit legitimately, but I did it with researchers. We had the staff we had producers we went and we we actually went to Like these places where these people are claiming to see UFOs We went to these places where people are claiming to be able to What is that shit? They do remote viewing remote? Yeah, we talked to those guys. It's great movie We talked to all these people and I found a real a clear thread through all of it that I documented in my 2014 Comedy Central special where I said here's what you don't find when you go looking for Bigfoot black people what you do find is Unfuckable white dudes you are more likely to find Bigfoot than you are black people out looking for big also alien abductions probably could it's dudes You can't get laid and they go looking for hidden mysteries. This is a real big part of it I know but my point is from doing that show it's soured me off conspiracy theories conspiracy theories were fun for me and Me and my especially Eddie Bravo me and Eddie Bravo would get high and we'd watch documentaries on flying rods And all this UFO documentaries and all the the the fucking Zechariah sitch and I love it Oh, I love that love that stuff But here's the thing I used to watch a chariot to the gods all the time to get it all falls apart under scrutiny And all of it all of it does all the dough it's fun But it falls apart if you're being a serious person and if you're really being honest about what you actually know This is the problem. It's like the same in the parallels like that Compares comparing to Alex Jones saying that my family was threatened. It's the same thing my family was never threatened No one ever threatened me so but he's saying this on the radio Why is he saying it because someone told him and he maybe he believes it and he also thinks it's fun to say It's the thing to say if you're really into conspiracies, but this is the problem with these fucking conspiracies They say things they don't know are true and they say them like they're true now. This is fine It's fine if it's not an issue if you're talking about the Illuminati if you're talking about your kid getting shot Right your kids dead and someone says hey, man This is a man Tom Smith on the radio saying you're full of shit You're a crisis actor and your kids not dead me you're crying every night you wake up at the middle night crying because some You are a little bit. I'm just sending his right to be Alex Jones Yes, I and I defend that as well and I didn't win Bill Co for being David Alco one time David Alco do well I played a show with David Alco one this this is not any like let's get Sandy Hook out of this cuz I'm not trying to Talk about this makes me defending the right Of people to be who they are and I love David Alco's music and all that but I played a show with David Alco one time And my dad always would tell me these things about him You know he really he liked David and everything but there was always kind of a little distance of like there was a showmanship Part of them and they're like a good example of this again distancing from Sandy Hook But a good part of it was that when when David Alco we did a show with him one time My mom was over on the side of the stage with me. I was opening for him This is many years ago before I even had a first record out or anything and David Alco did you know we did our song our set and then he played and he was on stage and He Performed a song my mom wrote called storms never lasts So my mom's over on the side of the stage and we're talking me my mom or watching it and he's singing it with his wife And stuff the next night I'm opening up for him and he goes on stage and he goes last night Jesse Coulter was right in the front row when I sang the song with my wife and she was crying and Like I'm sitting there going I was here and she was not crying. She was staying just colder She was not on the front row, right? Right. My mom. Jesse Coulter wrote this song storms over last he's and and That's his character. That's who he is all I'm saying here with like I'm as forgiving about him lying to the audience Because that is what he's doing at the moment. It's his I could sit there and go, you know what you're lying I'm gonna take you in the back. We're gonna talk. I'm gonna tell this audience tomorrow night. He's a liar He's a piece of shit. Fuck him. I'm not gonna do that because it's David Alco On the show which is I'm not much larger audience I'm just saying I do your character But why would I do that right to him because it's like, you know, and so I just feel like look man The times that I met Alex the times I've been around him. Yeah, man, his gig is this and he got called out for a specific thing Yes, it involved the lives of children everything that I understand that I'm not I'm not at all sympathizing for the those family or for him versus those families But I'm just saying I just think that like at the moment Everything is so hot with this and it's and it's kind of exhausting and it's the internet is the reason for it And in my opinion because I think that like all the years that have come along The mass amount of people that have migrated to social media the way that the integrated conversations happen the way that that stuff ends Up on the news now like AOL chat rooms in fucking 1998 That shit did not end up on CNN People were not listening to those the the best thing get closest You could get to fucking TV was to catch a predator when you were on that right at that time You know and I feel like at this point in time people need again not those families their lawsuit. That's fine That's that's their thing but but I just feel like people need to lighten up a little bit in the sense of I just think that the social media thing is very hazardous and I think that People's faith in all of it It doesn't have to do with with fake news and it doesn't have to do with Russian bots and all this shit I just think that like Alex Jones is a casualty because he's always been pretty what do you mean?